xref: /original-bsd/lib/libc/stdio/vfprintf.c (revision f25de740)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1988 Regents of the University of California.
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
6  * provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
7  * to the University of California at Berkeley. The name of the University
8  * may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
9  * software without specific prior written permission. This software
10  * is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
11  */
13 #if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint)
14 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)vfprintf.c	5.34 (Berkeley) 06/08/88";
15 #endif /* LIBC_SCCS and not lint */
17 #include <sys/types.h>
18 #include <varargs.h>
19 #include <stdio.h>
20 #include <ctype.h>
22 /* 11-bit exponent (VAX G floating point) is 308 decimal digits */
23 #define	MAXEXP		308
24 /* 128 bit fraction takes up 39 decimal digits; max reasonable precision */
25 #define	MAXFRACT	39
27 #define	DEFPREC		6
29 #define	BUF		(MAXEXP+MAXFRACT+1)	/* + decimal point */
31 #define	PUTC(ch)	(void) putc(ch, fp)
33 #define	ARG() \
34 	_ulong = flags&LONGINT ? va_arg(argp, long) : \
35 	    flags&SHORTINT ? va_arg(argp, short) : va_arg(argp, int);
37 #define	todigit(c)	((c) - '0')
38 #define	tochar(n)	((n) + '0')
40 /* have to deal with the negative buffer count kludge */
43 #define	LONGINT		0x01		/* long integer */
44 #define	LONGDBL		0x02		/* long double; unimplemented */
45 #define	SHORTINT	0x04		/* short integer */
46 #define	ALT		0x08		/* alternate form */
47 #define	LADJUST		0x10		/* left adjustment */
48 #define	ZEROPAD		0x20		/* zero (as opposed to blank) pad */
49 #define	HEXPREFIX	0x40		/* add 0x or 0X prefix */
51 _doprnt(fmt0, argp, fp)
52 	u_char *fmt0;
53 	va_list argp;
54 	register FILE *fp;
55 {
56 	register u_char *fmt;	/* format string */
57 	register int ch;	/* character from fmt */
58 	register int cnt;	/* return value accumulator */
59 	register int n;		/* random handy integer */
60 	register char *t;	/* buffer pointer */
61 	double _double;		/* double precision arguments %[eEfgG] */
62 	u_long _ulong;		/* integer arguments %[diouxX] */
63 	int base;		/* base for [diouxX] conversion */
64 	int dprec;		/* decimal precision in [diouxX] */
65 	int fieldsz;		/* field size expanded by sign, etc */
66 	int flags;		/* flags as above */
67 	int fpprec;		/* `extra' floating precision in [eEfgG] */
68 	int prec;		/* precision from format (%.3d), or -1 */
69 	int realsz;		/* field size expanded by decimal precision */
70 	int size;		/* size of converted field or string */
71 	int width;		/* width from format (%8d), or 0 */
72 	char sign;		/* sign prefix (' ', '+', '-', or \0) */
73 	char softsign;		/* temporary negative sign for floats */
74 	char *digs;		/* digits for [diouxX] conversion */
75 	char buf[BUF];		/* space for %c, %[diouxX], %[eEfgG] */
77 	if (fp->_flag & _IORW) {
78 		fp->_flag |= _IOWRT;
79 		fp->_flag &= ~(_IOEOF|_IOREAD);
80 	}
81 	if ((fp->_flag & _IOWRT) == 0)
82 		return (EOF);
84 	fmt = fmt0;
85 	digs = "0123456789abcdef";
86 	for (cnt = 0;; ++fmt) {
87 		n = fp->_cnt;
88 		for (t = (char *)fp->_ptr; (ch = *fmt) && ch != '%';
89 		     ++cnt, ++fmt)
90 			if (--n < 0
92 			    && (!(fp->_flag & _IOLBF) || -n >= fp->_bufsiz)
93 #endif
94 			    || ch == '\n' && fp->_flag & _IOLBF) {
95 				fp->_cnt = n;
96 				fp->_ptr = t;
97 				(void) _flsbuf((u_char)ch, fp);
98 				n = fp->_cnt;
99 				t = (char *)fp->_ptr;
100 			} else
101 				*t++ = ch;
102 		fp->_cnt = n;
103 		fp->_ptr = t;
104 		if (!ch)
105 			return (cnt);
107 		flags = 0; dprec = 0; fpprec = 0; width = 0;
108 		prec = -1;
109 		sign = '\0';
111 rflag:		switch (*++fmt) {
112 		case ' ':
113 			/*
114 			 * ``If the space and + flags both appear, the space
115 			 * flag will be ignored.''
