xref: /openbsd/sys/uvm/uvm_vnode.c (revision d485f761)
1 /*	$OpenBSD: uvm_vnode.c,v 1.24 2001/11/10 18:42:32 art Exp $	*/
2 /*	$NetBSD: uvm_vnode.c,v 1.36 2000/11/24 20:34:01 chs Exp $	*/
4 /*
5  * Copyright (c) 1997 Charles D. Cranor and Washington University.
6  * Copyright (c) 1991, 1993
7  *      The Regents of the University of California.
8  * Copyright (c) 1990 University of Utah.
9  *
10  * All rights reserved.
11  *
12  * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
13  * the Systems Programming Group of the University of Utah Computer
14  * Science Department.
15  *
16  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
17  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
18  * are met:
19  * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
20  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
21  * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
22  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
23  *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
24  * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
25  *    must display the following acknowledgement:
26  *      This product includes software developed by Charles D. Cranor,
27  *	Washington University, the University of California, Berkeley and
28  *	its contributors.
29  * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
30  *    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
31  *    without specific prior written permission.
32  *
44  *
45  *      @(#)vnode_pager.c       8.8 (Berkeley) 2/13/94
46  * from: Id: uvm_vnode.c,v 1998/02/02 20:38:07 chuck Exp
47  */
49 /*
50  * uvm_vnode.c: the vnode pager.
51  */
53 #include <sys/param.h>
54 #include <sys/systm.h>
55 #include <sys/proc.h>
56 #include <sys/malloc.h>
57 #include <sys/vnode.h>
58 #include <sys/disklabel.h>
59 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
60 #include <sys/fcntl.h>
61 #include <sys/conf.h>
63 #include <miscfs/specfs/specdev.h>
65 #include <uvm/uvm.h>
66 #include <uvm/uvm_vnode.h>
68 /*
69  * private global data structure
70  *
71  * we keep a list of writeable active vnode-backed VM objects for sync op.
72  * we keep a simpleq of vnodes that are currently being sync'd.
73  */
75 LIST_HEAD(uvn_list_struct, uvm_vnode);
76 static struct uvn_list_struct uvn_wlist;	/* writeable uvns */
77 static simple_lock_data_t uvn_wl_lock;		/* locks uvn_wlist */
79 SIMPLEQ_HEAD(uvn_sq_struct, uvm_vnode);
80 static struct uvn_sq_struct uvn_sync_q;		/* sync'ing uvns */
81 lock_data_t uvn_sync_lock;			/* locks sync operation */
83 /*
84  * functions
85  */
87 static void		   uvn_cluster __P((struct uvm_object *, voff_t,
88 					   voff_t *, voff_t *));
89 static void                uvn_detach __P((struct uvm_object *));
90 static boolean_t           uvn_flush __P((struct uvm_object *, voff_t,
91 					 voff_t, int));
92 static int                 uvn_get __P((struct uvm_object *, voff_t,
93 					vm_page_t *, int *, int,
94 					vm_prot_t, int, int));
95 static void		   uvn_init __P((void));
96 static int		   uvn_io __P((struct uvm_vnode *, vm_page_t *,
97 				      int, int, int));
98 static int		   uvn_put __P((struct uvm_object *, vm_page_t *,
99 					int, boolean_t));
100 static void                uvn_reference __P((struct uvm_object *));
101 static boolean_t	   uvn_releasepg __P((struct vm_page *,
102 					      struct vm_page **));
104 /*
105  * master pager structure
106  */
108 struct uvm_pagerops uvm_vnodeops = {
109 	uvn_init,
110 	uvn_reference,
111 	uvn_detach,
112 	NULL,			/* no specialized fault routine required */
113 	uvn_flush,
114 	uvn_get,
115 	uvn_put,
116 	uvn_cluster,
117 	uvm_mk_pcluster, /* use generic version of this: see uvm_pager.c */
118 	uvn_releasepg,
119 };
121 /*
122  * the ops!
123  */
125 /*
126  * uvn_init
127  *
128  * init pager private data structures.
129  */
131 static void
132 uvn_init()
133 {
135 	LIST_INIT(&uvn_wlist);
136 	simple_lock_init(&uvn_wl_lock);
137 	/* note: uvn_sync_q init'd in uvm_vnp_sync() */
138 	lockinit(&uvn_sync_lock, PVM, "uvnsync", 0, 0);
139 }
141 /*
142  * uvn_attach
143  *
144  * attach a vnode structure to a VM object.  if the vnode is already
145  * attached, then just bump the reference count by one and return the
146  * VM object.   if not already attached, attach and return the new VM obj.
147  * the "accessprot" tells the max access the attaching thread wants to
148  * our pages.
149  *
150  * => caller must _not_ already be holding the lock on the uvm_object.
151  * => in fact, nothing should be locked so that we can sleep here.
152  * => note that uvm_object is first thing in vnode structure, so their
153  *    pointers are equiv.
154  */
156 struct uvm_object *
157 uvn_attach(arg, accessprot)
158 	void *arg;
159 	vm_prot_t accessprot;
160 {
161 	struct vnode *vp = arg;
162 	struct uvm_vnode *uvn = &vp->v_uvm;
163 	struct vattr vattr;
164 	int oldflags, result;
165 	struct partinfo pi;
166 	u_quad_t used_vnode_size;
167 	UVMHIST_FUNC("uvn_attach"); UVMHIST_CALLED(maphist);
169 	UVMHIST_LOG(maphist, "(vn=0x%x)", arg,0,0,0);
171 	used_vnode_size = (u_quad_t)0;	/* XXX gcc -Wuninitialized */
173 	/*
174 	 * first get a lock on the uvn.
175 	 */
176 	simple_lock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
177 	while (uvn->u_flags & UVM_VNODE_BLOCKED) {
178 		printf("uvn_attach: blocked at 0x%p flags 0x%x\n",
179 		    uvn, uvn->u_flags);
180 		uvn->u_flags |= UVM_VNODE_WANTED;
181 		UVMHIST_LOG(maphist, "  SLEEPING on blocked vn",0,0,0,0);
182 		UVM_UNLOCK_AND_WAIT(uvn, &uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock, FALSE,
183 		    "uvn_attach", 0);
184 		simple_lock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
185 		UVMHIST_LOG(maphist,"  WOKE UP",0,0,0,0);
186 	}
188 	/*
189 	 * if we're mapping a BLK device, make sure it is a disk.
190 	 */
191 	if (vp->v_type == VBLK && bdevsw[major(vp->v_rdev)].d_type != D_DISK) {
192 		simple_unlock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock); /* drop lock */
193 		UVMHIST_LOG(maphist,"<- done (VBLK not D_DISK!)", 0,0,0,0);
194 		return(NULL);
195 	}
197 	/*
198 	 * now we have lock and uvn must not be in a blocked state.
199 	 * first check to see if it is already active, in which case
200 	 * we can bump the reference count, check to see if we need to
201 	 * add it to the writeable list, and then return.
202 	 */
203 	if (uvn->u_flags & UVM_VNODE_VALID) {	/* already active? */
205 		/* regain VREF if we were persisting */
206 		if (uvn->u_obj.uo_refs == 0) {
207 			VREF(vp);
208 			UVMHIST_LOG(maphist," VREF (reclaim persisting vnode)",
209 			    0,0,0,0);
210 		}
211 		uvn->u_obj.uo_refs++;		/* bump uvn ref! */
213 		/* check for new writeable uvn */
214 		if ((accessprot & VM_PROT_WRITE) != 0 &&
215 		    (uvn->u_flags & UVM_VNODE_WRITEABLE) == 0) {
216 			simple_lock(&uvn_wl_lock);
217 			LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&uvn_wlist, uvn, u_wlist);
218 			simple_unlock(&uvn_wl_lock);
219 			/* we are now on wlist! */
220 			uvn->u_flags |= UVM_VNODE_WRITEABLE;
221 		}
223 		/* unlock and return */
224 		simple_unlock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
225 		UVMHIST_LOG(maphist,"<- done, refcnt=%d", uvn->u_obj.uo_refs,
226 		    0, 0, 0);
227 		return (&uvn->u_obj);
228 	}
230 	/*
231 	 * need to call VOP_GETATTR() to get the attributes, but that could
232 	 * block (due to I/O), so we want to unlock the object before calling.
233 	 * however, we want to keep anyone else from playing with the object
234 	 * while it is unlocked.   to do this we set UVM_VNODE_ALOCK which
235 	 * prevents anyone from attaching to the vnode until we are done with
236 	 * it.
237 	 */
238 	uvn->u_flags = UVM_VNODE_ALOCK;
239 	simple_unlock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock); /* drop lock in case we sleep */
240 		/* XXX: curproc? */
242 	if (vp->v_type == VBLK) {
243 		/*
244 		 * We could implement this as a specfs getattr call, but:
245 		 *
246 		 *	(1) VOP_GETATTR() would get the file system
247 		 *	    vnode operation, not the specfs operation.
248 		 *
249 		 *	(2) All we want is the size, anyhow.
250 		 */
251 		result = (*bdevsw[major(vp->v_rdev)].d_ioctl)(vp->v_rdev,
252 		    DIOCGPART, (caddr_t)&pi, FREAD, curproc);
253 		if (result == 0) {
254 			/* XXX should remember blocksize */
255 			used_vnode_size = (u_quad_t)pi.disklab->d_secsize *
256 			    (u_quad_t)pi.part->p_size;
257 		}
258 	} else {
259 		result = VOP_GETATTR(vp, &vattr, curproc->p_ucred, curproc);
260 		if (result == 0)
261 			used_vnode_size = vattr.va_size;
262 	}
264 	/* relock object */
265 	simple_lock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
267 	if (result != 0) {
268 		if (uvn->u_flags & UVM_VNODE_WANTED)
269 			wakeup(uvn);
270 		uvn->u_flags = 0;
271 		simple_unlock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock); /* drop lock */
272 		UVMHIST_LOG(maphist,"<- done (VOP_GETATTR FAILED!)", 0,0,0,0);
273 		return(NULL);
274 	}
276 	/*
277 	 * make sure that the newsize fits within a vaddr_t
278 	 * XXX: need to revise addressing data types
279 	 */
280 #ifdef DEBUG
281 	if (vp->v_type == VBLK)
282 		printf("used_vnode_size = %llu\n", (long long)used_vnode_size);
283 #endif
285 	/*
286 	 * now set up the uvn.
