xref: /original-bsd/bin/pax/ftree.c (revision 2598cae2)
1 /*-
2  * Copyright (c) 1992 Keith Muller.
3  * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993
4  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
7  * Keith Muller of the University of California, San Diego.
8  *
9  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
10  */
12 #ifndef lint
13 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)ftree.c	8.1 (Berkeley) 05/31/93";
14 #endif /* not lint */
16 #include <sys/types.h>
17 #include <sys/time.h>
18 #include <sys/stat.h>
19 #include <sys/param.h>
20 #include <unistd.h>
21 #include <string.h>
22 #include <stdio.h>
23 #include <ctype.h>
24 #include <errno.h>
25 #include <stdlib.h>
26 #include <fts.h>
27 #include "pax.h"
28 #include "ftree.h"
29 #include "extern.h"
31 /*
32  * routines to interface with the fts library function.
33  *
34  * file args supplied to pax are stored on a single linked list (of type FTREE)
35  * and given to fts to be processed one at a time. pax "selects" files from
36  * the expansion of each arg into the corresponding file tree (if the arg is a
37  * directory, otherwise the node itself is just passed to pax). The selection
38  * is modified by the -n and -u flags. The user is informed when a specific
39  * file arg does not generate any selected files. -n keeps expanding the file
40  * tree arg until one of its files is selected, then skips to the next file
41  * arg. when the user does not supply the file trees as command line args to
42  * pax, they are read from stdin
43  */
45 static FTS *ftsp = NULL;		/* curent FTS handle */
46 static int ftsopts;			/* options to be used on fts_open */
47 static char *farray[2];			/* array for passing each arg to fts */
48 static FTREE *fthead = NULL;		/* head of linked list of file args */
49 static FTREE *fttail = NULL;		/* tail of linked list of file args */
50 static FTREE *ftcur = NULL;		/* current file arg being processed */
51 static FTSENT *ftent = NULL;		/* current file tree entry */
52 static int ftree_skip;			/* when set skip to next file arg */
54 static int ftree_arg __P((void));
56 /*
57  * ftree_start()
58  *	initialize the options passed to fts_open() during this run of pax
59  *	options are based on the selection of pax options by the user
60  *	fts_start() also calls fts_arg() to open the first valid file arg. We
61  *	also attempt to reset directory access times when -t (tflag) is set.
62  * Return:
63  *	0 if there is at least one valid file arg to process, -1 otherwise
64  */
66 #if __STDC__
67 int
68 ftree_start(void)
69 #else
70 int
71 ftree_start()
72 #endif
73 {
74 	/*
75 	 * set up the operation mode of fts, open the first file arg. We must
76 	 * use FTS_NOCHDIR, as the user may have to open multiple archives and
77 	 * if fts did a chdir off into the boondocks, we may create an archive
78 	 * volume in an place where the user did not expect to.
79 	 */
80 	ftsopts = FTS_NOCHDIR;
82 	/*
83 	 * optional user flags that effect file traversal
84 	 * -H command line symlink follow only
85 	 * -L follow sylinks
86 	 * -X do not cross over mount points
87 	 * -t preserve access times on files read.
88 	 * -n select only the first member of a file tree when a match is found
89 	 * -d do not extract subtrees rooted at a directory arg.
90 	 */
91 	if (Lflag)
92 		ftsopts |= FTS_LOGICAL;
93 	else
94 		ftsopts |= FTS_PHYSICAL;
95 	if (Hflag)
96 #	ifdef NET2_FTS
97 		warn(0, "The -H flag is not supported on this version");
98 #	else
99 		ftsopts |= FTS_COMFOLLOW;
100 #	endif
101 	if (Xflag)
102 		ftsopts |= FTS_XDEV;
104 	if ((fthead == NULL) && ((farray[0] = malloc(PAXPATHLEN+2)) == NULL)) {
105 		warn(1, "Unable to allocate memory for file name buffer");
106 		return(-1);
107 	}
109 	if (ftree_arg() < 0)
110 		return(-1);
111 	if (tflag && (atdir_start() < 0))
112 		return(-1);
113 	return(0);
114 }
116 /*
117  * ftree_add()
118  *	add the arg to the linked list of files to process. Each will be
119  *	processed by fts one at a time
120  * Return:
121  *	0 if added to the linked list, -1 if failed
122  */
124 #if __STDC__
125 int
126 ftree_add(register char *str)
127 #else
128 int
129 ftree_add(str)
130 	register char *str;
131 #endif
132 {
133 	register FTREE *ft;
134 	register int len;
136 	/*
137 	 * simple check for bad args
138 	 */
139 	if ((str == NULL) || (*str == '\0')) {
140 		warn(0, "Invalid file name arguement");
141 		return(-1);
142 	}
144 	/*
145 	 * allocate FTREE node and add to the end of the linked list (args are
146 	 * processed in the same order they were passed to pax). Get rid of any
147 	 * trailing / the user may pass us. (watch out for / by itself).
