xref: /original-bsd/games/adventure/main.c (revision 2598cae2)
1 /*-
2  * Copyright (c) 1991, 1993
3  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * The game adventure was originally written in Fortran by Will Crowther
6  * and Don Woods.  It was later translated to C and enhanced by Jim
7  * Gillogly.  This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley
8  * by Jim Gillogly at The Rand Corporation.
9  *
10  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
11  */
13 #ifndef lint
14 static char copyright[] =
15 "@(#) Copyright (c) 1991, 1993\n\
16 	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.\n";
17 #endif /* not lint */
19 #ifndef lint
20 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)main.c	8.1 (Berkeley) 06/02/93";
21 #endif /* not lint */
23 /*      Re-coding of advent in C: main program                          */
25 #include <sys/file.h>
26 #include <stdio.h>
27 #include "hdr.h"
30 main(argc,argv)
31 int argc;
32 char **argv;
33 {
34 	extern int errno;
35 	register int i;
36 	int rval,ll;
37 	struct text *kk;
38 	extern trapdel();
40 	init();         /* Initialize everything */
41 	signal(2,trapdel);
43 	if (argc > 1)   /* Restore file specified */
44 	{               /* Restart is label 8305 (Fortran) */
45 		i = restore(argv[1]);       /* See what we've got */
46 		switch(i)
47 		{
48 		    case 0:     /* The restore worked fine */
49 			yea=Start(0);
50 			k=null;
51 			unlink(argv[1]);/* Don't re-use the save */
52 			goto l8;        /* Get where we're going */
53 		    case 1:             /* Couldn't open it */
54 			exit(0);        /* So give up */
55 		    case 2:             /* Oops -- file was altered */
56 			rspeak(202);    /* You dissolve */
57 			exit(0);        /* File could be non-adventure */
58 		}                       /* So don't unlink it. */
59 	}
61 	startup();              /* prepare for a user           */
63 	for (;;)                        /* main command loop (label 2)  */
64 	{       if (newloc<9 && newloc!=0 && closng)
65 		{       rspeak(130);    /* if closing leave only by     */
66 			newloc=loc;     /*      main office             */
67 			if (!panic) clock2=15;
68 			panic=TRUE;
69 		}
71 		rval=fdwarf();          /* dwarf stuff                  */
72 		if (rval==99) die(99);
74 	l2000:  if (loc==0) die(99);    /* label 2000                   */
75 		kk = &stext[loc];
76 		if ((abb[loc]%abbnum)==0 || kk->seekadr==0)
77 			kk = &ltext[loc];
78 		if (!forced(loc) && dark(0))
79 		{       if (wzdark && pct(35))
80 			{       die(90);
81 				goto l2000;
82 			}
83 			kk = &rtext[16];
84 		}
85 	l2001:  if (toting(bear)) rspeak(141);  /* 2001                 */
86 		speak(kk);
87 		k=1;
88 		if (forced(loc))
89 			goto l8;
90 		if (loc==33 && pct(25)&&!closng) rspeak(8);
91 		if (!dark(0))
92 		{       abb[loc]++;
93 			for (i=atloc[loc]; i!=0; i=link[i])     /*2004  */
94 			{       obj=i;
95 				if (obj>100) obj -= 100;
96 				if (obj==steps && toting(nugget)) continue;
97 				if (prop[obj]<0)
98 				{       if (closed) continue;
99 					prop[obj]=0;
100 					if (obj==rug||obj==chain)
101 						prop[obj]=1;
102 					tally--;
103 					if (tally==tally2 && tally != 0)
104 						if (limit>35) limit=35;
105 				}
106 				ll =  prop[obj];   /* 2006         */
107 				if (obj==steps && loc==fixed[steps])
108 					ll = 1;
109 				pspeak(obj, ll);
110 			}                                       /* 2008 */
111 			goto l2012;
112 	l2009:          k=54;                   /* 2009                 */
113 	l2010:          spk=k;
114 	l2011:          rspeak(spk);
115 		}
116 	l2012:  verb=0;                         /* 2012                 */