287 	 */
288 	uvn->u_obj.pgops = &uvm_vnodeops;
289 	TAILQ_INIT(&uvn->u_obj.memq);
290 	uvn->u_obj.uo_npages = 0;
291 	uvn->u_obj.uo_refs = 1;			/* just us... */
292 	oldflags = uvn->u_flags;
294 	uvn->u_nio = 0;
295 	uvn->u_size = used_vnode_size;
297 	/* if write access, we need to add it to the wlist */
298 	if (accessprot & VM_PROT_WRITE) {
299 		simple_lock(&uvn_wl_lock);
300 		LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&uvn_wlist, uvn, u_wlist);
301 		simple_unlock(&uvn_wl_lock);
302 		uvn->u_flags |= UVM_VNODE_WRITEABLE;	/* we are on wlist! */
303 	}
305 	/*
306 	 * add a reference to the vnode.   this reference will stay as long
307 	 * as there is a valid mapping of the vnode.   dropped when the
308 	 * reference count goes to zero [and we either free or persist].
309 	 */
310 	VREF(vp);
311 	simple_unlock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
312 	if (oldflags & UVM_VNODE_WANTED)
313 		wakeup(uvn);
315 	UVMHIST_LOG(maphist,"<- done/VREF, ret 0x%x", &uvn->u_obj,0,0,0);
316 	return(&uvn->u_obj);
317 }
320 /*
321  * uvn_reference
322  *
323  * duplicate a reference to a VM object.  Note that the reference
324  * count must already be at least one (the passed in reference) so
325  * there is no chance of the uvn being killed or locked out here.
326  *
327  * => caller must call with object unlocked.
328  * => caller must be using the same accessprot as was used at attach time
329  */
332 static void
333 uvn_reference(uobj)
334 	struct uvm_object *uobj;
335 {
336 #ifdef DEBUG
337 	struct uvm_vnode *uvn = (struct uvm_vnode *) uobj;
338 #endif
339 	UVMHIST_FUNC("uvn_reference"); UVMHIST_CALLED(maphist);
341 	simple_lock(&uobj->vmobjlock);
342 #ifdef DEBUG
343 	if ((uvn->u_flags & UVM_VNODE_VALID) == 0) {
344 		printf("uvn_reference: ref=%d, flags=0x%x\n", uvn->u_flags,
345 		    uobj->uo_refs);
346 		panic("uvn_reference: invalid state");
347 	}
348 #endif
349 	uobj->uo_refs++;
350 	UVMHIST_LOG(maphist, "<- done (uobj=0x%x, ref = %d)",
351 	uobj, uobj->uo_refs,0,0);
352 	simple_unlock(&uobj->vmobjlock);
353 }
355 /*
356  * uvn_detach
357  *
358  * remove a reference to a VM object.
359  *
360  * => caller must call with object unlocked and map locked.
361  * => this starts the detach process, but doesn't have to finish it
362  *    (async i/o could still be pending).
363  */
364 static void
365 uvn_detach(uobj)
366 	struct uvm_object *uobj;
367 {
368 	struct uvm_vnode *uvn;
369 	struct vnode *vp;
370 	int oldflags;
371 	UVMHIST_FUNC("uvn_detach"); UVMHIST_CALLED(maphist);
373 	simple_lock(&uobj->vmobjlock);
375 	UVMHIST_LOG(maphist,"  (uobj=0x%x)  ref=%d", uobj,uobj->uo_refs,0,0);
376 	uobj->uo_refs--;			/* drop ref! */
377 	if (uobj->uo_refs) {			/* still more refs */
378 		simple_unlock(&uobj->vmobjlock);
379 		UVMHIST_LOG(maphist, "<- done (rc>0)", 0,0,0,0);
380 		return;
381 	}
383 	/*
384 	 * get other pointers ...
385 	 */
387 	uvn = (struct uvm_vnode *) uobj;
388 	vp = (struct vnode *) uobj;
390 	/*
391 	 * clear VTEXT flag now that there are no mappings left (VTEXT is used
392 	 * to keep an active text file from being overwritten).
393 	 */
394 	vp->v_flag &= ~VTEXT;
396 	/*
397 	 * we just dropped the last reference to the uvn.   see if we can
398 	 * let it "stick around".
399 	 */
401 	if (uvn->u_flags & UVM_VNODE_CANPERSIST) {
402 		/* won't block */
403 		uvn_flush(uobj, 0, 0, PGO_DEACTIVATE|PGO_ALLPAGES);
404 		simple_unlock(&uobj->vmobjlock);
405 		vrele(vp);			/* drop vnode reference */
406 		UVMHIST_LOG(maphist,"<- done/vrele!  (persist)", 0,0,0,0);
407 		return;
408 	}
410 	/*
411 	 * its a goner!
412 	 */
414 	UVMHIST_LOG(maphist,"  its a goner (flushing)!", 0,0,0,0);
416 	uvn->u_flags |= UVM_VNODE_DYING;
418 	/*
419 	 * even though we may unlock in flush, no one can gain a reference
420 	 * to us until we clear the "dying" flag [because it blocks
421 	 * attaches].  we will not do that until after we've disposed of all
422 	 * the pages with uvn_flush().  note that before the flush the only
423 	 * pages that could be marked PG_BUSY are ones that are in async
424 	 * pageout by the daemon.  (there can't be any pending "get"'s
425 	 * because there are no references to the object).
426 	 */
428 	(void) uvn_flush(uobj, 0, 0, PGO_CLEANIT|PGO_FREE|PGO_ALLPAGES);
430 	UVMHIST_LOG(maphist,"  its a goner (done flush)!", 0,0,0,0);
432 	/*
433 	 * given the structure of this pager, the above flush request will
434 	 * create the following state: all the pages that were in the object
435 	 * have either been free'd or they are marked PG_BUSY|PG_RELEASED.
436 	 * the PG_BUSY bit was set either by us or the daemon for async I/O.
437 	 * in either case, if we have pages left we can't kill the object
438 	 * yet because i/o is pending.  in this case we set the "relkill"
439 	 * flag which will cause pgo_releasepg to kill the object once all
440 	 * the I/O's are done [pgo_releasepg will be called from the aiodone
441 	 * routine or from the page daemon].
442 	 */
444 	if (uobj->uo_npages) {		/* I/O pending.  iodone will free */
445 #ifdef DEBUG
446 		/*
447 		 * XXXCDC: very unlikely to happen until we have async i/o
448 		 * so print a little info message in case it does.
449 		 */
450 		printf("uvn_detach: vn %p has pages left after flush - "
451 		    "relkill mode\n", uobj);
452 #endif
453 		uvn->u_flags |= UVM_VNODE_RELKILL;
454 		simple_unlock(&uobj->vmobjlock);
455 		UVMHIST_LOG(maphist,"<- done! (releasepg will kill obj)", 0, 0,
456 		    0, 0);
457 		return;
458 	}
460 	/*
461 	 * kill object now.   note that we can't be on the sync q because
462 	 * all references are gone.
463 	 */
464 	if (uvn->u_flags & UVM_VNODE_WRITEABLE) {
465 		simple_lock(&uvn_wl_lock);		/* protect uvn_wlist */
466 		LIST_REMOVE(uvn, u_wlist);
467 		simple_unlock(&uvn_wl_lock);
468 	}
469 #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC
470 	if (uobj->memq.tqh_first != NULL)
471 		panic("uvn_deref: vnode VM object still has pages afer "
472 		    "syncio/free flush");
473 #endif
474 	oldflags = uvn->u_flags;
475 	uvn->u_flags = 0;
476 	simple_unlock(&uobj->vmobjlock);
478 	/* wake up any sleepers */
479 	if (oldflags & UVM_VNODE_WANTED)
480 		wakeup(uvn);
482 	/*
483 	 * drop our reference to the vnode.
484 	 */
485 	vrele(vp);
486 	UVMHIST_LOG(maphist,"<- done (vrele) final", 0,0,0,0);
488 	return;
489 }
491 /*
492  * uvm_vnp_terminate: external hook to clear out a vnode's VM
493  *
494  * called in two cases:
495  *  [1] when a persisting vnode vm object (i.e. one with a zero reference
496  *      count) needs to be freed so that a vnode can be reused.  this
497  *      happens under "getnewvnode" in vfs_subr.c.   if the vnode from
498  *      the free list is still attached (i.e. not VBAD) then vgone is
499  *	called.   as part of the vgone trace this should get called to
500  *	free the vm object.   this is the common case.
501  *  [2] when a filesystem is being unmounted by force (MNT_FORCE,
502  *	"umount -f") the vgone() function is called on active vnodes
503  *	on the mounted file systems to kill their data (the vnodes become
504  *	"dead" ones [see src/sys/miscfs/deadfs/...]).  that results in a
505  *	call here (even if the uvn is still in use -- i.e. has a non-zero
506  *	reference count).  this case happens at "umount -f" and during a
507  *	"reboot/halt" operation.
508  *
509  * => the caller must XLOCK and VOP_LOCK the vnode before calling us
510  *	[protects us from getting a vnode that is already in the DYING
511  *	 state...]
512  * => unlike uvn_detach, this function must not return until all the
513  *	uvn's pages are disposed of.
514  * => in case [2] the uvn is still alive after this call, but all I/O
515  *	ops will fail (due to the backing vnode now being "dead").  this
516  *	will prob. kill any process using the uvn due to pgo_get failing.
