xref: /original-bsd/bin/ed/USD.doc/advanced/ae0 (revision 2598cae2)

@(#)ae0 6.3 (Berkeley) 06/05/93

.nr P1 1 .EH 'USD:10-%''Advanced Editing on \s-2UNIX\s+2' .OH 'Advanced Editing on \s-2UNIX\s+2''USD:10-%' .....TM 76-1273-8 39199 39199-11 .RP
Advanced Editing on \s-2UNIX\s+2 .AU "MH 2C518" 6021 Brian W. Kernighan .AI .MH .AU (Updated for 4.3BSD by Mark Seiden) .AB This paper is meant to help secretaries, typists and programmers to make effective use of the X facilities for preparing and editing text. It provides explanations and examples of
special characters, line addressing and global commands in the editor ed ;
commands for ``cut and paste'' operations on files and parts of files, including the mv , cp , cat and rm commands, and the r , w , m and t commands of the editor;
editing scripts and editor-based programs like grep and sed .

Although the treatment is aimed at non-programmers, new C UNIX users with any background should find helpful hints on how to get their jobs done more easily. .AE .CS 16 0 16 0 0 3 .nr PS 9 .nr VS 11