xref: /original-bsd/games/adventure/io.c (revision 2301fdfb)
1 #
2 /*      Re-coding of advent in C: file i/o and user i/o                 */
4 static char sccsid[] = "	io.c	4.2	88/09/22	";
6 #include "hdr.h"
7 #include <stdio.h>
10 getin(wrd1,wrd2)                        /* get command from user        */
11 char **wrd1,**wrd2;                     /* no prompt, usually           */
12 {       register char *s;
13 	static char wd1buf[MAXSTR],wd2buf[MAXSTR];
14 	int first, numch;
16 	*wrd1=wd1buf;                   /* return ptr to internal string*/
17 	*wrd2=wd2buf;
18 	wd2buf[0]=0;                    /* in case it isn't set here    */
19 	for (s=wd1buf, first=1, numch=0;;)
20 	{       if ((*s=getchar())>='A' && *s <='Z') *s = *s - ('A' -'a');
21 					/* convert to upper case        */
22 		switch(*s)              /* start reading from user      */
23 		{   case '\n':
24 			*s=0;
25 			return;
26 		    case ' ':
27 			if (s==wd1buf||s==wd2buf)  /* initial blank   */
28 				continue;
29 			*s=0;
30 			if (first)      /* finished 1st wd; start 2nd   */
31 			{       first=numch=0;
32 				s=wd2buf;
33 				break;
34 			}
35 			else            /* finished 2nd word            */
36 			{       FLUSHLINE;
37 				*s=0;
38 				return;
39 			}
40 		    default:
41 			if (++numch>=MAXSTR)    /* string too long      */
42 			{       printf("Give me a break!!\n");
43 				wd1buf[0]=wd2buf[0]=0;
45 				return;
46 			}
47 			s++;
48 		}
49 	}
50 }
53 confirm(mesg)                           /* confirm irreversible action  */
54 char *mesg;
55 {       register int result;
56 	printf("%s",mesg);              /* tell him what he did         */
57 	if (getchar()=='y')             /* was his first letter a 'y'?  */
58 		result=1;
59 	else    result=0;
61 	return(result);
62 }
64 yes(x,y,z)                              /* confirm with rspeak          */
65 int x,y,z;
66 {       register int result;
67 	register char ch;
68 	for (;;)
69 	{       rspeak(x);                     /* tell him what we want*/
70 		if ((ch=getchar())=='y')
71 			result=TRUE;
72 		else if (ch=='n') result=FALSE;
74 		if (ch=='y'|| ch=='n') break;
75 		printf("Please answer the question.\n");
76 	}
77 	if (result==TRUE) rspeak(y);
78 	if (result==FALSE) rspeak(z);
79 	return(result);
80 }
82 yesm(x,y,z)                             /* confirm with mspeak          */
83 int x,y,z;
84 {       register int result;
85 	register char ch;
86 	for (;;)
87 	{       mspeak(x);                     /* tell him what we want*/
88 		if ((ch=getchar())=='y')
89 			result=TRUE;
90 		else if (ch=='n') result=FALSE;
92 		if (ch=='y'|| ch=='n') break;
93 		printf("Please answer the question.\n");
94 	}
95 	if (result==TRUE) mspeak(y);
96 	if (result==FALSE) mspeak(z);
97 	return(result);
98 }
100 FILE *inbuf,*outbuf;
102 int adrptr;                             /* current seek adr ptr         */
103 int outsw = 0;				/* putting stuff to data file?  */
105 char iotape[] = "Ax3F'tt$8hqer*hnGKrX:!l";
106 char *tape = iotape;			/* pointer to encryption tape   */
108 next()                                  /* next char frm file, bump adr */
109 {       register char ch,t;
110 	adrptr++;                       /* seek address in file         */
111 	ch=getc(inbuf);
112 	if (outsw)                      /* putting data in tmp file     */
113 	{       if (*tape==0) tape=iotape; /* rewind encryption tape    */
114 		putc(ch ^ *tape++,outbuf); /* encrypt & output char     */
115 	}
116 	return(ch);
117 }
120 char breakch;                           /* tell which char ended rnum   */
123 rdata()                                 /* read all data from orig file */
124 {       register int sect;
125 	register char ch;
126 	if ((inbuf=fopen(DATFILE,"r"))==NULL)     /* all the data lives in here   */
127 	{       printf("Cannot open data file %s\n",DATFILE);
128 		exit(0);
129 	}
130 	if ((outbuf=fopen(TMPFILE,"w"))==NULL)   /* the text lines will go here  */
131 	{       printf("Cannot create output file %s\n",TMPFILE);
132 		exit(0);
133 	}
134 	setup=clsses=1;
135 	for (;;)                        /* read data sections           */
