xref: /original-bsd/games/battlestar/com1.c (revision 57124d5e)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California,
3  * All rights reserved.  Redistribution permitted subject to
4  * the terms of the Berkeley Software License Agreement.
5  */
7 #ifndef lint
8 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)com1.c	1.3 04/24/85";
9 #endif
11 #include "externs.h"
13 move(thataway, token)
14 int thataway, token;
15 {
16 	wordnumber++;
17 	if ((!notes[CANTMOVE] && !notes[LAUNCHED]) || testbit(location[position].objects, LAND) || fuel > 0 && notes[LAUNCHED])
18 		if (thataway) {
19 			position = thataway;
20 			newway(token);
21 			time++;
22 		}
23 		else {
24 			puts("You can't go this way.");
25 			newway(token);
26 			whichway(location[position]);
27 			return(0);
28 		}
29 	else if (notes[CANTMOVE] && !notes[LAUNCHED])
30 		puts("You aren't able to move; you better drop something.");
31 	else
32 		puts("You are out of fuel; now you will rot in space forever!");
33 	return(1);
34 }
36 convert(tothis)		/* Converts day to night and vice versa. 	    */
37 int tothis;		/* Day objects are permanent.  Night objects are added*/
38 {			/* at dusk, and subtracted at dawn.		*/
39 	register struct objs *p;
40 	register i, j;
42 	if (tothis == TONIGHT) {
43 		for (i = 1; i <= NUMOFROOMS; i++)
44 			for (j = 0; j < NUMOFWORDS; j++)
45 				nightfile[i].objects[j] = dayfile[i].objects[j];
46 		for (p = nightobjs; p->room != 0; p++)
47 			setbit(nightfile[p->room].objects, p->obj);
48 		location = nightfile;
49 	} else {
50 		for (i = 1; i <= NUMOFROOMS; i++)
51 			for (j = 0; j < NUMOFWORDS; j++)
52 				dayfile[i].objects[j] = nightfile[i].objects[j];
53 		for (p = nightobjs; p->room != 0; p++)
54 			clearbit(dayfile[p->room].objects, p->obj);
55 		location = dayfile;
56 	}
57 }
59 news()
60 {
61 	register int n;
62 	int hurt;
64 	if (time > 30 && position < 32){
65 		puts("An explosion of shuddering magnitude splinters bulkheads and");
66 		puts("ruptures the battlestar's hull.  You are sucked out into the");
67 		puts("frozen void of space and killed.");
68 		die();
69 	}
70 	if (time > 20 && position < 32)
71 		puts("Explosions rock the battlestar.");
72 	if (time > snooze){
73 		puts("You drop from exhaustion...");
74 		zzz();
75 	}
76 	if (time > snooze - 5)
77 		puts("You're getting tired.");
78 	if (time > (rythmn + CYCLE)) {
79 		if (location == nightfile) {
80 			convert(TODAY);
81 			if (OUTSIDE && time - rythmn - CYCLE < 10) {
82 				puts("Dew lit sunbeams stretch out from a watery sunrise and herald the dawn.");
83 				puts("You awake from a misty dream-world into stark reality.");
84 				puts("It is day.");
85 			}
86 		} else {
87 			convert(TONIGHT);
88 			clearbit(location[POOLS].objects, BATHGOD);
89 			if (OUTSIDE && time - rythmn - CYCLE < 10) {
90 				puts("The dying sun sinks into the ocean, leaving a blood stained sunset.");
91 				puts("The sky slowly fades from orange to violet to black.  A few stars");
92 				puts("flicker on, and it is night.");
93 				puts("The world seems completly different at night.");
94 			}
95 		}
96 		rythmn = time - time % CYCLE;
97 	}
98 	if (!wiz && !tempwiz)
99 		if ((testbit(inven,TALISMAN) || testbit(wear,TALISMAN)) && (testbit(inven,MEDALION) || testbit(wear,MEDALION)) && (testbit(inven,AMULET) || testbit(wear,AMULET))){
100 			tempwiz = 1;
101 			puts("The three amulets glow and reenforce each other in power.\nYou are now a wizard.");
102 	}
103 	if (testbit(location[position].objects,ELF)){
104 		printf("%s\n",objdes[ELF]);
105 		fight(ELF,rnd(30));
106 	}
