xref: /original-bsd/lib/libc/db/btree/bt_utils.c (revision c8876cb1)
1 /*-
2  * Copyright (c) 1990 The Regents of the University of California.
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
6  * Mike Olson.
7  *
8  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
9  */
11 #if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint)
12 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)bt_utils.c	5.1 (Berkeley) 01/23/91";
13 #endif /* LIBC_SCCS and not lint */
15 #include <sys/types.h>
16 #include <db.h>
17 #include "btree.h"
19 /*
20  *  _BT_BUILDRET -- Build return key/data pair as a result of search or scan.
21  *
22  *	This routine manages the statically allocated buffers in which we
23  *	return data to the user.
24  *
25  *	Parameters:
26  *		t -- btree from which to return datum
27  *		d -- DATUM to be returned to the user.
28  *		data -- data argument supplied by user for return
29  *		key -- key argument supplied by user for return
30  *
31  *	Returns:
33  *
34  *	Side Effects:
35  *		May free and reallocate static buffers, if the data
36  *		we want to return is bigger than the space we have to
37  *		do so.
38  */
40 int
41 _bt_buildret(t, d, data, key)
42 	BTREE_P t;
43 	DATUM *d;
44 	DBT *data;
45 	DBT *key;
46 {
47 	static int _data_s = 0;
48 	static int _key_s = 0;
49 	static char *_data = (char *) NULL;
50 	static char *_key = (char *) NULL;
51 	pgno_t chain;
53 	if (d->d_flags & D_BIGKEY) {
54 		if (_key != (char *) NULL)
55 			(void) free(_key);
56 		(void) bcopy((char *) &(d->d_bytes[0]),
57 		      	     (char *) &chain,
58 		      	     sizeof(chain));
59 		if (_bt_getbig(t, chain, &_key, &_key_s) == RET_ERROR)
60 			return (RET_ERROR);
61 		key->data = _key;
62 		key->size = _key_s;
63 	} else {
64 		/* need more space for key? */
65 		if (d->d_ksize > _key_s) {
66 			if (_key != (char *) NULL)
67 				(void) free (_key);
68 			if ((_key = (char *) malloc((unsigned) d->d_ksize))
69 			    == (char *) NULL)
70 				return (RET_ERROR);
71 			_key_s = d->d_ksize;
72 		}
74 		key->data = _key;
75 		if ((key->size = d->d_ksize) > 0)
76 			(void) bcopy(&(d->d_bytes[0]),
77 				     _key,
78 				     (int) d->d_ksize);
79 	}
81 	if (d->d_flags & D_BIGDATA) {
82 		if (_data != (char *) NULL)
83 			(void) free(_data);
84 		(void) bcopy(&(d->d_bytes[d->d_ksize]),
85 		      	     (char *) &chain,
86 		      	     sizeof(chain));
87 		if (_bt_getbig(t, chain, &_data, &_data_s) == RET_ERROR)
88 			return (RET_ERROR);
89 		data->data = _data;
90 		data->size = _data_s;
91 	} else {
92 		/* need more space for data? */
93 		if (d->d_dsize > _data_s) {
94 			if (_data != (char *) NULL)
95 				(void) free (_data);
96 			if ((_data = (char *) malloc((unsigned) d->d_dsize))
97 			    == (char *) NULL)
98 				return (RET_ERROR);
99 			_data_s = d->d_dsize;
100 		}
102 		data->data = _data;
104 		if ((data->size = d->d_dsize) > 0)
105 			(void) bcopy(&(d->d_bytes[d->d_ksize]),
106 				      _data,
107 				      (size_t) (d->d_dsize));
108 	}
110 	return (RET_SUCCESS);
111 }
113 /*
114  *  _BT_CMP -- Compare a key to a given item on the current page.
115  *
116  *	This routine is a wrapper for the user's comparison function.
117  *
118  *	Parameters:
119  *		t -- tree in which to do comparison
120  *		p -- pointer to one argument for the comparison function
121  *		n -- index of item to supply second arg to comparison function
122  *
123  *	Returns:
124  *		< 0 if p is < item at n
125  *		= 0 if p is = item at n
126  *		> 0 if p is > item at n
127  */
129 int
130 _bt_cmp(t, p, n)
131 	BTREE_P t;
132 	char *p;
133 	index_t n;
134 {
135 	BTHEADER *h;
136 	IDATUM *id;
137 	DATUM *d;
138 	char *arg;
139 	int ignore;
140 	int free_arg;
141 	pgno_t chain;
142 	int r;
144 	h = t->bt_curpage;
146 	/*
147 	 *  The left-most key at any level of the tree on internal pages
148 	 *  is guaranteed (artificially, by the code here) to be less than
149 	 *  any user key.  This saves us from having to update the leftmost
150 	 *  key when the user inserts a new key in the tree smaller than
151 	 *  anything we've seen yet.
