xref: /openbsd/usr.bin/make/job.c (revision df930be7)
1 /*	$NetBSD: job.c,v 1.11 1995/09/27 18:44:40 jtc Exp $	*/
3 /*
4  * Copyright (c) 1988, 1989, 1990 The Regents of the University of California.
5  * Copyright (c) 1988, 1989 by Adam de Boor
6  * Copyright (c) 1989 by Berkeley Softworks
7  * All rights reserved.
8  *
9  * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
10  * Adam de Boor.
11  *
12  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
13  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
14  * are met:
15  * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
16  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
17  * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
18  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
19  *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
20  * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
21  *    must display the following acknowledgement:
22  *	This product includes software developed by the University of
23  *	California, Berkeley and its contributors.
24  * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
25  *    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
26  *    without specific prior written permission.
27  *
39  */
41 #ifndef lint
42 #if 0
43 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)job.c	5.15 (Berkeley) 3/1/91";
44 #else
45 static char rcsid[] = "$NetBSD: job.c,v 1.11 1995/09/27 18:44:40 jtc Exp $";
46 #endif
47 #endif /* not lint */
49 /*-
50  * job.c --
51  *	handle the creation etc. of our child processes.
52  *
53  * Interface:
54  *	Job_Make  	    	Start the creation of the given target.
55  *
56  *	Job_CatchChildren   	Check for and handle the termination of any
57  *	    	  	    	children. This must be called reasonably
58  *	    	  	    	frequently to keep the whole make going at
59  *	    	  	    	a decent clip, since job table entries aren't
60  *	    	  	    	removed until their process is caught this way.
61  *	    	  	    	Its single argument is TRUE if the function
62  *	    	  	    	should block waiting for a child to terminate.
63  *
64  *	Job_CatchOutput	    	Print any output our children have produced.
65  *	    	  	    	Should also be called fairly frequently to
66  *	    	  	    	keep the user informed of what's going on.
67  *	    	  	    	If no output is waiting, it will block for
68  *	    	  	    	a time given by the SEL_* constants, below,
69  *	    	  	    	or until output is ready.
70  *
71  *	Job_Init  	    	Called to intialize this module. in addition,
72  *	    	  	    	any commands attached to the .BEGIN target
73  *	    	  	    	are executed before this function returns.
74  *	    	  	    	Hence, the makefile must have been parsed
75  *	    	  	    	before this function is called.
76  *
77  *	Job_Full  	    	Return TRUE if the job table is filled.
78  *
79  *	Job_Empty 	    	Return TRUE if the job table is completely
80  *	    	  	    	empty.
81  *
82  *	Job_ParseShell	    	Given the line following a .SHELL target, parse
83  *	    	  	    	the line as a shell specification. Returns
84  *	    	  	    	FAILURE if the spec was incorrect.
85  *
86  *	Job_End	  	    	Perform any final processing which needs doing.
87  *	    	  	    	This includes the execution of any commands
88  *	    	  	    	which have been/were attached to the .END
89  *	    	  	    	target. It should only be called when the
90  *	    	  	    	job table is empty.
91  *
92  *	Job_AbortAll	    	Abort all currently running jobs. It doesn't
93  *	    	  	    	handle output or do anything for the jobs,
94  *	    	  	    	just kills them. It should only be called in
95  *	    	  	    	an emergency, as it were.
96  *
97  *	Job_CheckCommands   	Verify that the commands for a target are
98  *	    	  	    	ok. Provide them if necessary and possible.
99  *
100  *	Job_Touch 	    	Update a target without really updating it.
101  *
102  *	Job_Wait  	    	Wait for all currently-running jobs to finish.
103  */
105 #include <sys/types.h>
106 #include <sys/stat.h>
107 #include <sys/file.h>
108 #include <sys/time.h>
109 #include <sys/wait.h>
110 #include <fcntl.h>
111 #include <errno.h>
112 #include <signal.h>
113 #include <stdio.h>
114 #include <string.h>
115 #include <signal.h>
116 #include "make.h"
117 #include "hash.h"
118 #include "dir.h"
119 #include "job.h"
120 #include "pathnames.h"
122 extern int  errno;
124 /*
125  * error handling variables
126  */
127 static int     	errors = 0;	    /* number of errors reported */
128 static int    	aborting = 0;	    /* why is the make aborting? */
129 #define ABORT_ERROR	1   	    /* Because of an error */
130 #define ABORT_INTERRUPT	2   	    /* Because it was interrupted */
131 #define ABORT_WAIT	3   	    /* Waiting for jobs to finish */
134 /*
135  * post-make command processing. The node postCommands is really just the
136  * .END target but we keep it around to avoid having to search for it
137  * all the time.
138  */
139 static GNode   	  *postCommands;    /* node containing commands to execute when
140 				     * everything else is done */
141 static int     	  numCommands; 	    /* The number of commands actually printed
142 				     * for a target. Should this number be
143 				     * 0, no shell will be executed. */
146 /*
147  * Return values from JobStart.
148  */
149 #define JOB_RUNNING	0   	/* Job is running */
150 #define JOB_ERROR 	1   	/* Error in starting the job */
151 #define JOB_FINISHED	2   	/* The job is already finished */
152 #define JOB_STOPPED	3   	/* The job is stopped */
154 /*
155  * tfile is the name of a file into which all shell commands are put. It is
156  * used over by removing it before the child shell is executed. The XXXXX in
157  * the string are replaced by the pid of the make process in a 5-character
158  * field with leading zeroes.
159  */
160 static char     tfile[] = TMPPAT;
163 /*
164  * Descriptions for various shells.
165  */
166 static Shell    shells[] = {
167     /*
168      * CSH description. The csh can do echo control by playing
169      * with the setting of the 'echo' shell variable. Sadly,
170      * however, it is unable to do error control nicely.
171      */
172 {
173     "csh",
174     TRUE, "unset verbose", "set verbose", "unset verbose", 10,
175     FALSE, "echo \"%s\"\n", "csh -c \"%s || exit 0\"",
176     "v", "e",
177 },
178     /*
179      * SH description. Echo control is also possible and, under
180      * sun UNIX anyway, one can even control error checking.
181      */
182 {
183     "sh",
184     TRUE, "set -", "set -v", "set -", 5,
185     FALSE, "echo \"%s\"\n", "sh -c '%s || exit 0'\n",
186     "v", "e",
187 },
188     /*
189      * UNKNOWN.
190      */
191 {
192     (char *)0,
193     FALSE, (char *)0, (char *)0, (char *)0, 0,
194     FALSE, (char *)0, (char *)0,
195     (char *)0, (char *)0,
196 }
197 };
198 static Shell 	*commandShell = &shells[DEFSHELL];/* this is the shell to
199 						   * which we pass all
200 						   * commands in the Makefile.
201 						   * It is set by the
202 						   * Job_ParseShell function */
203 static char   	*shellPath = (char *) NULL,	  /* full pathname of
204 						   * executable image */
205                	*shellName;	      	      	  /* last component of shell */
208 static int  	maxJobs;    	/* The most children we can run at once */
209 static int  	maxLocal;    	/* The most local ones we can have */
210 int     	nJobs;	    	/* The number of children currently running */
211 int  		nLocal;    	/* The number of local children */
212 Lst     	jobs;		/* The structures that describe them */
213 Boolean		jobFull;    	/* Flag to tell when the job table is full. It
214 				 * is set TRUE when (1) the total number of
215 				 * running jobs equals the maximum allowed or
216 				 * (2) a job can only be run locally, but
217 				 * nLocal equals maxLocal */
218 #ifndef RMT_WILL_WATCH
219 static fd_set  	outputs;    	/* Set of descriptors of pipes connected to
220 				 * the output channels of children */
221 #endif
223 GNode   	*lastNode;	/* The node for which output was most recently
224 				 * produced. */
225 char    	*targFmt;   	/* Format string to use to head output from a
226 				 * job when it's not the most-recent job heard
227 				 * from */
228 #define TARG_FMT  "--- %s ---\n" /* Default format */
230 /*
231  * When JobStart attempts to run a job remotely but can't, and isn't allowed
232  * to run the job locally, or when Job_CatchChildren detects a job that has
233  * been migrated home, the job is placed on the stoppedJobs queue to be run
234  * when the next job finishes.
235  */
236 Lst		stoppedJobs;	/* Lst of Job structures describing
237 				 * jobs that were stopped due to concurrency
238 				 * limits or migration home */
241 #if defined(USE_PGRP) && defined(SYSV)
242 #define KILL(pid,sig)	killpg (-(pid),(sig))
243 #else
244 # if defined(USE_PGRP)
245 #define KILL(pid,sig)	killpg ((pid),(sig))
246 # else
247 #define KILL(pid,sig)	kill ((pid),(sig))
248 # endif
249 #endif
251 static int JobCondPassSig __P((ClientData, ClientData));
252 static void JobPassSig __P((int));
253 static int JobCmpPid __P((ClientData, ClientData));
254 static int JobPrintCommand __P((ClientData, ClientData));
255 static int JobSaveCommand __P((ClientData, ClientData));
256 static void JobFinish __P((Job *, union wait));
257 static void JobExec __P((Job *, char **));
258 static void JobMakeArgv __P((Job *, char **));
259 static void JobRestart __P((Job *));
260 static int JobStart __P((GNode *, int, Job *));
261 static void JobDoOutput __P((Job *, Boolean));
262 static Shell *JobMatchShell __P((char *));
263 static void JobInterrupt __P((int));
265 /*-
266  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
267  * JobCondPassSig --
268  *	Pass a signal to a job if the job is remote or if USE_PGRP
269  *	is defined.
270  *
271  * Results:
272  *	=== 0
273  *
274  * Side Effects:
275  *	None, except the job may bite it.
276  *
277  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
278  */
279 static int
280 JobCondPassSig(jobp, signop)
281     ClientData	    	jobp;	    /* Job to biff */
282     ClientData	    	signop;	    /* Signal to send it */
283 {
284     Job	*job = (Job *) jobp;
285     int	signo = *(int *) signop;
287     if (job->flags & JOB_REMOTE) {
288 	(void)Rmt_Signal(job, signo);
289     } else {
290 	KILL(job->pid, signo);
291     }
292 #else
293     /*
294      * Assume that sending the signal to job->pid will signal any remote
295      * job as well.
296      */
297     KILL(job->pid, signo);
298 #endif
299     return(0);
300 }
302 /*-
303  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
304  * JobPassSig --
305  *	Pass a signal on to all remote jobs and to all local jobs if
306  *	USE_PGRP is defined, then die ourselves.
307  *
308  * Results:
309  *	None.
310  *
311  * Side Effects:
312  *	We die by the same signal.
313  *
314  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
315  */
316 static void
317 JobPassSig(signo)
318     int	    signo;	/* The signal number we've received */
319 {
320     int	    mask;
322     Lst_ForEach(jobs, JobCondPassSig, (ClientData)(long)signo);
324     /*
325      * Deal with proper cleanup based on the signal received. We only run
326      * the .INTERRUPT target if the signal was in fact an interrupt. The other
327      * three termination signals are more of a "get out *now*" command.
328      */
329     if (signo == SIGINT) {
330 	JobInterrupt(TRUE);
331     } else if ((signo == SIGHUP) || (signo == SIGTERM) || (signo == SIGQUIT)) {
332 	JobInterrupt(FALSE);
333     }
335     /*
336      * Leave gracefully if SIGQUIT, rather than core dumping.
337      */
338     if (signo == SIGQUIT) {
339 	Finish(0);
340     }
342     /*
343      * Send ourselves the signal now we've given the message to everyone else.
344      * Note we block everything else possible while we're getting the signal.
345      * This ensures that all our jobs get continued when we wake up before
346      * we take any other signal.