148 	 */
149 	if ((ft = (FTREE *)malloc(sizeof(FTREE))) == NULL) {
150 		warn(0, "Unable to allocate memory for filename");
151 		return(-1);
152 	}
154 	if (((len = strlen(str) - 1) > 0) && (str[len] == '/'))
155 		str[len] = '\0';
156 	ft->fname = str;
157 	ft->refcnt = 0;
158 	ft->fow = NULL;
159 	if (fthead == NULL) {
160 		fttail = fthead = ft;
161 		return(0);
162 	}
163 	fttail->fow = ft;
164 	fttail = ft;
165 	return(0);
166 }
168 /*
169  * ftree_sel()
170  *	this entry has been selected by pax. bump up reference count and handle
171  *	-n and -d processing.
172  */
174 #if __STDC__
175 void
176 ftree_sel(register ARCHD *arcn)
177 #else
178 void
179 ftree_sel(arcn)
180 	register ARCHD *arcn;
181 #endif
182 {
183 	/*
184 	 * set reference bit for this pattern. This linked list is only used
185 	 * when file trees are supplied pax as args. The list is not used when
186 	 * the trees are read from stdin.
187 	 */
188 	if (ftcur != NULL)
189 		ftcur->refcnt = 1;
191 	/*
192 	 * if -n we are done with this arg, force a skip to the next arg when
193 	 * pax asks for the next file in next_file().
194 	 * if -d we tell fts only to match the directory (if the arg is a dir)
195 	 * and not the entire file tree rooted at that point.
196 	 */
197 	if (nflag)
198 		ftree_skip = 1;
200 	if (!dflag || (arcn->type != PAX_DIR))
201 		return;
203 	if (ftent != NULL)
204 		(void)fts_set(ftsp, ftent, FTS_SKIP);
205 }
207 /*
208  * ftree_chk()
209  *	called at end on pax execution. Prints all those file args that did not
210  *	have a selected member (reference count still 0)
211  */
213 #if __STDC__
214 void
215 ftree_chk(void)
216 #else
217 void
218 ftree_chk()
219 #endif
220 {
221 	register FTREE *ft;
222 	register int wban = 0;
224 	/*
225 	 * make sure all dir access times were reset.
226 	 */
227 	if (tflag)
228 		atdir_end();
230 	/*
231 	 * walk down list and check reference count. Print out those members
232 	 * that never had a match
233 	 */
234 	for (ft = fthead; ft != NULL; ft = ft->fow) {
235 		if (ft->refcnt > 0)
236 			continue;
237 		if (wban == 0) {
238 			warn(1,"WARNING! These file names were not selected:");
239 			++wban;
240 		}
241 		(void)fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", ft->fname);
242 	}
243 }
245 /*
246  * ftree_arg()
247  *	Get the next file arg for fts to process. Can be from either the linked
248  *	list or read from stdin when the user did not them as args to pax. Each
249  *	arg is processed until the first successful fts_open().
250  * Return:
251  *	0 when the next arg is ready to go, -1 if out of file args (or EOF on
252  *	stdin).