517  */
519 void
520 uvm_vnp_terminate(vp)
521 	struct vnode *vp;
522 {
523 	struct uvm_vnode *uvn = &vp->v_uvm;
524 	int oldflags;
525 	UVMHIST_FUNC("uvm_vnp_terminate"); UVMHIST_CALLED(maphist);
527 	/*
528 	 * lock object and check if it is valid
529 	 */
530 	simple_lock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
531 	UVMHIST_LOG(maphist, "  vp=0x%x, ref=%d, flag=0x%x", vp,
532 	    uvn->u_obj.uo_refs, uvn->u_flags, 0);
533 	if ((uvn->u_flags & UVM_VNODE_VALID) == 0) {
534 		simple_unlock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
535 		UVMHIST_LOG(maphist, "<- done (not active)", 0, 0, 0, 0);
536 		return;
537 	}
539 	/*
540 	 * must be a valid uvn that is not already dying (because XLOCK
541 	 * protects us from that).   the uvn can't in the ALOCK state
542 	 * because it is valid, and uvn's that are in the ALOCK state haven't
543 	 * been marked valid yet.
544 	 */
546 #ifdef DEBUG
547 	/*
548 	 * debug check: are we yanking the vnode out from under our uvn?
549 	 */
550 	if (uvn->u_obj.uo_refs) {
551 		printf("uvm_vnp_terminate(%p): terminating active vnode "
552 		    "(refs=%d)\n", uvn, uvn->u_obj.uo_refs);
553 	}
554 #endif
556 	/*
557 	 * it is possible that the uvn was detached and is in the relkill
558 	 * state [i.e. waiting for async i/o to finish so that releasepg can
559 	 * kill object].  we take over the vnode now and cancel the relkill.
560 	 * we want to know when the i/o is done so we can recycle right
561 	 * away.   note that a uvn can only be in the RELKILL state if it
562 	 * has a zero reference count.
563 	 */
565 	if (uvn->u_flags & UVM_VNODE_RELKILL)
566 		uvn->u_flags &= ~UVM_VNODE_RELKILL;	/* cancel RELKILL */
568 	/*
569 	 * block the uvn by setting the dying flag, and then flush the
570 	 * pages.  (note that flush may unlock object while doing I/O, but
571 	 * it will re-lock it before it returns control here).
572 	 *
573 	 * also, note that we tell I/O that we are already VOP_LOCK'd so
574 	 * that uvn_io doesn't attempt to VOP_LOCK again.
575 	 *
576 	 * XXXCDC: setting VNISLOCKED on an active uvn which is being terminated
577 	 *	due to a forceful unmount might not be a good idea.  maybe we
578 	 *	need a way to pass in this info to uvn_flush through a
579 	 *	pager-defined PGO_ constant [currently there are none].
580 	 */
583 	(void) uvn_flush(&uvn->u_obj, 0, 0, PGO_CLEANIT|PGO_FREE|PGO_ALLPAGES);
585 	/*
586 	 * as we just did a flush we expect all the pages to be gone or in
587 	 * the process of going.  sleep to wait for the rest to go [via iosync].
588 	 */
590 	while (uvn->u_obj.uo_npages) {
591 #ifdef DEBUG
592 		struct vm_page *pp;
593 		for (pp = uvn->u_obj.memq.tqh_first ; pp != NULL ;
594 		     pp = pp->listq.tqe_next) {
595 			if ((pp->flags & PG_BUSY) == 0)
596 				panic("uvm_vnp_terminate: detected unbusy pg");
597 		}
598 		if (uvn->u_nio == 0)
599 			panic("uvm_vnp_terminate: no I/O to wait for?");
600 		printf("uvm_vnp_terminate: waiting for I/O to fin.\n");
601 		/*
602 		 * XXXCDC: this is unlikely to happen without async i/o so we
603 		 * put a printf in just to keep an eye on it.
604 		 */
605 #endif
606 		uvn->u_flags |= UVM_VNODE_IOSYNC;
607 		UVM_UNLOCK_AND_WAIT(&uvn->u_nio, &uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock, FALSE,
608 		    "uvn_term",0);
609 		simple_lock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
610 	}
612 	/*
613 	 * done.   now we free the uvn if its reference count is zero
614 	 * (true if we are zapping a persisting uvn).   however, if we are
615 	 * terminating a uvn with active mappings we let it live ... future
616 	 * calls down to the vnode layer will fail.
617 	 */
619 	oldflags = uvn->u_flags;
620 	if (uvn->u_obj.uo_refs) {
622 		/*
623 		 * uvn must live on it is dead-vnode state until all references
624 		 * are gone.   restore flags.    clear CANPERSIST state.
625 		 */
630 	} else {
632 		/*
633 		 * free the uvn now.   note that the VREF reference is already
634 		 * gone [it is dropped when we enter the persist state].
635 		 */
636 		if (uvn->u_flags & UVM_VNODE_IOSYNCWANTED)
637 			panic("uvm_vnp_terminate: io sync wanted bit set");
639 		if (uvn->u_flags & UVM_VNODE_WRITEABLE) {
640 			simple_lock(&uvn_wl_lock);
641 			LIST_REMOVE(uvn, u_wlist);
642 			simple_unlock(&uvn_wl_lock);
643 		}
644 		uvn->u_flags = 0;	/* uvn is history, clear all bits */
645 	}
647 	if (oldflags & UVM_VNODE_WANTED)
648 		wakeup(uvn);		/* object lock still held */
650 	simple_unlock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
651 	UVMHIST_LOG(maphist, "<- done", 0, 0, 0, 0);
653 }
655 /*
656  * uvn_releasepg: handled a released page in a uvn
657  *
658  * => "pg" is a PG_BUSY [caller owns it], PG_RELEASED page that we need
659  *	to dispose of.
660  * => caller must handled PG_WANTED case
661  * => called with page's object locked, pageq's unlocked
662  * => returns TRUE if page's object is still alive, FALSE if we
663  *	killed the page's object.    if we return TRUE, then we
664  *	return with the object locked.
665  * => if (nextpgp != NULL) => we return pageq.tqe_next here, and return
666  *				with the page queues locked [for pagedaemon]
667  * => if (nextpgp == NULL) => we return with page queues unlocked [normal case]
668  * => we kill the uvn if it is not referenced and we are suppose to
669  *	kill it ("relkill").
670  */
672 boolean_t
673 uvn_releasepg(pg, nextpgp)
674 	struct vm_page *pg;
675 	struct vm_page **nextpgp;	/* OUT */
676 {
677 	struct uvm_vnode *uvn = (struct uvm_vnode *) pg->uobject;
678 #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC
679 	if ((pg->flags & PG_RELEASED) == 0)
680 		panic("uvn_releasepg: page not released!");
681 #endif
683 	/*
684 	 * dispose of the page [caller handles PG_WANTED]
685 	 */
686 	pmap_page_protect(pg, VM_PROT_NONE);
687 	uvm_lock_pageq();
688 	if (nextpgp)
689 		*nextpgp = pg->pageq.tqe_next;	/* next page for daemon */
690 	uvm_pagefree(pg);
691 	if (!nextpgp)
692 		uvm_unlock_pageq();
694 	/*
695 	 * now see if we need to kill the object
696 	 */
697 	if (uvn->u_flags & UVM_VNODE_RELKILL) {
698 		if (uvn->u_obj.uo_refs)
699 			panic("uvn_releasepg: kill flag set on referenced "
700 			    "object!");
701 		if (uvn->u_obj.uo_npages == 0) {
702 			if (uvn->u_flags & UVM_VNODE_WRITEABLE) {
703 				simple_lock(&uvn_wl_lock);
704 				LIST_REMOVE(uvn, u_wlist);
705 				simple_unlock(&uvn_wl_lock);
706 			}
707 #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC
708 			if (uvn->u_obj.memq.tqh_first)
709 	panic("uvn_releasepg: pages in object with npages == 0");
710 #endif
711 			if (uvn->u_flags & UVM_VNODE_WANTED)
712 				/* still holding object lock */
713 				wakeup(uvn);
715 			uvn->u_flags = 0;		/* DEAD! */
716 			simple_unlock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
717 			return (FALSE);
718 		}
719 	}
720 	return (TRUE);
721 }
723 /*
724  * NOTE: currently we have to use VOP_READ/VOP_WRITE because they go
725  * through the buffer cache and allow I/O in any size.  These VOPs use
726  * synchronous i/o.  [vs. VOP_STRATEGY which can be async, but doesn't
727  * go through the buffer cache or allow I/O sizes larger than a
728  * block].  we will eventually want to change this.
729  *
730  * issues to consider:
731  *   uvm provides the uvm_aiodesc structure for async i/o management.
732  * there are two tailq's in the uvm. structure... one for pending async
733  * i/o and one for "done" async i/o.   to do an async i/o one puts
734  * an aiodesc on the "pending" list (protected by splbio()), starts the
735  * i/o and returns VM_PAGER_PEND.    when the i/o is done, we expect
736  * some sort of "i/o done" function to be called (at splbio(), interrupt
737  * time).   this function should remove the aiodesc from the pending list
738  * and place it on the "done" list and wakeup the daemon.   the daemon
739  * will run at normal spl() and will remove all items from the "done"
740  * list and call the "aiodone" hook for each done request (see uvm_pager.c).
741  * [in the old vm code, this was done by calling the "put" routine with
742  * null arguments which made the code harder to read and understand because
743  * you had one function ("put") doing two things.]
744  *
745  * so the current pager needs:
746  *   int uvn_aiodone(struct uvm_aiodesc *)
747  *
748  * => return KERN_SUCCESS (aio finished, free it).  otherwise requeue for
749  *	later collection.
750  * => called with pageq's locked by the daemon.
751  *
752  * general outline:
753  * - "try" to lock object.   if fail, just return (will try again later)
754  * - drop "u_nio" (this req is done!)