347      */
348     mask = sigblock(0);
349     (void) sigsetmask(~0 & ~(1 << (signo-1)));
350     signal(signo, SIG_DFL);
352     kill(getpid(), signo);
354     signo = SIGCONT;
355     Lst_ForEach(jobs, JobCondPassSig, (ClientData) &signo);
357     sigsetmask(mask);
358     signal(signo, JobPassSig);
360 }
362 /*-
363  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
364  * JobCmpPid  --
365  *	Compare the pid of the job with the given pid and return 0 if they
366  *	are equal. This function is called from Job_CatchChildren via
367  *	Lst_Find to find the job descriptor of the finished job.
368  *
369  * Results:
370  *	0 if the pid's match
371  *
372  * Side Effects:
373  *	None
374  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
375  */
376 static int
377 JobCmpPid (job, pid)
378     ClientData        job;	/* job to examine */
379     ClientData        pid;	/* process id desired */
380 {
381     return ( *(int *) pid - ((Job *) job)->pid);
382 }
384 /*-
385  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
386  * JobPrintCommand  --
387  *	Put out another command for the given job. If the command starts
388  *	with an @ or a - we process it specially. In the former case,
389  *	so long as the -s and -n flags weren't given to make, we stick
390  *	a shell-specific echoOff command in the script. In the latter,
391  *	we ignore errors for the entire job, unless the shell has error
392  *	control.
393  *	If the command is just "..." we take all future commands for this
394  *	job to be commands to be executed once the entire graph has been
395  *	made and return non-zero to signal that the end of the commands
396  *	was reached. These commands are later attached to the postCommands
397  *	node and executed by Job_End when all things are done.
398  *	This function is called from JobStart via Lst_ForEach.
399  *
400  * Results:
401  *	Always 0, unless the command was "..."
402  *
403  * Side Effects:
404  *	If the command begins with a '-' and the shell has no error control,
405  *	the JOB_IGNERR flag is set in the job descriptor.
406  *	If the command is "..." and we're not ignoring such things,
407  *	tailCmds is set to the successor node of the cmd.
408  *	numCommands is incremented if the command is actually printed.
409  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
410  */
411 static int
412 JobPrintCommand (cmdp, jobp)
413     ClientData    cmdp;	    	    /* command string to print */
414     ClientData    jobp;	    	    /* job for which to print it */
415 {
416     Boolean	  noSpecials;	    /* true if we shouldn't worry about
417 				     * inserting special commands into
418 				     * the input stream. */
419     Boolean       shutUp = FALSE;   /* true if we put a no echo command
420 				     * into the command file */
421     Boolean	  errOff = FALSE;   /* true if we turned error checking
422 				     * off before printing the command
423 				     * and need to turn it back on */
424     char       	  *cmdTemplate;	    /* Template to use when printing the
425 				     * command */
426     char    	  *cmdStart;	    /* Start of expanded command */
427     LstNode 	  cmdNode;  	    /* Node for replacing the command */
428     char     	  *cmd = (char *) cmdp;
429     Job           *job = (Job *) jobp;
431     noSpecials = (noExecute && ! (job->node->type & OP_MAKE));
433     if (strcmp (cmd, "...") == 0) {
434 	job->node->type |= OP_SAVE_CMDS;
435 	if ((job->flags & JOB_IGNDOTS) == 0) {
436 	    job->tailCmds = Lst_Succ (Lst_Member (job->node->commands,
437 						  (ClientData)cmd));
438 	    return (1);
439 	}
440 	return (0);
441     }
443 #define DBPRINTF(fmt, arg) if (DEBUG(JOB)) printf (fmt, arg); fprintf (job->cmdFILE, fmt, arg)
445     numCommands += 1;
447     /*
448      * For debugging, we replace each command with the result of expanding
449      * the variables in the command.
450      */
451     cmdNode = Lst_Member (job->node->commands, (ClientData)cmd);
452     cmdStart = cmd = Var_Subst (NULL, cmd, job->node, FALSE);
453     Lst_Replace (cmdNode, (ClientData)cmdStart);
455     cmdTemplate = "%s\n";
457     /*
458      * Check for leading @' and -'s to control echoing and error checking.
459      */
460     while (*cmd == '@' || *cmd == '-') {
461 	if (*cmd == '@') {
462 	    shutUp = TRUE;
463 	} else {
464 	    errOff = TRUE;
465 	}
466 	cmd++;
467     }
469     while (isspace((unsigned char) *cmd))
470 	cmd++;
472     if (shutUp) {
473 	if (! (job->flags & JOB_SILENT) && !noSpecials &&
474 	    commandShell->hasEchoCtl) {
475 		DBPRINTF ("%s\n", commandShell->echoOff);
476 	} else {
477 	    shutUp = FALSE;
478 	}
479     }
481     if (errOff) {
482 	if ( ! (job->flags & JOB_IGNERR) && !noSpecials) {
483 	    if (commandShell->hasErrCtl) {
484 		/*
485 		 * we don't want the error-control commands showing
486 		 * up either, so we turn off echoing while executing
487 		 * them. We could put another field in the shell
488 		 * structure to tell JobDoOutput to look for this
489 		 * string too, but why make it any more complex than
490 		 * it already is?
491 		 */
492 		if (! (job->flags & JOB_SILENT) && !shutUp &&
493 		    commandShell->hasEchoCtl) {
494 			DBPRINTF ("%s\n", commandShell->echoOff);
495 			DBPRINTF ("%s\n", commandShell->ignErr);
496 			DBPRINTF ("%s\n", commandShell->echoOn);
497 		} else {
498 		    DBPRINTF ("%s\n", commandShell->ignErr);
499 		}
500 	    } else if (commandShell->ignErr &&
501 		       (*commandShell->ignErr != '\0'))
502 	    {
503 		/*
504 		 * The shell has no error control, so we need to be
505 		 * weird to get it to ignore any errors from the command.
506 		 * If echoing is turned on, we turn it off and use the
507 		 * errCheck template to echo the command. Leave echoing
508 		 * off so the user doesn't see the weirdness we go through
509 		 * to ignore errors. Set cmdTemplate to use the weirdness
510 		 * instead of the simple "%s\n" template.
511 		 */
512 		if (! (job->flags & JOB_SILENT) && !shutUp &&
513 		    commandShell->hasEchoCtl) {
514 			DBPRINTF ("%s\n", commandShell->echoOff);
515 			DBPRINTF (commandShell->errCheck, cmd);
516 			shutUp = TRUE;
517 		}
518 		cmdTemplate = commandShell->ignErr;
519 		/*
520 		 * The error ignoration (hee hee) is already taken care
521 		 * of by the ignErr template, so pretend error checking
522 		 * is still on.
523 		 */
524 		errOff = FALSE;
525 	    } else {
526 		errOff = FALSE;
527 	    }
528 	} else {
529 	    errOff = FALSE;
530 	}
531     }
533     DBPRINTF (cmdTemplate, cmd);
535     if (errOff) {
536 	/*
537 	 * If echoing is already off, there's no point in issuing the
538 	 * echoOff command. Otherwise we issue it and pretend it was on
539 	 * for the whole command...
540 	 */
541 	if (!shutUp && !(job->flags & JOB_SILENT) && commandShell->hasEchoCtl){
542 	    DBPRINTF ("%s\n", commandShell->echoOff);
543 	    shutUp = TRUE;
544 	}
545 	DBPRINTF ("%s\n", commandShell->errCheck);
546     }
547     if (shutUp) {
548 	DBPRINTF ("%s\n", commandShell->echoOn);
549     }
550     return (0);
551 }
553 /*-
554  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
555  * JobSaveCommand --
556  *	Save a command to be executed when everything else is done.
557  *	Callback function for JobFinish...
558  *
559  * Results:
560  *	Always returns 0
561  *
562  * Side Effects:
563  *	The command is tacked onto the end of postCommands's commands list.
564  *
565  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
566  */
567 static int
568 JobSaveCommand (cmd, gn)
569     ClientData   cmd;
570     ClientData   gn;
571 {
572     cmd = (ClientData) Var_Subst (NULL, (char *) cmd, (GNode *) gn, FALSE);
573     (void)Lst_AtEnd (postCommands->commands, cmd);
574     return (0);
575 }
577 /*-
578  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
579  * JobFinish  --
580  *	Do final processing for the given job including updating
581  *	parents and starting new jobs as available/necessary. Note
582  *	that we pay no attention to the JOB_IGNERR flag here.
583  *	This is because when we're called because of a noexecute flag
584  *	or something, jstat.w_status is 0 and when called from
585  *	Job_CatchChildren, the status is zeroed if it s/b ignored.
586  *
587  * Results:
588  *	None
589  *
590  * Side Effects:
591  *	Some nodes may be put on the toBeMade queue.
592  *	Final commands for the job are placed on postCommands.
593  *
594  *	If we got an error and are aborting (aborting == ABORT_ERROR) and
595  *	the job list is now empty, we are done for the day.
596  *	If we recognized an error (errors !=0), we set the aborting flag
597  *	to ABORT_ERROR so no more jobs will be started.
598  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
599  */
600 /*ARGSUSED*/
601 static void
602 JobFinish (job, status)
603     Job           *job;	      	  /* job to finish */
604     union wait	  status;     	  /* sub-why job went away */
605 {
606     Boolean 	  done;
608     if ((WIFEXITED(status) &&
609 	  (((status.w_retcode != 0) && !(job->flags & JOB_IGNERR)))) ||
610 	(WIFSIGNALED(status) && (status.w_termsig != SIGCONT)))
611     {
612 	/*
613 	 * If it exited non-zero and either we're doing things our
614 	 * way or we're not ignoring errors, the job is finished.
615 	 * Similarly, if the shell died because of a signal
616 	 * the job is also finished. In these
617 	 * cases, finish out the job's output before printing the exit
618 	 * status...
619 	 */
620 	if (usePipes) {
621 #ifdef RMT_WILL_WATCH
622 	    Rmt_Ignore(job->inPipe);
623 #else
624 	    FD_CLR(job->inPipe, &outputs);
625 #endif /* RMT_WILL_WATCH */
626 	    if (job->outPipe != job->inPipe) {
627 		(void)close (job->outPipe);
628 	    }
629 	    JobDoOutput (job, TRUE);
630 	    (void)close (job->inPipe);
631 	} else {
632 	    (void)close (job->outFd);
633 	    JobDoOutput (job, TRUE);
634 	}
636 	if (job->cmdFILE != NULL && job->cmdFILE != stdout) {
637 	    fclose(job->cmdFILE);
638 	}
639 	done = TRUE;
640     } else if (WIFEXITED(status) && status.w_retcode != 0) {
641 	/*
642 	 * Deal with ignored errors in -B mode. We need to print a message
643 	 * telling of the ignored error as well as setting status.w_status
644 	 * to 0 so the next command gets run. To do this, we set done to be
645 	 * TRUE if in -B mode and the job exited non-zero. Note we don't
646 	 * want to close down any of the streams until we know we're at the
647 	 * end.
648 	 */
649 	done = TRUE;
650     } else {
651 	/*
652 	 * No need to close things down or anything.
653 	 */
654 	done = FALSE;
655     }
657     if (done ||
658 	WIFSTOPPED(status) ||
659 	(WIFSIGNALED(status) && (status.w_termsig == SIGCONT)) ||
660 	DEBUG(JOB))
661     {
662 	FILE	  *out;
664 	if (!usePipes && (job->flags & JOB_IGNERR)) {
665 	    /*
666 	     * If output is going to a file and this job is ignoring
667 	     * errors, arrange to have the exit status sent to the
668 	     * output file as well.