253  */
255 #if __STDC__
256 static int
257 ftree_arg(void)
258 #else
259 static int
260 ftree_arg()
261 #endif
262 {
263 	register char *pt;
265 	/*
266 	 * close off the current file tree
267 	 */
268 	if (ftsp != NULL) {
269 		(void)fts_close(ftsp);
270 		ftsp = NULL;
271 	}
273 	/*
274 	 * keep looping until we get a valid file tree to process. Stop when we
275 	 * reach the end of the list (or get an eof on stdin)
276 	 */
277 	for(;;) {
278 		if (fthead == NULL) {
279 			/*
280 			 * the user didn't supply any args, get the file trees
281 			 * to process from stdin;
282 			 */
283 			if (fgets(farray[0], PAXPATHLEN+1, stdin) == NULL)
284 				return(-1);
285 			if ((pt = strchr(farray[0], '\n')) != NULL)
286 				*pt = '\0';
287 		} else {
288 			/*
289 			 * the user supplied the file args as arguements to pax
290 			 */
291 			if (ftcur == NULL)
292 				ftcur = fthead;
293 			else if ((ftcur = ftcur->fow) == NULL)
294 				return(-1);
295 			farray[0] = ftcur->fname;
296 		}
298 		/*
299 		 * watch it, fts wants the file arg stored in a array of char
300 		 * ptrs, with the last one a null. we use a two element array
301 		 * and set farray[0] to point at the buffer with the file name
302 		 * in it. We cannnot pass all the file args to fts at one shot
303 		 * as we need to keep a handle on which file arg generates what
304 		 * files (the -n and -d flags need this). If the open is
305 		 * successful, return a 0.
306 		 */
307 		if ((ftsp = fts_open(farray, ftsopts, NULL)) != NULL)
308 			break;
309 	}
310 	return(0);
311 }
313 /*
314  * next_file()
315  *	supplies the next file to process in the supplied archd structure.
316  * Return:
317  *	0 when contents of arcn have been set with the next file, -1 when done.
318  */
320 #if __STDC__
321 int
322 next_file(register ARCHD *arcn)
323 #else
324 int
325 next_file(arcn)
326 	register ARCHD *arcn;
327 #endif
328 {
329 	register int cnt;
330 	time_t atime;
331 	time_t mtime;
333 	/*
334 	 * ftree_sel() might have set the ftree_skip flag if the user has the
335 	 * -n option and a file was selected from this file arg tree. (-n says
336 	 * only one member is matched for each pattern) ftree_skip being 1
337 	 * forces us to go to the next arg now.
338 	 */
339 	if (ftree_skip) {
340 		/*
341 		 * clear and go to next arg
342 		 */
343 		ftree_skip = 0;
344 		if (ftree_arg() < 0)
345 			return(-1);
346 	}
348 	/*
349 	 * loop until we get a valid file to process
350 	 */
351 	for(;;) {
352 		if ((ftent = fts_read(ftsp)) == NULL) {
353 			/*
354 			 * out of files in this tree, go to next arg, if none
355 			 * we are done
356 			 */
357 			if (ftree_arg() < 0)
358 				return(-1);
359 			continue;
360 		}
362 		/*
363 		 * handle each type of fts_read() flag
364 		 */
365 		switch(ftent->fts_info) {
366 		case FTS_D:
367 		case FTS_DEFAULT:
368 		case FTS_F:
369 		case FTS_SL:
370 		case FTS_SLNONE:
371 			/*
372 			 * these are all ok
373 			 */
374 			break;
375 		case FTS_DP:
376 			/*
377 			 * already saw this directory. If the user wants file
378 			 * access times reset, we use this to restore the
379 			 * access time for this directory since this is the
380 			 * last time we will see it in this file subtree
381 			 * remember to force the time (this is -t on a read
382 			 * directory, not a created directory).