107 	if (testbit(location[position].objects,DARK)){
108 		printf("%s\n",objdes[DARK]);
109 		fight(DARK,100);
110 	}
111 	if (testbit(location[position].objects,WOODSMAN)){
112 		printf("%s\n",objdes[WOODSMAN]);
113 		fight(WOODSMAN,50);
114 	}
115 	switch(position){
117 		case 267:
118 		case 257:	/* entering a cave */
119 		case 274:
120 		case 246:
121 			notes[CANTSEE] = 1;
122 			break;
123 		case 160:
124 		case 216:	/* leaving a cave */
125 		case 230:
126 		case 231:
127 		case 232:
128 			notes[CANTSEE] = 0;
129 			break;
130 	}
131 	if (testbit(location[position].objects, GIRL))
132 		meetgirl = 1;
133 	if (meetgirl && CYCLE * 1.5 - time < 10){
134 		setbit(location[GARDEN].objects,GIRLTALK);
135 		setbit(location[GARDEN].objects,LAMPON);
136 		setbit(location[GARDEN].objects,ROPE);
137 	}
138 	if (position == DOCK && (beenthere[position] || time > CYCLE)){
139 		clearbit(location[DOCK].objects, GIRL);
140 		clearbit(location[DOCK].objects,MAN);
141 	}
142 	if (meetgirl && time - CYCLE * 1.5 > 10){
143 		clearbit(location[GARDEN].objects,GIRLTALK);
144 		clearbit(location[GARDEN].objects,LAMPON);
145 		clearbit(location[GARDEN].objects,ROPE);
146 		meetgirl = 0;
147 	}
148 	if (testbit(location[position].objects,CYLON)){
149 		puts("Oh my God, you're being shot at by an alien spacecraft!");
150 		printf("The targeting computer says we have %d seconds to attack!\n",clock);
151 		fflush(stdout);
152 		sleep(1);
153 		if (!visual()){
154 			hurt = rnd(NUMOFINJURIES);
155 			injuries[hurt] = 1;
156 			puts("Laser blasts sear the cockpit, and the alien veers off in a victory roll.");
157 			puts("The viper shudders under a terrible explosion.");
158 			printf("I'm afraid you have suffered %s.\n", ouch[hurt]);
159 		}
160 		else
161 			clearbit(location[position].objects,CYLON);
162 	}
163 	if (injuries[SKULL] && injuries[INCISE] && injuries[NECK]){
164 		puts("I'm afraid you have suffered fatal injuries.");
165 		die();
166 	}
167 	for (n=0; n < NUMOFINJURIES; n++)
168 		if (injuries[n] == 1){
169 			injuries[n] = 2;
170 			if (WEIGHT > 5)
171 				WEIGHT -= 5;
172 			else
173 				WEIGHT = 0;
174 		}
175 	if (injuries[ARM] == 2){
176 		CUMBER -= 5;
177 		injuries[ARM]++;
178 	}
179 	if (injuries[RIBS] == 2){
180 		CUMBER -= 2;
181 		injuries[RIBS]++;
182 	}
183 	if (injuries[SPINE] == 2){
184 		WEIGHT = 0;
185 		injuries[SPINE]++;
186 	}
187 	if (carrying > WEIGHT || encumber > CUMBER)
188 		notes[CANTMOVE] = 1;
189 	else
190 		notes[CANTMOVE] = 0;
191 }
193 crash()
194 {
195 	int hurt1,hurt2;
197 	fuel--;
198 	if (!location[position].flyhere || (testbit(location[position].objects,LAND) && fuel <= 0)){
199 		if (!location[position].flyhere)
200 			puts("You're flying too low.  We're going to crash!");
201 		else{
202 			puts("You're out of fuel.  We'll have to crash land!");
203 			if (!location[position].down){
204 				puts("Your viper strikes the ground and explodes into firey fragments.");
205 				puts("Thick black smoke billows up from the wreckage.");
206 				die();
207 			}
208 			position = location[position].down;
209 		}
210 		notes[LAUNCHED] = 0;
211 		setbit(location[position].objects,CRASH);
212 		time += rnd(CYCLE/4);
213 		puts("The viper explodes into the ground and you lose consciousness...");
214 		zzz();
215 		hurt1 = rnd(NUMOFINJURIES - 2) + 2;
216 		hurt2 = rnd(NUMOFINJURIES - 2) + 2;
217 		injuries[hurt1] = 1;
218 		injuries[hurt2] = 1;
219 		injuries[0] = 1;	/* abrasions */
220 		injuries[1] = 1;	/* lacerations */
221 		printf("I'm afraid you have suffered %s and %s.\n",ouch[hurt1],ouch[hurt2]);
222 	}
223 }