117 		obj=0;
118 	l2600:	checkhints();                   /* to 2600-2602         */
119 		if (closed)
120 		{       if (prop[oyster]<0 && toting(oyster))
121 				pspeak(oyster,1);
122 			for (i=1; i<100; i++)
123 				if (toting(i)&&prop[i]<0)       /*2604  */
124 					prop[i] = -1-prop[i];
125 		}
126 		wzdark=dark(0);                 /* 2605                 */
127 		if (knfloc>0 && knfloc!=loc) knfloc=1;
128 		getin(&wd1,&wd2);
129 		if (delhit)                     /* user typed a DEL     */
130 		{       delhit=0;               /* reset counter        */
131 			copystr("quit",wd1);    /* pretend he's quitting*/
132 			*wd2=0;
133 		}
134 	l2608:  if ((foobar = -foobar)>0) foobar=0;     /* 2608         */
135 		/* should check here for "magic mode"                   */
136 		turns++;
137 		if (demo && turns>=SHORT) done(1);      /* to 13000     */
139 		if (verb==say && *wd2!=0) verb=0;
140 		if (verb==say)
141 			goto l4090;
142 		if (tally==0 && loc>=15 && loc!=33) clock1--;
143 		if (clock1==0)
144 		{       closing();                      /* to 10000     */
145 			goto l19999;
146 		}
147 		if (clock1<0) clock2--;
148 		if (clock2==0)
149 		{       caveclose();            /* to 11000             */
150 			continue;               /* back to 2            */
151 		}
152 		if (prop[lamp]==1) limit--;
153 		if (limit<=30 && here(batter) && prop[batter]==0
154 			&& here(lamp))
155 		{       rspeak(188);            /* 12000                */
156 			prop[batter]=1;
157 			if (toting(batter)) drop(batter,loc);
158 			limit=limit+2500;
159 			lmwarn=FALSE;
160 			goto l19999;
161 		}
162 		if (limit==0)
163 		{       limit = -1;             /* 12400                */
164 			prop[lamp]=0;
165 			rspeak(184);
166 			goto l19999;
167 		}
168 		if (limit<0&&loc<=8)
169 		{       rspeak(185);            /* 12600                */
170 			gaveup=TRUE;
171 			done(2);                /* to 20000             */
172 		}
173 		if (limit<=30)
174 		{       if (lmwarn|| !here(lamp)) goto l19999;  /*12200*/
175 			lmwarn=TRUE;
176 			spk=187;
177 			if (place[batter]==0) spk=183;
178 			if (prop[batter]==1) spk=189;
179 			rspeak(spk);
180 		}
181 	l19999: k=43;
182 		if (liqloc(loc)==water) k=70;
183 		if (weq(wd1,"enter") &&
184 		    (weq(wd2,"strea")||weq(wd2,"water")))
185 			goto l2010;
186 		if (weq(wd1,"enter") && *wd2!=0) goto l2800;
187 		if ((!weq(wd1,"water")&&!weq(wd1,"oil"))
188 		    || (!weq(wd2,"plant")&&!weq(wd2,"door")))
189 			goto l2610;
190 		if (at(vocab(wd2,1))) copystr("pour",wd2);
192 	l2610:  if (weq(wd1,"west"))
193 			if (++iwest==10) rspeak(17);
194 	l2630:  i=vocab(wd1,-1);
195 		if (i== -1)
196 		{       spk=60;                 /* 3000         */
197 			if (pct(20)) spk=61;
198 			if (pct(20)) spk=13;
199 			rspeak(spk);
200 			goto l2600;
201 		}
202 		k=i%1000;
203 		kq=i/1000+1;
204 		switch(kq)
205 		{   case 1: goto l8;
206 		    case 2: goto l5000;
207 		    case 3: goto l4000;
208 		    case 4: goto l2010;
209 		    default:
210 			printf("Error 22\n");
211 			exit(0);
212 		}
214 	l8:
215 		switch(march())
216 		{   case 2: continue;           /* i.e. goto l2         */
217 		    case 99:
218 			switch(die(99))
219 			{   case 2000: goto l2000;
220 			    default: bug(111);
221 			}
222 		    default: bug(110);
223 		}
225 	l2800:  copystr(wd2,wd1);
226 		*wd2=0;
227 		goto l2610;
229 	l4000:  verb=k;
230 		spk=actspk[verb];
231 		if (*wd2!=0 && verb!=say) goto l2800;
232 		if (verb==say) obj= *wd2;
233 		if (obj!=0) goto l4090;
234 	l4080:
235 		switch(verb)
236 		{   case 1:                     /* take = 8010          */
237 			if (atloc[loc]==0||link[atloc[loc]]!=0) goto l8000;