755  * - if (object->iosync && u_naio == 0) { wakeup &uvn->u_naio }
756  * - get "page" structures (atop?).
757  * - handle "wanted" pages
758  * - handle "released" pages [using pgo_releasepg]
759  *   >>> pgo_releasepg may kill the object
760  * dont forget to look at "object" wanted flag in all cases.
761  */
764 /*
765  * uvn_flush: flush pages out of a uvm object.
766  *
767  * => object should be locked by caller.   we may _unlock_ the object
768  *	if (and only if) we need to clean a page (PGO_CLEANIT).
769  *	we return with the object locked.
770  * => if PGO_CLEANIT is set, we may block (due to I/O).   thus, a caller
771  *	might want to unlock higher level resources (e.g. vm_map)
772  *	before calling flush.
773  * => if PGO_CLEANIT is not set, then we will neither unlock the object
774  *	or block.
775  * => if PGO_ALLPAGE is set, then all pages in the object are valid targets
776  *	for flushing.
777  * => NOTE: we rely on the fact that the object's memq is a TAILQ and
778  *	that new pages are inserted on the tail end of the list.   thus,
779  *	we can make a complete pass through the object in one go by starting
780  *	at the head and working towards the tail (new pages are put in
781  *	front of us).
782  * => NOTE: we are allowed to lock the page queues, so the caller
783  *	must not be holding the lock on them [e.g. pagedaemon had
784  *	better not call us with the queues locked]
785  * => we return TRUE unless we encountered some sort of I/O error
786  *
787  * comment on "cleaning" object and PG_BUSY pages:
788  *	this routine is holding the lock on the object.   the only time
789  *	that it can run into a PG_BUSY page that it does not own is if
790  *	some other process has started I/O on the page (e.g. either
791  *	a pagein, or a pageout).    if the PG_BUSY page is being paged
792  *	in, then it can not be dirty (!PG_CLEAN) because no one has
793  *	had a chance to modify it yet.    if the PG_BUSY page is being
794  *	paged out then it means that someone else has already started
795  *	cleaning the page for us (how nice!).    in this case, if we
796  *	have syncio specified, then after we make our pass through the
797  *	object we need to wait for the other PG_BUSY pages to clear
798  *	off (i.e. we need to do an iosync).   also note that once a
799  *	page is PG_BUSY it must stay in its object until it is un-busyed.
800  *
801  * note on page traversal:
802  *	we can traverse the pages in an object either by going down the
803  *	linked list in "uobj->memq", or we can go over the address range
804  *	by page doing hash table lookups for each address.    depending
805  *	on how many pages are in the object it may be cheaper to do one
806  *	or the other.   we set "by_list" to true if we are using memq.
807  *	if the cost of a hash lookup was equal to the cost of the list
808  *	traversal we could compare the number of pages in the start->stop
809  *	range to the total number of pages in the object.   however, it
810  *	seems that a hash table lookup is more expensive than the linked
811  *	list traversal, so we multiply the number of pages in the
812  *	start->stop range by a penalty which we define below.
813  */
815 #define UVN_HASH_PENALTY 4	/* XXX: a guess */
817 static boolean_t
818 uvn_flush(uobj, start, stop, flags)
819 	struct uvm_object *uobj;
820 	voff_t start, stop;
821 	int flags;
822 {
823 	struct uvm_vnode *uvn = (struct uvm_vnode *) uobj;
824 	struct vm_page *pp, *ppnext, *ptmp;
825 	struct vm_page *pps[MAXBSIZE >> PAGE_SHIFT], **ppsp;
826 	int npages, result, lcv;
827 	boolean_t retval, need_iosync, by_list, needs_clean, all;
828 	voff_t curoff;
829 	u_short pp_version;
830 	UVMHIST_FUNC("uvn_flush"); UVMHIST_CALLED(maphist);
832 	curoff = 0;	/* XXX: shut up gcc */
833 	/*
834 	 * get init vals and determine how we are going to traverse object
835 	 */
837 	need_iosync = FALSE;
838 	retval = TRUE;		/* return value */
839 	if (flags & PGO_ALLPAGES) {
840 		all = TRUE;
841 		by_list = TRUE;		/* always go by the list */
842 	} else {
843 		start = trunc_page(start);
844 		stop = round_page(stop);
845 #ifdef DEBUG
846 		if (stop > round_page(uvn->u_size))
847 			printf("uvn_flush: strange, got an out of range "
848 			    "flush (fixed)\n");
849 #endif
850 		all = FALSE;
851 		by_list = (uobj->uo_npages <=
852 		    ((stop - start) >> PAGE_SHIFT) * UVN_HASH_PENALTY);
853 	}
855 	UVMHIST_LOG(maphist,
856 	    " flush start=0x%x, stop=0x%x, by_list=%d, flags=0x%x",
857 	    start, stop, by_list, flags);
859 	/*
860 	 * PG_CLEANCHK: this bit is used by the pgo_mk_pcluster function as
861 	 * a _hint_ as to how up to date the PG_CLEAN bit is.   if the hint
862 	 * is wrong it will only prevent us from clustering... it won't break
863 	 * anything.   we clear all PG_CLEANCHK bits here, and pgo_mk_pcluster
864 	 * will set them as it syncs PG_CLEAN.   This is only an issue if we
865 	 * are looking at non-inactive pages (because inactive page's PG_CLEAN
866 	 * bit is always up to date since there are no mappings).
867 	 * [borrowed PG_CLEANCHK idea from FreeBSD VM]
868 	 */
870 	if ((flags & PGO_CLEANIT) != 0 &&
871 	    uobj->pgops->pgo_mk_pcluster != NULL) {
872 		if (by_list) {
873 			for (pp = uobj->memq.tqh_first ; pp != NULL ;
874 			    pp = pp->listq.tqe_next) {
875 				if (!all &&
876 				    (pp->offset < start || pp->offset >= stop))
877 					continue;
878 				pp->flags &= ~PG_CLEANCHK;
879 			}
881 		} else {   /* by hash */
882 			for (curoff = start ; curoff < stop;
883 			    curoff += PAGE_SIZE) {
884 				pp = uvm_pagelookup(uobj, curoff);
885 				if (pp)
886 					pp->flags &= ~PG_CLEANCHK;
887 			}
888 		}
889 	}
891 	/*
892 	 * now do it.   note: we must update ppnext in body of loop or we
893 	 * will get stuck.  we need to use ppnext because we may free "pp"
894 	 * before doing the next loop.
895 	 */
897 	if (by_list) {
898 		pp = uobj->memq.tqh_first;
899 	} else {
900 		curoff = start;
901 		pp = uvm_pagelookup(uobj, curoff);
902 	}
904 	ppnext = NULL;	/* XXX: shut up gcc */
905 	ppsp = NULL;		/* XXX: shut up gcc */
906 	uvm_lock_pageq();	/* page queues locked */
908 	/* locked: both page queues and uobj */
909 	for ( ; (by_list && pp != NULL) ||
910 	  (!by_list && curoff < stop) ; pp = ppnext) {
912 		if (by_list) {
914 			/*
915 			 * range check
916 			 */
918 			if (!all &&
919 			    (pp->offset < start || pp->offset >= stop)) {
920 				ppnext = pp->listq.tqe_next;
921 				continue;
922 			}
924 		} else {
926 			/*
927 			 * null check
928 			 */
930 			curoff += PAGE_SIZE;
931 			if (pp == NULL) {
932 				if (curoff < stop)
933 					ppnext = uvm_pagelookup(uobj, curoff);
934 				continue;
935 			}
937 		}
939 		/*
940 		 * handle case where we do not need to clean page (either
941 		 * because we are not clean or because page is not dirty or
942 		 * is busy):
943 		 *
944 		 * NOTE: we are allowed to deactivate a non-wired active
945 		 * PG_BUSY page, but once a PG_BUSY page is on the inactive
946 		 * queue it must stay put until it is !PG_BUSY (so as not to
947 		 * confuse pagedaemon).
948 		 */
950 		if ((flags & PGO_CLEANIT) == 0 || (pp->flags & PG_BUSY) != 0) {
951 			needs_clean = FALSE;
952 			if ((pp->flags & PG_BUSY) != 0 &&
953 			    (flags & (PGO_CLEANIT|PGO_SYNCIO)) ==
954 			             (PGO_CLEANIT|PGO_SYNCIO))
955 				need_iosync = TRUE;
956 		} else {
957 			/*
958 			 * freeing: nuke all mappings so we can sync
959 			 * PG_CLEAN bit with no race
960 			 */
961 			if ((pp->flags & PG_CLEAN) != 0 &&
962 			    (flags & PGO_FREE) != 0 &&
963 			    (pp->pqflags & PQ_ACTIVE) != 0)
964 				pmap_page_protect(pp, VM_PROT_NONE);
965 			if ((pp->flags & PG_CLEAN) != 0 &&
966 			    pmap_is_modified(pp))
967 				pp->flags &= ~(PG_CLEAN);
968 			pp->flags |= PG_CLEANCHK;	/* update "hint" */
970 			needs_clean = ((pp->flags & PG_CLEAN) == 0);
971 		}
973 		/*
974 		 * if we don't need a clean... load ppnext and dispose of pp
975 		 */
976 		if (!needs_clean) {
977 			/* load ppnext */
978 			if (by_list)
979 				ppnext = pp->listq.tqe_next;
980 			else {
981 				if (curoff < stop)
982 					ppnext = uvm_pagelookup(uobj, curoff);
983 			}
985 			/* now dispose of pp */
986 			if (flags & PGO_DEACTIVATE) {
987 				if ((pp->pqflags & PQ_INACTIVE) == 0 &&
988 				    pp->wire_count == 0) {
989 					pmap_page_protect(pp, VM_PROT_NONE);
990 					uvm_pagedeactivate(pp);
991 				}
993 			} else if (flags & PGO_FREE) {
994 				if (pp->flags & PG_BUSY) {
995 					/* release busy pages */
996 					pp->flags |= PG_RELEASED;
997 				} else {
998 					pmap_page_protect(pp, VM_PROT_NONE);
999 					/* removed page from object */
1000 					uvm_pagefree(pp);
1001 				}
1002 			}
1003 			/* ppnext is valid so we can continue... */
1004 			continue;
1005 		}
1007 		/*
1008 		 * pp points to a page in the locked object that we are
1009 		 * working on.  if it is !PG_CLEAN,!PG_BUSY and we asked
1010 		 * for cleaning (PGO_CLEANIT).  we clean it now.