136 	{       sect=next()-'0';        /* 1st digit of section number  */
137 		printf("Section %c",sect+'0');
138 		if ((ch=next())!=LF)    /* is there a second digit?     */
139 		{       FLUSHLF;
140 			putchar(ch);
141 			sect=10*sect+ch-'0';
142 		}
143 		putchar('\n');
144 		switch(sect)
145 		{   case 0:             /* finished reading database    */
146 			fclose(inbuf);
147 			fclose(outbuf);
148 			return;
149 		    case 1:             /* long form descriptions       */
150 			rdesc(1);
151 			break;
152 		    case 2:             /* short form descriptions      */
153 			rdesc(2);
154 			break;
155 		    case 3:             /* travel table                 */
156 			rtrav();   break;
157 		    case 4:             /* vocabulary                   */
158 			rvoc();
159 			break;
160 		    case 5:             /* object descriptions          */
161 			rdesc(5);
162 			break;
163 		    case 6:             /* arbitrary messages           */
164 			rdesc(6);
165 			break;
166 		    case 7:             /* object locations             */
167 			rlocs();   break;
168 		    case 8:             /* action defaults              */
169 			rdflt();   break;
170 		    case 9:             /* liquid assets                */
171 			rliq();    break;
172 		    case 10:            /* class messages               */
173 			rdesc(10);
174 			break;
175 		    case 11:            /* hints                        */
176 			rhints();  break;
177 		    case 12:            /* magic messages               */
178 			rdesc(12);
179 			break;
180 		    default:
181 			printf("Invalid data section number: %d\n",sect);
182 			for (;;) putchar(next());
183 		}
184 		if (breakch!=LF)        /* routines return after "-1"   */
185 			FLUSHLF;
186 	}
187 }
189 char nbf[12];
192 rnum()                                  /* read initial location num    */
193 {       register char *s;
194 	tape = iotape;                  /* restart encryption tape      */
195 	for (s=nbf,*s=0;; s++)
196 		if ((*s=next())==TAB || *s=='\n' || *s==LF)
197 			break;
198 	breakch= *s;                    /* save char for rtrav()        */
199 	*s=0;                           /* got the number as ascii      */
200 	if (nbf[0]=='-') return(-1);    /* end of data                  */
201 	return(atoi(nbf));              /* convert it to integer        */
202 }
204 int seekhere = 1;			/* initial seek for output file */
206 rdesc(sect)                             /* read description-format msgs */
207 int sect;
208 {       register char *s,*t;
209 	register int locc;
210 	int  seekstart, maystart, adrstart;
211 	char *entry;
212 	outsw=1;                        /* these msgs go into tmp file  */
213 	if (sect==1) putc('X',outbuf);  /* so seekadr > 0               */
214 	adrptr=0;
215 	for (oldloc= -1, seekstart=seekhere;;)
216 	{       maystart=adrptr;        /* maybe starting new entry     */
217 		if ((locc=rnum())!=oldloc && oldloc>=0  /* finished msg */
218 		    && ! (sect==5 && (locc==0 || locc>=100)))/* unless sect 5*/
219 		{       switch(sect)    /* now put it into right table  */
220 			{   case 1:     /* long descriptions            */
221 				ltext[oldloc].seekadr=seekhere;
222 				ltext[oldloc].txtlen=maystart-seekstart;
223 				break;
224 			    case 2:     /* short descriptions           */
225 				stext[oldloc].seekadr=seekhere;
226 				stext[oldloc].txtlen=maystart-seekstart;
227 				break;
228 			    case 5:     /* object descriptions          */
229 				ptext[oldloc].seekadr=seekhere;
230 				ptext[oldloc].txtlen=maystart-seekstart;
231 				break;
232 			    case 6:     /* random messages              */
233 				if (oldloc>RTXSIZ)
234 				{       printf("Too many random msgs\n");
235 					exit(0);
236 				}
237 				rtext[oldloc].seekadr=seekhere;
238 				rtext[oldloc].txtlen=maystart-seekstart;
239 				break;
240 			    case 10:    /* class messages               */
241 				ctext[clsses].seekadr=seekhere;
242 				ctext[clsses].txtlen=maystart-seekstart;
243 				cval[clsses++]=oldloc;
244 				break;
245 			    case 12:    /* magic messages               */
246 				if (oldloc>MAGSIZ)
247 				{       printf("Too many magic msgs\n");
