xref: /original-bsd/lib/libc/db/btree/bt_delete.c (revision 8348fe22)
1 /*-
2  * Copyright (c) 1990, 1993
3  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
6  * Mike Olson.
7  *
8  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
9  */
11 #if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint)
12 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)bt_delete.c	8.3 (Berkeley) 02/21/94";
13 #endif /* LIBC_SCCS and not lint */
15 #include <sys/types.h>
17 #include <errno.h>
18 #include <stdio.h>
19 #include <string.h>
21 #include <db.h>
22 #include "btree.h"
24 static int bt_bdelete __P((BTREE *, const DBT *));
26 /*
27  * __BT_DELETE -- Delete the item(s) referenced by a key.
28  *
29  * Parameters:
30  *	dbp:	pointer to access method
31  *	key:	key to delete
32  *	flags:	R_CURSOR if deleting what the cursor references
33  *
34  * Returns:
35  *	RET_ERROR, RET_SUCCESS and RET_SPECIAL if the key not found.
36  */
37 int
38 __bt_delete(dbp, key, flags)
39 	const DB *dbp;
40 	const DBT *key;
41 	u_int flags;
42 {
43 	BTREE *t;
44 	int status;
46 	t = dbp->internal;
48 	/* Toss any page pinned across calls. */
49 	if (t->bt_pinned != NULL) {
50 		mpool_put(t->bt_mp, t->bt_pinned, 0);
51 		t->bt_pinned = NULL;
52 	}
54 	if (ISSET(t, B_RDONLY)) {
55 		errno = EPERM;
56 		return (RET_ERROR);
57 	}
59 	switch(flags) {
60 	case 0:
61 		status = bt_bdelete(t, key);
62 		break;
63 	case R_CURSOR:
64 		/*
65 		 * If flags is R_CURSOR, delete the cursor; must already have
66 		 * started a scan and not have already deleted the record.  For
67 		 * the delete cursor bit to have been set requires that the
68 		 * scan be initialized, so no reason to check.
69 		 */
70 		if (!ISSET(t, B_SEQINIT))
71                         goto einval;
72 		status = ISSET(t, B_DELCRSR) ?
73 		    RET_SPECIAL : __bt_crsrdel(t, &t->bt_bcursor);
74 		break;
75 	default:
76 einval:		errno = EINVAL;
77 		return (RET_ERROR);
78 	}
79 	if (status == RET_SUCCESS)
80 		SET(t, B_MODIFIED);
81 	return (status);
82 }
84 /*
85  * BT_BDELETE -- Delete all key/data pairs matching the specified key.
86  *
87  * Parameters:
88  *	tree:	tree
89  *	key:	key to delete
90  *
91  * Returns:
92  *	RET_ERROR, RET_SUCCESS and RET_SPECIAL if the key not found.
93  */
94 static int
95 bt_bdelete(t, key)
96 	BTREE *t;
97 	const DBT *key;
98 {
99 	EPG *e, save;
100 	PAGE *h;
101 	pgno_t cpgno, pg;
102 	indx_t cindex;
103 	int deleted, dirty1, dirty2, exact;
105 	/* Find any matching record; __bt_search pins the page. */
106 	if ((e = __bt_search(t, key, &exact)) == NULL)
107 		return (RET_ERROR);
108 	if (!exact) {
109 		mpool_put(t->bt_mp, e->page, 0);
110 		return (RET_SPECIAL);
111 	}
113 	/*
114 	 * Delete forward, then delete backward, from the found key.  The
115 	 * ordering is so that the deletions don't mess up the page refs.
116 	 * The first loop deletes the key from the original page, the second
117 	 * unpins the original page.  In the first loop, dirty1 is set if
118 	 * the original page is modified, and dirty2 is set if any subsequent
119 	 * pages are modified.  In the second loop, dirty1 starts off set if
120 	 * the original page has been modified, and is set if any subsequent
121 	 * pages are modified.
122 	 *
123 	 * If find the key referenced by the cursor, don't delete it, just
124 	 * flag it for future deletion.  The cursor page number is P_INVALID
125 	 * unless the sequential scan is initialized, so no reason to check.
126 	 * A special case is when the already deleted cursor record was the
127 	 * only record found.  If so, then the delete opertion fails as no
128 	 * records were deleted.
129 	 *
130 	 * Cycle in place in the current page until the current record doesn't
131 	 * match the key or the page is empty.  If the latter, walk forward,
132 	 * skipping empty pages and repeating until a record doesn't match
133 	 * the key or the end of the tree is reached.
134 	 */
135 	cpgno = t->bt_bcursor.pgno;
136 	cindex = t->bt_bcursor.index;
137 	save = *e;
138 	dirty1 = 0;
139 	for (h = e->page, deleted = 0;;) {
140 		dirty2 = 0;
141 		do {
142 			if (h->pgno == cpgno && e->index == cindex) {
143 				if (!ISSET(t, B_DELCRSR)) {
144 					SET(t, B_DELCRSR);
145 					deleted = 1;
146 				}
147 				++e->index;
148 			} else {
149 				if (__bt_dleaf(t, h, e->index)) {
150 					if (h->pgno != save.page->pgno)
151 						mpool_put(t->bt_mp, h, dirty2);
152 					mpool_put(t->bt_mp, save.page, dirty1);
153 					return (RET_ERROR);
154 				}
155 				if (h->pgno == save.page->pgno)
156 					dirty1 = MPOOL_DIRTY;
157 				else
158 					dirty2 = MPOOL_DIRTY;
159 				deleted = 1;
160 			}
161 		} while (e->index < NEXTINDEX(h) && __bt_cmp(t, key, e) == 0);
163 		/*
164 		 * Quit if didn't find a match, no next page, or first key on
165 		 * the next page doesn't match.  Don't unpin the original page
166 		 * unless an error occurs.