1011 		 *
1012 		 * let uvm_pager_put attempted a clustered page out.
1013 		 * note: locked: uobj and page queues.
1014 		 */
1016 		pp->flags |= PG_BUSY;	/* we 'own' page now */
1017 		UVM_PAGE_OWN(pp, "uvn_flush");
1018 		pmap_page_protect(pp, VM_PROT_READ);
1019 		pp_version = pp->version;
1020 ReTry:
1021 		ppsp = pps;
1022 		npages = sizeof(pps) / sizeof(struct vm_page *);
1024 		/* locked: page queues, uobj */
1025 		result = uvm_pager_put(uobj, pp, &ppsp, &npages,
1026 			   flags | PGO_DOACTCLUST, start, stop);
1027 		/* unlocked: page queues, uobj */
1029 		/*
1030 		 * at this point nothing is locked.   if we did an async I/O
1031 		 * it is remotely possible for the async i/o to complete and
1032 		 * the page "pp" be freed or what not before we get a chance
1033 		 * to relock the object.   in order to detect this, we have
1034 		 * saved the version number of the page in "pp_version".
1035 		 */
1037 		/* relock! */
1038 		simple_lock(&uobj->vmobjlock);
1039 		uvm_lock_pageq();
1041 		/*
1042 		 * VM_PAGER_AGAIN: given the structure of this pager, this
1043 		 * can only happen when  we are doing async I/O and can't
1044 		 * map the pages into kernel memory (pager_map) due to lack
1045 		 * of vm space.   if this happens we drop back to sync I/O.
1046 		 */
1048 		if (result == VM_PAGER_AGAIN) {
1049 			/*
1050 			 * it is unlikely, but page could have been released
1051 			 * while we had the object lock dropped.   we ignore
1052 			 * this now and retry the I/O.  we will detect and
1053 			 * handle the released page after the syncio I/O
1054 			 * completes.
1055 			 */
1056 #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC
1057 			if (flags & PGO_SYNCIO)
1058 	panic("uvn_flush: PGO_SYNCIO return 'try again' error (impossible)");
1059 #endif
1060 			flags |= PGO_SYNCIO;
1061 			goto ReTry;
1062 		}
1064 		/*
1065 		 * the cleaning operation is now done.   finish up.  note that
1066 		 * on error (!OK, !PEND) uvm_pager_put drops the cluster for us.
1067 		 * if success (OK, PEND) then uvm_pager_put returns the cluster
1068 		 * to us in ppsp/npages.
1069 		 */
1071 		/*
1072 		 * for pending async i/o if we are not deactivating/freeing
1073 		 * we can move on to the next page.
1074 		 */
1076 		if (result == VM_PAGER_PEND) {
1078 			if ((flags & (PGO_DEACTIVATE|PGO_FREE)) == 0) {
1079 				/*
1080 				 * no per-page ops: refresh ppnext and continue
1081 				 */
1082 				if (by_list) {
1083 					if (pp->version == pp_version)
1084 						ppnext = pp->listq.tqe_next;
1085 					else
1086 						/* reset */
1087 						ppnext = uobj->memq.tqh_first;
1088 				} else {
1089 					if (curoff < stop)
1090 						ppnext = uvm_pagelookup(uobj,
1091 						    curoff);
1092 				}
1093 				continue;
1094 			}
1096 			/* need to do anything here? */
1097 		}
1099 		/*
1100 		 * need to look at each page of the I/O operation.  we defer
1101 		 * processing "pp" until the last trip through this "for" loop
1102 		 * so that we can load "ppnext" for the main loop after we
1103 		 * play with the cluster pages [thus the "npages + 1" in the
1104 		 * loop below].
1105 		 */
1107 		for (lcv = 0 ; lcv < npages + 1 ; lcv++) {
1109 			/*
1110 			 * handle ppnext for outside loop, and saving pp
1111 			 * until the end.
1112 			 */
1113 			if (lcv < npages) {
1114 				if (ppsp[lcv] == pp)
1115 					continue; /* skip pp until the end */
1116 				ptmp = ppsp[lcv];
1117 			} else {
1118 				ptmp = pp;
1120 				/* set up next page for outer loop */
1121 				if (by_list) {
1122 					if (pp->version == pp_version)
1123 						ppnext = pp->listq.tqe_next;
1124 					else
1125 						/* reset */
1126 						ppnext = uobj->memq.tqh_first;
1127 				} else {
1128 					if (curoff < stop)
1129 					ppnext = uvm_pagelookup(uobj, curoff);
1130 				}
1131 			}
1133 			/*
1134 			 * verify the page didn't get moved while obj was
1135 			 * unlocked
1136 			 */
1137 			if (result == VM_PAGER_PEND && ptmp->uobject != uobj)
1138 				continue;
1140 			/*
1141 			 * unbusy the page if I/O is done.   note that for
1142 			 * pending I/O it is possible that the I/O op
1143 			 * finished before we relocked the object (in
1144 			 * which case the page is no longer busy).
1145 			 */
1147 			if (result != VM_PAGER_PEND) {
1148 				if (ptmp->flags & PG_WANTED)
1149 					/* still holding object lock */
1150 					wakeup(ptmp);
1152 				ptmp->flags &= ~(PG_WANTED|PG_BUSY);
1153 				UVM_PAGE_OWN(ptmp, NULL);
1154 				if (ptmp->flags & PG_RELEASED) {
1156 					/* pgo_releasepg wants this */
1157 					uvm_unlock_pageq();
1158 					if (!uvn_releasepg(ptmp, NULL))
1159 						return (TRUE);
1161 					uvm_lock_pageq();	/* relock */
1162 					continue;		/* next page */
1164 				} else {
1165 					ptmp->flags |= (PG_CLEAN|PG_CLEANCHK);
1166 					if ((flags & PGO_FREE) == 0)
1167 						pmap_clear_modify(ptmp);
1168 				}
1169 			}
1171 			/*
1172 			 * dispose of page
1173 			 */
1175 			if (flags & PGO_DEACTIVATE) {
1176 				if ((pp->pqflags & PQ_INACTIVE) == 0 &&
1177 				    pp->wire_count == 0) {
1178 					pmap_page_protect(ptmp, VM_PROT_NONE);
1179 					uvm_pagedeactivate(ptmp);
1180 				}
1182 			} else if (flags & PGO_FREE) {
1183 				if (result == VM_PAGER_PEND) {
1184 					if ((ptmp->flags & PG_BUSY) != 0)
1185 						/* signal for i/o done */
1186 						ptmp->flags |= PG_RELEASED;
1187 				} else {
1188 					if (result != VM_PAGER_OK) {
1189 						printf("uvn_flush: obj=%p, "
1190 						   "offset=0x%llx.  error "
1191 						   "during pageout.\n",
1192 						    pp->uobject,
1193 						    (long long)pp->offset);
1194 						printf("uvn_flush: WARNING: "
1195 						    "changes to page may be "
1196 						    "lost!\n");
1197 						retval = FALSE;
1198 					}
1199 					pmap_page_protect(ptmp, VM_PROT_NONE);
1200 					uvm_pagefree(ptmp);
1201 				}
1202 			}
1204 		}		/* end of "lcv" for loop */
1206 	}		/* end of "pp" for loop */
1208 	/*
1209 	 * done with pagequeues: unlock
1210 	 */
1211 	uvm_unlock_pageq();
1213 	/*
1214 	 * now wait for all I/O if required.
1215 	 */
1216 	if (need_iosync) {
1218 		UVMHIST_LOG(maphist,"  <<DOING IOSYNC>>",0,0,0,0);
1219 		while (uvn->u_nio != 0) {
1220 			uvn->u_flags |= UVM_VNODE_IOSYNC;
1221 			UVM_UNLOCK_AND_WAIT(&uvn->u_nio, &uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock,
1222 			  FALSE, "uvn_flush",0);
1223 			simple_lock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
1224 		}
1225 		if (uvn->u_flags & UVM_VNODE_IOSYNCWANTED)
1226 			wakeup(&uvn->u_flags);
1228 	}
1230 	/* return, with object locked! */
1231 	UVMHIST_LOG(maphist,"<- done (retval=0x%x)",retval,0,0,0);
1232 	return(retval);
1233 }
1235 /*
1236  * uvn_cluster
1237  *
1238  * we are about to do I/O in an object at offset.   this function is called
1239  * to establish a range of offsets around "offset" in which we can cluster
1240  * I/O.
1241  *
1242  * - currently doesn't matter if obj locked or not.
1243  */
1245 static void
1246 uvn_cluster(uobj, offset, loffset, hoffset)
1247 	struct uvm_object *uobj;
1248 	voff_t offset;
1249 	voff_t *loffset, *hoffset; /* OUT */
1250 {
1251 	struct uvm_vnode *uvn = (struct uvm_vnode *) uobj;
1252 	*loffset = offset;
1254 	if (*loffset >= uvn->u_size)
1255 		panic("uvn_cluster: offset out of range");
1257 	/*
1258 	 * XXX: old pager claims we could use VOP_BMAP to get maxcontig value.
1259 	 */
1260 	*hoffset = *loffset + MAXBSIZE;
1261 	if (*hoffset > round_page(uvn->u_size))	/* past end? */
1262 		*hoffset = round_page(uvn->u_size);
1264 	return;
1265 }
1267 /*
1268  * uvn_put: flush page data to backing store.