238 			for (i=1; i<=5; i++)
239 				if (dloc[i]==loc&&dflag>=2) goto l8000;
240 			obj=atloc[loc];
241 			goto l9010;
242 		    case 2: case 3: case 9:     /* 8000 : drop,say,wave */
243 		    case 10: case 16: case 17:  /* calm,rub,toss        */
244 		    case 19: case 21: case 28:  /* find,feed,break      */
245 		    case 29:                    /* wake                 */
246 		l8000:  printf("%s what?\n",wd1);
247 			obj=0;
248 			goto l2600;
249 		    case 4: case 6:             /* 8040 open,lock       */
250 			spk=28;
251 			if (here(clam)) obj=clam;
252 			if (here(oyster)) obj=oyster;
253 			if (at(door)) obj=door;
254 			if (at(grate)) obj=grate;
255 			if (obj!=0 && here(chain)) goto l8000;
256 			if (here(chain)) obj=chain;
257 			if (obj==0) goto l2011;
258 			goto l9040;
259 		    case 5: goto l2009;         /* nothing              */
260 		    case 7: goto l9070;         /* on                   */
261 		    case 8: goto l9080;         /* off                  */
262 		    case 11: goto l8000;        /* walk                 */
263 		    case 12: goto l9120;        /* kill                 */
264 		    case 13: goto l9130;        /* pour                 */
265 		    case 14:                    /* eat: 8140            */
266 			if (!here(food)) goto l8000;
267 		l8142:  dstroy(food);
268 			spk=72;
269 			goto l2011;
270 		    case 15: goto l9150;        /* drink                */
271 		    case 18:                    /* quit: 8180           */
272 			gaveup=yes(22,54,54);
273 			if (gaveup) done(2);    /* 8185                 */
274 			goto l2012;
275 		    case 20:                    /* invent=8200          */
276 			spk=98;
277 			for (i=1; i<=100; i++)
278 			{       if (i!=bear && toting(i))
279 				{       if (spk==98) rspeak(99);
280 					blklin=FALSE;
281 					pspeak(i,-1);
282 					blklin=TRUE;
283 					spk=0;
284 				}
285 			}
286 			if (toting(bear)) spk=141;
287 			goto l2011;
288 		    case 22: goto l9220;        /* fill                 */
289 		    case 23: goto l9230;        /* blast                */
290 		    case 24:                    /* score: 8240          */
291 			scorng=TRUE;
292 			printf("If you were to quit now, you would score");
293 			printf(" %d out of a possible ",score());
294 			printf("%d.",mxscor);
295 			scorng=FALSE;
296 			gaveup=yes(143,54,54);
297 			if (gaveup) done(2);
298 			goto l2012;
299 		    case 25:                    /* foo: 8250            */
300 			k=vocab(wd1,3);
301 			spk=42;
302 			if (foobar==1-k) goto l8252;
303 			if (foobar!=0) spk=151;
304 			goto l2011;
305 		l8252:  foobar=k;
306 			if (k!=4) goto l2009;
307 			foobar=0;
308 			if (place[eggs]==plac[eggs]
309 				||(toting(eggs)&&loc==plac[eggs])) goto l2011;
310 			if (place[eggs]==0&&place[troll]==0&&prop[troll]==0)
311 				prop[troll]=1;
312 			k=2;
313 			if (here(eggs)) k=1;
314 			if (loc==plac[eggs]) k=0;
315 			move(eggs,plac[eggs]);
316 			pspeak(eggs,k);
317 			goto l2012;
318 		    case 26:                    /* brief=8260           */
319 			spk=156;
320 			abbnum=10000;
321 			detail=3;
322 			goto l2011;
323 		    case 27:                    /* read=8270            */
324 			if (here(magzin)) obj=magzin;
325 			if (here(tablet)) obj=obj*100+tablet;
326 			if (here(messag)) obj=obj*100+messag;
327 			if (closed&&toting(oyster)) obj=oyster;
328 			if (obj>100||obj==0||dark(0)) goto l8000;
329 			goto l9270;
330 		    case 30:                    /* suspend=8300         */
331 			spk=201;
332 			if (demo) goto l2011;
333 			printf("I can suspend your adventure for you so");
334 			printf(" you can resume later, but\n");
335 			printf("you will have to wait at least");
