xref: /openbsd/sys/dev/ata/atareg.h (revision db3296cf)
1 /*	$OpenBSD: atareg.h,v 1.7 2003/02/25 19:21:14 grange Exp $	*/
2 /*	$NetBSD: atareg.h,v 1.5 1999/01/18 20:06:24 bouyer Exp $	*/
4 #ifndef __DEV_ATA_ATAREG_H__
5 #define __DEV_ATA_ATAREG_H__
7 /*
8  * Drive parameter structure for ATA/ATAPI.
9  * Bit fields: WDC_* : common to ATA/ATAPI
10  *             ATA_* : ATA only
11  *             ATAPI_* : ATAPI only.
12  */
13 struct ataparams {
14     /* drive info */
15     u_int16_t	atap_config;		/* 0: general configuration */
16 #define WDC_CFG_ATAPI_MASK    		0xc000
17 #define WDC_CFG_ATAPI    		0x8000
18 #define	ATA_CFG_REMOVABLE		0x0080
19 #define	ATA_CFG_FIXED			0x0040
20 #define ATAPI_CFG_TYPE_MASK		0x1f00
21 #define ATAPI_CFG_TYPE(x)		(((x) & ATAPI_CFG_TYPE_MASK) >> 8)
22 #define ATAPI_CFG_TYPE_DIRECT		0x00
24 #define ATAPI_CFG_TYPE_CDROM		0x05
25 #define ATAPI_CFG_TYPE_OPTICAL		0x07
27 #define	ATAPI_CFG_REMOV			0x0080
28 #define ATAPI_CFG_DRQ_MASK		0x0060
29 #define ATAPI_CFG_STD_DRQ		0x0000
30 #define ATAPI_CFG_IRQ_DRQ		0x0020
31 #define ATAPI_CFG_ACCEL_DRQ		0x0040
32 #define ATAPI_CFG_CMD_MASK		0x0003
33 #define ATAPI_CFG_CMD_12		0x0000
34 #define ATAPI_CFG_CMD_16		0x0001
35 /* words 1-9 are ATA only */
36     u_int16_t	atap_cylinders;		/* 1: # of non-removable cylinders */
37     u_int16_t	__reserved1;
38     u_int16_t	atap_heads;		/* 3: # of heads */
39     u_int16_t	__retired1[2];		/* 4-5: # of unform. bytes/track */
40     u_int16_t	atap_sectors;		/* 6: # of sectors */
41     u_int16_t	__retired2[3];
43     u_int8_t	atap_serial[20];	/* 10-19: serial number */
44     u_int16_t	__retired3[2];
45     u_int16_t	__obsolete1;
46     u_int8_t	atap_revision[8];	/* 23-26: firmware revision */
47     u_int8_t	atap_model[40];		/* 27-46: model number */
48     u_int16_t	atap_multi;		/* 47: maximum sectors per irq (ATA) */
49     u_int16_t	__reserved2;
50     u_int16_t	atap_capabilities1;	/* 49: capability flags */
51 #define WDC_CAP_IORDY	0x0800
52 #define WDC_CAP_IORDY_DSBL 0x0400
53 #define	WDC_CAP_LBA	0x0200
54 #define	WDC_CAP_DMA	0x0100
55 #define ATA_CAP_STBY	0x2000
56 #define ATAPI_CAP_INTERL_DMA	0x8000
57 #define ATAPI_CAP_CMD_QUEUE	0x4000
58 #define	ATAPI_CAP_OVERLP	0x2000
59 #define ATAPI_CAP_ATA_RST	0x1000
60     u_int16_t	atap_capabilities2;	/* 50: capability flags (ATA) */
62     u_int8_t	__junk2;
63     u_int8_t	atap_oldpiotiming;	/* 51: old PIO timing mode */
64     u_int8_t	__junk3;
65     u_int8_t	atap_olddmatiming;	/* 52: old DMA timing mode (ATA) */
66 #else
67     u_int8_t	atap_oldpiotiming;	/* 51: old PIO timing mode */
68     u_int8_t	__junk2;
69     u_int8_t	atap_olddmatiming;	/* 52: old DMA timing mode (ATA) */
70     u_int8_t	__junk3;
71 #endif
72     u_int16_t	atap_extensions;	/* 53: extentions supported */
73 #define WDC_EXT_UDMA_MODES	0x0004
74 #define WDC_EXT_MODES		0x0002
75 #define WDC_EXT_GEOM		0x0001
76 /* words 54-62 are ATA only */
77     u_int16_t	atap_curcylinders;	/* 54: current logical cyliners */
78     u_int16_t	atap_curheads;		/* 55: current logical heads */
79     u_int16_t	atap_cursectors;	/* 56: current logical sectors/tracks */
80     u_int16_t	atap_curcapacity[2];	/* 57-58: current capacity */
81     u_int16_t	atap_curmulti;		/* 59: current multi-sector setting */
82 #define WDC_MULTI_VALID 0x0100
83 #define WDC_MULTI_MASK  0x00ff
84     u_int16_t	atap_capacity[2];  	/* 60-61: total capacity (LBA only) */
85     u_int16_t	__retired4;