167 		 */
168 		if (e->index < NEXTINDEX(h))
169 			break;
170 		for (;;) {
171 			if ((pg = h->nextpg) == P_INVALID)
172 				goto done1;
173 			if (h->pgno != save.page->pgno)
174 				mpool_put(t->bt_mp, h, dirty2);
175 			if ((h = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, pg, 0)) == NULL) {
176 				mpool_put(t->bt_mp, save.page, dirty1);
177 				return (RET_ERROR);
178 			}
179 			if (NEXTINDEX(h) != 0) {
180 				e->page = h;
181 				e->index = 0;
182 				break;
183 			}
184 		}
186 		if (__bt_cmp(t, key, e) != 0)
187 			break;
188 	}
190 	/*
191 	 * Reach here with the original page and the last page referenced
192 	 * pinned (they may be the same).  Release it if not the original.
193 	 */
194 done1:	if (h->pgno != save.page->pgno)
195 		mpool_put(t->bt_mp, h, dirty2);
197 	/*
198 	 * Walk backwards from the record previous to the record returned by
199 	 * __bt_search, skipping empty pages, until a record doesn't match
200 	 * the key or reach the beginning of the tree.
201 	 */
202 	*e = save;
203 	for (;;) {
204 		if (e->index)
205 			--e->index;
206 		for (h = e->page; e->index; --e->index) {
207 			if (__bt_cmp(t, key, e) != 0)
208 				goto done2;
209 			if (h->pgno == cpgno && e->index == cindex) {
210 				if (!ISSET(t, B_DELCRSR)) {
211 					SET(t, B_DELCRSR);
212 					deleted = 1;
213 				}
214 			} else {
215 				if (__bt_dleaf(t, h, e->index) == RET_ERROR) {
216 					mpool_put(t->bt_mp, h, dirty1);
217 					return (RET_ERROR);
218 				}
219 				if (h->pgno == save.page->pgno)
220 					dirty1 = MPOOL_DIRTY;
221 				deleted = 1;
222 			}
223 		}
225 		if ((pg = h->prevpg) == P_INVALID)
226 			goto done2;
227 		mpool_put(t->bt_mp, h, dirty1);
228 		dirty1 = 0;
229 		if ((e->page = mpool_get(t->bt_mp, pg, 0)) == NULL)
230 			return (RET_ERROR);
231 		e->index = NEXTINDEX(e->page);
232 	}
234 	/*
235 	 * Reach here with the last page that was looked at pinned.  Release
236 	 * it.
237 	 */
238 done2:	mpool_put(t->bt_mp, h, dirty1);
239 	return (deleted ? RET_SUCCESS : RET_SPECIAL);
240 }
242 /*
243  * __BT_DLEAF -- Delete a single record from a leaf page.
244  *
245  * Parameters:
246  *	t:	tree
247  *	index:	index on current page to delete
248  *
249  * Returns:
251  */
252 int
253 __bt_dleaf(t, h, index)
254 	BTREE *t;
255 	PAGE *h;
256 	indx_t index;
257 {
258 	register BLEAF *bl;
259 	register indx_t cnt, *ip, offset;
260 	register size_t nbytes;
261 	char *from;
262 	void *to;
264 	/*
265 	 * Delete a record from a btree leaf page.  Internal records are never
266 	 * deleted from internal pages, regardless of the records that caused
267 	 * them to be added being deleted.  Pages made empty by deletion are
268 	 * not reclaimed.  They are, however, made available for reuse.
269 	 *
270 	 * Pack the remaining entries at the end of the page, shift the indices
271 	 * down, overwriting the deleted record and its index.  If the record
272 	 * uses overflow pages, make them available for reuse.
273 	 */
274 	to = bl = GETBLEAF(h, index);
275 	if (bl->flags & P_BIGKEY && __ovfl_delete(t, bl->bytes) == RET_ERROR)
276 		return (RET_ERROR);
277 	if (bl->flags & P_BIGDATA &&
278 	    __ovfl_delete(t, bl->bytes + bl->ksize) == RET_ERROR)
279 		return (RET_ERROR);
280 	nbytes = NBLEAF(bl);
282 	/*
283 	 * Compress the key/data pairs.  Compress and adjust the [BR]LEAF
284 	 * offsets.  Reset the headers.
285 	 */
286 	from = (char *)h + h->upper;
287 	memmove(from + nbytes, from, (char *)to - from);
288 	h->upper += nbytes;
290 	offset = h->linp[index];
291 	for (cnt = index, ip = &h->linp[0]; cnt--; ++ip)
292 		if (ip[0] < offset)
293 			ip[0] += nbytes;
294 	for (cnt = NEXTINDEX(h) - index; --cnt; ++ip)
295 		ip[0] = ip[1] < offset ? ip[1] + nbytes : ip[1];
296 	h->lower -= sizeof(indx_t);
297 	return (RET_SUCCESS);
298 }