1269  *
1270  * => prefer map unlocked (not required)
1271  * => object must be locked!   we will _unlock_ it before starting I/O.
1272  * => flags: PGO_SYNCIO -- use sync. I/O
1273  * => note: caller must set PG_CLEAN and pmap_clear_modify (if needed)
1274  * => XXX: currently we use VOP_READ/VOP_WRITE which are only sync.
1275  *	[thus we never do async i/o!  see iodone comment]
1276  */
1278 static int
1279 uvn_put(uobj, pps, npages, flags)
1280 	struct uvm_object *uobj;
1281 	struct vm_page **pps;
1282 	int npages, flags;
1283 {
1284 	int retval;
1286 	/* note: object locked */
1287 	retval = uvn_io((struct uvm_vnode*)uobj, pps, npages, flags, UIO_WRITE);
1288 	/* note: object unlocked */
1290 	return(retval);
1291 }
1294 /*
1295  * uvn_get: get pages (synchronously) from backing store
1296  *
1297  * => prefer map unlocked (not required)
1298  * => object must be locked!  we will _unlock_ it before starting any I/O.
1299  * => flags: PGO_ALLPAGES: get all of the pages
1300  *           PGO_LOCKED: fault data structures are locked
1301  * => NOTE: offset is the offset of pps[0], _NOT_ pps[centeridx]
1302  * => NOTE: caller must check for released pages!!
1303  */
1305 static int
1306 uvn_get(uobj, offset, pps, npagesp, centeridx, access_type, advice, flags)
1307 	struct uvm_object *uobj;
1308 	voff_t offset;
1309 	struct vm_page **pps;		/* IN/OUT */
1310 	int *npagesp;			/* IN (OUT if PGO_LOCKED) */
1311 	int centeridx, advice, flags;
1312 	vm_prot_t access_type;
1313 {
1314 	voff_t current_offset;
1315 	struct vm_page *ptmp;
1316 	int lcv, result, gotpages;
1317 	boolean_t done;
1318 	UVMHIST_FUNC("uvn_get"); UVMHIST_CALLED(maphist);
1319 	UVMHIST_LOG(maphist, "flags=%d", flags,0,0,0);
1321 	/*
1322 	 * step 1: handled the case where fault data structures are locked.
1323 	 */
1325 	if (flags & PGO_LOCKED) {
1327 		/*
1328 		 * gotpages is the current number of pages we've gotten (which
1329 		 * we pass back up to caller via *npagesp.
1330 		 */
1332 		gotpages = 0;
1334 		/*
1335 		 * step 1a: get pages that are already resident.   only do this
1336 		 * if the data structures are locked (i.e. the first time
1337 		 * through).
1338 		 */
1340 		done = TRUE;	/* be optimistic */
1342 		for (lcv = 0, current_offset = offset ; lcv < *npagesp ;
1343 		    lcv++, current_offset += PAGE_SIZE) {
1345 			/* do we care about this page?  if not, skip it */
1346 			if (pps[lcv] == PGO_DONTCARE)
1347 				continue;
1349 			/* lookup page */
1350 			ptmp = uvm_pagelookup(uobj, current_offset);
1352 			/* to be useful must get a non-busy, non-released pg */
1353 			if (ptmp == NULL ||
1354 			    (ptmp->flags & (PG_BUSY|PG_RELEASED)) != 0) {
1355 				if (lcv == centeridx || (flags & PGO_ALLPAGES)
1356 				    != 0)
1357 				done = FALSE;	/* need to do a wait or I/O! */
1358 				continue;
1359 			}
1361 			/*
1362 			 * useful page: busy/lock it and plug it in our
1363 			 * result array
1364 			 */
1365 			ptmp->flags |= PG_BUSY;		/* loan up to caller */
1366 			UVM_PAGE_OWN(ptmp, "uvn_get1");
1367 			pps[lcv] = ptmp;
1368 			gotpages++;
1370 		}	/* "for" lcv loop */
1372 		/*
1373 		 * XXX: given the "advice", should we consider async read-ahead?
1374 		 * XXX: fault current does deactive of pages behind us.  is
1375 		 * this good (other callers might now).
1376 		 */
1377 		/*
1378 		 * XXX: read-ahead currently handled by buffer cache (bread)
1379 		 * level.
1380 		 * XXX: no async i/o available.
1381 		 * XXX: so we don't do anything now.
1382 		 */
1384 		/*
1385 		 * step 1c: now we've either done everything needed or we to
1386 		 * unlock and do some waiting or I/O.
1387 		 */
1389 		*npagesp = gotpages;		/* let caller know */
1390 		if (done)
1391 			return(VM_PAGER_OK);		/* bingo! */
1392 		else
1393 			/* EEK!   Need to unlock and I/O */
1394 			return(VM_PAGER_UNLOCK);
1395 	}
1397 	/*
1398 	 * step 2: get non-resident or busy pages.
1399 	 * object is locked.   data structures are unlocked.
1400 	 *
1401 	 * XXX: because we can't do async I/O at this level we get things
1402 	 * page at a time (otherwise we'd chunk).   the VOP_READ() will do
1403 	 * async-read-ahead for us at a lower level.
1404 	 */
1406 	for (lcv = 0, current_offset = offset ;
1407 			 lcv < *npagesp ; lcv++, current_offset += PAGE_SIZE) {
1409 		/* skip over pages we've already gotten or don't want */
1410 		/* skip over pages we don't _have_ to get */
1411 		if (pps[lcv] != NULL || (lcv != centeridx &&
1412 		    (flags & PGO_ALLPAGES) == 0))
1413 			continue;
1415 		/*
1416 		 * we have yet to locate the current page (pps[lcv]).   we first
1417 		 * look for a page that is already at the current offset.   if
1418 		 * we fine a page, we check to see if it is busy or released.
1419 		 * if that is the case, then we sleep on the page until it is
1420 		 * no longer busy or released and repeat the lookup.    if the
1421 		 * page we found is neither busy nor released, then we busy it
1422 		 * (so we own it) and plug it into pps[lcv].   this breaks the
1423 		 * following while loop and indicates we are ready to move on
1424 		 * to the next page in the "lcv" loop above.
1425 		 *
1426 		 * if we exit the while loop with pps[lcv] still set to NULL,
1427 		 * then it means that we allocated a new busy/fake/clean page
1428 		 * ptmp in the object and we need to do I/O to fill in the data.
1429 		 */
1431 		while (pps[lcv] == NULL) {	/* top of "pps" while loop */
1433 			/* look for a current page */
1434 			ptmp = uvm_pagelookup(uobj, current_offset);
1436 			/* nope?   allocate one now (if we can) */
1437 			if (ptmp == NULL) {
1439 				ptmp = uvm_pagealloc(uobj, current_offset,
1440 				    NULL, 0);
1442 				/* out of RAM? */
1443 				if (ptmp == NULL) {
1444 					simple_unlock(&uobj->vmobjlock);
1445 					uvm_wait("uvn_getpage");
1446 					simple_lock(&uobj->vmobjlock);
1448 					/* goto top of pps while loop */
1449 					continue;
1450 				}
1452 				/*
1453 				 * got new page ready for I/O.  break pps
1454 				 * while loop.  pps[lcv] is still NULL.
1455 				 */
1456 				break;
1457 			}
1459 			/* page is there, see if we need to wait on it */
1460 			if ((ptmp->flags & (PG_BUSY|PG_RELEASED)) != 0) {
1461 				ptmp->flags |= PG_WANTED;
1462 				UVM_UNLOCK_AND_WAIT(ptmp,
1463 				    &uobj->vmobjlock, FALSE, "uvn_get",0);
1464 				simple_lock(&uobj->vmobjlock);
1465 				continue;	/* goto top of pps while loop */
1466 			}
1468 			/*
1469 			 * if we get here then the page has become resident
1470 			 * and unbusy between steps 1 and 2.  we busy it
1471 			 * now (so we own it) and set pps[lcv] (so that we
1472 			 * exit the while loop).
1473 			 */
1474 			ptmp->flags |= PG_BUSY;
1475 			UVM_PAGE_OWN(ptmp, "uvn_get2");
1476 			pps[lcv] = ptmp;
1477 		}
1479 		/*
1480 		 * if we own the a valid page at the correct offset, pps[lcv]
1481 		 * will point to it.   nothing more to do except go to the
1482 		 * next page.
1483 		 */
1485 		if (pps[lcv])
1486 			continue;			/* next lcv */
1488 		/*
1489 		 * we have a "fake/busy/clean" page that we just allocated.  do
1490 		 * I/O to fill it with valid data.  note that object must be
1491 		 * locked going into uvn_io, but will be unlocked afterwards.
1492 		 */
1494 		result = uvn_io((struct uvm_vnode *) uobj, &ptmp, 1,
1495 		    PGO_SYNCIO, UIO_READ);
1497 		/*
1498 		 * I/O done.   object is unlocked (by uvn_io).   because we used
1499 		 * syncio the result can not be PEND or AGAIN.   we must relock
1500 		 * and check for errors.
1501 		 */
1503 		/* lock object.   check for errors.   */
1504 		simple_lock(&uobj->vmobjlock);
1505 		if (result != VM_PAGER_OK) {
1506 			if (ptmp->flags & PG_WANTED)
1507 				/* object lock still held */
1508 				wakeup(ptmp);
1510 			ptmp->flags &= ~(PG_WANTED|PG_BUSY);
1511 			UVM_PAGE_OWN(ptmp, NULL);
1512 			uvm_lock_pageq();
1513 			uvm_pagefree(ptmp);
1514 			uvm_unlock_pageq();
1515 			simple_unlock(&uobj->vmobjlock);
1516 			return(result);
1517 		}
1519 		/*
1520 		 * we got the page!   clear the fake flag (indicates valid
1521 		 * data now in page) and plug into our result array.   note
1522 		 * that page is still busy.