116 			 *	-- ANSI X3J11
117 			 */
118 			if (!sign)
119 				sign = ' ';
120 			goto rflag;
121 		case '#':
122 			flags |= ALT;
123 			goto rflag;
124 		case '*':
125 			/*
126 			 * ``A negative field width argument is taken as a
127 			 * - flag followed by a  positive field width.''
128 			 *	-- ANSI X3J11
129 			 * They don't exclude field widths read from args.
130 			 */
131 			if ((width = va_arg(argp, int)) >= 0)
132 				goto rflag;
133 			width = -width;
134 			/* FALLTHROUGH */
135 		case '-':
136 			flags |= LADJUST;
137 			goto rflag;
138 		case '+':
139 			sign = '+';
140 			goto rflag;
141 		case '.':
142 			if (*++fmt == '*')
143 				n = va_arg(argp, int);
144 			else {
145 				n = 0;
146 				while (isascii(*fmt) && isdigit(*fmt))
147 					n = 10 * n + todigit(*fmt++);
148 				--fmt;
149 			}
150 			prec = n < 0 ? -1 : n;
151 			goto rflag;
152 		case '0':
153 			/*
154 			 * ``Note that 0 is taken as a flag, not as the
155 			 * beginning of a field width.''
156 			 *	-- ANSI X3J11
157 			 */
158 			flags |= ZEROPAD;
159 			goto rflag;
160 		case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
161 		case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
162 			n = 0;
163 			do {
164 				n = 10 * n + todigit(*fmt);
165 			} while (isascii(*++fmt) && isdigit(*fmt));
166 			width = n;
167 			--fmt;
168 			goto rflag;
169 		case 'L':
170 			flags |= LONGDBL;
171 			goto rflag;
172 		case 'h':
173 			flags |= SHORTINT;
174 			goto rflag;
175 		case 'l':
176 			flags |= LONGINT;
177 			goto rflag;
178 		case 'c':
179 			*(t = buf) = va_arg(argp, int);
180 			size = 1;
181 			sign = '\0';
182 			goto pforw;
183 		case 'D':
184 			flags |= LONGINT;
185 			/*FALLTHROUGH*/
186 		case 'd':
187 		case 'i':
188 			ARG();
189 			if ((long)_ulong < 0) {
190 				_ulong = -_ulong;
191 				sign = '-';
192 			}
193 			base = 10;
194 			goto number;
195 		case 'e':
196 		case 'E':
197 		case 'f':
198 		case 'g':
199 		case 'G':
200 			_double = va_arg(argp, double);
201 			/*
202 			 * don't do unrealistic precision; just pad it with
203 			 * zeroes later, so buffer size stays rational.
204 			 */
205 			if (prec > MAXFRACT) {
206 				if (*fmt != 'g' && *fmt != 'G' || (flags&ALT))
207 					fpprec = prec - MAXFRACT;
208 				prec = MAXFRACT;
209 			}
210 			else if (prec == -1)
211 				prec = DEFPREC;
212 			/*
213 			 * softsign avoids negative 0 if _double is < 0 and
214 			 * no significant digits will be shown
215 			 */
216 			if (_double < 0) {
217 				softsign = '-';
218 				_double = -_double;
219 			}
220 			else
221 				softsign = 0;
222 			/*
223 			 * cvt may have to round up past the "start" of the
224 			 * buffer, i.e. ``intf("%.2f", (double)9.999);'';
225 			 * if the first char isn't NULL, it did.
226 			 */
227 			*buf = NULL;
228 			size = cvt(_double, prec, flags, &softsign, *fmt, buf,
229 			    buf + sizeof(buf));
230 			if (softsign)
231 				sign = '-';
232 			t = *buf ? buf : buf + 1;
233 			goto pforw;
234 		case 'n':
235 			if (flags & LONGINT)
236 				*va_arg(argp, long *) = cnt;
237 			else if (flags & SHORTINT)
238 				*va_arg(argp, short *) = cnt;
239 			else
240 				*va_arg(argp, int *) = cnt;
241 			break;
242 		case 'O':
243 			flags |= LONGINT;
244 			/*FALLTHROUGH*/
245 		case 'o':
246 			ARG();
247 			base = 8;
248 			goto nosign;
249 		case 'p':
250 			/*
251 			 * ``The argument shall be a pointer to void.  The
252 			 * value of the pointer is converted to a sequence
253 			 * of printable characters, in an implementation-
254 			 * defined manner.''
