xref: /original-bsd/games/wump/wump.c (revision 2cc11bfc)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1989, 1993
3  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
7  * Dave Taylor, of Intuitive Systems.
8  *
9  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
10  */
12 #ifndef lint
13 static char copyright[] =
14 "@(#) Copyright (c) 1989, 1993\n\
15 	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.\n";
16 #endif /* not lint */
18 #ifndef lint
19 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)wump.c	8.1 (Berkeley) 05/31/93";
20 #endif /* not lint */
22 /*
23  * A very new version of the age old favorite Hunt-The-Wumpus game that has
24  * been a part of the BSD distribution of Unix for longer than us old folk
25  * would care to remember.
26  */
28 #include <sys/types.h>
29 #include <sys/file.h>
30 #include <stdio.h>
31 #include "pathnames.h"
33 /* some defines to spec out what our wumpus cave should look like */
35 #define	MAX_ARROW_SHOT_DISTANCE	6		/* +1 for '0' stopper */
36 #define	MAX_LINKS_IN_ROOM	25		/* a complex cave */
38 #define	MAX_ROOMS_IN_CAVE	250
39 #define	ROOMS_IN_CAVE		20
40 #define	MIN_ROOMS_IN_CAVE	10
42 #define	LINKS_IN_ROOM		3
43 #define	NUMBER_OF_ARROWS	5
44 #define	PIT_COUNT		3
45 #define	BAT_COUNT		3
47 #define	EASY			1		/* levels of play */
48 #define	HARD			2
50 /* some macro definitions for cleaner output */
52 #define	plural(n)	(n == 1 ? "" : "s")
54 /* simple cave data structure; +1 so we can index from '1' not '0' */
55 struct room_record {
56 	int tunnel[MAX_LINKS_IN_ROOM];
57 	int has_a_pit, has_a_bat;
58 } cave[MAX_ROOMS_IN_CAVE+1];
60 /*
61  * global variables so we can keep track of where the player is, how
62  * many arrows they still have, where el wumpo is, and so on...
63  */
64 int player_loc = -1;			/* player location */
65 int wumpus_loc = -1;			/* The Bad Guy location */
66 int level = EASY;			/* level of play */
67 int arrows_left;			/* arrows unshot */
69 #ifdef DEBUG
70 int debug = 0;
71 #endif
73 int pit_num = PIT_COUNT;		/* # pits in cave */
74 int bat_num = BAT_COUNT;		/* # bats */
75 int room_num = ROOMS_IN_CAVE;		/* # rooms in cave */
76 int link_num = LINKS_IN_ROOM;		/* links per room  */
77 int arrow_num = NUMBER_OF_ARROWS;	/* arrow inventory */
79 char answer[20];			/* user input */
81 main(argc, argv)
82 	int argc;
83 	char **argv;
84 {
85 	extern char *optarg;
86 	int c;
88 #ifdef DEBUG
89 	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "a:b:hp:r:t:d")) != EOF)
90 #else
91 	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "a:b:hp:r:t:")) != EOF)
92 #endif
93 		switch (c) {
94 		case 'a':
95 			arrow_num = atoi(optarg);
96 			break;
97 		case 'b':
98 			bat_num = atoi(optarg);
99 			break;
100 #ifdef DEBUG
101 		case 'd':
102 			debug = 1;
103 			break;
104 #endif
105 		case 'h':
106 			level = HARD;
107 			break;
108 		case 'p':
109 			pit_num = atoi(optarg);
110 			break;
111 		case 'r':
112 			room_num = atoi(optarg);
113 			if (room_num < MIN_ROOMS_IN_CAVE) {
114 				(void)fprintf(stderr,
115 	"No self-respecting wumpus would live in such a small cave!\n");
116 				exit(1);
117 			}
118 			if (room_num > MAX_ROOMS_IN_CAVE) {
119 				(void)fprintf(stderr,
120 	"Even wumpii can't furnish caves that large!\n");
121 				exit(1);
122 			}
123 			break;
124 		case 't':
125 			link_num = atoi(optarg);
126 			if (link_num < 2) {
127 				(void)fprintf(stderr,
128 	"Wumpii like extra doors in their caves!\n");
129 				exit(1);
130 			}
131 			break;
132 		case '?':
133 		default:
134 			usage();
135 	}
137 	if (link_num > MAX_LINKS_IN_ROOM ||
138 	    link_num > room_num - (room_num / 4)) {
139 		(void)fprintf(stderr,