336 			printf(" %d minutes before continuing.",latncy);
337 			if (!yes(200,54,54)) goto l2012;
338 			datime(&saved,&savet);
339 			ciao(argv[0]);          /* Do we quit? */
340 			continue;               /* Maybe not */
341 		    case 31:                    /* hours=8310           */
342 			printf("Colossal cave is closed 9am-5pm Mon ");
343 			printf("through Fri except holidays.\n");
344 			goto l2012;
345 		    default: bug(23);
346 		}
348 	l4090:
349 		switch(verb)
350 		{   case 1:                     /* take = 9010          */
351 	l9010:          switch(trtake())
352 			{   case 2011: goto l2011;
353 			    case 9220: goto l9220;
354 			    case 2009: goto l2009;
355 			    case 2012: goto l2012;
356 			    default: bug(102);
357 			}
358 	l9020:      case 2:                     /* drop = 9020          */
359 			switch(trdrop())
360 			{   case 2011: goto l2011;
361 			    case 19000: done(3);
362 			    case 2012: goto l2012;
363 			    default: bug(105);
364 			}
365 	l9030:      case 3:
366 			switch(trsay())
367 			{   case 2012: goto l2012;
368 			    case 2630: goto l2630;
369 			    default: bug(107);
370 			}
371 	l9040:      case 4:  case 6:            /* open, close          */
372 			switch(tropen())
373 			{   case 2011: goto l2011;
374 			    case 2010: goto l2010;
375 			    default: bug(106);
376 			}
377 		    case 5: goto l2009;         /* nothing              */
378 		    case 7:                     /* on   9070            */
379 	l9070:          if (!here(lamp))  goto l2011;
380 			spk=184;
381 			if (limit<0) goto l2011;
382 			prop[lamp]=1;
383 			rspeak(39);
384 			if (wzdark) goto l2000;
385 			goto l2012;
387 		    case 8:                     /* off                  */
388 	l9080:          if (!here(lamp)) goto l2011;
389 			prop[lamp]=0;
390 			rspeak(40);
391 			if (dark(0)) rspeak(16);
392 			goto l2012;
394 		    case 9:                     /* wave                 */
395 			if ((!toting(obj))&&(obj!=rod||!toting(rod2)))
396 				spk=29;
397 			if (obj!=rod||!at(fissur)||!toting(obj)||closng)
398 				goto l2011;
399 			prop[fissur]=1-prop[fissur];
400 			pspeak(fissur,2-prop[fissur]);
401 			goto l2012;
402 		    case 10: case 11: case 18:  /* calm, walk, quit     */
403 		    case 24: case 25: case 26:  /* score, foo, brief    */
404 		    case 30: case 31:           /* suspend, hours       */
405 			     goto l2011;
406 	l9120:      case 12:                    /* kill                 */
407 			switch(trkill())
408 			{   case 8000: goto l8000;
409 			    case 8: goto l8;
410 			    case 2011: goto l2011;
411 			    case 2608: goto l2608;
412 			    case 19000: done(3);
413 			    default: bug(112);
414 			}
415 	l9130:      case 13:                    /* pour                 */
416 			if (obj==bottle||obj==0) obj=liq(0);
417 			if (obj==0) goto l8000;
418 			if (!toting(obj)) goto l2011;
419 			spk=78;
420 			if (obj!=oil&&obj!=water) goto l2011;
421 			prop[bottle]=1;
422 			place[obj]=0;
423 			spk=77;
424 			if (!(at(plant)||at(door))) goto l2011;
425 			if (at(door))
426 			{       prop[door]=0;   /* 9132                 */
427 				if (obj==oil) prop[door]=1;
428 				spk=113+prop[door];
429 				goto l2011;
430 			}
431 			spk=112;
432 			if (obj!=water) goto l2011;
433 			pspeak(plant,prop[plant]+1);
434 			prop[plant]=(prop[plant]+2)% 6;
435 			prop[plant2]=prop[plant]/2;
436 			k=null;
437 			goto l8;
438 		    case 14:                    /* 9140 - eat           */
439 			if (obj==food) goto l8142;
440 			if (obj==bird||obj==snake||obj==clam||obj==oyster
441 			    ||obj==dwarf||obj==dragon||obj==troll
442 			    ||obj==bear) spk=71;
443 			goto l2011;