1523 		 *
1524 		 * it is the callers job to:
1525 		 * => check if the page is released
1526 		 * => unbusy the page
1527 		 * => activate the page
1528 		 */
1530 		ptmp->flags &= ~PG_FAKE;		/* data is valid ... */
1531 		pmap_clear_modify(ptmp);		/* ... and clean */
1532 		pps[lcv] = ptmp;
1534 	}	/* lcv loop */
1536 	/*
1537 	 * finally, unlock object and return.
1538 	 */
1540 	simple_unlock(&uobj->vmobjlock);
1541 	return (VM_PAGER_OK);
1542 }
1544 /*
1545  * uvn_io: do I/O to a vnode
1546  *
1547  * => prefer map unlocked (not required)
1548  * => object must be locked!   we will _unlock_ it before starting I/O.
1549  * => flags: PGO_SYNCIO -- use sync. I/O
1550  * => XXX: currently we use VOP_READ/VOP_WRITE which are only sync.
1551  *	[thus we never do async i/o!  see iodone comment]
1552  */
1554 static int
1555 uvn_io(uvn, pps, npages, flags, rw)
1556 	struct uvm_vnode *uvn;
1557 	vm_page_t *pps;
1558 	int npages, flags, rw;
1559 {
1560 	struct vnode *vn;
1561 	struct uio uio;
1562 	struct iovec iov;
1563 	vaddr_t kva;
1564 	off_t file_offset;
1565 	int waitf, result, mapinflags;
1566 	size_t got, wanted;
1567 	UVMHIST_FUNC("uvn_io"); UVMHIST_CALLED(maphist);
1569 	UVMHIST_LOG(maphist, "rw=%d", rw,0,0,0);
1571 	/*
1572 	 * init values
1573 	 */
1575 	waitf = (flags & PGO_SYNCIO) ? M_WAITOK : M_NOWAIT;
1576 	vn = (struct vnode *) uvn;
1577 	file_offset = pps[0]->offset;
1579 	/*
1580 	 * check for sync'ing I/O.
1581 	 */
1583 	while (uvn->u_flags & UVM_VNODE_IOSYNC) {
1584 		if (waitf == M_NOWAIT) {
1585 			simple_unlock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
1586 			UVMHIST_LOG(maphist,"<- try again (iosync)",0,0,0,0);
1587 			return(VM_PAGER_AGAIN);
1588 		}
1589 		uvn->u_flags |= UVM_VNODE_IOSYNCWANTED;
1590 		UVM_UNLOCK_AND_WAIT(&uvn->u_flags, &uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock,
1591 			FALSE, "uvn_iosync",0);
1592 		simple_lock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
1593 	}
1595 	/*
1596 	 * check size
1597 	 */
1599 	if (file_offset >= uvn->u_size) {
1600 			simple_unlock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
1601 			UVMHIST_LOG(maphist,"<- BAD (size check)",0,0,0,0);
1602 			return(VM_PAGER_BAD);
1603 	}
1605 	/*
1606 	 * first try and map the pages in (without waiting)
1607 	 */
1609 	mapinflags = (rw == UIO_READ) ?
1612 	kva = uvm_pagermapin(pps, npages, mapinflags);
1613 	if (kva == 0 && waitf == M_NOWAIT) {
1614 		simple_unlock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
1615 		UVMHIST_LOG(maphist,"<- mapin failed (try again)",0,0,0,0);
1616 		return(VM_PAGER_AGAIN);
1617 	}
1619 	/*
1620 	 * ok, now bump u_nio up.   at this point we are done with uvn
1621 	 * and can unlock it.   if we still don't have a kva, try again
1622 	 * (this time with sleep ok).
1623 	 */
1625 	uvn->u_nio++;			/* we have an I/O in progress! */
1626 	simple_unlock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
1627 	/* NOTE: object now unlocked */
1628 	if (kva == 0)
1629 		kva = uvm_pagermapin(pps, npages,
1630 		    mapinflags | UVMPAGER_MAPIN_WAITOK);
1632 	/*
1633 	 * ok, mapped in.  our pages are PG_BUSY so they are not going to
1634 	 * get touched (so we can look at "offset" without having to lock
1635 	 * the object).  set up for I/O.
1636 	 */
1638 	/*
1639 	 * fill out uio/iov
1640 	 */
1642 	iov.iov_base = (caddr_t) kva;
1643 	wanted = npages << PAGE_SHIFT;
1644 	if (file_offset + wanted > uvn->u_size)
1645 		wanted = uvn->u_size - file_offset;	/* XXX: needed? */
1646 	iov.iov_len = wanted;
1647 	uio.uio_iov = &iov;
1648 	uio.uio_iovcnt = 1;
1649 	uio.uio_offset = file_offset;
1650 	uio.uio_segflg = UIO_SYSSPACE;
1651 	uio.uio_rw = rw;
1652 	uio.uio_resid = wanted;
1653 	uio.uio_procp = curproc;
1655 	/*
1656 	 * do the I/O!  (XXX: curproc?)
1657 	 */
1659 	UVMHIST_LOG(maphist, "calling VOP",0,0,0,0);
1661 	/*
1662 	 * This process may already have this vnode locked, if we faulted in
1663 	 * copyin() or copyout() on a region backed by this vnode
1664 	 * while doing I/O to the vnode.  If this is the case, don't
1665 	 * panic.. instead, return the error to the user.
1666 	 *
1667 	 * XXX this is a stopgap to prevent a panic.
1668 	 * Ideally, this kind of operation *should* work.
1669 	 */
1670 	result = 0;
1671 	if ((uvn->u_flags & UVM_VNODE_VNISLOCKED) == 0)
1672 		result = vn_lock(vn, LK_EXCLUSIVE | LK_RETRY | LK_RECURSEFAIL, curproc);
1674 	if (result == 0) {
1675 		/* NOTE: vnode now locked! */
1677 		if (rw == UIO_READ)
1678 			result = VOP_READ(vn, &uio, 0, curproc->p_ucred);
1679 		else
1680 			result = VOP_WRITE(vn, &uio, 0, curproc->p_ucred);
1682 		if ((uvn->u_flags & UVM_VNODE_VNISLOCKED) == 0)
1683 			VOP_UNLOCK(vn, 0, curproc);
1684 	}
1686 	/* NOTE: vnode now unlocked (unless vnislocked) */
1688 	UVMHIST_LOG(maphist, "done calling VOP",0,0,0,0);
1690 	/*
1691 	 * result == unix style errno (0 == OK!)
1692 	 *
1693 	 * zero out rest of buffer (if needed)
1694 	 */
1696 	if (result == 0) {
1697 		got = wanted - uio.uio_resid;
1699 		if (wanted && got == 0) {
1700 			result = EIO;		/* XXX: error? */
1701 		} else if (got < PAGE_SIZE * npages && rw == UIO_READ) {
1702 			memset((void *) (kva + got), 0,
1703 			       (npages << PAGE_SHIFT) - got);
1704 		}
1705 	}
1707 	/*
1708 	 * now remove pager mapping
1709 	 */
1710 	uvm_pagermapout(kva, npages);
1712 	/*
1713 	 * now clean up the object (i.e. drop I/O count)
1714 	 */
1716 	simple_lock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
1717 	/* NOTE: object now locked! */
1719 	uvn->u_nio--;			/* I/O DONE! */
1720 	if ((uvn->u_flags & UVM_VNODE_IOSYNC) != 0 && uvn->u_nio == 0) {
1721 		wakeup(&uvn->u_nio);
1722 	}
1723 	simple_unlock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
1724 	/* NOTE: object now unlocked! */
1726 	/*
1727 	 * done!
1728 	 */
1730 	UVMHIST_LOG(maphist, "<- done (result %d)", result,0,0,0);
1731 	if (result == 0)
1732 		return(VM_PAGER_OK);
1733 	else
1734 		return(VM_PAGER_ERROR);
1735 }
1737 /*
1738  * uvm_vnp_uncache: disable "persisting" in a vnode... when last reference
1739  * is gone we will kill the object (flushing dirty pages back to the vnode
1740  * if needed).
1741  *
1742  * => returns TRUE if there was no uvm_object attached or if there was
1743  *	one and we killed it [i.e. if there is no active uvn]
1744  * => called with the vnode VOP_LOCK'd [we will unlock it for I/O, if
1745  *	needed]
1746  *
1747  * => XXX: given that we now kill uvn's when a vnode is recycled (without
1748  *	having to hold a reference on the vnode) and given a working
1749  *	uvm_vnp_sync(), how does that effect the need for this function?
1750  *      [XXXCDC: seems like it can die?]
1751  *
1752  * => XXX: this function should DIE once we merge the VM and buffer
1753  *	cache.
1754  *
1755  * research shows that this is called in the following places:
1756  * ext2fs_truncate, ffs_truncate, detrunc[msdosfs]: called when vnode
1757  *	changes sizes
1758  * ext2fs_write, WRITE [ufs_readwrite], msdosfs_write: called when we
1759  *	are written to
1760  * ex2fs_chmod, ufs_chmod: called if VTEXT vnode and the sticky bit
1761  *	is off
1762  * ffs_realloccg: when we can't extend the current block and have
1763  *	to allocate a new one we call this [XXX: why?]
1764  * nfsrv_rename, rename_files: called when the target filename is there
1765  *	and we want to remove it
1766  * nfsrv_remove, sys_unlink: called on file we are removing
1767  * nfsrv_access: if VTEXT and we want WRITE access and we don't uncache
1768  *	then return "text busy"
1769  * nfs_open: seems to uncache any file opened with nfs
1770  * vn_writechk: if VTEXT vnode and can't uncache return "text busy"
1771  */
1773 boolean_t
1774 uvm_vnp_uncache(vp)
1775 	struct vnode *vp;
1776 {
1777 	struct uvm_vnode *uvn = &vp->v_uvm;
1779 	/*
1780 	 * lock uvn part of the vnode and check to see if we need to do anything
1781 	 */
1783 	simple_lock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
1784 	if ((uvn->u_flags & UVM_VNODE_VALID) == 0 ||
1785 			(uvn->u_flags & UVM_VNODE_BLOCKED) != 0) {
1786 		simple_unlock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
1787 		return(TRUE);
1788 	}
1790 	/*
1791 	 * we have a valid, non-blocked uvn.   clear persist flag.