87     u_int8_t	atap_dmamode_supp; 	/* 63: multiword DMA mode supported */
88     u_int8_t	atap_dmamode_act; 	/*     multiword DMA mode active */
89     u_int8_t	atap_piomode_supp;       /* 64: PIO mode supported */
90     u_int8_t	__junk4;
91 #else
92     u_int8_t	atap_dmamode_act; 	/*     multiword DMA mode active */
93     u_int8_t	atap_dmamode_supp; 	/* 63: multiword DMA mode supported */
94     u_int8_t	__junk4;
95     u_int8_t	atap_piomode_supp;       /* 64: PIO mode supported */
96 #endif
97     u_int16_t	atap_dmatiming_mimi;	/* 65: minimum DMA cycle time */
98     u_int16_t	atap_dmatiming_recom;	/* 66: recomended DMA cycle time */
99     u_int16_t	atap_piotiming;    	/* 67: mini PIO cycle time without FC */
100     u_int16_t	atap_piotiming_iordy;	/* 68: mini PIO cycle time with IORDY FC */
101     u_int16_t	__reserved3[2];
102 /* words 71-72 are ATAPI only */
103     u_int16_t	atap_pkt_br;		/* 71: time (ns) to bus release */
104     u_int16_t	atap_pkt_bsyclr;	/* 72: tme to clear BSY after service */
105     u_int16_t	__reserved4[2];
106     u_int16_t	atap_queuedepth;   	/* 75: */
107 #define WDC_QUEUE_DEPTH_MASK 0x1f
108     u_int16_t	__reserved5[4];
109     u_int16_t	atap_ata_major;  	/* 80: Major version number */
110 #define	WDC_VER_ATA1	0x0002
111 #define	WDC_VER_ATA2	0x0004
112 #define	WDC_VER_ATA3	0x0008
113 #define	WDC_VER_ATA4	0x0010
114 #define	WDC_VER_ATA5	0x0020
115 #define	WDC_VER_ATA6	0x0040
116 #define	WDC_VER_ATA7	0x0080
117 #define	WDC_VER_ATA8	0x0100
118 #define	WDC_VER_ATA9	0x0200
119 #define	WDC_VER_ATA10	0x0400
120 #define	WDC_VER_ATA11	0x0800
121 #define	WDC_VER_ATA12	0x1000
122 #define	WDC_VER_ATA13	0x2000
123 #define	WDC_VER_ATA14	0x4000
124     u_int16_t   atap_ata_minor;  	/* 81: Minor version number */
125     u_int16_t	atap_cmd_set1;    	/* 82: command set supported */
126 #define WDC_CMD1_NOP	0x4000
127 #define WDC_CMD1_RB	0x2000
128 #define WDC_CMD1_WB	0x1000
129 #define WDC_CMD1_HPA	0x0400
130 #define WDC_CMD1_DVRST	0x0200
131 #define WDC_CMD1_SRV	0x0100
132 #define WDC_CMD1_RLSE	0x0080
133 #define WDC_CMD1_AHEAD	0x0040
134 #define WDC_CMD1_CACHE	0x0020
135 #define WDC_CMD1_PKT	0x0010
136 #define WDC_CMD1_PM	0x0008
137 #define WDC_CMD1_REMOV	0x0004
138 #define WDC_CMD1_SEC	0x0002
139 #define WDC_CMD1_SMART	0x0001
140     u_int16_t	atap_cmd_set2;    	/* 83: command set supported */
141 #define ATAPI_CMD2_FCE	0x2000 /* Flush Cache Ext supported */
142 #define ATAPI_CMD2_FC	0x1000 /* Flush Cache supported */
143 #define ATAPI_CMD2_DCO	0x0800 /* Device Configuration Overlay supported */
144 #define ATAPI_CMD2_48AD	0x0400 /* 48bit address supported */
145 #define ATAPI_CMD2_AAM	0x0200 /* Automatic Acoustic Management supported */
146 #define ATAPI_CMD2_SM	0x0100 /* Set Max security extension supported */
147 #define ATAPI_CMD2_SF	0x0040 /* Set Features subcommand required */
148 #define ATAPI_CMD2_PUIS	0x0020 /* Power up in standby supported */
149 #define WDC_CMD2_RMSN	0x0010
150 #define ATA_CMD2_APM	0x0008
151 #define ATA_CMD2_CFA	0x0004
152 #define ATA_CMD2_RWQ	0x0002
153 #define WDC_CMD2_DM	0x0001 /* Download Microcode supported */
154     u_int16_t	atap_cmd_ext;		/* 84: command/features supp. ext. */
155 #define ATAPI_CMDE_MSER	0x0004 /* Media serial number supported */
156 #define ATAPI_CMDE_TEST	0x0002 /* SMART self-test supported */
157 #define ATAPI_CMDE_SLOG	0x0001 /* SMART error logging supported */