444 	l9150:      case 15:                    /* 9150 - drink         */
445 			if (obj==0&&liqloc(loc)!=water&&(liq(0)!=water
446 				||!here(bottle))) goto l8000;
447 			if (obj!=0&&obj!=water) spk=110;
448 			if (spk==110||liq(0)!=water||!here(bottle))
449 				goto l2011;
450 			prop[bottle]=1;
451 			place[water]=0;
452 			spk=74;
453 			goto l2011;
454 		    case 16:                    /* 9160: rub            */
455 			if (obj!=lamp) spk=76;
456 			goto l2011;
457 		    case 17:                    /* 9170: throw          */
458 			switch(trtoss())
459 			{   case 2011: goto l2011;
460 			    case 9020: goto l9020;
461 			    case 9120: goto l9120;
462 			    case 8: goto l8;
463 			    case 9210: goto l9210;
464 			    default: bug(113);
465 			}
466 		    case 19: case 20:           /* 9190: find, invent   */
467 			if (at(obj)||(liq(0)==obj&&at(bottle))
468 				||k==liqloc(loc)) spk=94;
469 			for (i=1; i<=5; i++)
470 				if (dloc[i]==loc&&dflag>=2&&obj==dwarf)
471 					spk=94;
472 			if (closed) spk=138;
473 			if (toting(obj)) spk=24;
474 			goto l2011;
475 	l9210:      case 21:                    /* feed                 */
476 			switch(trfeed())
477 			{   case 2011: goto l2011;
478 			    default: bug(114);
479 			}
480 	l9220:      case 22:                    /* fill                 */
481 			switch(trfill())
482 			{   case 2011: goto l2011;
483 			    case 8000: goto l8000;
484 			    case 9020: goto l9020;
485 			    default: bug(115);
486 			}
487 	l9230:      case 23:                    /* blast                */
488 			if (prop[rod2]<0||!closed) goto l2011;
489 			bonus=133;
490 			if (loc==115) bonus=134;
491 			if (here(rod2)) bonus=135;
492 			rspeak(bonus);
493 			done(2);
494 	l9270:      case 27:                    /* read                 */
495 			if (dark(0)) goto l5190;
496 			if (obj==magzin) spk=190;
497 			if (obj==tablet) spk=196;
498 			if (obj==messag) spk=191;
499 			if (obj==oyster&&hinted[2]&&toting(oyster)) spk=194;
500 			if (obj!=oyster||hinted[2]||!toting(oyster)
501 				||!closed) goto l2011;
502 			hinted[2]=yes(192,193,54);
503 			goto l2012;
504 	l9280:      case 28:                    /* break                */
505 			if (obj==mirror) spk=148;
506 			if (obj==vase&&prop[vase]==0)
507 			{       spk=198;
508 				if (toting(vase)) drop(vase,loc);
509 				prop[vase]=2;
510 				fixed[vase]= -1;
511 				goto l2011;
512 			}
513 			if (obj!=mirror||!closed) goto l2011;
514 			rspeak(197);
515 			done(3);
517 	l9290:      case 29:                    /* wake                 */
518 			if (obj!=dwarf||!closed) goto l2011;
519 			rspeak(199);
520 			done(3);
522 		    default: bug(24);
523 		}
525 	l5000:
526 		obj=k;
527 		if (fixed[k]!=loc && !here(k)) goto l5100;
528 	l5010:  if (*wd2!=0) goto l2800;
529 		if (verb!=0) goto l4090;
530 		printf("What do you want to do with the %s?\n",wd1);
531 		goto l2600;
532 	l5100:  if (k!=grate) goto l5110;
533 		if (loc==1||loc==4||loc==7) k=dprssn;
534 		if (loc>9&&loc<15) k=entrnc;
535 		if (k!=grate) goto l8;
536 	l5110:  if (k!=dwarf) goto l5120;
537 		for (i=1; i<=5; i++)
538 			if (dloc[i]==loc&&dflag>=2) goto l5010;
539 	l5120:  if ((liq(0)==k&&here(bottle))||k==liqloc(loc)) goto l5010;
540 		if (obj!=plant||!at(plant2)||prop[plant2]==0) goto l5130;
541 		obj=plant2;
542 		goto l5010;
543 	l5130:  if (obj!=knife||knfloc!=loc) goto l5140;
544 		knfloc = -1;
545 		spk=116;
546 		goto l2011;
547 	l5140:  if (obj!=rod||!here(rod2)) goto l5190;
548 		obj=rod2;
549 		goto l5010;
550 	l5190:  if ((verb==find||verb==invent)&&*wd2==0) goto l5010;
551 		printf("I see no %s here\n",wd1);
552 		goto l2012;
553 	}
554 }