152 	 */
154 	if (h->h_prevpg == P_NONE && !(h->h_flags & F_LEAF) && n == 0)
155 		return (1);
157 	if (h->h_flags & F_LEAF) {
158 		d = (DATUM *) GETDATUM(h,n);
159 		if (d->d_flags & D_BIGKEY) {
160 			free_arg = TRUE;
161 			bcopy(&(d->d_bytes[0]), (char *) &chain, sizeof(chain));
162 			if (_bt_getbig(t, chain, &arg, &ignore) == RET_ERROR)
163 				return (RET_ERROR);
164 		} else {
165 			free_arg = FALSE;
166 			arg = &(d->d_bytes[0]);
167 		}
168 	} else {
169 		id = (IDATUM *) GETDATUM(h,n);
170 		if (id->i_flags & D_BIGKEY) {
171 			free_arg = TRUE;
172 			bcopy(&(id->i_bytes[0]),
173 			      (char *) &chain,
174 			      sizeof(chain));
175 			if (_bt_getbig(t, chain, &arg, &ignore) == RET_ERROR)
176 				return (RET_ERROR);
177 		} else {
178 			free_arg = FALSE;
179 			arg = &(id->i_bytes[0]);
180 		}
181 	}
182 	r = (*(t->bt_compare))(p, arg);
184 	if (free_arg)
185 		(void) free(arg);
187 	return (r);
188 }
190 /*
191  *  _BT_PUSH/_BT_POP -- Push/pop a parent page number on the parent stack.
192  *
193  *	When we descend the tree, we keep track of parent pages in order
194  *	to handle splits on insertions.
195  *
196  *	Parameters:
197  *		t -- tree for which to push parent
198  *		pgno -- page number to push (_bt_push only)
199  *
200  *	Returns:
202  */
204 int
205 _bt_push(t, pgno)
206 	BTREE_P t;
207 	pgno_t pgno;
208 {
209 	BTSTACK *new;
211 	if ((new = (BTSTACK *) malloc((unsigned) sizeof(BTSTACK)))
212 	    ==  (BTSTACK *) NULL)
213 		return (RET_ERROR);
214 	new->bts_pgno = pgno;
215 	new->bts_next = t->bt_stack;
216 	t->bt_stack = new;
218 	return (RET_SUCCESS);
219 }
221 pgno_t
222 _bt_pop(t)
223 	BTREE_P t;
224 {
225 	BTSTACK *s;
226 	pgno_t p = P_NONE;
228 	if ((s = t->bt_stack) != (BTSTACK *) NULL) {
229 		p = s->bts_pgno;
230 		t->bt_stack = s->bts_next;
231 		(void) free ((char *) s);
232 	}
233 	return (p);
234 }
236 #ifdef DEBUG
237 void
238 _btdump(tree)
239 	BTREE tree;
240 {
241 	BTREE_P t = (BTREE_P) tree;
242 	DATUM *d;
243 	IDATUM *id;
244 	BTHEADER *h;
245 	pgno_t npages;
246 	pgno_t i;
247 	index_t cur, top;
249 	npages = t->bt_npages;
250 	(void) printf("\"%s\" fd %d pgsz %d curpg %d @ 0x%lx",
251 		t->bt_fname, t->bt_s.bt_d.d_fd,
252 		t->bt_psize, t->bt_curpage);
253 	(void) printf("npg %d cmp 0x%lx flags=(", npages, t->bt_compare);
254 	if (t->bt_flags & BTF_SEQINIT)
255 		(void) printf("BTF_SEQINIT");
256 	(void) printf(")\n");
258 	for (i = P_ROOT; i <= npages; i++) {
259 		if (_bt_getpage(t, i) == RET_ERROR)
260 			_punt();
261 		h = t->bt_curpage;
262 		top = NEXTINDEX(h);
263 		(void) printf("    page %d:\n", i);
264 		(void) printf("\tpgno %d prev %d next %d\n",
265 			h->h_pgno, h->h_prevpg, h->h_nextpg);
266 		(void) printf("\tlower %d upper %d nextind %d flags (",
267 			h->h_lower, h->h_upper, top);
268 		if (h->h_flags & F_LEAF)
269 			(void) printf("F_LEAF");
270 		else
271 			(void) printf("<internal>");
272 		if (h->h_flags & F_DIRTY)
273 			(void) printf("|F_DIRTY");
274 		if (h->h_flags & F_PRESERVE)
275 			(void) printf("|F_PRESERVE");
276 		if (h->h_flags & F_CONT) {
277 			(void) printf("|F_CONT)");
278 			if (h->h_prevpg == P_NONE) {
279 				size_t longsz;
280 				(void) bcopy((char *) &(h->h_linp[0]),
281 					      (char *) &longsz,
282 					      sizeof(longsz));
283 				printf("\n\t\t(chain start, data length %ld)",
284 					longsz);
285 			}
286 			printf("\n");
287 			continue;
288 		}
289 		(void) printf(")\n");
290 		for (cur = 0; cur < top; cur++) {
291 			(void) printf("\t  [%d] off %d ", cur, h->h_linp[cur]);
292 			if (h->h_flags & F_LEAF) {
293 				d = (DATUM *) GETDATUM(h,cur);
294 				(void) printf("ksize %d", d->d_ksize);
295 				if (d->d_flags & D_BIGKEY)
296 					(void) printf(" (indirect)");
297 				(void) printf("; dsize %d", d->d_dsize);
298 				if (d->d_flags & D_BIGDATA)
299 					(void) printf(" (indirect)");
300 			} else {
301 				id = (IDATUM *) GETDATUM(h,cur);
302 				(void) printf("size %d pgno %d",
303 					id->i_size, id->i_pgno);
304 				if (id->i_flags & D_BIGKEY)
305 					(void) printf(" (indirect)");
306 			}
307 			(void) printf("\n");
308 		}
309 		(void) printf("\n");
310 	}
311 }
312 #endif /* DEBUG */
314 #ifdef DEBUG
315 _punt()
316 {
317 	int pid;
319 	pid = getpid();
320 	(void) kill(pid, SIGILL);
321 }
322 #endif /* DEBUG */