669 	     */
670 	    out = fdopen (job->outFd, "w");
671 	} else {
672 	    out = stdout;
673 	}
675 	if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
676 	    if (status.w_retcode != 0) {
677 		if (usePipes && job->node != lastNode) {
678 		    fprintf (out, targFmt, job->node->name);
679 		    lastNode = job->node;
680 		}
681 		fprintf (out, "*** Error code %d%s\n", status.w_retcode,
682 			 (job->flags & JOB_IGNERR) ? " (ignored)" : "");
684 		if (job->flags & JOB_IGNERR) {
685 		    status.w_status = 0;
686 		}
687 	    } else if (DEBUG(JOB)) {
688 		if (usePipes && job->node != lastNode) {
689 		    fprintf (out, targFmt, job->node->name);
690 		    lastNode = job->node;
691 		}
692 		fprintf (out, "*** Completed successfully\n");
693 	    }
694 	} else if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) {
695 	    if (usePipes && job->node != lastNode) {
696 		fprintf (out, targFmt, job->node->name);
697 		lastNode = job->node;
698 	    }
699 	    if (! (job->flags & JOB_REMIGRATE)) {
700 		fprintf (out, "*** Stopped -- signal %d\n", status.w_stopsig);
701 	    }
702 	    job->flags |= JOB_RESUME;
703 	    (void)Lst_AtEnd(stoppedJobs, (ClientData)job);
704 	    fflush(out);
705 	    return;
706 	} else if (status.w_termsig == SIGCONT) {
707 	    /*
708 	     * If the beastie has continued, shift the Job from the stopped
709 	     * list to the running one (or re-stop it if concurrency is
710 	     * exceeded) and go and get another child.
711 	     */
712 	    if (job->flags & (JOB_RESUME|JOB_REMIGRATE|JOB_RESTART)) {
713 		if (usePipes && job->node != lastNode) {
714 		    fprintf (out, targFmt, job->node->name);
715 		    lastNode = job->node;
716 		}
717 		fprintf (out, "*** Continued\n");
718 	    }
719 	    if (! (job->flags & JOB_CONTINUING)) {
720 		JobRestart(job);
721 	    } else {
722 		Lst_AtEnd(jobs, (ClientData)job);
723 		nJobs += 1;
724 		if (! (job->flags & JOB_REMOTE)) {
725 		    nLocal += 1;
726 		}
727 		if (nJobs == maxJobs) {
728 		    jobFull = TRUE;
729 		    if (DEBUG(JOB)) {
730 			printf("Job queue is full.\n");
731 		    }
732 		}
733 	    }
734 	    fflush(out);
735 	    return;
736 	} else {
737 	    if (usePipes && job->node != lastNode) {
738 		fprintf (out, targFmt, job->node->name);
739 		lastNode = job->node;
740 	    }
741 	    fprintf (out, "*** Signal %d\n", status.w_termsig);
742 	}
744 	fflush (out);
745     }
747     /*
748      * Now handle the -B-mode stuff. If the beast still isn't finished,
749      * try and restart the job on the next command. If JobStart says it's
750      * ok, it's ok. If there's an error, this puppy is done.
751      */
752     if ((status.w_status == 0) &&
753 	!Lst_IsAtEnd (job->node->commands))
754     {
755 	switch (JobStart (job->node,
756 			  job->flags & JOB_IGNDOTS,
757 			  job))
758 	{
759 	    case JOB_RUNNING:
760 		done = FALSE;
761 		break;
762 	    case JOB_ERROR:
763 		done = TRUE;
764 		status.w_retcode = 1;
765 		break;
766 	    case JOB_FINISHED:
767 		/*
768 		 * If we got back a JOB_FINISHED code, JobStart has already
769 		 * called Make_Update and freed the job descriptor. We set
770 		 * done to false here to avoid fake cycles and double frees.
771 		 * JobStart needs to do the update so we can proceed up the
772 		 * graph when given the -n flag..
773 		 */
774 		done = FALSE;
775 		break;
776 	}
777     } else {
778 	done = TRUE;
779     }
782     if (done &&
783 	(aborting != ABORT_ERROR) &&
784 	(aborting != ABORT_INTERRUPT) &&
785 	(status.w_status == 0))
786     {
787 	/*
788 	 * As long as we aren't aborting and the job didn't return a non-zero
789 	 * status that we shouldn't ignore, we call Make_Update to update
790 	 * the parents. In addition, any saved commands for the node are placed
791 	 * on the .END target.
792 	 */
793 	if (job->tailCmds != NILLNODE) {
794 	    Lst_ForEachFrom (job->node->commands, job->tailCmds,
795 			     JobSaveCommand,
796 			     (ClientData)job->node);
797 	}
798 	job->node->made = MADE;
799 	Make_Update (job->node);
800 	free((Address)job);
801     } else if (status.w_status) {
802 	errors += 1;
803 	free((Address)job);
804     }
806     while (!errors && !jobFull && !Lst_IsEmpty(stoppedJobs)) {
807 	JobRestart((Job *)Lst_DeQueue(stoppedJobs));
808     }
810     /*
811      * Set aborting if any error.
812      */
813     if (errors && !keepgoing && (aborting != ABORT_INTERRUPT)) {
814 	/*
815 	 * If we found any errors in this batch of children and the -k flag
816 	 * wasn't given, we set the aborting flag so no more jobs get
817 	 * started.
818 	 */
819 	aborting = ABORT_ERROR;
820     }
822     if ((aborting == ABORT_ERROR) && Job_Empty()) {
823 	/*
824 	 * If we are aborting and the job table is now empty, we finish.
825 	 */
826 	(void) unlink (tfile);
827 	Finish (errors);
828     }
829 }
831 /*-
832  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
833  * Job_Touch --
834  *	Touch the given target. Called by JobStart when the -t flag was
835  *	given
836  *
837  * Results:
838  *	None
839  *
840  * Side Effects:
841  *	The data modification of the file is changed. In addition, if the
842  *	file did not exist, it is created.
843  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
844  */
845 void
846 Job_Touch (gn, silent)
847     GNode         *gn;	      	/* the node of the file to touch */
848     Boolean 	  silent;   	/* TRUE if should not print messages */
849 {
850     int		  streamID;   	/* ID of stream opened to do the touch */
851     struct timeval times[2];	/* Times for utimes() call */
853     if (gn->type & (OP_JOIN|OP_USE|OP_EXEC|OP_OPTIONAL)) {
854 	/*
855 	 * .JOIN, .USE, .ZEROTIME and .OPTIONAL targets are "virtual" targets
856 	 * and, as such, shouldn't really be created.
857 	 */
858 	return;
859     }
861     if (!silent) {
862 	printf ("touch %s\n", gn->name);
863     }
865     if (noExecute) {
866 	return;
867     }
869     if (gn->type & OP_ARCHV) {
870 	Arch_Touch (gn);
871     } else if (gn->type & OP_LIB) {
872 	Arch_TouchLib (gn);
873     } else {
874 	char	*file = gn->path ? gn->path : gn->name;
876 	times[0].tv_sec = times[1].tv_sec = now;
877 	times[0].tv_usec = times[1].tv_usec = 0;
878 	if (utimes(file, times) < 0){
879 	    streamID = open (file, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666);
881 	    if (streamID >= 0) {
882 		char	c;
884 		/*
885 		 * Read and write a byte to the file to change the
886 		 * modification time, then close the file.
887 		 */
888 		if (read(streamID, &c, 1) == 1) {
889 		    lseek(streamID, (off_t) 0, SEEK_SET);
890 		    write(streamID, &c, 1);
891 		}
893 		(void)close (streamID);
894 	    } else
895 		printf("*** couldn't touch %s: %s", file, strerror(errno));
896 	}
897     }
898 }
900 /*-
901  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
902  * Job_CheckCommands --
903  *	Make sure the given node has all the commands it needs.
904  *
905  * Results:
906  *	TRUE if the commands list is/was ok.
907  *
908  * Side Effects:
909  *	The node will have commands from the .DEFAULT rule added to it
910  *	if it needs them.
911  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
912  */
913 Boolean
914 Job_CheckCommands (gn, abortProc)
915     GNode          *gn;	    	    /* The target whose commands need
916 				     * verifying */
917     void    	  (*abortProc) __P((char *, ...));
918 			/* Function to abort with message */
919 {
920     if (OP_NOP(gn->type) && Lst_IsEmpty (gn->commands) &&
921 	(gn->type & OP_LIB) == 0) {
922 	/*
923 	 * No commands. Look for .DEFAULT rule from which we might infer
924 	 * commands
925 	 */
926 	if ((DEFAULT != NILGNODE) && !Lst_IsEmpty(DEFAULT->commands)) {
927 	    char *p1;
928 	    /*
929 	     * Make only looks for a .DEFAULT if the node was never the
930 	     * target of an operator, so that's what we do too. If
931 	     * a .DEFAULT was given, we substitute its commands for gn's
932 	     * commands and set the IMPSRC variable to be the target's name
933 	     * The DEFAULT node acts like a transformation rule, in that
934 	     * gn also inherits any attributes or sources attached to
935 	     * .DEFAULT itself.
936 	     */
937 	    Make_HandleUse(DEFAULT, gn);
938 	    Var_Set (IMPSRC, Var_Value (TARGET, gn, &p1), gn);
939 	    if (p1)
940 		free(p1);
941 	} else if (Dir_MTime (gn) == 0) {
942 	    /*
943 	     * The node wasn't the target of an operator we have no .DEFAULT
944 	     * rule to go on and the target doesn't already exist. There's
945 	     * nothing more we can do for this branch. If the -k flag wasn't
946 	     * given, we stop in our tracks, otherwise we just don't update
947 	     * this node's parents so they never get examined.
948 	     */
949 	    if (gn->type & OP_OPTIONAL) {
950 		printf ("make: don't know how to make %s (ignored)\n",
951 			gn->name);
952 	    } else if (keepgoing) {
953 		printf ("make: don't know how to make %s (continuing)\n",
954 			gn->name);
955 		return (FALSE);
956 	    } else {
957 		(*abortProc) ("make: don't know how to make %s. Stop",
958 			     gn->name);
959 		return(FALSE);
960 	    }
961 	}
962     }
963     return (TRUE);
964 }
965 #ifdef RMT_WILL_WATCH
966 /*-
967  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
968  * JobLocalInput --
969  *	Handle a pipe becoming readable. Callback function for Rmt_Watch
970  *
971  * Results:
972  *	None
973  *
974  * Side Effects:
975  *	JobDoOutput is called.
976  *
977  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
978  */
979 /*ARGSUSED*/
980 static void
981 JobLocalInput(stream, job)
982     int	    stream; 	/* Stream that's ready (ignored) */
983     Job	    *job;   	/* Job to which the stream belongs */
984 {
985     JobDoOutput(job, FALSE);
986 }
987 #endif /* RMT_WILL_WATCH */
989 /*-
990  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
991  * JobExec --
992  *	Execute the shell for the given job. Called from JobStart and
993  *	JobRestart.
994  *
995  * Results:
996  *	None.
997  *
998  * Side Effects:
999  *	A shell is executed, outputs is altered and the Job structure added
1000  *	to the job table.
1001  *
1002  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1003  */
1004 static void
1005 JobExec(job, argv)
1006     Job	    	  *job; 	/* Job to execute */
1007     char    	  **argv;
1008 {
1009     int	    	  cpid;	    	/* ID of new child */
1011     if (DEBUG(JOB)) {
1012 	int 	  i;
1014 	printf("Running %s %sly\n", job->node->name,
1015 	       job->flags&JOB_REMOTE?"remote":"local");
1016 	printf("\tCommand: ");
1017 	for (i = 0; argv[i] != (char *)NULL; i++) {
1018 	    printf("%s ", argv[i]);
1019 	}
1020 	printf("\n");
1021     }
1023     /*
1024      * Some jobs produce no output and it's disconcerting to have
1025      * no feedback of their running (since they produce no output, the
1026      * banner with their name in it never appears). This is an attempt to
1027      * provide that feedback, even if nothing follows it.
