@(#)LOAreno.83.subsid 1.1 (CSRG - distribution) 04/12/91
.nr LL 6.8i .nr VS 14 .vs 14


(Subsidiary name) desires to obtain a copy of 4.3 BSD-Reno from The Regents of the University of California ("University"). (Subsidiary name) and (Parent name) warrant that (Subsidiary name) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of (Parent name) and that (Subsidiary name) is authorized by (Parent name) to receive a copy of 4.3 BSD-Reno under the revised Berkeley License Agreement (6/83), Addendum Number One for 4.3 BSD, Addendum Number Two for 4.3 BSD-Tahoe, and the Reno Addendum between the University and (Parent name). (Parent name) and (Subsidiary name) warrant that (Subsidiary name) will abide by said Agreement, originally I had just said Addenda for Add 1 and Add2, but I think
that spelling out the addenda is much clearer and avoids confusion - steve
said Addendum Number One, said Addendum Number Two, said Reno Addendum and any future addenda to said Agreement. (Parent name) and (Subsidiary name) hereby agree that each will be jointly and severally liable for (Subsidiary name)'s compliance with the terms and conditions of said Agreement, Addendum Number One, Addendum Number Two, Reno Addendum, and addenda.

The below signatories warrant that they have the authority to execute this document on behalf of their respective companies and bind said companies to the extent set forth in this document. The University hereby agrees to provide a copy of 4.3 BSD-Reno to (Subsidiary name) based upon the forgoing warranties.

(Parent name)
(Subsidiary name)
The Regents of the University of California
Please send a copy of 4.3BSD-Reno to: