xref: /original-bsd/lib/libc/quad/qdivrem.c (revision e8eb2810)
1 /*-
2  * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993
3  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This software was developed by the Computer Systems Engineering group
6  * at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory under DARPA contract BG 91-66 and
7  * contributed to Berkeley.
8  *
9  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
10  */
12 #if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint)
13 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)qdivrem.c	8.1 (Berkeley) 06/04/93";
14 #endif /* LIBC_SCCS and not lint */
16 /*
17  * Multiprecision divide.  This algorithm is from Knuth vol. 2 (2nd ed),
18  * section 4.3.1, pp. 257--259.
19  */
21 #include "quad.h"
23 #define	B	(1 << HALF_BITS)	/* digit base */
25 /* Combine two `digits' to make a single two-digit number. */
26 #define	COMBINE(a, b) (((u_long)(a) << HALF_BITS) | (b))
28 /* select a type for digits in base B: use unsigned short if they fit */
29 #if ULONG_MAX == 0xffffffff && USHRT_MAX >= 0xffff
30 typedef unsigned short digit;
31 #else
32 typedef u_long digit;
33 #endif
35 /*
36  * Shift p[0]..p[len] left `sh' bits, ignoring any bits that
37  * `fall out' the left (there never will be any such anyway).
38  * We may assume len >= 0.  NOTE THAT THIS WRITES len+1 DIGITS.
39  */
40 static void
41 shl(register digit *p, register int len, register int sh)
42 {
43 	register int i;
45 	for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
46 		p[i] = LHALF(p[i] << sh) | (p[i + 1] >> (HALF_BITS - sh));
47 	p[i] = LHALF(p[i] << sh);
48 }
50 /*
51  * __qdivrem(u, v, rem) returns u/v and, optionally, sets *rem to u%v.
52  *
53  * We do this in base 2-sup-HALF_BITS, so that all intermediate products
54  * fit within u_long.  As a consequence, the maximum length dividend and
55  * divisor are 4 `digits' in this base (they are shorter if they have
56  * leading zeros).
57  */
58 u_quad_t
59 __qdivrem(uq, vq, arq)
60 	u_quad_t uq, vq, *arq;
61 {
62 	union uu tmp;
63 	digit *u, *v, *q;
64 	register digit v1, v2;
65 	u_long qhat, rhat, t;
66 	int m, n, d, j, i;
67 	digit uspace[5], vspace[5], qspace[5];
69 	/*
70 	 * Take care of special cases: divide by zero, and u < v.
71 	 */
72 	if (vq == 0) {
73 		/* divide by zero. */
74 		static volatile const unsigned int zero = 0;
76 		tmp.ul[H] = tmp.ul[L] = 1 / zero;
77 		if (arq)
78 			*arq = uq;
79 		return (tmp.q);
80 	}
81 	if (uq < vq) {
82 		if (arq)
83 			*arq = uq;
84 		return (0);
85 	}
86 	u = &uspace[0];
87 	v = &vspace[0];
88 	q = &qspace[0];
90 	/*
91 	 * Break dividend and divisor into digits in base B, then
92 	 * count leading zeros to determine m and n.  When done, we
93 	 * will have:
94 	 *	u = (u[1]u[2]...u[m+n]) sub B
95 	 *	v = (v[1]v[2]...v[n]) sub B
96 	 *	v[1] != 0
97 	 *	1 < n <= 4 (if n = 1, we use a different division algorithm)
98 	 *	m >= 0 (otherwise u < v, which we already checked)
99 	 *	m + n = 4
100 	 * and thus
101 	 *	m = 4 - n <= 2
102 	 */
103 	tmp.uq = uq;
104 	u[0] = 0;
105 	u[1] = HHALF(tmp.ul[H]);
106 	u[2] = LHALF(tmp.ul[H]);
107 	u[3] = HHALF(tmp.ul[L]);
108 	u[4] = LHALF(tmp.ul[L]);
109 	tmp.uq = vq;
110 	v[1] = HHALF(tmp.ul[H]);
111 	v[2] = LHALF(tmp.ul[H]);
112 	v[3] = HHALF(tmp.ul[L]);
113 	v[4] = LHALF(tmp.ul[L]);
114 	for (n = 4; v[1] == 0; v++) {
115 		if (--n == 1) {
116 			u_long rbj;	/* r*B+u[j] (not root boy jim) */
117 			digit q1, q2, q3, q4;
119 			/*
120 			 * Change of plan, per exercise 16.
121 			 *	r = 0;
122 			 *	for j = 1..4:
123 			 *		q[j] = floor((r*B + u[j]) / v),
124 			 *		r = (r*B + u[j]) % v;
125 			 * We unroll this completely here.
126 			 */
127 			t = v[2];	/* nonzero, by definition */
128 			q1 = u[1] / t;
129 			rbj = COMBINE(u[1] % t, u[2]);
130 			q2 = rbj / t;
131 			rbj = COMBINE(rbj % t, u[3]);
132 			q3 = rbj / t;
133 			rbj = COMBINE(rbj % t, u[4]);
134 			q4 = rbj / t;
135 			if (arq)
136 				*arq = rbj % t;
137 			tmp.ul[H] = COMBINE(q1, q2);
138 			tmp.ul[L] = COMBINE(q3, q4);
139 			return (tmp.q);
140 		}
141 	}
143 	/*
144 	 * By adjusting q once we determine m, we can guarantee that
145 	 * there is a complete four-digit quotient at &qspace[1] when
146 	 * we finally stop.
147 	 */
148 	for (m = 4 - n; u[1] == 0; u++)
149 		m--;
150 	for (i = 4 - m; --i >= 0;)
151 		q[i] = 0;
152 	q += 4 - m;
154 	/*
155 	 * Here we run Program D, translated from MIX to C and acquiring
156 	 * a few minor changes.
157 	 *
158 	 * D1: choose multiplier 1 << d to ensure v[1] >= B/2.
159 	 */
160 	d = 0;
161 	for (t = v[1]; t < B / 2; t <<= 1)
162 		d++;
163 	if (d > 0) {
164 		shl(&u[0], m + n, d);		/* u <<= d */
165 		shl(&v[1], n - 1, d);		/* v <<= d */
166 	}
167 	/*
168 	 * D2: j = 0.
169 	 */
170 	j = 0;
171 	v1 = v[1];	/* for D3 -- note that v[1..n] are constant */
172 	v2 = v[2];	/* for D3 */
173 	do {
174 		register digit uj0, uj1, uj2;
176 		/*
177 		 * D3: Calculate qhat (\^q, in TeX notation).
178 		 * Let qhat = min((u[j]*B + u[j+1])/v[1], B-1), and
179 		 * let rhat = (u[j]*B + u[j+1]) mod v[1].
180 		 * While rhat < B and v[2]*qhat > rhat*B+u[j+2],
181 		 * decrement qhat and increase rhat correspondingly.
182 		 * Note that if rhat >= B, v[2]*qhat < rhat*B.
183 		 */
184 		uj0 = u[j + 0];	/* for D3 only -- note that u[j+...] change */
185 		uj1 = u[j + 1];	/* for D3 only */
186 		uj2 = u[j + 2];	/* for D3 only */
187 		if (uj0 == v1) {
188 			qhat = B;
189 			rhat = uj1;
190 			goto qhat_too_big;
191 		} else {
192 			u_long n = COMBINE(uj0, uj1);
193 			qhat = n / v1;
194 			rhat = n % v1;
195 		}
196 		while (v2 * qhat > COMBINE(rhat, uj2)) {
197 	qhat_too_big:
198 			qhat--;
199 			if ((rhat += v1) >= B)
200 				break;
201 		}
202 		/*
203 		 * D4: Multiply and subtract.
204 		 * The variable `t' holds any borrows across the loop.
205 		 * We split this up so that we do not require v[0] = 0,
206 		 * and to eliminate a final special case.
207 		 */
208 		for (t = 0, i = n; i > 0; i--) {
209 			t = u[i + j] - v[i] * qhat - t;
210 			u[i + j] = LHALF(t);
211 			t = (B - HHALF(t)) & (B - 1);
212 		}
213 		t = u[j] - t;
214 		u[j] = LHALF(t);
215 		/*
216 		 * D5: test remainder.
217 		 * There is a borrow if and only if HHALF(t) is nonzero;
218 		 * in that (rare) case, qhat was too large (by exactly 1).
219 		 * Fix it by adding v[1..n] to u[j..j+n].
220 		 */
221 		if (HHALF(t)) {
222 			qhat--;
223 			for (t = 0, i = n; i > 0; i--) { /* D6: add back. */
224 				t += u[i + j] + v[i];
225 				u[i + j] = LHALF(t);
226 				t = HHALF(t);
227 			}
228 			u[j] = LHALF(u[j] + t);
229 		}
230 		q[j] = qhat;
231 	} while (++j <= m);		/* D7: loop on j. */
233 	/*
234 	 * If caller wants the remainder, we have to calculate it as
235 	 * u[m..m+n] >> d (this is at most n digits and thus fits in
236 	 * u[m+1..m+n], but we may need more source digits).
237 	 */
238 	if (arq) {
239 		if (d) {
240 			for (i = m + n; i > m; --i)
241 				u[i] = (u[i] >> d) |
242 				    LHALF(u[i - 1] << (HALF_BITS - d));
243 			u[i] = 0;
244 		}
245 		tmp.ul[H] = COMBINE(uspace[1], uspace[2]);
246 		tmp.ul[L] = COMBINE(uspace[3], uspace[4]);
247 		*arq = tmp.q;
248 	}
250 	tmp.ul[H] = COMBINE(qspace[1], qspace[2]);
251 	tmp.ul[L] = COMBINE(qspace[3], qspace[4]);
252 	return (tmp.q);
253 }