1028      */
1029     if ((lastNode != job->node) && (job->flags & JOB_FIRST) &&
1030 	!(job->flags & JOB_SILENT))
1031     {
1032 	printf(targFmt, job->node->name);
1033 	lastNode = job->node;
1034     }
1036 #ifdef RMT_NO_EXEC
1037     if (job->flags & JOB_REMOTE) {
1038 	goto jobExecFinish;
1039     }
1040 #endif /* RMT_NO_EXEC */
1042     if ((cpid =  vfork()) == -1) {
1043 	Punt ("Cannot fork");
1044     } else if (cpid == 0) {
1046 	/*
1047 	 * Must duplicate the input stream down to the child's input and
1048 	 * reset it to the beginning (again). Since the stream was marked
1049 	 * close-on-exec, we must clear that bit in the new input.
1050 	 */
1051 	(void) dup2(fileno(job->cmdFILE), 0);
1052 	fcntl(0, F_SETFD, 0);
1053 	lseek(0, (off_t) 0, SEEK_SET);
1055 	if (usePipes) {
1056 	    /*
1057 	     * Set up the child's output to be routed through the pipe
1058 	     * we've created for it.
1059 	     */
1060 	    (void) dup2 (job->outPipe, 1);
1061 	} else {
1062 	    /*
1063 	     * We're capturing output in a file, so we duplicate the
1064 	     * descriptor to the temporary file into the standard
1065 	     * output.
1066 	     */
1067 	    (void) dup2 (job->outFd, 1);
1068 	}
1069 	/*
1070 	 * The output channels are marked close on exec. This bit was
1071 	 * duplicated by the dup2 (on some systems), so we have to clear
1072 	 * it before routing the shell's error output to the same place as
1073 	 * its standard output.
1074 	 */
1075 	fcntl(1, F_SETFD, 0);
1076 	(void) dup2 (1, 2);
1078 #ifdef USE_PGRP
1079 	/*
1080 	 * We want to switch the child into a different process family so
1081 	 * we can kill it and all its descendants in one fell swoop,
1082 	 * by killing its process family, but not commit suicide.
1083 	 */
1085 	(void) setpgrp(0, getpid());
1086 #endif USE_PGRP
1088 	(void) execv (shellPath, argv);
1089 	(void) write (2, "Could not execute shell\n",
1090 		 sizeof ("Could not execute shell"));
1091 	_exit (1);
1092     } else {
1093 	job->pid = cpid;
1095 	if (usePipes && (job->flags & JOB_FIRST) ) {
1096 	    /*
1097 	     * The first time a job is run for a node, we set the current
1098 	     * position in the buffer to the beginning and mark another
1099 	     * stream to watch in the outputs mask
1100 	     */
1101 	    job->curPos = 0;
1103 #ifdef RMT_WILL_WATCH
1104 	    Rmt_Watch(job->inPipe, JobLocalInput, job);
1105 #else
1106 	    FD_SET(job->inPipe, &outputs);
1107 #endif /* RMT_WILL_WATCH */
1108 	}
1110 	if (job->flags & JOB_REMOTE) {
1111 	    job->rmtID = 0;
1112 	} else {
1113 	    nLocal += 1;
1114 	    /*
1115 	     * XXX: Used to not happen if CUSTOMS. Why?
1116 	     */
1117 	    if (job->cmdFILE != stdout) {
1118 		fclose(job->cmdFILE);
1119 		job->cmdFILE = NULL;
1120 	    }
1121 	}
1122     }
1124 #ifdef RMT_NO_EXEC
1125 jobExecFinish:
1126 #endif
1127     /*
1128      * Now the job is actually running, add it to the table.
1129      */
1130     nJobs += 1;
1131     (void)Lst_AtEnd (jobs, (ClientData)job);
1132     if (nJobs == maxJobs) {
1133 	jobFull = TRUE;
1134     }
1135 }
1137 /*-
1138  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1139  * JobMakeArgv --
1140  *	Create the argv needed to execute the shell for a given job.
1141  *
1142  *
1143  * Results:
1144  *
1145  * Side Effects:
1146  *
1147  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1148  */
1149 static void
1150 JobMakeArgv(job, argv)
1151     Job	    	  *job;
1152     char	  **argv;
1153 {
1154     int	    	  argc;
1155     static char	  args[10]; 	/* For merged arguments */
1157     argv[0] = shellName;
1158     argc = 1;
1160     if ((commandShell->exit && (*commandShell->exit != '-')) ||
1161 	(commandShell->echo && (*commandShell->echo != '-')))
1162     {
1163 	/*
1164 	 * At least one of the flags doesn't have a minus before it, so
1165 	 * merge them together. Have to do this because the *(&(@*#*&#$#
1166 	 * Bourne shell thinks its second argument is a file to source.
1167 	 * Grrrr. Note the ten-character limitation on the combined arguments.
1168 	 */
1169 	(void)sprintf(args, "-%s%s",
1170 		      ((job->flags & JOB_IGNERR) ? "" :
1171 		       (commandShell->exit ? commandShell->exit : "")),
1172 		      ((job->flags & JOB_SILENT) ? "" :
1173 		       (commandShell->echo ? commandShell->echo : "")));
1175 	if (args[1]) {
1176 	    argv[argc] = args;
1177 	    argc++;
1178 	}
1179     } else {
1180 	if (!(job->flags & JOB_IGNERR) && commandShell->exit) {
1181 	    argv[argc] = commandShell->exit;
1182 	    argc++;
1183 	}
1184 	if (!(job->flags & JOB_SILENT) && commandShell->echo) {
1185 	    argv[argc] = commandShell->echo;
1186 	    argc++;
1187 	}
1188     }
1189     argv[argc] = (char *)NULL;
1190 }
1192 /*-
1193  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1194  * JobRestart --
1195  *	Restart a job that stopped for some reason.
1196  *
1197  * Results:
1198  *	None.
1199  *
1200  * Side Effects:
1201  *	jobFull will be set if the job couldn't be run.
1202  *
1203  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1204  */
1205 static void
1206 JobRestart(job)
1207     Job 	  *job;    	/* Job to restart */
1208 {
1209     if (job->flags & JOB_REMIGRATE) {
1210 	if (DEBUG(JOB)) {
1211 	    printf("Remigrating %x\n", job->pid);
1212 	}
1213 	if (nLocal != maxLocal) {
1214 		/*
1215 		 * Job cannot be remigrated, but there's room on the local
1216 		 * machine, so resume the job and note that another
1217 		 * local job has started.
1218 		 */
1219 		if (DEBUG(JOB)) {
1220 		    printf("resuming on local machine\n");
1221 	        }
1222 		KILL(job->pid, SIGCONT);
1223 		nLocal +=1;
1224 		job->flags &= ~(JOB_REMIGRATE|JOB_RESUME);
1225 	} else {
1226 		/*
1227 		 * Job cannot be restarted. Mark the table as full and
1228 		 * place the job back on the list of stopped jobs.
1229 		 */
1230 		if (DEBUG(JOB)) {
1231 		    printf("holding\n");
1232 		}
1233 		(void)Lst_AtFront(stoppedJobs, (ClientData)job);
1234 		jobFull = TRUE;
1235 		if (DEBUG(JOB)) {
1236 		    printf("Job queue is full.\n");
1237 		}
1238 		return;
1239 	}
1241 	(void)Lst_AtEnd(jobs, (ClientData)job);
1242 	nJobs += 1;
1243 	if (nJobs == maxJobs) {
1244 	    jobFull = TRUE;
1245 	    if (DEBUG(JOB)) {
1246 		printf("Job queue is full.\n");
1247 	    }
1248 	}
1249     } else if (job->flags & JOB_RESTART) {
1250 	/*
1251 	 * Set up the control arguments to the shell. This is based on the
1252 	 * flags set earlier for this job. If the JOB_IGNERR flag is clear,
1253 	 * the 'exit' flag of the commandShell is used to cause it to exit
1254 	 * upon receiving an error. If the JOB_SILENT flag is clear, the
1255 	 * 'echo' flag of the commandShell is used to get it to start echoing
1256 	 * as soon as it starts processing commands.
1257 	 */
1258 	char	  *argv[4];
1260 	JobMakeArgv(job, argv);
1262 	if (DEBUG(JOB)) {
1263 	    printf("Restarting %s...", job->node->name);
1264 	}
1265 	if (((nLocal >= maxLocal) && ! (job->flags & JOB_SPECIAL))) {
1266 		/*
1267 		 * Can't be exported and not allowed to run locally -- put it
1268 		 * back on the hold queue and mark the table full
1269 		 */
1270 		if (DEBUG(JOB)) {
1271 		    printf("holding\n");
1272 		}
1273 		(void)Lst_AtFront(stoppedJobs, (ClientData)job);
1274 		jobFull = TRUE;
1275 		if (DEBUG(JOB)) {
1276 		    printf("Job queue is full.\n");
1277 		}
1278 		return;
1279 	} else {
1280 		/*
1281 		 * Job may be run locally.
1282 		 */
1283 		if (DEBUG(JOB)) {
1284 		    printf("running locally\n");
1285 		}
1286 		job->flags &= ~JOB_REMOTE;
1287 	}
1288 	JobExec(job, argv);
1289     } else {
1290 	/*
1291 	 * The job has stopped and needs to be restarted. Why it stopped,
1292 	 * we don't know...
1293 	 */
1294 	if (DEBUG(JOB)) {
1295 	    printf("Resuming %s...", job->node->name);
1296 	}
1297 	if (((job->flags & JOB_REMOTE) ||
1298 	     (nLocal < maxLocal) ||
1299 	     (((job->flags & JOB_SPECIAL)) &&
1300 	      (maxLocal == 0))) &&
1301 	    (nJobs != maxJobs))
1302 	{
1303 	    /*
1304 	     * If the job is remote, it's ok to resume it as long as the
1305 	     * maximum concurrency won't be exceeded. If it's local and
1306 	     * we haven't reached the local concurrency limit already (or the
1307 	     * job must be run locally and maxLocal is 0), it's also ok to
1308 	     * resume it.
1309 	     */
1310 	    Boolean error;
1311 	    extern int errno;
1312 	    union wait status;
1315 	    if (job->flags & JOB_REMOTE) {
1316 		error = !Rmt_Signal(job, SIGCONT);
1317 	    } else
1318 #endif	/* RMT_WANTS_SIGNALS */
1319 		error = (KILL(job->pid, SIGCONT) != 0);
1321 	    if (!error) {
1322 		/*
1323 		 * Make sure the user knows we've continued the beast and
1324 		 * actually put the thing in the job table.
1325 		 */
1326 		job->flags |= JOB_CONTINUING;
1327 		status.w_termsig = SIGCONT;
1328 		JobFinish(job, status);
1330 		job->flags &= ~(JOB_RESUME|JOB_CONTINUING);
1331 		if (DEBUG(JOB)) {
1332 		    printf("done\n");
1333 		}
1334 	    } else {
1335 		Error("couldn't resume %s: %s",
1336 		    job->node->name, strerror(errno));
1337 		status.w_status = 0;
1338 		status.w_retcode = 1;
1339 		JobFinish(job, status);
1340 	    }
1341 	} else {
1342 	    /*
1343 	     * Job cannot be restarted. Mark the table as full and
1344 	     * place the job back on the list of stopped jobs.
1345 	     */
1346 	    if (DEBUG(JOB)) {
1347 		printf("table full\n");
1348 	    }
1349 	    (void)Lst_AtFront(stoppedJobs, (ClientData)job);
1350 	    jobFull = TRUE;
1351 	    if (DEBUG(JOB)) {
1352 		printf("Job queue is full.\n");
1353 	    }
1354 	}
1355     }
1356 }
1358 /*-
1359  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1360  * JobStart  --
1361  *	Start a target-creation process going for the target described
1362  *	by the graph node gn.
