xref: /original-bsd/contrib/sort/fields.c (revision e8eb2810)
1 /*-
2  * Copyright (c) 1993
3  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
6  * Peter McIlroy.
7  *
8  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
9  */
11 #ifndef lint
12 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)fields.c	8.1 (Berkeley) 06/06/93";
13 #endif /* not lint */
15 /* Subroutines to generate sort keys. */
17 #include "sort.h"
19 #define blancmange(ptr) {					\
20 	if (BLANK & d_mask[*(ptr)])				\
21 		while (BLANK & d_mask[*(++(ptr))]);		\
22 }
24 #define NEXTCOL(pos) {						\
25 	if (!SEP_FLAG)						\
26 		while (BLANK & l_d_mask[*(++pos)]);		\
27 	while (!((FLD_D | REC_D_F) & l_d_mask[*++pos]));	\
28 }
30 extern u_char *enterfield __P((u_char *, u_char *, struct field *, int));
32 extern u_char *number __P((u_char *, u_char *, u_char *, u_char *, int));
34 extern struct coldesc clist[(ND+1)*2];
35 extern int ncols;
37 #define DECIMAL '.'
38 #define OFFSET 128
40 u_char TENS[10];	/* TENS[0] = REC_D <= 128 ? 130 - '0' : 2 -'0'... */
41 u_char NEGTENS[10];	/* NEGTENS[0] = REC_D <= 128 ? 126 + '0' : 252 +'0' */
42 u_char *OFF_TENS, *OFF_NTENS;	/* TENS - '0', NEGTENS - '0' */
43 u_char fnum[NBINS], rnum[NBINS];
45 /*
46  * constructs sort key with leading recheader, followed by the key,
47  * followed by the original line.
48  */
49 length_t
50 enterkey(keybuf, line, size, fieldtable)
51 	struct recheader *keybuf;	/* pointer to start of key */
52 	DBT *line;
53 	int size;
54 	struct field fieldtable[];
55 {
56 	int i;
57 	register u_char *l_d_mask;
58 	register u_char *lineend, *pos;
59 	u_char *endkey, *keypos;
60 	register struct coldesc *clpos;
61 	register int col = 1;
62 	struct field *ftpos;
63 	l_d_mask = d_mask;
64 	pos = (u_char *) line->data - 1;
65 	lineend = (u_char *) line->data + line->size-1;
66 				/* don't include rec_delimiter */
67 	keypos = keybuf->data;
69 	for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) {
70 		clpos = clist + i;
71 		for (; (col < clpos->num) && (pos < lineend); col++)
72 			{ NEXTCOL(pos); }
73 		if (pos >= lineend)
74 			break;
75 		clpos->start = SEP_FLAG ? pos + 1 : pos;
76 		NEXTCOL(pos);
77 		clpos->end = pos;
78 		col++;
79 		if (pos >= lineend) {
80 			clpos->end = lineend;
81 			++i;
82 			break;
83 		}
84 	}
85 	for (; i <= ncols; i++)
86 		clist[i].start = clist[i].end = lineend;
87 	if (clist[0].start < (u_char *) line->data)
88 		++clist[0].start;
89 	endkey = (u_char *) keybuf + size - line->size;
90 	for (ftpos = fieldtable + 1; ftpos->icol.num; ftpos++)
91 		if ((keypos = enterfield(keypos, endkey, ftpos,
92 		    fieldtable->flags)) == NULL)
93 			return (1);
95 	if (UNIQUE)
96 		*(keypos-1) = REC_D;
97 	keybuf->offset = keypos - keybuf->data;
98 	keybuf->length = keybuf->offset + line->size;
99 	if (keybuf->length + sizeof(TRECHEADER) > size)
100 		return (1);		/* line too long for buffer */
101 	memcpy(keybuf->data + keybuf->offset, line->data, line->size);
102 	return (0);
103 }
105 /*
106  * constructs a field (as defined by -k) within a key
107  */
108 u_char *
109 enterfield(tablepos, endkey, cur_fld, gflags)
110 	struct field *cur_fld;
111 	register u_char *tablepos, *endkey;
112 	int gflags;
113 {
114 	register u_char *start, *end, *lineend, *mask, *lweight;
115 	struct column icol, tcol;
116 	register u_int flags;
117 	u_int Rflag;
118 	icol = cur_fld->icol;
119 	tcol = cur_fld->tcol;
120 	flags = cur_fld->flags;
121 	start = icol.p->start;
122 	lineend = clist[ncols].end;
123 	if (flags & BI)
124 		blancmange(start);
125 	start += icol.indent;
126 	start = min(start, lineend);
127 	if (!tcol.num)
128 		end = lineend;
129 	else {
130 		if (tcol.indent) {
131 			end = tcol.p->start;
132 			if (flags & BT) blancmange(end);
133 			end += tcol.indent;
134 			end = min(end, lineend);
135 		} else
136 			end = tcol.p->end;
137 	}
138 	if (flags & N) {
139 		Rflag = (gflags & R ) ^ (flags & R) ? 1 : 0;
140 		tablepos = number(tablepos, endkey, start, end, Rflag);
141 		return (tablepos);
142 	}
143 	mask = alltable;
144 	mask = cur_fld->mask;
145 	lweight = cur_fld->weights;
146 	for (; start < end; start++)
147 		if (mask[*start]) {
148 			if (*start <= 1) {
149 				if (tablepos+2 >= endkey)
150 					return (NULL);
151 				*tablepos++ = lweight[1];
152 				*tablepos++ = lweight[*start ? 2 : 1];
153 			} else {
154 				*tablepos++ = lweight[*start];
155 				if (tablepos == endkey)
156 				return (NULL);
157 			}
158 		}
159 	*tablepos++ = lweight[0];
160 	return (tablepos == endkey ? NULL : tablepos);
161 }
163 /* Uses the first bin to assign sign, expsign, 0, and the first
164  * 61 out of the exponent ( (254 - 3 origins - 4 over/underflows)/4 = 61 ).
