xref: /original-bsd/games/mille/print.c (revision 57124d5e)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1982 Regents of the University of California.
3  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
4  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
5  */
7 #ifndef lint
8 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)print.c	5.1 (Berkeley) 11/26/86";
9 #endif not lint
11 # include	"mille.h"
13 /*
14  * @(#)print.c	1.1 (Berkeley) 4/1/82
15  */
17 # define	COMP_STRT	20
18 # define	CARD_STRT	2
20 prboard() {
22 	reg PLAY	*pp;
23 	reg int		i, j, k, temp;
25 	for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
26 		pp = &Player[k];
27 		temp = k * COMP_STRT + CARD_STRT;
28 		for (i = 0; i < NUM_SAFE; i++)
29 			if (pp->safety[i] == S_PLAYED && !pp->sh_safety[i]) {
30 				mvaddstr(i, temp, C_name[i + S_CONV]);
31 				if (pp->coups[i])
32 					mvaddch(i, temp - CARD_STRT, '*');
33 				pp->sh_safety[i] = TRUE;
34 			}
35 		show_card(14, temp, pp->battle, &pp->sh_battle);
36 		show_card(16, temp, pp->speed, &pp->sh_speed);
37 		for (i = C_25; i <= C_200; i++) {
38 			reg char	*name;
39 			reg int		end;
41 			if (pp->nummiles[i] == pp->sh_nummiles[i])
42 				continue;
44 			name = C_name[i];
45 			temp = k * 40;
46 			end = pp->nummiles[i];
47 			for (j = pp->sh_nummiles[i]; j < end; j++)
48 				mvwaddstr(Miles, i + 1, (j << 2) + temp, name);
49 			pp->sh_nummiles[i] = end;
50 		}
51 	}
52 	prscore(TRUE);
53 	temp = CARD_STRT;
54 	pp = &Player[PLAYER];
55 	for (i = 0; i < HAND_SZ; i++)
56 		show_card(i + 6, temp, pp->hand[i], &pp->sh_hand[i]);
57 	mvprintw(6, COMP_STRT + CARD_STRT, "%2d", Topcard - Deck);
58 	show_card(8, COMP_STRT + CARD_STRT, Discard, &Sh_discard);
59 	if (End == 1000) {
60 		move(EXT_Y, EXT_X);
61 		standout();
62 		addstr("Extension");
63 		standend();
64 	}
65 	wrefresh(Board);
66 	wrefresh(Miles);
67 	wrefresh(Score);
68 }
70 /*
71  * show_card:
72  *	Show the given card if it is different from the last one shown
73  */
74 show_card(y, x, c, lc)
75 int		y, x;
76 register CARD	c, *lc;
77 {
78 	if (c == *lc)
79 		return;
81 	mvprintw(y, x, C_fmt, C_name[c]);
82 	*lc = c;
83 }
85 static char	Score_fmt[] = "%4d";
87 prscore(for_real)
88 reg bool	for_real; {
90 	reg PLAY	*pp;
91 	reg int		x;
93 	stdscr = Score;
94 	for (pp = Player; pp < &Player[2]; pp++) {
95 		x = (pp - Player) * 6 + 21;
96 		show_score(1, x, pp->mileage, &pp->sh_mileage);
97 		if (pp->safescore != pp->sh_safescore) {
98 			mvprintw(2, x, Score_fmt, pp->safescore);
99 			if (pp->safescore == 400)
100 				mvaddstr(3, x + 1, "300");
101 			else
102 				mvaddstr(3, x + 1, "  0");
103 			mvprintw(4, x, Score_fmt, pp->coupscore);
104 			pp->sh_safescore = pp->safescore;
105 		}
106 		if (Window == W_FULL || Finished) {
107 #ifdef EXTRAP
108 			if (for_real)
109 				finalscore(pp);
110 			else
111 				extrapolate(pp);
112 #else
113 			finalscore(pp);
114 #endif
115 			show_score(11, x, pp->hand_tot, &pp->sh_hand_tot);
116 			show_score(13, x, pp->total, &pp->sh_total);
117 			show_score(14, x, pp->games, &pp->sh_games);
118 		}
119 		else {
120 			show_score(6, x, pp->hand_tot, &pp->sh_hand_tot);
121 			show_score(8, x, pp->total, &pp->sh_total);
122 			show_score(9, x, pp->games, &pp->sh_games);
123 		}
124 	}
125 	stdscr = Board;
126 }
128 /*
129  * show_score:
130  *	Show a score value if it is different from the last time we
131  *	showed it.
132  */
133 show_score(y, x, s, ls)
134 int		y, x;
135 register int	s, *ls;
136 {
137 	if (s == *ls)
138 		return;
140 	mvprintw(y, x, Score_fmt, s);
141 	*ls = s;
142 }