1363  *
1364  * Results:
1365  *	JOB_ERROR if there was an error in the commands, JOB_FINISHED
1366  *	if there isn't actually anything left to do for the job and
1367  *	JOB_RUNNING if the job has been started.
1368  *
1369  * Side Effects:
1370  *	A new Job node is created and added to the list of running
1371  *	jobs. PMake is forked and a child shell created.
1372  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1373  */
1374 static int
1375 JobStart (gn, flags, previous)
1376     GNode         *gn;	      /* target to create */
1377     int	  	   flags;      /* flags for the job to override normal ones.
1378 			       * e.g. JOB_SPECIAL or JOB_IGNDOTS */
1379     Job 	  *previous;  /* The previous Job structure for this node,
1380 			       * if any. */
1381 {
1382     register Job  *job;       /* new job descriptor */
1383     char	  *argv[4];   /* Argument vector to shell */
1384     static int    jobno = 0;  /* job number of catching output in a file */
1385     Boolean	  cmdsOK;     /* true if the nodes commands were all right */
1386     Boolean 	  local;      /* Set true if the job was run locally */
1387     Boolean 	  noExec;     /* Set true if we decide not to run the job */
1389     if (previous != (Job *)NULL) {
1390 	previous->flags &= ~ (JOB_FIRST|JOB_IGNERR|JOB_SILENT|JOB_REMOTE);
1391 	job = previous;
1392     } else {
1393 	job = (Job *) emalloc (sizeof (Job));
1394 	if (job == (Job *)NULL) {
1395 	    Punt("JobStart out of memory");
1396 	}
1397 	flags |= JOB_FIRST;
1398     }
1400     job->node = gn;
1401     job->tailCmds = NILLNODE;
1403     /*
1404      * Set the initial value of the flags for this job based on the global
1405      * ones and the node's attributes... Any flags supplied by the caller
1406      * are also added to the field.
1407      */
1408     job->flags = 0;
1409     if (Targ_Ignore (gn)) {
1410 	job->flags |= JOB_IGNERR;
1411     }
1412     if (Targ_Silent (gn)) {
1413 	job->flags |= JOB_SILENT;
1414     }
1415     job->flags |= flags;
1417     /*
1418      * Check the commands now so any attributes from .DEFAULT have a chance
1419      * to migrate to the node
1420      */
1421     if (job->flags & JOB_FIRST) {
1422 	cmdsOK = Job_CheckCommands(gn, Error);
1423     } else {
1424 	cmdsOK = TRUE;
1425     }
1427     /*
1428      * If the -n flag wasn't given, we open up OUR (not the child's)
1429      * temporary file to stuff commands in it. The thing is rd/wr so we don't
1430      * need to reopen it to feed it to the shell. If the -n flag *was* given,
1431      * we just set the file to be stdout. Cute, huh?
1432      */
1433     if ((gn->type & OP_MAKE) || (!noExecute && !touchFlag)) {
1434 	/*
1435 	 * We're serious here, but if the commands were bogus, we're
1436 	 * also dead...
1437 	 */
1438 	if (!cmdsOK) {
1439 	    DieHorribly();
1440 	}
1442 	job->cmdFILE = fopen (tfile, "w+");
1443 	if (job->cmdFILE == (FILE *) NULL) {
1444 	    Punt ("Could not open %s", tfile);
1445 	}
1446 	fcntl(fileno(job->cmdFILE), F_SETFD, 1);
1447 	/*
1448 	 * Send the commands to the command file, flush all its buffers then
1449 	 * rewind and remove the thing.
1450 	 */
1451 	noExec = FALSE;
1453 	/*
1454 	 * used to be backwards; replace when start doing multiple commands
1455 	 * per shell.
1456 	 */
1457 	if (compatMake) {
1458 	    /*
1459 	     * Be compatible: If this is the first time for this node,
1460 	     * verify its commands are ok and open the commands list for
1461 	     * sequential access by later invocations of JobStart.
1462 	     * Once that is done, we take the next command off the list
1463 	     * and print it to the command file. If the command was an
1464 	     * ellipsis, note that there's nothing more to execute.
1465 	     */
1466 	    if ((job->flags&JOB_FIRST) && (Lst_Open(gn->commands) != SUCCESS)){
1467 		cmdsOK = FALSE;
1468 	    } else {
1469 		LstNode	ln = Lst_Next (gn->commands);
1471 		if ((ln == NILLNODE) ||
1472 		    JobPrintCommand ((char *)Lst_Datum (ln), job))
1473 		{
1474 		    noExec = TRUE;
1475 		    Lst_Close (gn->commands);
1476 		}
1477 		if (noExec && !(job->flags & JOB_FIRST)) {
1478 		    /*
1479 		     * If we're not going to execute anything, the job
1480 		     * is done and we need to close down the various
1481 		     * file descriptors we've opened for output, then
1482 		     * call JobDoOutput to catch the final characters or
1483 		     * send the file to the screen... Note that the i/o streams
1484 		     * are only open if this isn't the first job.
1485 		     * Note also that this could not be done in
1486 		     * Job_CatchChildren b/c it wasn't clear if there were
1487 		     * more commands to execute or not...
1488 		     */
1489 		    if (usePipes) {
1490 #ifdef RMT_WILL_WATCH
1491 			Rmt_Ignore(job->inPipe);
1492 #else
1493 			FD_CLR(job->inPipe, &outputs);
1494 #endif
1495 			if (job->outPipe != job->inPipe) {
1496 			    (void)close (job->outPipe);
1497 			}
1498 			JobDoOutput (job, TRUE);
1499 			(void)close (job->inPipe);
1500 		    } else {
1501 			(void)close (job->outFd);
1502 			JobDoOutput (job, TRUE);
1503 		    }
1504 		}
1505 	    }
1506 	} else {
1507 	    /*
1508 	     * We can do all the commands at once. hooray for sanity
1509 	     */
1510 	    numCommands = 0;
1511 	    Lst_ForEach (gn->commands, JobPrintCommand, (ClientData)job);
1513 	    /*
1514 	     * If we didn't print out any commands to the shell script,
1515 	     * there's not much point in executing the shell, is there?
1516 	     */
1517 	    if (numCommands == 0) {
1518 		noExec = TRUE;
1519 	    }
1520 	}
1521     } else if (noExecute) {
1522 	/*
1523 	 * Not executing anything -- just print all the commands to stdout
1524 	 * in one fell swoop. This will still set up job->tailCmds correctly.
1525 	 */
1526 	if (lastNode != gn) {
1527 	    printf (targFmt, gn->name);
1528 	    lastNode = gn;
1529 	}
1530 	job->cmdFILE = stdout;
1531 	/*
1532 	 * Only print the commands if they're ok, but don't die if they're
1533 	 * not -- just let the user know they're bad and keep going. It
1534 	 * doesn't do any harm in this case and may do some good.
1535 	 */
1536 	if (cmdsOK) {
1537 	    Lst_ForEach(gn->commands, JobPrintCommand, (ClientData)job);
1538 	}
1539 	/*
1540 	 * Don't execute the shell, thank you.
1541 	 */
1542 	noExec = TRUE;
1543     } else {
1544 	/*
1545 	 * Just touch the target and note that no shell should be executed.
1546 	 * Set cmdFILE to stdout to make life easier. Check the commands, too,
1547 	 * but don't die if they're no good -- it does no harm to keep working
1548 	 * up the graph.
1549 	 */
1550 	job->cmdFILE = stdout;
1551     	Job_Touch (gn, job->flags&JOB_SILENT);
1552 	noExec = TRUE;
1553     }
1555     /*
1556      * If we're not supposed to execute a shell, don't.
1557      */
1558     if (noExec) {
1559 	/*
1560 	 * Unlink and close the command file if we opened one
1561 	 */
1562 	if (job->cmdFILE != stdout) {
1563 	    (void) unlink (tfile);
1564 	    fclose(job->cmdFILE);
1565 	} else {
1566 	    fflush (stdout);
1567 	}
1569 	/*
1570 	 * We only want to work our way up the graph if we aren't here because
1571 	 * the commands for the job were no good.
1572 	 */
1573 	if (cmdsOK) {
1574 	    if (aborting == 0) {
1575 		if (job->tailCmds != NILLNODE) {
1576 		    Lst_ForEachFrom(job->node->commands, job->tailCmds,
1577 				    JobSaveCommand,
1578 				    (ClientData)job->node);
1579 		}
1580 		Make_Update(job->node);
1581 	    }
1582 	    free((Address)job);
1583 	    return(JOB_FINISHED);
1584 	} else {
1585 	    free((Address)job);
1586 	    return(JOB_ERROR);
1587 	}
1588     } else {
1589 	fflush (job->cmdFILE);
1590 	(void) unlink (tfile);
1591     }
1593     /*
1594      * Set up the control arguments to the shell. This is based on the flags
1595      * set earlier for this job.
1596      */
1597     JobMakeArgv(job, argv);
1599     /*
1600      * If we're using pipes to catch output, create the pipe by which we'll
1601      * get the shell's output. If we're using files, print out that we're
1602      * starting a job and then set up its temporary-file name. This is just
1603      * tfile with two extra digits tacked on -- jobno.
1604      */
1605     if (job->flags & JOB_FIRST) {
1606 	if (usePipes) {
1607 	    int fd[2];
1608 	    (void) pipe(fd);
1609 	    job->inPipe = fd[0];
1610 	    job->outPipe = fd[1];
1611 	    (void)fcntl (job->inPipe, F_SETFD, 1);
1612 	    (void)fcntl (job->outPipe, F_SETFD, 1);
1613 	} else {
1614 	    printf ("Remaking `%s'\n", gn->name);
1615 	    fflush (stdout);
1616 	    sprintf (job->outFile, "%s%02d", tfile, jobno);
1617 	    jobno = (jobno + 1) % 100;
1618 	    job->outFd = open(job->outFile,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND,0600);
1619 	    (void)fcntl (job->outFd, F_SETFD, 1);
1620 	}
1621     }
1623     local = TRUE;
1625     if (local && (((nLocal >= maxLocal) &&
1626 	 !(job->flags & JOB_SPECIAL) &&
1627 	 (maxLocal != 0))))
1628     {
1629 	/*
1630 	 * The job can only be run locally, but we've hit the limit of
1631 	 * local concurrency, so put the job on hold until some other job
1632 	 * finishes. Note that the special jobs (.BEGIN, .INTERRUPT and .END)
1633 	 * may be run locally even when the local limit has been reached
1634 	 * (e.g. when maxLocal == 0), though they will be exported if at
1635 	 * all possible.
1636 	 */
1637 	jobFull = TRUE;
1639 	if (DEBUG(JOB)) {
1640 	    printf("Can only run job locally.\n");
1641 	}
1642 	job->flags |= JOB_RESTART;
1643 	(void)Lst_AtEnd(stoppedJobs, (ClientData)job);
1644     } else {
1645 	if ((nLocal >= maxLocal) && local) {
1646 	    /*
1647 	     * If we're running this job locally as a special case (see above),
1648 	     * at least say the table is full.
1649 	     */
1650 	    jobFull = TRUE;
1651 	    if (DEBUG(JOB)) {
1652 		printf("Local job queue is full.\n");
1653 	    }
1654 	}
1655 	JobExec(job, argv);
1656     }
1657     return(JOB_RUNNING);
1658 }
1660 /*-
1661  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1662  * JobDoOutput  --
1663  *	This function is called at different times depending on
1664  *	whether the user has specified that output is to be collected
1665  *	via pipes or temporary files. In the former case, we are called
1666  *	whenever there is something to read on the pipe. We collect more
1667  *	output from the given job and store it in the job's outBuf. If
1668  *	this makes up a line, we print it tagged by the job's identifier,
1669  *	as necessary.
1670  *	If output has been collected in a temporary file, we open the
1671  *	file and read it line by line, transfering it to our own
1672  *	output channel until the file is empty. At which point we
1673  *	remove the temporary file.