140 "Too many tunnels!  The cave collapsed!\n(Fortunately, the wumpus escaped!)\n");
141 		exit(1);
142 	}
144 	if (level == HARD) {
145 		bat_num += ((random() % (room_num / 2)) + 1);
146 		pit_num += ((random() % (room_num / 2)) + 1);
147 	}
149 	if (bat_num > room_num / 2) {
150 		(void)fprintf(stderr,
151 "The wumpus refused to enter the cave, claiming it was too crowded!\n");
152 		exit(1);
153 	}
155 	if (pit_num > room_num / 2) {
156 		(void)fprintf(stderr,
157 "The wumpus refused to enter the cave, claiming it was too dangerous!\n");
158 		exit(1);
159 	}
161 	instructions();
162 	cave_init();
164 	/* and we're OFF!  da dum, da dum, da dum, da dum... */
165 	(void)printf(
166 "\nYou're in a cave with %d rooms and %d tunnels leading from each room.\n\
167 There are %d bat%s and %d pit%s scattered throughout the cave, and your\n\
168 quiver holds %d custom super anti-evil Wumpus arrows.  Good luck.\n",
169 	    room_num, link_num, bat_num, plural(bat_num), pit_num,
170 	    plural(pit_num), arrow_num);
172 	for (;;) {
173 		initialize_things_in_cave();
174 		arrows_left = arrow_num;
175 		do {
176 			display_room_stats();
177 			(void)printf("Move or shoot? (m-s) ");
178 			(void)fflush(stdout);
179 			if (!fgets(answer, sizeof(answer), stdin))
180 				break;
181 		} while (!take_action());
183 		if (!getans("\nCare to play another game? (y-n) "))
184 			exit(0);
185 		if (getans("In the same cave? (y-n) "))
186 			clear_things_in_cave();
187 		else
188 			cave_init();
189 	}
190 	/* NOTREACHED */
191 }
193 display_room_stats()
194 {
195 	register int i;
197 	/*
198 	 * Routine will explain what's going on with the current room, as well
199 	 * as describe whether there are pits, bats, & wumpii nearby.  It's
200 	 * all pretty mindless, really.
201 	 */
202 	(void)printf(
203 "\nYou are in room %d of the cave, and have %d arrow%s left.\n",
204 	    player_loc, arrows_left, plural(arrows_left));
206 	if (bats_nearby())
207 		(void)printf("*rustle* *rustle* (must be bats nearby)\n");
208 	if (pit_nearby())
209 		(void)printf("*whoosh* (I feel a draft from some pits).\n");
210 	if (wump_nearby())
211 		(void)printf("*sniff* (I can smell the evil Wumpus nearby!)\n");
213 	(void)printf("There are tunnels to rooms %d, ",
214 	   cave[player_loc].tunnel[0]);
216 	for (i = 1; i < link_num - 1; i++)
217 		if (cave[player_loc].tunnel[i] <= room_num)
218 			(void)printf("%d, ", cave[player_loc].tunnel[i]);
219 	(void)printf("and %d.\n", cave[player_loc].tunnel[link_num - 1]);
220 }
222 take_action()
223 {
224 	/*
225 	 * Do the action specified by the player, either 'm'ove, 's'hoot
226 	 * or something exceptionally bizarre and strange!  Returns 1
227 	 * iff the player died during this turn, otherwise returns 0.
228 	 */
229 	switch (*answer) {
230 		case 'M':
231 		case 'm':			/* move */
232 			return(move_to(answer + 1));
233 		case 'S':
234 		case 's':			/* shoot */
235 			return(shoot(answer + 1));
236 		case 'Q':
237 		case 'q':
238 		case 'x':
239 			exit(0);
240 		case '\n':
241 			return(0);
242 		}
243 	if (random() % 15 == 1)
244 		(void)printf("Que pasa?\n");
245 	else
246 		(void)printf("I don't understand!\n");
247 	return(0);
248 }
250 move_to(room_number)
251 	char *room_number;
252 {
253 	int i, just_moved_by_bats, next_room, tunnel_available;
255 	/*
256 	 * This is responsible for moving the player into another room in the
257 	 * cave as per their directions.  If room_number is a null string,
258 	 * then we'll prompt the user for the next room to go into.   Once
259 	 * we've moved into the room, we'll check for things like bats, pits,
260 	 * and so on.  This routine returns 1 if something occurs that kills
261 	 * the player and 0 otherwise...