165  *   When sorting in forward order:
166  * use (0-99) -> (130->240) for sorting the mantissa if REC_D <=128;
167  * else use (0-99)->(2-102).
168  * If the exponent is >=61, use another byte for each additional 253
169  * in the exponent. Cutoff is at 567.
170  * To avoid confusing the exponent and the mantissa, use a field delimiter
171  * if the exponent is exactly 61, 61+252, etc--this is ok, since it's the
172  * only time a field delimiter can come in that position.
173  * Reverse order is done analagously.
174 */
176 u_char *
177 number(pos, bufend, line, lineend, Rflag)
178 	register u_char *line, *pos, *bufend, *lineend;
179 	int Rflag;
180 {
181 	register int or_sign, parity = 0;
182 	register int expincr = 1, exponent = -1;
183 	int bite, expsign = 1, sign = 1;
184 	register u_char lastvalue, *nonzero, *tline, *C_TENS;
185 	u_char *nweights;
187 	if (Rflag)
188 		nweights = rnum;
189 	else
190 		nweights = fnum;
191 	if (pos > bufend - 8)
192 		return (NULL);
193 	/* or_sign sets the sort direction:
194 	 *	(-r: +/-)(sign: +/-)(expsign: +/-) */
195 	or_sign = sign ^ expsign ^ Rflag;
196 	blancmange(line);
197 	if (*line == '-') {	/* set the sign */
198 		or_sign ^= 1;
199 		sign = 0;
200 		line++;
201 	}
202 	/* eat initial zeroes */
203 	for (; *line == '0' && line < lineend; line++);
204 	/* calculate exponents < 0 */
205 	if (*line == DECIMAL) {
206 		exponent = 1;
207 		while (*++line == '0' && line < lineend)
208 			exponent++;
209 		expincr = 0;
210 		expsign = 0;
211 	}
212 	/* next character better be a digit */
213 	if (*line < '1' || *line > '9' || line >= lineend) {
214 		*pos++ = nweights[127];
215 		return (pos);
216 	}
217 	if (expincr) {
218 		for (tline = line-1; *++tline >= '0' &&
219 		    *tline <= '9' && tline < lineend;)
220 			exponent++;
221 	}
222 	if (exponent > 567) {
223 		*pos++ = nweights[sign ? (expsign ? 254 : 128)
224 					: (expsign ? 0 : 126)];
225 		warnx("exponent out of bounds");
226 		return (pos);
227 	}
228 	bite = min(exponent, 61);
229 	*pos++ = nweights[(sign) ? (expsign ? 189+bite : 189-bite)
230 				: (expsign ? 64-bite : 64+bite)];
231 	if (bite >= 61) {
232 		do {
233 			exponent -= bite;
234 			bite = min(exponent, 254);
235 			*pos++ = nweights[or_sign ? 254-bite : bite];
236 		} while (bite == 254);
237 	}
238 	C_TENS = or_sign ? OFF_NTENS : OFF_TENS;
239 	for (; line < lineend; line++) {
240 		if (*line >= '0' && *line <= '9') {
241 			if (parity) {
242 				*pos++ = C_TENS[lastvalue] + (or_sign ? - *line
243 						: *line);
244 				if (pos == bufend)
245 					return (NULL);
246 				if (*line != '0' || lastvalue != '0')
247 					nonzero = pos;
248 			} else
249 				lastvalue = *line;
250 			parity ^= 1;
251 		} else if(*line == DECIMAL) {
252 			if(!expincr)	/* a decimal already occurred once */
253 				break;
254 			expincr = 0;
255 		} else
256 			break;
257 	}
258 	if (parity && lastvalue != '0') {
259 		*pos++ = or_sign ? OFF_NTENS[lastvalue] - '0' :
260 					OFF_TENS[lastvalue] + '0';
261 	} else
262 		pos = nonzero;
263 	if (pos > bufend-1)
264 		return (NULL);
265 	*pos++ = or_sign ? nweights[254] : nweights[0];
266 	return (pos);
267 }
269 /* This forces a gap around the record delimiter
270  * Thus fnum has vaues over (0,254) -> ((0,REC_D-1),(REC_D+1,255));
271  * rnum over (0,254) -> (255,REC_D+1),(REC_D-1,0))
272 */
273 void
274 num_init()
275 {
276 	int i;
277 	TENS[0] = REC_D <=128 ? 130 - '0' : 2 - '0';
278 	NEGTENS[0] = REC_D <=128 ? 126 + '0' : 254 + '0';
279 	OFF_TENS = TENS - '0';
280 	OFF_NTENS = NEGTENS - '0';
281 	for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
282 		TENS[i] = TENS[i-1] + 10;
283 		NEGTENS[i] = NEGTENS[i-1] - 10;
284 	}
285 	for (i = 0; i < REC_D; i++) {
286 		fnum[i] = i;
287 		rnum[255-i] = i;
288 	}
289 	for (i = REC_D; i <255; i++) {
290 		fnum[i] = i+1;
291 		rnum[255-i] = i-1;
292 	}
293 }