255 			 *	-- ANSI X3J11
256 			 */
257 			/* NOSTRICT */
258 			_ulong = (u_long)va_arg(argp, void *);
259 			base = 16;
260 			goto nosign;
261 		case 's':
262 			if (!(t = va_arg(argp, char *)))
263 				t = "(null)";
264 			if (prec >= 0) {
265 				/*
266 				 * can't use strlen; can only look for the
267 				 * NUL in the first `prec' characters, and
268 				 * strlen() will go further.
269 				 */
270 				char *p, *memchr();
272 				if (p = memchr(t, 0, prec)) {
273 					size = p - t;
274 					if (size > prec)
275 						size = prec;
276 				} else
277 					size = prec;
278 			} else
279 				size = strlen(t);
280 			sign = '\0';
281 			goto pforw;
282 		case 'U':
283 			flags |= LONGINT;
284 			/*FALLTHROUGH*/
285 		case 'u':
286 			ARG();
287 			base = 10;
288 			goto nosign;
289 		case 'X':
290 			digs = "0123456789ABCDEF";
291 			/* FALLTHROUGH */
292 		case 'x':
293 			ARG();
294 			base = 16;
295 			/* leading 0x/X only if non-zero */
296 			if (flags & ALT && _ulong != 0)
297 				flags |= HEXPREFIX;
299 			/* unsigned conversions */
300 nosign:			sign = '\0';
301 			/*
302 			 * ``... diouXx conversions ... if a precision is
303 			 * specified, the 0 flag will be ignored.''
304 			 *	-- ANSI X3J11
305 			 */
306 number:			if ((dprec = prec) >= 0)
307 				flags &= ~ZEROPAD;
309 			/*
310 			 * ``The result of converting a zero value with an
311 			 * explicit precision of zero is no characters.''
312 			 *	-- ANSI X3J11
313 			 */
314 			t = buf + BUF;
315 			if (_ulong != 0 || prec != 0) {
316 				do {
317 					*--t = digs[_ulong % base];
318 					_ulong /= base;
319 				} while (_ulong);
320 				digs = "0123456789abcdef";
321 				if (flags & ALT && base == 8 && *t != '0')
322 					*--t = '0'; /* octal leading 0 */
323 			}
324 			size = buf + BUF - t;
326 pforw:
327 			/*
328 			 * All reasonable formats wind up here.  At this point,
329 			 * `t' points to a string which (if not flags&LADJUST)
330 			 * should be padded out to `width' places.  If
331 			 * flags&ZEROPAD, it should first be prefixed by any
332 			 * sign or other prefix; otherwise, it should be blank
333 			 * padded before the prefix is emitted.  After any
334 			 * left-hand padding and prefixing, emit zeroes
335 			 * required by a decimal [diouxX] precision, then print
336 			 * the string proper, then emit zeroes required by any
337 			 * leftover floating precision; finally, if LADJUST,
338 			 * pad with blanks.