262 	 */
263 	tunnel_available = just_moved_by_bats = 0;
264 	next_room = atoi(room_number);
266 	/* crap for magic tunnels */
267 	if (next_room == room_num + 1 &&
268 	    cave[player_loc].tunnel[link_num-1] != next_room)
269 		++next_room;
271 	while (next_room < 1 || next_room > room_num + 1) {
272 		if (next_room < 0 && next_room != -1)
273 (void)printf("Sorry, but we're constrained to a semi-Euclidean cave!\n");
274 		if (next_room > room_num + 1)
275 (void)printf("What?  The cave surely isn't quite that big!\n");
276 		if (next_room == room_num + 1 &&
277 		    cave[player_loc].tunnel[link_num-1] != next_room) {
278 			(void)printf("What?  The cave isn't that big!\n");
279 			++next_room;
280 		}
281 		(void)printf("To which room do you wish to move? ");
282 		(void)fflush(stdout);
283 		if (!fgets(answer, sizeof(answer), stdin))
284 			return(1);
285 		next_room = atoi(answer);
286 	}
288 	/* now let's see if we can move to that room or not */
289 	tunnel_available = 0;
290 	for (i = 0; i < link_num; i++)
291 		if (cave[player_loc].tunnel[i] == next_room)
292 			tunnel_available = 1;
294 	if (!tunnel_available) {
295 		(void)printf("*Oof!*  (You hit the wall)\n");
296 		if (random() % 6 == 1) {
297 (void)printf("Your colorful comments awaken the wumpus!\n");
298 			move_wump();
299 			if (wumpus_loc == player_loc) {
300 				wump_kill();
301 				return(1);
302 			}
303 		}
304 		return(0);
305 	}
307 	/* now let's move into that room and check it out for dangers */
308 	if (next_room == room_num + 1)
309 		jump(next_room = (random() % room_num) + 1);
311 	player_loc = next_room;
312 	for (;;) {
313 		if (next_room == wumpus_loc) {		/* uh oh... */
314 			wump_kill();
315 			return(1);
316 		}
317 		if (cave[next_room].has_a_pit)
318 			if (random() % 12 < 2) {
319 				pit_survive();
320 				return(0);
321 			} else {
322 				pit_kill();
323 				return(1);
324 			}
326 		if (cave[next_room].has_a_bat) {
327 			(void)printf(
328 "*flap*  *flap*  *flap*  (humongous bats pick you up and move you%s!)\n",
329 			    just_moved_by_bats ? " again": "");
330 			next_room = player_loc = (random() % room_num) + 1;
331 			just_moved_by_bats = 1;
332 		}
334 		else
335 			break;
336 	}
337 	return(0);
338 }
340 shoot(room_list)
341 	char *room_list;
342 {
343 	int chance, next, roomcnt;
344 	int j, arrow_location, link, ok;
345 	char *p, *strtok();
347 	/*
348 	 * Implement shooting arrows.  Arrows are shot by the player indicating
349 	 * a space-separated list of rooms that the arrow should pass through;
350 	 * if any of the rooms they specify are not accessible via tunnel from
351 	 * the room the arrow is in, it will instead fly randomly into another
352 	 * room.  If the player hits the wumpus, this routine will indicate
353 	 * such.  If it misses, this routine will *move* the wumpus one room.
354 	 * If it's the last arrow, the player then dies...  Returns 1 if the
355 	 * player has won or died, 0 if nothing has happened.