1674  *	In both cases, however, we keep our figurative eye out for the
1675  *	'noPrint' line for the shell from which the output came. If
1676  *	we recognize a line, we don't print it. If the command is not
1677  *	alone on the line (the character after it is not \0 or \n), we
1678  *	do print whatever follows it.
1679  *
1680  * Results:
1681  *	None
1682  *
1683  * Side Effects:
1684  *	curPos may be shifted as may the contents of outBuf.
1685  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1686  */
1687 static void
1688 JobDoOutput (job, finish)
1689     register Job   *job;	  /* the job whose output needs printing */
1690     Boolean	   finish;	  /* TRUE if this is the last time we'll be
1691 				   * called for this job */
1692 {
1693     Boolean       gotNL = FALSE;  /* true if got a newline */
1694     register int  nr;	      	  /* number of bytes read */
1695     register int  i;	      	  /* auxiliary index into outBuf */
1696     register int  max;	      	  /* limit for i (end of current data) */
1697     int		  nRead;      	  /* (Temporary) number of bytes read */
1699     FILE      	  *oFILE;	  /* Stream pointer to shell's output file */
1700     char          inLine[132];
1703     if (usePipes) {
1704 	/*
1705 	 * Read as many bytes as will fit in the buffer.
1706 	 */
1707 end_loop:
1709 	nRead = read (job->inPipe, &job->outBuf[job->curPos],
1710 			 JOB_BUFSIZE - job->curPos);
1711 	if (nRead < 0) {
1712 	    if (DEBUG(JOB)) {
1713 		perror("JobDoOutput(piperead)");
1714 	    }
1715 	    nr = 0;
1716 	} else {
1717 	    nr = nRead;
1718 	}
1720 	/*
1721 	 * If we hit the end-of-file (the job is dead), we must flush its
1722 	 * remaining output, so pretend we read a newline if there's any
1723 	 * output remaining in the buffer.
1724 	 * Also clear the 'finish' flag so we stop looping.
1725 	 */
1726 	if ((nr == 0) && (job->curPos != 0)) {
1727 	    job->outBuf[job->curPos] = '\n';
1728 	    nr = 1;
1729 	    finish = FALSE;
1730 	} else if (nr == 0) {
1731 	    finish = FALSE;
1732 	}
1734 	/*
1735 	 * Look for the last newline in the bytes we just got. If there is
1736 	 * one, break out of the loop with 'i' as its index and gotNL set
1737 	 * TRUE.
1738 	 */
1739 	max = job->curPos + nr;
1740 	for (i = job->curPos + nr - 1; i >= job->curPos; i--) {
1741 	    if (job->outBuf[i] == '\n') {
1742 		gotNL = TRUE;
1743 		break;
1744 	    } else if (job->outBuf[i] == '\0') {
1745 		/*
1746 		 * Why?
1747 		 */
1748 		job->outBuf[i] = ' ';
1749 	    }
1750 	}
1752 	if (!gotNL) {
1753 	    job->curPos += nr;
1754 	    if (job->curPos == JOB_BUFSIZE) {
1755 		/*
1756 		 * If we've run out of buffer space, we have no choice
1757 		 * but to print the stuff. sigh.
1758 		 */
1759 		gotNL = TRUE;
1760 		i = job->curPos;
1761 	    }
1762 	}
1763 	if (gotNL) {
1764 	    /*
1765 	     * Need to send the output to the screen. Null terminate it
1766 	     * first, overwriting the newline character if there was one.
1767 	     * So long as the line isn't one we should filter (according
1768 	     * to the shell description), we print the line, preceeded
1769 	     * by a target banner if this target isn't the same as the
1770 	     * one for which we last printed something.
1771 	     * The rest of the data in the buffer are then shifted down
1772 	     * to the start of the buffer and curPos is set accordingly.
1773 	     */
1774 	    job->outBuf[i] = '\0';
1775 	    if (i >= job->curPos) {
1776 		register char	*cp, *ecp;
1778 		cp = job->outBuf;
1779 		if (commandShell->noPrint) {
1780 		    ecp = Str_FindSubstring(job->outBuf,
1781 					    commandShell->noPrint);
1782 		    while (ecp != (char *)NULL) {
1783 			if (cp != ecp) {
1784 			    *ecp = '\0';
1785 			    if (job->node != lastNode) {
1786 				printf (targFmt, job->node->name);
1787 				lastNode = job->node;
1788 			    }
1789 			    /*
1790 			     * The only way there wouldn't be a newline after
1791 			     * this line is if it were the last in the buffer.
1792 			     * however, since the non-printable comes after it,
1793 			     * there must be a newline, so we don't print one.
1794 			     */
1795 			    printf ("%s", cp);
1796 			}
1797 			cp = ecp + commandShell->noPLen;
1798 			if (cp != &job->outBuf[i]) {
1799 			    /*
1800 			     * Still more to print, look again after skipping
1801 			     * the whitespace following the non-printable
1802 			     * command....
1803 			     */
1804 			    cp++;
1805 			    while (*cp == ' ' || *cp == '\t' || *cp == '\n') {
1806 				cp++;
1807 			    }
1808 			    ecp = Str_FindSubstring (cp,
1809 						     commandShell->noPrint);
1810 			} else {
1811 			    break;
1812 			}
1813 		    }
1814 		}
1816 		/*
1817 		 * There's still more in that thar buffer. This time, though,
1818 		 * we know there's no newline at the end, so we add one of
1819 		 * our own free will.
1820 		 */
1821 		if (*cp != '\0') {
1822 		    if (job->node != lastNode) {
1823 			printf (targFmt, job->node->name);
1824 			lastNode = job->node;
1825 		    }
1826 		    printf ("%s\n", cp);
1827 		}
1829 		fflush (stdout);
1830 	    }
1831 	    if (i < max - 1) {
1832 		/* shift the remaining characters down */
1833 		memcpy ( job->outBuf, &job->outBuf[i + 1], max - (i + 1));
1834 		job->curPos = max - (i + 1);
1836 	    } else {
1837 		/*
1838 		 * We have written everything out, so we just start over
1839 		 * from the start of the buffer. No copying. No nothing.
1840 		 */
1841 		job->curPos = 0;
1842 	    }
1843 	}
1844 	if (finish) {
1845 	    /*
1846 	     * If the finish flag is true, we must loop until we hit
1847 	     * end-of-file on the pipe. This is guaranteed to happen eventually
1848 	     * since the other end of the pipe is now closed (we closed it
1849 	     * explicitly and the child has exited). When we do get an EOF,
1850 	     * finish will be set FALSE and we'll fall through and out.
1851 	     */
1852 	    goto end_loop;
1853 	}
1854     } else {
1855 	/*
1856 	 * We've been called to retrieve the output of the job from the
1857 	 * temporary file where it's been squirreled away. This consists of
1858 	 * opening the file, reading the output line by line, being sure not
1859 	 * to print the noPrint line for the shell we used, then close and
1860 	 * remove the temporary file. Very simple.
1861 	 *
1862 	 * Change to read in blocks and do FindSubString type things as for
1863 	 * pipes? That would allow for "@echo -n..."
1864 	 */
1865 	oFILE = fopen (job->outFile, "r");
1866 	if (oFILE != (FILE *) NULL) {
1867 	    printf ("Results of making %s:\n", job->node->name);
1868 	    while (fgets (inLine, sizeof(inLine), oFILE) != NULL) {
1869 		register char	*cp, *ecp, *endp;
1871 		cp = inLine;
1872 		endp = inLine + strlen(inLine);
1873 		if (endp[-1] == '\n') {
1874 		    *--endp = '\0';
1875 		}
1876 		if (commandShell->noPrint) {
1877 		    ecp = Str_FindSubstring(cp, commandShell->noPrint);
1878 		    while (ecp != (char *)NULL) {
1879 			if (cp != ecp) {
1880 			    *ecp = '\0';
1881 			    /*
1882 			     * The only way there wouldn't be a newline after
1883 			     * this line is if it were the last in the buffer.
1884 			     * however, since the non-printable comes after it,
1885 			     * there must be a newline, so we don't print one.
1886 			     */
1887 			    printf ("%s", cp);
1888 			}
1889 			cp = ecp + commandShell->noPLen;
1890 			if (cp != endp) {
1891 			    /*
1892 			     * Still more to print, look again after skipping
1893 			     * the whitespace following the non-printable
1894 			     * command....
1895 			     */
1896 			    cp++;
1897 			    while (*cp == ' ' || *cp == '\t' || *cp == '\n') {
1898 				cp++;
1899 			    }
1900 			    ecp = Str_FindSubstring(cp, commandShell->noPrint);
1901 			} else {
1902 			    break;
1903 			}
1904 		    }
1905 		}
1907 		/*
1908 		 * There's still more in that thar buffer. This time, though,
1909 		 * we know there's no newline at the end, so we add one of
1910 		 * our own free will.
1911 		 */
1912 		if (*cp != '\0') {
1913 		    printf ("%s\n", cp);
1914 		}
1915 	    }
1916 	    fclose (oFILE);
1917 	    (void) unlink (job->outFile);
1918 	}
1919     }
1920     fflush(stdout);
1921 }
1923 /*-
1924  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1925  * Job_CatchChildren --
1926  *	Handle the exit of a child. Called from Make_Make.
1927  *
1928  * Results:
1929  *	none.
1930  *
1931  * Side Effects:
1932  *	The job descriptor is removed from the list of children.
1933  *
1934  * Notes:
1935  *	We do waits, blocking or not, according to the wisdom of our
1936  *	caller, until there are no more children to report. For each
1937  *	job, call JobFinish to finish things off. This will take care of
1938  *	putting jobs on the stoppedJobs queue.
1939  *
1940  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1941  */
1942 void
1943 Job_CatchChildren (block)
1944     Boolean	  block;    	/* TRUE if should block on the wait. */
1945 {
1946     int    	  pid;	    	/* pid of dead child */
1947     register Job  *job;	    	/* job descriptor for dead child */
1948     LstNode       jnode;    	/* list element for finding job */
1949     union wait	  status;   	/* Exit/termination status */
1951     /*
1952      * Don't even bother if we know there's no one around.
1953      */
1954     if (nLocal == 0) {
1955 	return;
1956     }
1958     while ((pid = wait3((int *)&status, (block?0:WNOHANG)|WUNTRACED,
1959 			(struct rusage *)0)) > 0)
1960     {
1961 	if (DEBUG(JOB))
1962 	    printf("Process %d exited or stopped.\n", pid);
1965 	jnode = Lst_Find (jobs, (ClientData)&pid, JobCmpPid);
1967 	if (jnode == NILLNODE) {
1968 	    if (WIFSIGNALED(status) && (status.w_termsig == SIGCONT)) {
1969 		jnode = Lst_Find(stoppedJobs, (ClientData) &pid, JobCmpPid);
1970 		if (jnode == NILLNODE) {
1971 		    Error("Resumed child (%d) not in table", pid);
1972 		    continue;
1973 		}
1974 		job = (Job *)Lst_Datum(jnode);
1975 		(void)Lst_Remove(stoppedJobs, jnode);
1976 	    } else {
1977 		Error ("Child (%d) not in table?", pid);
1978 		continue;
1979 	    }
1980 	} else {
1981 	    job = (Job *) Lst_Datum (jnode);
1982 	    (void)Lst_Remove (jobs, jnode);
1983 	    nJobs -= 1;
1984 	    if (jobFull && DEBUG(JOB)) {
1985 		printf("Job queue is no longer full.\n");
1986 	    }
1987 	    jobFull = FALSE;
1988 	    nLocal -= 1;
1989 	}
1991 	JobFinish (job, status);
1992     }
1993 }
1995 /*-
1996  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1997  * Job_CatchOutput --
1998  *	Catch the output from our children, if we're using
1999  *	pipes do so. Otherwise just block time until we get a
2000  *	signal (most likely a SIGCHLD) since there's no point in
2001  *	just spinning when there's nothing to do and the reaping
2002  *	of a child can wait for a while.