339 			 */
341 			/*
342 			 * compute actual size, so we know how much to pad
343 			 * fieldsz excludes decimal prec; realsz includes it
344 			 */
345 			fieldsz = size + fpprec;
346 			if (sign)
347 				fieldsz++;
348 			if (flags & HEXPREFIX)
349 				fieldsz += 2;
350 			realsz = dprec > fieldsz ? dprec : fieldsz;
352 			/* right-adjusting blank padding */
353 			if ((flags & (LADJUST|ZEROPAD)) == 0 && width)
354 				for (n = realsz; n < width; n++)
355 					PUTC(' ');
356 			/* prefix */
357 			if (sign)
358 				PUTC(sign);
359 			if (flags & HEXPREFIX) {
360 				PUTC('0');
361 				PUTC((char)*fmt);
362 			}
363 			/* right-adjusting zero padding */
364 			if ((flags & (LADJUST|ZEROPAD)) == ZEROPAD)
365 				for (n = realsz; n < width; n++)
366 					PUTC('0');
367 			/* leading zeroes from decimal precision */
368 			for (n = fieldsz; n < dprec; n++)
369 				PUTC('0');
371 			/* the string or number proper */
372 			if (fp->_cnt - (n = size) >= 0 &&
373 			    (fp->_flag & _IOLBF) == 0) {
374 				fp->_cnt -= n;
375 				bcopy(t, (char *)fp->_ptr, n);
376 				fp->_ptr += n;
377 			} else
378 				while (--n >= 0)
379 					PUTC(*t++);
380 			/* trailing f.p. zeroes */
381 			while (--fpprec >= 0)
382 				PUTC('0');
383 			/* left-adjusting padding (always blank) */
384 			if (flags & LADJUST)
385 				for (n = realsz; n < width; n++)
386 					PUTC(' ');
387 			/* finally, adjust cnt */
388 			cnt += width > realsz ? width : realsz;
389 			break;
390 		case '\0':	/* "%?" prints ?, unless ? is NULL */
391 			return (cnt);
392 		default:
393 			PUTC((char)*fmt);
394 			cnt++;
395 		}
396 	}
397 	/* NOTREACHED */
398 }
400 static
401 cvt(number, prec, flags, signp, fmtch, startp, endp)
402 	double number;
403 	register int prec;
404 	int flags;
405 	u_char fmtch;
406 	char *signp, *startp, *endp;
407 {
408 	register char *p, *t;
409 	register double fract;
410 	int dotrim, expcnt, gformat;
411 	double integer, tmp, modf();
412 	char *exponent(), *round();
414 	dotrim = expcnt = gformat = 0;
415 	fract = modf(number, &integer);
417 	/* get an extra slot for rounding. */
418 	t = ++startp;
420 	/*
421 	 * get integer portion of number; put into the end of the buffer; the
422 	 * .01 is added for modf(356.0 / 10, &integer) returning .59999999...
423 	 */
424 	for (p = endp - 1; integer; ++expcnt) {
425 		tmp = modf(integer / 10, &integer);
426 		*p-- = tochar((int)((tmp + .01) * 10));
427 	}
428 	switch(fmtch) {
429 	case 'f':
430 		/* reverse integer into beginning of buffer */
431 		if (expcnt)
432 			for (; ++p < endp; *t++ = *p);
433 		else
434 			*t++ = '0';
435 		/*
436 		 * if precision required or alternate flag set, add in a
437 		 * decimal point.
438 		 */
439 		if (prec || flags&ALT)
440 			*t++ = '.';
441 		/* if requires more precision and some fraction left */
442 		if (fract) {
443 			if (prec)
444 				do {
445 					fract = modf(fract * 10, &tmp);
446 					*t++ = tochar((int)tmp);
447 				} while (--prec && fract);
448 			if (fract)
449 				startp = round(fract, (int *)NULL, startp,
450 				    t - 1, (char)0, signp);
451 		}
452 		for (; prec--; *t++ = '0');
453 		break;
454 	case 'e':
455 	case 'E':
456 eformat:	if (expcnt) {
457 			*t++ = *++p;
458 			if (prec || flags&ALT)
459 				*t++ = '.';
460 			/* if requires more precision and some integer left */
461 			for (; prec && ++p < endp; --prec)
462 				*t++ = *p;
463 			/*
464 			 * if done precision and more of the integer component,
465 			 * round using it; adjust fract so we don't re-round
466 			 * later.
467 			 */
468 			if (!prec && ++p < endp) {
469 				fract = 0;
470 				startp = round((double)0, &expcnt, startp,
471 				    t - 1, *p, signp);
472 			}
473 			/* adjust expcnt for digit in front of decimal */
474 			--expcnt;
475 		}
476 		/* until first fractional digit, decrement exponent */
477 		else if (fract) {
478 			/* adjust expcnt for digit in front of decimal */
479 			for (expcnt = -1;; --expcnt) {
480 				fract = modf(fract * 10, &tmp);
481 				if (tmp)
482 					break;
483 			}
484 			*t++ = tochar((int)tmp);
485 			if (prec || flags&ALT)
486 				*t++ = '.';
487 		}
488 		else {
489 			*t++ = '0';
490 			if (prec || flags&ALT)
491 				*t++ = '.';
492 		}
493 		/* if requires more precision and some fraction left */
494 		if (fract) {
495 			if (prec)
496 				do {
497 					fract = modf(fract * 10, &tmp);
498 					*t++ = tochar((int)tmp);
499 				} while (--prec && fract);
500 			if (fract)
501 				startp = round(fract, &expcnt, startp,
502 				    t - 1, (char)0, signp);
503 		}
504 		/* if requires more precision */
505 		for (; prec--; *t++ = '0');
507 		/* unless alternate flag, trim any g/G format trailing 0's */
508 		if (gformat && !(flags&ALT)) {
509 			while (t > startp && *--t == '0');
510 			if (*t == '.')