158     u_int16_t	atap_cmd1_en;		/* 85: cmd/features enabled */
159 /* bits are the same as atap_cmd_set1 */
160     u_int16_t	atap_cmd2_en;		/* 86: cmd/features enabled */
161 /* bits are the same as atap_cmd_set2 */
162     u_int16_t	atap_cmd_def;		/* 87: cmd/features default */
163 /* bits are NOT the same as atap_cmd_ext */
165     u_int8_t	atap_udmamode_supp; 	/* 88: Ultra-DMA mode supported */
166     u_int8_t	atap_udmamode_act; 	/*     Ultra-DMA mode active */
167 #else
168     u_int8_t	atap_udmamode_act; 	/*     Ultra-DMA mode active */
169     u_int8_t	atap_udmamode_supp; 	/* 88: Ultra-DMA mode supported */
170 #endif
171 /* 89-92 are ATA-only */
172     u_int16_t	atap_seu_time;		/* 89: Sec. Erase Unit compl. time */
173     u_int16_t	atap_eseu_time;		/* 90: Enhanced SEU compl. time */
174     u_int16_t	atap_apm_val;		/* 91: current APM value */
175     u_int16_t	atap_mpasswd_rev;	/* 92: Master Password revision */
176     u_int16_t	atap_hwreset_res;	/* 93: Hardware reset value */
177 #define ATA_HWRES_CBLID    0x2000  /* CBLID above Vih */
178 #define ATA_HWRES_D1_PDIAG 0x0800  /* Device 1 PDIAG detect OK */
179 #define ATA_HWRES_D1_CSEL  0x0400  /* Device 1 used CSEL for address */
180 #define ATA_HWRES_D1_JUMP  0x0200  /* Device 1 jumpered to address */
181 #define ATA_HWRES_D0_SEL   0x0040  /* Device 0 responds when Dev 1 selected */
182 #define ATA_HWRES_D0_DASP  0x0020  /* Device 0 DASP detect OK */
183 #define ATA_HWRES_D0_PDIAG 0x0010  /* Device 0 PDIAG detect OK */
184 #define ATA_HWRES_D0_DIAG  0x0008  /* Device 0 diag OK */
185 #define ATA_HWRES_D0_CSEL  0x0004  /* Device 0 used CSEL for address */
186 #define ATA_HWRES_D0_JUMP  0x0002  /* Device 0 jumpered to address */
188     u_int8_t	atap_acoustic_val; 	/* 94: Current acoustic level */
189     u_int8_t	atap_acoustic_def; 	/*     recommended level */
190 #else
191     u_int8_t	atap_acoustic_def; 	/*     recommended level */
192     u_int8_t	atap_acoustic_val; 	/* 94: Current acoustic level */
193 #endif
194     u_int16_t	__reserved6[5];		/* 95-99: reserved */
195     u_int16_t	atap_max_lba[4];	/* 100-103: Max. user LBA add */
196     u_int16_t	__reserved7[23];	/* 104-126: reserved */
197     u_int16_t	atap_rmsn_supp;		/* 127: remov. media status notif. */
198 #define WDC_RMSN_SUPP_MASK 0x0003
199 #define WDC_RMSN_SUPP 0x0001
200     u_int16_t	atap_sec_st;		/* 128: security status */
201 #define WDC_SEC_LEV_MAX	0x0100
202 #define WDC_SEC_ESE_SUPP 0x0020
203 #define WDC_SEC_EXP	0x0010
204 #define WDC_SEC_FROZEN	0x0008
205 #define WDC_SEC_LOCKED	0x0004
206 #define WDC_SEC_EN	0x0002
207 #define WDC_SEC_SUPP	0x0001
208     u_int16_t	__reserved8[31];	/* 129-159: vendor specific */
209     u_int16_t	atap_cfa_power;		/* 160: CFA powermode */
210 #define	ATAPI_CFA_MAX_MASK 0x0FFF
211 #define ATAPI_CFA_MODE1_DIS 0x1000 /* CFA Mode 1 Disabled */
212 #define ATAPI_CFA_MODE1_REQ 0x2000 /* CFA Mode 1 Required */
213 #define ATAPI_CFA_WORD160   0x8000 /* Word 160 supported */
214     u_int16_t	__reserved9[15];	/* 161-175: reserved for CFA */
215     u_int8_t	atap_media_serial[60];	/* 176-205: media serial number */
216     u_int16_t	__reserved10[49];	/* 206-254: reserved */
218     u_int8_t	atap_signature; 	/* 255: Signature */
219     u_int8_t	atap_checksum; 		/*      Checksum */
220 #else
221     u_int8_t	atap_checksum; 		/*      Checksum */
222     u_int8_t	atap_signature; 	/* 255: Signature */
223 #endif
224 };
226 #endif