356 	 */
357 	arrow_location = player_loc;
358 	for (roomcnt = 1;; ++roomcnt, room_list = NULL) {
359 		if (!(p = strtok(room_list, " \t\n")))
360 			if (roomcnt == 1) {
361 				(void)printf(
362 			"The arrow falls to the ground at your feet!\n");
363 				return(0);
364 			} else
365 				break;
366 		if (roomcnt > 5) {
367 			(void)printf(
368 "The arrow wavers in its flight and and can go no further!\n");
369 			break;
370 		}
371 		next = atoi(p);
372 		for (j = 0, ok = 0; j < link_num; j++)
373 			if (cave[arrow_location].tunnel[j] == next)
374 				ok = 1;
376 		if (ok) {
377 			if (next > room_num) {
378 				(void)printf(
379 "A faint gleam tells you the arrow has gone through a magic tunnel!\n");
380 				arrow_location = (random() % room_num) + 1;
381 			} else
382 				arrow_location = next;
383 		} else {
384 			link = (random() % link_num);
385 			if (link == player_loc)
386 				(void)printf(
387 "*thunk*  The arrow can't find a way from %d to %d and flys back into\n\
388 your room!\n",
389 				    arrow_location, next);
390 			else if (cave[arrow_location].tunnel[link] > room_num)
391 				(void)printf(
392 "*thunk*  The arrow flys randomly into a magic tunnel, thence into\n\
393 room %d!\n",
394 				    cave[arrow_location].tunnel[link]);
395 			else
396 				(void)printf(
397 "*thunk*  The arrow can't find a way from %d to %d and flys randomly\n\
398 into room %d!\n",
399 				    arrow_location, next,
400 				    cave[arrow_location].tunnel[link]);
401 			arrow_location = cave[arrow_location].tunnel[link];
402 			break;
403 		}
404 		chance = random() % 10;
405 		if (roomcnt == 3 && chance < 2) {
406 			(void)printf(
407 "Your bowstring breaks!  *twaaaaaang*\n\
408 The arrow is weakly shot and can go no further!\n");
409 			break;
410 		} else if (roomcnt == 4 && chance < 6) {
411 			(void)printf(
412 "The arrow wavers in its flight and and can go no further!\n");
413 			break;
414 		}
415 	}
417 	/*
418 	 * now we've gotten into the new room let us see if El Wumpo is
419 	 * in the same room ... if so we've a HIT and the player WON!
420 	 */
421 	if (arrow_location == wumpus_loc) {
422 		kill_wump();
423 		return(1);
424 	}
426 	if (arrow_location == player_loc) {
427 		shoot_self();
428 		return(1);
429 	}
431 	if (!--arrows_left) {
432 		no_arrows();
433 		return(1);
434 	}
436 	{
437 		/* each time you shoot, it's more likely the wumpus moves */
438 		static int lastchance = 2;
440 		if (random() % level == EASY ? 12 : 9 < (lastchance += 2)) {
441 			move_wump();
442 			if (wumpus_loc == player_loc)
443 				wump_kill();
444 			lastchance = random() % 3;
446 		}
447 	}
448 	return(0);
449 }
451 cave_init()
452 {
453 	register int i, j, k, link;
454 	int delta, int_compare();
455 	time_t time();
457 	/*
458 	 * This does most of the interesting work in this program actually!
459 	 * In this routine we'll initialize the Wumpus cave to have all rooms
460 	 * linking to all others by stepping through our data structure once,
461 	 * recording all forward links and backwards links too.  The parallel
462 	 * "linkcount" data structure ensures that no room ends up with more
463 	 * than three links, regardless of the quality of the random number
464 	 * generator that we're using.
465 	 */
466 	srandom((int)time((time_t *)0));
468 	/* initialize the cave first off. */
469 	for (i = 1; i <= room_num; ++i)
470 		for (j = 0; j < link_num ; ++j)
471 			cave[i].tunnel[j] = -1;
473 	/* choose a random 'hop' delta for our guaranteed link */
474 	while (!(delta = random() % room_num));
476 	for (i = 1; i <= room_num; ++i) {
477 		link = ((i + delta) % room_num) + 1;	/* connection */
478 		cave[i].tunnel[0] = link;		/* forw link */
479 		cave[link].tunnel[1] = i;		/* back link */
480 	}
481 	/* now fill in the rest of the cave with random connections */
482 	for (i = 1; i <= room_num; i++)
483 		for (j = 2; j < link_num ; j++) {
484 			if (cave[i].tunnel[j] != -1)
485 				continue;
486 try_again:		link = (random() % room_num) + 1;
487 			/* skip duplicates */
488 			for (k = 0; k < j; k++)
489 				if (cave[i].tunnel[k] == link)
490 					goto try_again;
491 			cave[i].tunnel[j] = link;
492 			if (random() % 2 == 1)
493 				continue;
494 			for (k = 0; k < link_num; ++k) {
495 				/* if duplicate, skip it */
496 				if (cave[link].tunnel[k] == i)
497 					k = link_num;
499 				/* if open link, use it, force exit */
500 				if (cave[link].tunnel[k] == -1) {
501 					cave[link].tunnel[k] = i;
502 					k = link_num;
503 				}
504 			}
505 		}
506 	/*
507 	 * now that we're done, sort the tunnels in each of the rooms to
508 	 * make it easier on the intrepid adventurer.