248 					exit(0);
249 				}
250 				mtext[oldloc].seekadr=seekhere;
251 				mtext[oldloc].txtlen=maystart-seekstart;
252 				break;
253 			    default:
254 				printf("rdesc called with bad section\n");
255 				exit(0);
256 			}
257 			seekhere += maystart-seekstart;
258 		}
259 		if (locc<0)
260 		{       outsw=0;        /* turn off output              */
261 			seekhere += 3;  /* -1<delimiter>                */
262 			return;
263 		}
264 		if (sect!=5 || (locc>0 && locc<100))
265 		{       if (oldloc!=locc)/* starting a new message       */
266 				seekstart=maystart;
267 			oldloc=locc;
268 		}
269 		FLUSHLF;                /* scan the line                */
270 	}
271 }
274 rtrav()                                 /* read travel table            */
275 {       register int locc;
276 	register struct travlist *t;
277 	register char *s;
278 	char buf[12];
279 	int len,m,n,entries;
280 	for (oldloc= -1;;)              /* get another line             */
281 	{       if ((locc=rnum())!=oldloc && oldloc>=0) /* end of entry */
282 		{
283 			t->next = 0;    /* terminate the old entry      */
284 		/*      printf("%d:%d entries\n",oldloc,entries);       */
285 		/*      twrite(oldloc);                                 */
286 		}
287 		if (locc== -1) return;
288 		if (locc!=oldloc)        /* getting a new entry         */
289 		{       t=travel[locc]=(struct travlist *) malloc(sizeof (struct travlist));
290 		/*      printf("New travel list for %d\n",locc);        */
291 			entries=0;
292 			oldloc=locc;
293 		}
294 		for (s=buf;; *s++)      /* get the newloc number /ASCII */
295 			if ((*s=next())==TAB || *s==LF) break;
296 		*s=0;
297 		len=length(buf)-1;      /* quad long number handling    */
298 	/*      printf("Newloc: %s (%d chars)\n",buf,len);              */
299 		if (len<4)              /* no "m" conditions            */
300 		{       m=0;
301 			n=atoi(buf);    /* newloc mod 1000 = newloc     */
302 		}
303 		else                    /* a long integer               */
304 		{       n=atoi(buf+len-3);
305 			buf[len-3]=0;   /* terminate newloc/1000        */
306 			m=atoi(buf);
307 		}
308 		while (breakch!=LF)     /* only do one line at a time   */
309 		{       if (entries++) t=t->next=(struct travlist *) malloc(sizeof (struct travlist));
310 			t->tverb=rnum();/* get verb from the file       */
311 			t->tloc=n;      /* table entry mod 1000         */
312 			t->conditions=m;/* table entry / 1000           */
313 		/*      printf("entry %d for %d\n",entries,locc);       */
314 		}
315 	}
316 }
319 twrite(loq)                             /* travel options from this loc */
320 int loq;
321 {       register struct travlist *t;
322 	printf("If");
323 	speak(&ltext[loq]);
324 	printf("then\n");
325 	for (t=travel[loq]; t!=0; t=t->next)
326 	{       printf("verb %d takes you to ",t->tverb);
327 		if (t->tloc<=300)
328 			speak(&ltext[t->tloc]);
329 		else if (t->tloc<=500)
330 			printf("special code %d\n",t->tloc-300);
331 		else
332 			rspeak(t->tloc-500);
333 		printf("under conditions %d\n",t->conditions);
334 	}
335 }
339 rvoc()
340 {       register char *s;               /* read the vocabulary          */
341 	register int index;
342 	char buf[6];
343 	for (;;)
344 	{       index=rnum();
345 		if (index<0) break;
346 		for (s=buf,*s=0;; s++)  /* get the word                 */
347 			if ((*s=next())==TAB || *s=='\n' || *s==LF
348 				|| *s==' ') break;
349 			/* terminate word with newline, LF, tab, blank  */
350 		if (*s!='\n' && *s!=LF) FLUSHLF;  /* can be comments    */
351 		*s=0;
352 	/*      printf("\"%s\"=%d\n",buf,index);*/
353 		vocab(buf,-2,index);
354 	}
355 /*	prht();	*/
356 }
359 rlocs()                                 /* initial object locations     */
360 {	for (;;)
361 	{       if ((obj=rnum())<0) break;
362 		plac[obj]=rnum();       /* initial loc for this obj     */
363 		if (breakch==TAB)       /* there's another entry        */
364 			fixd[obj]=rnum();
365 		else    fixd[obj]=0;
366 	}
367 }
369 rdflt()                                 /* default verb messages        */
370 {	for (;;)
371 	{       if ((verb=rnum())<0) break;