1792 	 * if uvn is currently active we can return now.
1793 	 */
1795 	uvn->u_flags &= ~UVM_VNODE_CANPERSIST;
1796 	if (uvn->u_obj.uo_refs) {
1797 		simple_unlock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
1798 		return(FALSE);
1799 	}
1801 	/*
1802 	 * uvn is currently persisting!   we have to gain a reference to
1803 	 * it so that we can call uvn_detach to kill the uvn.
1804 	 */
1806 	VREF(vp);			/* seems ok, even with VOP_LOCK */
1807 	uvn->u_obj.uo_refs++;		/* value is now 1 */
1808 	simple_unlock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
1811 #ifdef DEBUG
1812 	/*
1813 	 * carry over sanity check from old vnode pager: the vnode should
1814 	 * be VOP_LOCK'd, and we confirm it here.
1815 	 */
1816 	if (!VOP_ISLOCKED(vp)) {
1817 		boolean_t is_ok_anyway = FALSE;
1818 #if defined(NFSCLIENT)
1819 		extern int (**nfsv2_vnodeop_p) __P((void *));
1820 		extern int (**spec_nfsv2nodeop_p) __P((void *));
1821 		extern int (**fifo_nfsv2nodeop_p) __P((void *));
1823 		/* vnode is NOT VOP_LOCKed: some vnode types _never_ lock */
1824 		if (vp->v_op == nfsv2_vnodeop_p ||
1825 		    vp->v_op == spec_nfsv2nodeop_p) {
1826 			is_ok_anyway = TRUE;
1827 		}
1828 		if (vp->v_op == fifo_nfsv2nodeop_p) {
1829 			is_ok_anyway = TRUE;
1830 		}
1831 #endif	/* defined(NFSSERVER) || defined(NFSCLIENT) */
1832 		if (!is_ok_anyway)
1833 			panic("uvm_vnp_uncache: vnode not locked!");
1834 	}
1835 #endif	/* DEBUG */
1837 	/*
1838 	 * now drop our reference to the vnode.   if we have the sole
1839 	 * reference to the vnode then this will cause it to die [as we
1840 	 * just cleared the persist flag].   we have to unlock the vnode
1841 	 * while we are doing this as it may trigger I/O.
1842 	 *
1843 	 * XXX: it might be possible for uvn to get reclaimed while we are
1844 	 * unlocked causing us to return TRUE when we should not.   we ignore
1845 	 * this as a false-positive return value doesn't hurt us.
1846 	 */
1847 	VOP_UNLOCK(vp, 0, curproc);
1848 	uvn_detach(&uvn->u_obj);
1849 	vn_lock(vp, LK_EXCLUSIVE | LK_RETRY, curproc);
1851 	/*
1852 	 * and return...
1853 	 */
1855 	return(TRUE);
1856 }
1858 /*
1859  * uvm_vnp_setsize: grow or shrink a vnode uvn
1860  *
1861  * grow   => just update size value
1862  * shrink => toss un-needed pages
1863  *
1864  * => we assume that the caller has a reference of some sort to the
1865  *	vnode in question so that it will not be yanked out from under
1866  *	us.
1867  *
1868  * called from:
1869  *  => truncate fns (ext2fs_truncate, ffs_truncate, detrunc[msdos])
1870  *  => "write" fns (ext2fs_write, WRITE [ufs/ufs], msdosfs_write, nfs_write)
1871  *  => ffs_balloc [XXX: why? doesn't WRITE handle?]
1872  *  => NFS: nfs_loadattrcache, nfs_getattrcache, nfs_setattr
1873  *  => union fs: union_newsize
1874  */
1876 void
1877 uvm_vnp_setsize(vp, newsize)
1878 	struct vnode *vp;
1879 	voff_t newsize;
1880 {
1881 	struct uvm_vnode *uvn = &vp->v_uvm;
1883 	/*
1884 	 * lock uvn and check for valid object, and if valid: do it!
1885 	 */
1886 	simple_lock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
1887 	if (uvn->u_flags & UVM_VNODE_VALID) {
1889 		/*
1890 		 * now check if the size has changed: if we shrink we had better
1891 		 * toss some pages...
1892 		 */
1894 		if (uvn->u_size > newsize) {
1895 			(void)uvn_flush(&uvn->u_obj, newsize,
1896 			    uvn->u_size, PGO_FREE);
1897 		}
1898 		uvn->u_size = newsize;
1899 	}
1900 	simple_unlock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
1902 	/*
1903 	 * done
1904 	 */
1905 	return;
1906 }
1908 /*
1909  * uvm_vnp_sync: flush all dirty VM pages back to their backing vnodes.
1910  *
1911  * => called from sys_sync with no VM structures locked
1912  * => only one process can do a sync at a time (because the uvn
1913  *    structure only has one queue for sync'ing).  we ensure this
1914  *    by holding the uvn_sync_lock while the sync is in progress.
1915  *    other processes attempting a sync will sleep on this lock
1916  *    until we are done.
1917  */
1919 void
1920 uvm_vnp_sync(mp)
1921 	struct mount *mp;
1922 {
1923 	struct uvm_vnode *uvn;
1924 	struct vnode *vp;
1925 	boolean_t got_lock;
1927 	/*
1928 	 * step 1: ensure we are only ones using the uvn_sync_q by locking
1929 	 * our lock...
1930 	 */
1931 	lockmgr(&uvn_sync_lock, LK_EXCLUSIVE, NULL, curproc);
1933 	/*
1934 	 * step 2: build up a simpleq of uvns of interest based on the
1935 	 * write list.   we gain a reference to uvns of interest.  must
1936 	 * be careful about locking uvn's since we will be holding uvn_wl_lock
1937 	 * in the body of the loop.
1938 	 */
1939 	SIMPLEQ_INIT(&uvn_sync_q);
1940 	simple_lock(&uvn_wl_lock);
1941 	for (uvn = uvn_wlist.lh_first ; uvn != NULL ;
1942 	    uvn = uvn->u_wlist.le_next) {
1944 		vp = (struct vnode *) uvn;
1945 		if (mp && vp->v_mount != mp)
1946 			continue;
1948 		/* attempt to gain reference */
1949 		while ((got_lock = simple_lock_try(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock)) ==
1950 		    						FALSE &&
1951 				(uvn->u_flags & UVM_VNODE_BLOCKED) == 0)
1952 			/* spin */ ;
1954 		/*
1955 		 * we will exit the loop if either if the following are true:
1956 		 *  - we got the lock [always true if NCPU == 1]
1957 		 *  - we failed to get the lock but noticed the vnode was
1958 		 * 	"blocked" -- in this case the vnode must be a dying
1959 		 *	vnode, and since dying vnodes are in the process of
1960 		 *	being flushed out, we can safely skip this one
1961 		 *
1962 		 * we want to skip over the vnode if we did not get the lock,
1963 		 * or if the vnode is already dying (due to the above logic).
1964 		 *
1965 		 * note that uvn must already be valid because we found it on
1966 		 * the wlist (this also means it can't be ALOCK'd).
1967 		 */
1968 		if (!got_lock || (uvn->u_flags & UVM_VNODE_BLOCKED) != 0) {
1969 			if (got_lock)
1970 				simple_unlock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
1971 			continue;		/* skip it */
1972 		}
1974 		/*
1975 		 * gain reference.   watch out for persisting uvns (need to
1976 		 * regain vnode REF).
1977 		 */
1978 		if (uvn->u_obj.uo_refs == 0)
1979 			VREF(vp);
1980 		uvn->u_obj.uo_refs++;
1981 		simple_unlock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
1983 		/*
1984 		 * got it!
1985 		 */
1986 		SIMPLEQ_INSERT_HEAD(&uvn_sync_q, uvn, u_syncq);
1987 	}
1988 	simple_unlock(&uvn_wl_lock);
1990 	/*
1991 	 * step 3: we now have a list of uvn's that may need cleaning.
1992 	 * we are holding the uvn_sync_lock, but have dropped the uvn_wl_lock
1993 	 * (so we can now safely lock uvn's again).
1994 	 */
1996 	for (uvn = uvn_sync_q.sqh_first ; uvn ; uvn = uvn->u_syncq.sqe_next) {
1997 		simple_lock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
1998 #ifdef DEBUG
1999 		if (uvn->u_flags & UVM_VNODE_DYING) {
2000 			printf("uvm_vnp_sync: dying vnode on sync list\n");
2001 		}
2002 #endif
2003 		uvn_flush(&uvn->u_obj, 0, 0,
2006 		/*
2007 		 * if we have the only reference and we just cleaned the uvn,
2008 		 * then we can pull it out of the UVM_VNODE_WRITEABLE state
2009 		 * thus allowing us to avoid thinking about flushing it again
2010 		 * on later sync ops.
2011 		 */
2012 		if (uvn->u_obj.uo_refs == 1 &&
2013 		    (uvn->u_flags & UVM_VNODE_WRITEABLE)) {
2014 			LIST_REMOVE(uvn, u_wlist);
2015 			uvn->u_flags &= ~UVM_VNODE_WRITEABLE;
2016 		}
2018 		simple_unlock(&uvn->u_obj.vmobjlock);
2020 		/* now drop our reference to the uvn */
2021 		uvn_detach(&uvn->u_obj);
2022 	}
2024 	/*
2025 	 * done!  release sync lock
2026 	 */
2027 	lockmgr(&uvn_sync_lock, LK_RELEASE, (void *)0, curproc);
2028 }