509 	 */
510 	for (i = 1; i <= room_num; ++i)
511 		qsort(cave[i].tunnel, (u_int)link_num,
512 		    sizeof(cave[i].tunnel[0]), int_compare);
514 #ifdef DEBUG
515 	if (debug)
516 		for (i = 1; i <= room_num; ++i) {
517 			(void)printf("<room %d  has tunnels to ", i);
518 			for (j = 0; j < link_num; ++j)
519 				(void)printf("%d ", cave[i].tunnel[j]);
520 			(void)printf(">\n");
521 		}
522 #endif
523 }
525 clear_things_in_cave()
526 {
527 	register int i;
529 	/*
530 	 * remove bats and pits from the current cave in preparation for us
531 	 * adding new ones via the initialize_things_in_cave() routines.
532 	 */
533 	for (i = 1; i <= room_num; ++i)
534 		cave[i].has_a_bat = cave[i].has_a_pit = 0;
535 }
537 initialize_things_in_cave()
538 {
539 	register int i, loc;
541 	/* place some bats, pits, the wumpus, and the player. */
542 	for (i = 0; i < bat_num; ++i) {
543 		do {
544 			loc = (random() % room_num) + 1;
545 		} while (cave[loc].has_a_bat);
546 		cave[loc].has_a_bat = 1;
547 #ifdef DEBUG
548 		if (debug)
549 			(void)printf("<bat in room %d>\n", loc);
550 #endif
551 	}
553 	for (i = 0; i < pit_num; ++i) {
554 		do {
555 			loc = (random() % room_num) + 1;
556 		} while (cave[loc].has_a_pit && cave[loc].has_a_bat);
557 		cave[loc].has_a_pit = 1;
558 #ifdef DEBUG
559 		if (debug)
560 			(void)printf("<pit in room %d>\n", loc);
561 #endif
562 	}
564 	wumpus_loc = (random() % room_num) + 1;
565 #ifdef DEBUG
566 	if (debug)
567 		(void)printf("<wumpus in room %d>\n", loc);
568 #endif
570 	do {
571 		player_loc = (random() % room_num) + 1;
572 	} while (player_loc == wumpus_loc || (level == HARD ?
573 	    (link_num / room_num < 0.4 ? wump_nearby() : 0) : 0));
574 }
576 getans(prompt)
577 	char *prompt;
578 {
579 	char buf[20];
581 	/*
582 	 * simple routine to ask the yes/no question specified until the user
583 	 * answers yes or no, then return 1 if they said 'yes' and 0 if they
584 	 * answered 'no'.
585 	 */
586 	for (;;) {
587 		(void)printf("%s", prompt);
588 		(void)fflush(stdout);
589 		if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin))
590 			return(0);
591 		if (*buf == 'N' || *buf == 'n')
592 			return(0);
593 		if (*buf == 'Y' || *buf == 'y')
594 			return(1);
595 		(void)printf(
596 "I don't understand your answer; please enter 'y' or 'n'!\n");
597 	}
598 	/* NOTREACHED */
599 }
601 bats_nearby()
602 {
603 	register int i;
605 	/* check for bats in the immediate vicinity */
606 	for (i = 0; i < link_num; ++i)
607 		if (cave[cave[player_loc].tunnel[i]].has_a_bat)
608 			return(1);
609 	return(0);
610 }
612 pit_nearby()
613 {
614 	register int i;
616 	/* check for pits in the immediate vicinity */
617 	for (i = 0; i < link_num; ++i)
618 		if (cave[cave[player_loc].tunnel[i]].has_a_pit)
619 			return(1);
620 	return(0);
621 }
623 wump_nearby()
624 {
625 	register int i, j;
627 	/* check for a wumpus within TWO caves of where we are */
628 	for (i = 0; i < link_num; ++i) {
629 		if (cave[player_loc].tunnel[i] == wumpus_loc)
630 			return(1);
631 		for (j = 0; j < link_num; ++j)
632 			if (cave[cave[player_loc].tunnel[i]].tunnel[j] ==
633 			    wumpus_loc)
634 				return(1);
635 	}
636 	return(0);
637 }
639 move_wump()
640 {
641 	wumpus_loc = cave[wumpus_loc].tunnel[random() % link_num];
642 }
644 int_compare(a, b)
645 	int *a, *b;
646 {
647 	return(*a < *b ? -1 : 1);
648 }
650 instructions()
651 {
652 	char buf[120], *p, *getenv();
654 	/*
655 	 * read the instructions file, if needed, and show the user how to
656 	 * play this game!