372 		actspk[verb]=rnum();
373 	}
374 }
376 rliq()                                  /* liquid assets &c: cond bits  */
377 {       register int bitnum;
378 	for (;;)                        /* read new bit list            */
379 	{       if ((bitnum=rnum())<0) break;
380 		for (;;)                /* read locs for bits           */
381 		{       cond[rnum()] |= setbit[bitnum];
382 			if (breakch==LF) break;
383 		}
384 	}
385 }
387 rhints()
388 {       register int hintnum,i;
389 	hntmax=0;
390 	for (;;)
391 	{       if ((hintnum=rnum())<0) break;
392 		for (i=1; i<5; i++)
393 			hints[hintnum][i]=rnum();
394 		if (hintnum>hntmax) hntmax=hintnum;
395 	}
396 }
399 rspeak(msg)
400 int msg;
401 {       if (msg!=0) speak(&rtext[msg]);
402 }
405 mspeak(msg)
406 int msg;
407 {       if (msg!=0) speak(&mtext[msg]);
408 }
411 doseek(offset)  /* do 2 seeks to get to right place in the file         */
412 unsigned offset;
413 {
414 	extern unsigned filesize;
415 	lseek(datfd,(long)offset+(long)filesize, 0);
416 #ifdef notdef
417 	blockadr=chadr=0;
418 	if (offset<0)                   /* right place is offset+filesize*/
419 	{       blockadr += 64;         /* take off 32768 bytes         */
420 		chadr += offset+32768;  /* & make them into 64 blocks   */
421 	}
422 	else chadr += offset;
423 	if (filesize<0)                 /* data starts after file       */
424 	{       blockadr += 64;         /* which may also be large      */
425 		chadr += filesize+32768;
426 	}
427 	else chadr += filesize;
428 	if (chadr<0)                    /* and the leftovers may be lge */
429 	{       blockadr += 64;
430 		chadr += 32768;
431 	}
432 	seek(datfd,blockadr,3);         /* get within 32767             */
433 	seek(datfd,chadr,1);            /* then the rest of the way     */
434 #endif
435 }
438 speak(msg)       /* read, decrypt, and print a message (not ptext)      */
439 struct text *msg;/* msg is a pointer to seek address and length of mess */
440 {       register char *s,nonfirst;
441 	register char *tbuf;
442 	doseek(msg->seekadr);
443 	if ((tbuf=(char *) malloc(msg->txtlen+1)) == 0) bug(109);
444 	read(datfd,tbuf,msg->txtlen);
445 	s=tbuf;
446 	nonfirst=0;
447 	while (s-tbuf<msg->txtlen)      /* read a line at a time        */
448 	{       tape=iotape;            /* restart decryption tape      */
449 		while ((*s++^*tape++)!=TAB); /* read past loc num       */
450 		/* assume tape is longer than location number           */
451 		/*   plus the lookahead put together                    */
452 		if ((*s^*tape)=='>' &&
453 			(*(s+1)^*(tape+1))=='$' &&
454 			(*(s+2)^*(tape+2))=='<') break;
455 		if (blklin&&!nonfirst++) putchar('\n');
456 		do
457 		{       if (*tape==0) tape=iotape;/* rewind decryp tape */
458 			putchar(*s^*tape);
459 		} while ((*s++^*tape++)!=LF);   /* better end with LF   */
460 	}
461 	free(tbuf);
462 }
465 pspeak(msg,skip) /* read, decrypt an print a ptext message              */
466 int msg;         /* msg is the number of all the p msgs for this place  */
467 int skip;       /* assumes object 1 doesn't have prop 1, obj 2 no prop 2 &c*/
468 {       register char *s,nonfirst;
469 	register char *tbuf;
470 	char *numst;
471 	int lstr;
472 	doseek(ptext[msg].seekadr);
473 	if ((tbuf=(char *) malloc((lstr=ptext[msg].txtlen)+1)) == 0) bug(108);
474 	read(datfd,tbuf,lstr);
475 	s=tbuf;
476 	nonfirst=0;
477 	while (s-tbuf<lstr)             /* read a line at a time        */
478 	{       tape=iotape;            /* restart decryption tape      */
479 		for (numst=s; (*s^= *tape++)!=TAB; s++); /* get number  */
480 		*s++=0; /* decrypting number within the string          */
481 		if (atoi(numst)!=100*skip && skip>=0)
482 		{       while ((*s++^*tape++)!=LF) /* flush the line    */
483 				if (*tape==0) tape=iotape;
484 			continue;
485 		}
486 		if ((*s^*tape)=='>' && (*(s+1)^*(tape+1))=='$' &&
487 			(*(s+2)^*(tape+2))=='<') break;
488 		if (blklin && ! nonfirst++) putchar('\n');
489 		do
490 		{       if (*tape==0) tape=iotape;
491 			putchar(*s^*tape);
492 		} while ((*s++^*tape++)!=LF);   /* better end with LF   */
493 		if (skip<0) break;
494 	}
495 	free(tbuf);
496 }