@(#)exhibitA.final 1.1 (Berkeley) 1/16/92
.nr LL 6.8i .ls 4

2 "4.4BSD-ENCUMBERED" "EXHIBIT A" Please check which tape(s) you would like. You are entitled to one tape without charge. Each additional tape costs $500.

\l'.5i' 4.4BSD, 9 track tape, 6250 bpi, HP 9000/300 68000 binaries
\l'.5i' 4.4BSD, 8mm Exabyte, HP 9000/300 68000 binaries
\l'.5i' 4.4BSD, 9 track tape, 6250 bpi, DECstation 3100 and 5000 MIPS binaries
\l'.5i' 4.4BSD, 8mm Exabyte, DECstation 3100 and 5000 MIPS binaries
\l'.5i' 4.4BSD, 9 track tape, 6250 bpi, Sparcstation I & II SPARC binaries
\l'.5i' 4.4BSD, 8mm Exabyte, Sparcstation I & II SPARC binaries