2003  *
2004  * Results:
2005  *	None
2006  *
2007  * Side Effects:
2008  *	Output is read from pipes if we're piping.
2009  * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2010  */
2011 void
2012 Job_CatchOutput ()
2013 {
2014     int           	  nfds;
2015     struct timeval	  timeout;
2016     fd_set           	  readfds;
2017     register LstNode	  ln;
2018     register Job   	  *job;
2019 #ifdef RMT_WILL_WATCH
2020     int	    	  	  pnJobs;   	/* Previous nJobs */
2021 #endif
2023     fflush(stdout);
2024 #ifdef RMT_WILL_WATCH
2025     pnJobs = nJobs;
2027     /*
2028      * It is possible for us to be called with nJobs equal to 0. This happens
2029      * if all the jobs finish and a job that is stopped cannot be run
2030      * locally (eg if maxLocal is 0) and cannot be exported. The job will
2031      * be placed back on the stoppedJobs queue, Job_Empty() will return false,
2032      * Make_Run will call us again when there's nothing for which to wait.
2033      * nJobs never changes, so we loop forever. Hence the check. It could
2034      * be argued that we should sleep for a bit so as not to swamp the
2035      * exportation system with requests. Perhaps we should.
2036      *
2037      * NOTE: IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF Rmt_Wait TO CALL Job_CatchChildren
2039      * It may use the variable nLocal to determine if it needs to call
2040      * Job_CatchChildren (if nLocal is 0, there's nothing for which to
2041      * wait...)
2042      */
2043     while (nJobs != 0 && pnJobs == nJobs) {
2044 	Rmt_Wait();
2045     }
2046 #else
2047     if (usePipes) {
2048 	readfds = outputs;
2049 	timeout.tv_sec = SEL_SEC;
2050 	timeout.tv_usec = SEL_USEC;
2052 	if ((nfds = select (FD_SETSIZE, &readfds, (fd_set *) 0, (fd_set *) 0, &timeout)) < 0)
2053 	{
2054 	    return;
2055 	} else {
2056 	    if (Lst_Open (jobs) == FAILURE) {
2057 		Punt ("Cannot open job table");
2058 	    }
2059 	    while (nfds && (ln = Lst_Next (jobs)) != NILLNODE) {
2060 		job = (Job *) Lst_Datum (ln);
2061 		if (FD_ISSET(job->inPipe, &readfds)) {
2062 		    JobDoOutput (job, FALSE);
2063 		    nfds -= 1;
2064 		}
2065 	    }
2066 	    Lst_Close (jobs);
2067 	}
2068     }
2069 #endif /* RMT_WILL_WATCH */
2070 }
2072 /*-
2073  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2074  * Job_Make --
2075  *	Start the creation of a target. Basically a front-end for
2076  *	JobStart used by the Make module.
2077  *
2078  * Results:
2079  *	None.
2080  *
2081  * Side Effects:
2082  *	Another job is started.
2083  *
2084  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2085  */
2086 void
2087 Job_Make (gn)
2088     GNode   *gn;
2089 {
2090     (void)JobStart (gn, 0, (Job *)NULL);
2091 }
2093 /*-
2094  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2095  * Job_Init --
2096  *	Initialize the process module
2097  *
2098  * Results:
2099  *	none
2100  *
2101  * Side Effects:
2102  *	lists and counters are initialized
2103  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2104  */
2105 void
2106 Job_Init (maxproc, maxlocal)
2107     int           maxproc;  /* the greatest number of jobs which may be
2108 			     * running at one time */
2109     int	    	  maxlocal; /* the greatest number of local jobs which may
2110 			     * be running at once. */
2111 {
2112     GNode         *begin;     /* node for commands to do at the very start */
2114     sprintf (tfile, "/tmp/make%05d", getpid());
2116     jobs =  	  Lst_Init (FALSE);
2117     stoppedJobs = Lst_Init(FALSE);
2118     maxJobs = 	  maxproc;
2119     maxLocal = 	  maxlocal;
2120     nJobs = 	  0;
2121     nLocal = 	  0;
2122     jobFull = 	  FALSE;
2124     aborting = 	  0;
2125     errors = 	  0;
2127     lastNode =	  NILGNODE;
2129     if (maxJobs == 1) {
2130 	/*
2131 	 * If only one job can run at a time, there's no need for a banner,
2132 	 * no is there?
2133 	 */
2134 	targFmt = "";
2135     } else {
2136 	targFmt = TARG_FMT;
2137     }
2139     if (shellPath == (char *) NULL) {
2140 	/*
2141 	 * The user didn't specify a shell to use, so we are using the
2142 	 * default one... Both the absolute path and the last component
2143 	 * must be set. The last component is taken from the 'name' field
2144 	 * of the default shell description pointed-to by commandShell.
2145 	 * All default shells are located in _PATH_DEFSHELLDIR.
2146 	 */
2147 	shellName = commandShell->name;
2148 	shellPath = str_concat (_PATH_DEFSHELLDIR, shellName, STR_ADDSLASH);
2149     }
2151     if (commandShell->exit == (char *)NULL) {
2152 	commandShell->exit = "";
2153     }
2154     if (commandShell->echo == (char *)NULL) {
2155 	commandShell->echo = "";
2156     }
2158     /*
2159      * Catch the four signals that POSIX specifies if they aren't ignored.
2160      * JobPassSig will take care of calling JobInterrupt if appropriate.
2161      */
2162     if (signal (SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) {
2163 	signal (SIGINT, JobPassSig);
2164     }
2165     if (signal (SIGHUP, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) {
2166 	signal (SIGHUP, JobPassSig);
2167     }
2168     if (signal (SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) {
2169 	signal (SIGQUIT, JobPassSig);
2170     }
2171     if (signal (SIGTERM, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) {
2172 	signal (SIGTERM, JobPassSig);
2173     }
2174     /*
2175      * There are additional signals that need to be caught and passed if
2176      * either the export system wants to be told directly of signals or if
2177      * we're giving each job its own process group (since then it won't get
2178      * signals from the terminal driver as we own the terminal)
2179      */
2180 #if defined(RMT_WANTS_SIGNALS) || defined(USE_PGRP)
2181     if (signal (SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) {
2182 	signal (SIGTSTP, JobPassSig);
2183     }
2184     if (signal (SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) {
2185 	signal (SIGTTOU, JobPassSig);
2186     }
2187     if (signal (SIGTTIN, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) {
2188 	signal (SIGTTIN, JobPassSig);
2189     }
2190     if (signal (SIGWINCH, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) {
2191 	signal (SIGWINCH, JobPassSig);
2192     }
2193 #endif
2195     begin = Targ_FindNode (".BEGIN", TARG_NOCREATE);
2197     if (begin != NILGNODE) {
2198 	JobStart (begin, JOB_SPECIAL, (Job *)0);
2199 	while (nJobs) {
2200 	    Job_CatchOutput();
2201 #ifndef RMT_WILL_WATCH
2202 	    Job_CatchChildren (!usePipes);
2203 #endif /* RMT_WILL_WATCH */
2204 	}
2205     }
2206     postCommands = Targ_FindNode (".END", TARG_CREATE);
2207 }
2209 /*-
2210  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2211  * Job_Full --
2212  *	See if the job table is full. It is considered full if it is OR
2213  *	if we are in the process of aborting OR if we have
2214  *	reached/exceeded our local quota. This prevents any more jobs
2215  *	from starting up.
2216  *
2217  * Results:
2218  *	TRUE if the job table is full, FALSE otherwise
2219  * Side Effects:
2220  *	None.
2221  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2222  */
2223 Boolean
2224 Job_Full ()
2225 {
2226     return (aborting || jobFull);
2227 }
2229 /*-
2230  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2231  * Job_Empty --
2232  *	See if the job table is empty.  Because the local concurrency may
2233  *	be set to 0, it is possible for the job table to become empty,
2234  *	while the list of stoppedJobs remains non-empty. In such a case,
2235  *	we want to restart as many jobs as we can.
2236  *
2237  * Results:
2238  *	TRUE if it is. FALSE if it ain't.
2239  *
2240  * Side Effects:
2241  *	None.
2242  *
2243  * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2244  */
2245 Boolean
2246 Job_Empty ()
2247 {
2248     if (nJobs == 0) {
2249 	if (!Lst_IsEmpty(stoppedJobs) && !aborting) {
2250 	    /*
2251 	     * The job table is obviously not full if it has no jobs in
2252 	     * it...Try and restart the stopped jobs.
2253 	     */
2254 	    jobFull = FALSE;
2255 	    while (!jobFull && !Lst_IsEmpty(stoppedJobs)) {
2256 		JobRestart((Job *)Lst_DeQueue(stoppedJobs));
2257 	    }
2258 	    return(FALSE);
2259 	} else {
2260 	    return(TRUE);
2261 	}
2262     } else {
2263 	return(FALSE);
2264     }
2265 }
2267 /*-
2268  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2269  * JobMatchShell --
2270  *	Find a matching shell in 'shells' given its final component.
2271  *
2272  * Results:
2273  *	A pointer to the Shell structure.
2274  *
2275  * Side Effects:
2276  *	None.
2277  *
2278  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2279  */
2280 static Shell *
2281 JobMatchShell (name)
2282     char	  *name;      /* Final component of shell path */
2283 {
2284     register Shell *sh;	      /* Pointer into shells table */
2285     Shell	   *match;    /* Longest-matching shell */
2286     register char *cp1,
2287 		  *cp2;
2288     char	  *eoname;
2290     eoname = name + strlen (name);
2292     match = (Shell *) NULL;
2294     for (sh = shells; sh->name != NULL; sh++) {
2295 	for (cp1 = eoname - strlen (sh->name), cp2 = sh->name;
2296 	     *cp1 != '\0' && *cp1 == *cp2;
2297 	     cp1++, cp2++) {
2298 		 continue;
2299 	}
2300 	if (*cp1 != *cp2) {
2301 	    continue;
2302 	} else if (match == (Shell *) NULL ||
2303 		   strlen (match->name) < strlen (sh->name)) {
2304 		       match = sh;
2305 	}
2306     }
2307     return (match == (Shell *) NULL ? sh : match);
2308 }
2310 /*-
2311  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2312  * Job_ParseShell --
2313  *	Parse a shell specification and set up commandShell, shellPath
2314  *	and shellName appropriately.
2315  *
2316  * Results:
2317  *	FAILURE if the specification was incorrect.
2318  *
2319  * Side Effects:
2320  *	commandShell points to a Shell structure (either predefined or
2321  *	created from the shell spec), shellPath is the full path of the
2322  *	shell described by commandShell, while shellName is just the
2323  *	final component of shellPath.
2324  *
2325  * Notes:
2326  *	A shell specification consists of a .SHELL target, with dependency
2327  *	operator, followed by a series of blank-separated words. Double
2328  *	quotes can be used to use blanks in words. A backslash escapes
2329  *	anything (most notably a double-quote and a space) and
2330  *	provides the functionality it does in C. Each word consists of
2331  *	keyword and value separated by an equal sign. There should be no
2332  *	unnecessary spaces in the word. The keywords are as follows:
2333  *	    name  	    Name of shell.
2334  *	    path  	    Location of shell. Overrides "name" if given
2335  *	    quiet 	    Command to turn off echoing.
2336  *	    echo  	    Command to turn echoing on
2337  *	    filter	    Result of turning off echoing that shouldn't be
2338  *	    	  	    printed.
2339  *	    echoFlag	    Flag to turn echoing on at the start
2340  *	    errFlag	    Flag to turn error checking on at the start
2341  *	    hasErrCtl	    True if shell has error checking control
2342  *	    check 	    Command to turn on error checking if hasErrCtl
2343  *	    	  	    is TRUE or template of command to echo a command
2344  *	    	  	    for which error checking is off if hasErrCtl is
2345  *	    	  	    FALSE.
2346  *	    ignore	    Command to turn off error checking if hasErrCtl
2347  *	    	  	    is TRUE or template of command to execute a
2348  *	    	  	    command so as to ignore any errors it returns if
2349  *	    	  	    hasErrCtl is FALSE.
2350  *
2351  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2352  */
2353 ReturnStatus
2354 Job_ParseShell (line)
2355     char	  *line;  /* The shell spec */
2356 {
2357     char    	  **words;
2358     int	    	  wordCount;
2359     register char **argv;
2360     register int  argc;
2361     char    	  *path;
2362     Shell   	  newShell;
2363     Boolean 	  fullSpec = FALSE;
2365     while (isspace (*line)) {
2366 	line++;
2367     }
2368     words = brk_string (line, &wordCount, TRUE);
2370     memset ((Address)&newShell, 0, sizeof(newShell));
2372     /*
2373      * Parse the specification by keyword
2374      */
2375     for (path = (char *)NULL, argc = wordCount - 1, argv = words + 1;
2376 	 argc != 0;
2377 	 argc--, argv++) {
2378 	     if (strncmp (*argv, "path=", 5) == 0) {
2379 		 path = &argv[0][5];
2380 	     } else if (strncmp (*argv, "name=", 5) == 0) {
2381 		 newShell.name = &argv[0][5];
2382 	     } else {
2383 		 if (strncmp (*argv, "quiet=", 6) == 0) {
2384 		     newShell.echoOff = &argv[0][6];
2385 		 } else if (strncmp (*argv, "echo=", 5) == 0) {
2386 		     newShell.echoOn = &argv[0][5];
2387 		 } else if (strncmp (*argv, "filter=", 7) == 0) {
2388 		     newShell.noPrint = &argv[0][7];
2389 		     newShell.noPLen = strlen(newShell.noPrint);
2390 		 } else if (strncmp (*argv, "echoFlag=", 9) == 0) {
2391 		     newShell.echo = &argv[0][9];
2392 		 } else if (strncmp (*argv, "errFlag=", 8) == 0) {
2393 		     newShell.exit = &argv[0][8];
2394 		 } else if (strncmp (*argv, "hasErrCtl=", 10) == 0) {
2395 		     char c = argv[0][10];
2396 		     newShell.hasErrCtl = !((c != 'Y') && (c != 'y') &&
2397 					    (c != 'T') && (c != 't'));
2398 		 } else if (strncmp (*argv, "check=", 6) == 0) {
2399 		     newShell.errCheck = &argv[0][6];
2400 		 } else if (strncmp (*argv, "ignore=", 7) == 0) {
2401 		     newShell.ignErr = &argv[0][7];
2402 		 } else {
2403 		     Parse_Error (PARSE_FATAL, "Unknown keyword \"%s\"",
2404 				  *argv);
2405 		     return (FAILURE);
2406 		 }
2407 		 fullSpec = TRUE;
2408 	     }
2409     }
2411     if (path == (char *)NULL) {
2412 	/*
2413 	 * If no path was given, the user wants one of the pre-defined shells,
2414 	 * yes? So we find the one s/he wants with the help of JobMatchShell
2415 	 * and set things up the right way. shellPath will be set up by
2416 	 * Job_Init.
2417 	 */
2418 	if (newShell.name == (char *)NULL) {
2419 	    Parse_Error (PARSE_FATAL, "Neither path nor name specified");
2420 	    return (FAILURE);
2421 	} else {
2422 	    commandShell = JobMatchShell (newShell.name);
2423 	    shellName = newShell.name;
2424 	}
2425     } else {
2426 	/*
2427 	 * The user provided a path. If s/he gave nothing else (fullSpec is
2428 	 * FALSE), try and find a matching shell in the ones we know of.
2429 	 * Else we just take the specification at its word and copy it
2430 	 * to a new location. In either case, we need to record the
2431 	 * path the user gave for the shell.
2432 	 */
2433 	shellPath = path;
2434 	path = strrchr (path, '/');
2435 	if (path == (char *)NULL) {
2436 	    path = shellPath;
2437 	} else {
2438 	    path += 1;
2439 	}
2440 	if (newShell.name != (char *)NULL) {
2441 	    shellName = newShell.name;
2442 	} else {
2443 	    shellName = path;
2444 	}
2445 	if (!fullSpec) {
2446 	    commandShell = JobMatchShell (shellName);
2447 	} else {
2448 	    commandShell = (Shell *) emalloc(sizeof(Shell));
2449 	    *commandShell = newShell;
2450 	}
2451     }
2453     if (commandShell->echoOn && commandShell->echoOff) {
2454 	commandShell->hasEchoCtl = TRUE;
2455     }
2457     if (!commandShell->hasErrCtl) {
2458 	if (commandShell->errCheck == (char *)NULL) {
2459 	    commandShell->errCheck = "";
2460 	}
2461 	if (commandShell->ignErr == (char *)NULL) {
2462 	    commandShell->ignErr = "%s\n";
2463 	}
2464     }
2466     /*
2467      * Do not free up the words themselves, since they might be in use by the
2468      * shell specification...
2469      */
2470     free (words);
2471     return SUCCESS;
2472 }
2474 /*-
2475  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2476  * JobInterrupt --
2477  *	Handle the receipt of an interrupt.
2478  *
2479  * Results:
2480  *	None
2481  *
2482  * Side Effects:
2483  *	All children are killed. Another job will be started if the
2484  *	.INTERRUPT target was given.
2485  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2486  */
2487 static void
2488 JobInterrupt (runINTERRUPT)
2489     int	    runINTERRUPT;   	/* Non-zero if commands for the .INTERRUPT
2490 				 * target should be executed */
2491 {
2492     LstNode 	  ln;		/* element in job table */
2493     Job           *job;	    	/* job descriptor in that element */
2494     GNode         *interrupt;	/* the node describing the .INTERRUPT target */
2496     aborting = ABORT_INTERRUPT;
2498     (void)Lst_Open (jobs);
2499     while ((ln = Lst_Next (jobs)) != NILLNODE) {
2500 	job = (Job *) Lst_Datum (ln);
2502 	if (!Targ_Precious (job->node)) {
2503 	    char  	*file = (job->node->path == (char *)NULL ?
2504 				 job->node->name :
2505 				 job->node->path);
2506 	    struct stat st;
2507 	    if (!noExecute && lstat(file, &st) != -1 && !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) &&
2508 		unlink(file) != -1) {
2509 		Error ("*** %s removed", file);
2510 	    }
2511 	}
2513 	if (job->flags & JOB_REMOTE) {
2514 	    /*
2515 	     * If job is remote, let the Rmt module do the killing.
2516 	     */
2517 	    if (!Rmt_Signal(job, SIGINT)) {
2518 		/*
2519 		 * If couldn't kill the thing, finish it out now with an
2520 		 * error code, since no exit report will come in likely.
2521 		 */
2522 		union wait status;
2524 		status.w_status = 0;
2525 		status.w_retcode = 1;
2526 		JobFinish(job, status);
2527 	    }
2528 	} else if (job->pid) {
2529 	    KILL(job->pid, SIGINT);
2530 	}
2531 #else
2532 	if (job->pid) {
2533 	    KILL(job->pid, SIGINT);
2534 	}
2535 #endif /* RMT_WANTS_SIGNALS */
2536     }
2537     Lst_Close (jobs);
2539     if (runINTERRUPT && !touchFlag) {
2540 	interrupt = Targ_FindNode (".INTERRUPT", TARG_NOCREATE);
2541 	if (interrupt != NILGNODE) {
2542 	    ignoreErrors = FALSE;
2544 	    JobStart (interrupt, JOB_IGNDOTS, (Job *)0);
2545 	    while (nJobs) {
2546 		Job_CatchOutput();
2547 #ifndef RMT_WILL_WATCH
2548 		Job_CatchChildren (!usePipes);
2549 #endif /* RMT_WILL_WATCH */
2550 	    }
2551 	}
2552     }
2553     (void) unlink (tfile);
2554     exit (0);
2555 }
2557 /*
2558  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2559  * Job_End --
2560  *	Do final processing such as the running of the commands
2561  *	attached to the .END target.
2562  *
2563  * Results:
2564  *	Number of errors reported.
2565  *
2566  * Side Effects:
2567  *	The process' temporary file (tfile) is removed if it still
2568  *	existed.
2569  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2570  */
2571 int
2572 Job_End ()
2573 {
2574     if (postCommands != NILGNODE && !Lst_IsEmpty (postCommands->commands)) {
2575 	if (errors) {
2576 	    Error ("Errors reported so .END ignored");
2577 	} else {
2578 	    JobStart (postCommands, JOB_SPECIAL | JOB_IGNDOTS,
2579 		       (Job *)0);
2581 	    while (nJobs) {
2582 		Job_CatchOutput();
2583 #ifndef RMT_WILL_WATCH
2584 		Job_CatchChildren (!usePipes);
2585 #endif /* RMT_WILL_WATCH */
2586 	    }
2587 	}
2588     }
2589     (void) unlink (tfile);
2590     return(errors);
2591 }
2593 /*-
2594  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2595  * Job_Wait --
2596  *	Waits for all running jobs to finish and returns. Sets 'aborting'
2597  *	to ABORT_WAIT to prevent other jobs from starting.
2598  *
2599  * Results:
2600  *	None.
2601  *
2602  * Side Effects:
2603  *	Currently running jobs finish.
2604  *
2605  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2606  */
2607 void
2608 Job_Wait()
2609 {
2610     aborting = ABORT_WAIT;
2611     while (nJobs != 0) {
2612 	Job_CatchOutput();
2613 #ifndef RMT_WILL_WATCH
2614 	Job_CatchChildren(!usePipes);
2615 #endif /* RMT_WILL_WATCH */
2616     }
2617     aborting = 0;
2618 }
2620 /*-
2621  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2622  * Job_AbortAll --
2623  *	Abort all currently running jobs without handling output or anything.
2624  *	This function is to be called only in the event of a major
2625  *	error. Most definitely NOT to be called from JobInterrupt.
2626  *
2627  * Results:
2628  *	None
2629  *
2630  * Side Effects:
2631  *	All children are killed, not just the firstborn
2632  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2633  */
2634 void
2635 Job_AbortAll ()
2636 {
2637     LstNode           	ln;		/* element in job table */
2638     Job            	*job;	/* the job descriptor in that element */
2639     int     	  	foo;
2641     aborting = ABORT_ERROR;
2643     if (nJobs) {
2645 	(void)Lst_Open (jobs);
2646 	while ((ln = Lst_Next (jobs)) != NILLNODE) {
2647 	    job = (Job *) Lst_Datum (ln);
2649 	    /*
2650 	     * kill the child process with increasingly drastic signals to make
2651 	     * darn sure it's dead.
2652 	     */
2654 	    if (job->flags & JOB_REMOTE) {
2655 		Rmt_Signal(job, SIGINT);
2656 		Rmt_Signal(job, SIGKILL);
2657 	    } else {
2658 		KILL(job->pid, SIGINT);
2659 		KILL(job->pid, SIGKILL);
2660 	    }
2661 #else
2662 	    KILL(job->pid, SIGINT);
2663 	    KILL(job->pid, SIGKILL);
2664 #endif /* RMT_WANTS_SIGNALS */
2665 	}
2666     }
2668     /*
2669      * Catch as many children as want to report in at first, then give up
2670      */
2671     while (wait3(&foo, WNOHANG, (struct rusage *)0) > 0)
2672 	continue;
2673     (void) unlink (tfile);
2674 }