xref: /original-bsd/games/trek/srscan.c (revision 2598cae2)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1980, 1993
3  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
6  */
8 #ifndef lint
9 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)srscan.c	8.1 (Berkeley) 05/31/93";
10 #endif /* not lint */
12 # include	"trek.h"
13 # include	"getpar.h"
15 /*
17 **
18 **	A short range scan is taken of the current quadrant.  If the
19 **	flag 'f' is one, it is an "auto srscan", which is not done
20 **	unless in 'fast' mode.  It does a status report and a srscan.
21 **	If 'f' is -1, you get a status report only.  If it is zero,
22 **	you get a srscan and an optional status report.  The status
23 **	report is taken if you enter "srscan yes"; for all srscans
24 **	thereafter you get a status report with your srscan until
25 **	you type "srscan no".  It defaults to on.
26 **
27 **	The current quadrant is filled in on the computer chart.
28 */
30 char	*Color[4] =
31 {
32 	"GREEN",
33 	"DOCKED",
34 	"YELLOW",
35 	"RED"
36 };
38 srscan(f)
39 int	f;
40 {
41 	register int		i, j;
42 	register int		statinfo;
43 	char			*s;
44 	int			percent;
45 	struct quad		*q;
46 	extern struct cvntab	Skitab[];
47 	extern struct cvntab	Lentab[];
48 	struct cvntab		*p;
50 	if (f >= 0 && check_out(SRSCAN))
51 	{
52 		return;
53 	}
54 	if (f)
55 		statinfo = 1;
56 	else
57 	{
58 		if (!testnl())
59 			Etc.statreport = getynpar("status report");
60 		statinfo = Etc.statreport;
61 	}
62 	if (f > 0)
63 	{
64 		Etc.statreport = 1;
65 		if (!Etc.fast)
66 			return;
67 	}
68 	if (f >= 0)
69 	{
70 		printf("\nShort range sensor scan\n");
71 		q = &Quad[Ship.quadx][Ship.quady];
72 		q->scanned = q->klings * 100 + q->bases * 10 + q->stars;
73 		printf("  ");
74 		for (i = 0; i < NSECTS; i++)
75 		{
76 			printf("%d ", i);
77 		}
78 		printf("\n");
79 	}
81 	for (i = 0; i < NSECTS; i++)
82 	{
83 		if (f >= 0)
84 		{
85 			printf("%d ", i);
86 			for (j = 0; j < NSECTS; j++)
87 				printf("%c ", Sect[i][j]);
88 			printf("%d", i);
89 			if (statinfo)
90 				printf("   ");
91 		}
92 		if (statinfo)
93 			switch (i)
94 			{
95 			  case 0:
96 				printf("stardate      %.2f", Now.date);
97 				break;
98 			  case 1:
99 				printf("condition     %s", Color[Ship.cond]);
100 				if (Ship.cloaked)
101 					printf(", CLOAKED");
102 				break;
103 			  case 2:
104 				printf("position      %d,%d/%d,%d",Ship.quadx, Ship.quady, Ship.sectx, Ship.secty);
105 				break;
106 			  case 3:
107 				printf("warp factor   %.1f", Ship.warp);
108 				break;
109 			  case 4:
110 				printf("total energy  %d", Ship.energy);
111 				break;
112 			  case 5:
113 				printf("torpedoes     %d", Ship.torped);
114 				break;
115 			  case 6:
116 				s = "down";
117 				if (Ship.shldup)
118 					s = "up";
119 				if (damaged(SHIELD))
120 					s = "damaged";
121 				percent = 100.0 * Ship.shield / Param.shield;
122 				printf("shields       %s, %d%%", s, percent);
123 				break;
124 			  case 7:
125 				printf("Klingons left %d", Now.klings);
126 				break;
127 			  case 8:
128 				printf("time left     %.2f", Now.time);
129 				break;
130 			  case 9:
131 				printf("life support  ");
132 				if (damaged(LIFESUP))
133 				{
134 					printf("damaged, reserves = %.2f", Ship.reserves);
135 					break;
136 				}
137 				printf("active");
138 				break;
139 			}
140 		printf("\n");
141 	}
142 	if (f < 0)
143 	{
144 		printf("current crew  %d\n", Ship.crew);
145 		printf("brig space    %d\n", Ship.brigfree);
146 		printf("Klingon power %d\n", Param.klingpwr);
147 		p = &Lentab[Game.length - 1];
148 		if (Game.length > 2)
149 			p--;
150 		printf("Length, Skill %s%s, ", p->abrev, p->full);
151 		p = &Skitab[Game.skill - 1];
152 		printf("%s%s\n", p->abrev, p->full);
153 		return;
154 	}
155 	printf("  ");
156 	for (i = 0; i < NSECTS; i++)
157 		printf("%d ", i);
158 	printf("\n");
160 	if (q->qsystemname & Q_DISTRESSED)
161 		printf("Distressed ");
162 	if (q->qsystemname)
163 		printf("Starsystem %s\n", systemname(q));
164 }