657 	 */
658 	if (!getans("Instructions? (y-n) "))
659 		return;
661 	if (access(_PATH_WUMPINFO, R_OK)) {
662 		(void)printf(
663 "Sorry, but the instruction file seems to have disappeared in a\n\
664 puff of greasy black smoke! (poof)\n");
665 		return;
666 	}
668 	if (!(p = getenv("PAGER")) ||
669 	    strlen(p) > sizeof(buf) + strlen(_PATH_WUMPINFO) + 5)
670 		p = _PATH_PAGER;
672 	(void)sprintf(buf, "%s %s", p, _PATH_WUMPINFO);
673 	(void)system(buf);
674 }
676 usage()
677 {
678 	(void)fprintf(stderr,
679 "usage: wump [-h] [-a arrows] [-b bats] [-p pits] [-r rooms] [-t tunnels]\n");
680 	exit(1);
681 }
683 /* messages */
685 wump_kill()
686 {
687 	(void)printf(
688 "*ROAR* *chomp* *snurfle* *chomp*!\n\
689 Much to the delight of the Wumpus, you walked right into his mouth,\n\
690 making you one of the easiest dinners he's ever had!  For you, however,\n\
691 it's a rather unpleasant death.  The only good thing is that it's been\n\
692 so long since the evil Wumpus cleaned his teeth that you immediately\n\
693 passed out from the stench!\n");
694 }
696 kill_wump()
697 {
698 	(void)printf(
699 "*thwock!* *groan* *crash*\n\n\
700 A horrible roar fills the cave, and you realize, with a smile, that you\n\
701 have slain the evil Wumpus and won the game!  You don't want to tarry for\n\
702 long, however, because not only is the Wumpus famous, but the stench of\n\
703 dead Wumpus is also quite well known, a stench plenty enough to slay the\n\
704 mightiest adventurer at a single whiff!!\n");
705 }
707 no_arrows()
708 {
709 	(void)printf(
710 "\nYou turn and look at your quiver, and realize with a sinking feeling\n\
711 that you've just shot your last arrow (figuratively, too).  Sensing this\n\
712 with its psychic powers, the evil Wumpus rampagees through the cave, finds\n\
713 you, and with a mighty *ROAR* eats you alive!\n");
714 }
716 shoot_self()
717 {
718 	(void)printf(
719 "\n*Thwack!*  A sudden piercing feeling informs you that the ricochet\n\
720 of your wild arrow has resulted in it wedging in your side, causing\n\
721 extreme agony.  The evil Wumpus, with its psychic powers, realizes this\n\
722 and immediately rushes to your side, not to help, alas, but to EAT YOU!\n\
723 (*CHOMP*)\n");
724 }
726 jump(where)
727 	int where;
728 {
729 	(void)printf(
730 "\nWith a jaunty step you enter the magic tunnel.  As you do, you\n\
731 notice that the walls are shimmering and glowing.  Suddenly you feel\n\
732 a very curious, warm sensation and find yourself in room %d!!\n", where);
733 }
735 pit_kill()
736 {
737 	(void)printf(
738 "*AAAUUUUGGGGGHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh...*\n\
739 The whistling sound and updraft as you walked into this room of the\n\
740 cave apparently wasn't enough to clue you in to the presence of the\n\
741 bottomless pit.  You have a lot of time to reflect on this error as\n\
742 you fall many miles to the core of the earth.  Look on the bright side;\n\
743 you can at least find out if Jules Verne was right...\n");
744 }
746 pit_survive()
747 {
748 	(void)printf(
749 "Without conscious thought you grab for the side of the cave and manage\n\
750 to grasp onto a rocky outcrop.  Beneath your feet stretches the limitless\n\
751 depths of a bottomless pit!  Rock crumbles beneath your feet!\n");
752 }