383 			 */
384 #			ifdef NET2_FTS
385 			if (!tflag || (get_atdir(ftent->fts_statb.st_dev,
386 			    ftent->fts_statb.st_ino, &mtime, &atime) < 0))
387 #			else
388 			if (!tflag || (get_atdir(ftent->fts_statp->st_dev,
389 			    ftent->fts_statp->st_ino, &mtime, &atime) < 0))
390 #			endif
391 				continue;
392 			set_ftime(ftent->fts_path, mtime, atime, 1);
393 			continue;
394 		case FTS_DC:
395 			/*
396 			 * fts claims a file system cycle
397 			 */
398 			warn(1,"File system cycle found at %s",ftent->fts_path);
399 			continue;
400 		case FTS_DNR:
401 #			ifdef NET2_FTS
402 			syswarn(1, errno,
403 #			else
404 			syswarn(1, ftent->fts_errno,
405 #			endif
406 			    "Unable to read directory %s", ftent->fts_path);
407 			continue;
408 		case FTS_ERR:
409 #			ifdef NET2_FTS
410 			syswarn(1, errno,
411 #			else
412 			syswarn(1, ftent->fts_errno,
413 #			endif
414 			    "File system traversal error");
415 			continue;
416 		case FTS_NS:
417 		case FTS_NSOK:
418 #			ifdef NET2_FTS
419 			syswarn(1, errno,
420 #			else
421 			syswarn(1, ftent->fts_errno,
422 #			endif
423 			    "Unable to access %s", ftent->fts_path);
424 			continue;
425 		}
427 		/*
428 		 * ok got a file tree node to process. copy info into arcn
429 		 * structure (initialize as required)
430 		 */
431 		arcn->skip = 0;
432 		arcn->pad = 0;
433 		arcn->ln_nlen = 0;
434 		arcn->ln_name[0] = '\0';
435 #		ifdef NET2_FTS
436 		arcn->sb = ftent->fts_statb;
437 #		else
438 		arcn->sb = *(ftent->fts_statp);
439 #		endif
441 		/*
442 		 * file type based set up and copy into the arcn struct
443 		 * SIDE NOTE:
444 		 * we try to reset the access time on all files and directories
445 		 * we may read when the -t flag is specified. files are reset
446 		 * when we close them after copying. we reset the directories
447 		 * when we are done with their file tree (we also clean up at
448 		 * end in case we cut short a file tree traversal). However
449 		 * there is no way to reset access times on symlinks.
450 		 */
451 		switch(S_IFMT & arcn->sb.st_mode) {
452 		case S_IFDIR:
453 			arcn->type = PAX_DIR;
454 			if (!tflag)
455 				break;
456 			add_atdir(ftent->fts_path, arcn->sb.st_dev,
457 			    arcn->sb.st_ino, arcn->sb.st_mtime,
458 			    arcn->sb.st_atime);
459 			break;
460 		case S_IFCHR:
461 			arcn->type = PAX_CHR;
462 			break;
463 		case S_IFBLK:
464 			arcn->type = PAX_BLK;
465 			break;
466 		case S_IFREG:
467 			/*
468 			 * only regular files with have data to store on the
469 			 * archive. all others will store a zero length skip.
470 			 * the skip field is used by pax for actual data it has
471 			 * to read (or skip over).
472 			 */
473 			arcn->type = PAX_REG;
474 			arcn->skip = arcn->sb.st_size;
475 			break;
476 		case S_IFLNK:
477 			arcn->type = PAX_SLK;
478 			/*
479 			 * have to read the symlink path from the file
480 			 */
481 			if ((cnt = readlink(ftent->fts_path, arcn->ln_name,
482 			    PAXPATHLEN)) < 0) {
483 				syswarn(1, errno, "Unable to read symlink %s",
484 				    ftent->fts_path);
485 				continue;
486 			}
487 			/*
488 			 * set link name length, watch out readlink does not
489 			 * allways null terminate the link path
490 			 */
491 			arcn->ln_name[cnt] = '\0';
492 			arcn->ln_nlen = cnt;
493 			break;
494 		case S_IFSOCK:
495 			/*
496 			 * under BSD storing a socket is senseless but we will
497 			 * let the format specific write function make the
498 			 * decision of what to do with it.
499 			 */
500 			arcn->type = PAX_SCK;
501 			break;
502 		case S_IFIFO:
503 			arcn->type = PAX_FIF;
504 			break;
505 		}
506 		break;
507 	}
509 	/*
510 	 * copy file name, set file name length
511 	 */
512 	arcn->nlen = l_strncpy(arcn->name, ftent->fts_path, PAXPATHLEN+1);
513 	arcn->name[arcn->nlen] = '\0';
514 	arcn->org_name = ftent->fts_path;
515 	return(0);
516 }