511 				--t;
512 			++t;
513 		}
514 		t = exponent(t, expcnt, fmtch);
515 		break;
516 	case 'g':
517 	case 'G':
518 		/* a precision of 0 is treated as a precision of 1. */
519 		if (!prec)
520 			++prec;
521 		/*
522 		 * ``The style used depends on the value converted; style e
523 		 * will be used only if the exponent resulting from the
524 		 * conversion is less than -4 or greater than the precision.''
525 		 *	-- ANSI X3J11
526 		 */
527 		if (expcnt > prec || !expcnt && fract && fract < .0001) {
528 			/*
529 			 * g/G format counts "significant digits, not digits of
530 			 * precision; for the e/E format, this just causes an
531 			 * off-by-one problem, i.e. g/G considers the digit
532 			 * before the decimal point significant and e/E doesn't
533 			 * count it as precision.
534 			 */
535 			--prec;
536 			fmtch -= 2;		/* G->E, g->e */
537 			gformat = 1;
538 			goto eformat;
539 		}
540 		/*
541 		 * reverse integer into beginning of buffer,
542 		 * note, decrement precision
543 		 */
544 		if (expcnt)
545 			for (; ++p < endp; *t++ = *p, --prec);
546 		else
547 			*t++ = '0';
548 		/*
549 		 * if precision required or alternate flag set, add in a
550 		 * decimal point.  If no digits yet, add in leading 0.
551 		 */
552 		if (prec || flags&ALT) {
553 			dotrim = 1;
554 			*t++ = '.';
555 		}
556 		else
557 			dotrim = 0;
558 		/* if requires more precision and some fraction left */
559 		if (fract) {
560 			if (prec) {
561 				do {
562 					fract = modf(fract * 10, &tmp);
563 					*t++ = tochar((int)tmp);
564 				} while(!tmp);
565 				while (--prec && fract) {
566 					fract = modf(fract * 10, &tmp);
567 					*t++ = tochar((int)tmp);
568 				}
569 			}
570 			if (fract)
571 				startp = round(fract, (int *)NULL, startp,
572 				    t - 1, (char)0, signp);
573 		}
574 		/* alternate format, adds 0's for precision, else trim 0's */
575 		if (flags&ALT)
576 			for (; prec--; *t++ = '0');
577 		else if (dotrim) {
578 			while (t > startp && *--t == '0');
579 			if (*t != '.')
580 				++t;
581 		}
582 	}
583 	return(t - startp);
584 }
586 static char *
587 round(fract, exp, start, end, ch, signp)
588 	double fract;
589 	int *exp;
590 	register char *start, *end;
591 	char ch, *signp;
592 {
593 	double tmp;
595 	if (fract)
596 		(void)modf(fract * 10, &tmp);
597 	else
598 		tmp = todigit(ch);
599 	if (tmp > 4)
600 		for (;; --end) {
601 			if (*end == '.')
602 				--end;
603 			if (++*end <= '9')
604 				break;
605 			*end = '0';
606 			if (end == start) {
607 				if (exp) {	/* e/E; increment exponent */
608 					*end = '1';
609 					++*exp;
610 				}
611 				else {		/* f; add extra digit */
612 					*--end = '1';
613 					--start;
614 				}
615 				break;
616 			}
617 		}
618 	/* ``"%.3f", (double)-0.0004'' gives you a negative 0. */
619 	else if (*signp == '-')
620 		for (;; --end) {
621 			if (*end == '.')
622 				--end;
623 			if (*end != '0')
624 				break;
625 			if (end == start)
626 				*signp = 0;
627 		}
628 	return(start);
629 }
631 static char *
632 exponent(p, exp, fmtch)
633 	register char *p;
634 	register int exp;
635 	u_char fmtch;
636 {
637 	register char *t;
638 	char expbuf[MAXEXP];
640 	*p++ = fmtch;
641 	if (exp < 0) {
642 		exp = -exp;
643 		*p++ = '-';
644 	}
645 	else
646 		*p++ = '+';
647 	t = expbuf + MAXEXP;
648 	if (exp > 9) {
649 		do {
650 			*--t = tochar(exp % 10);
651 		} while ((exp /= 10) > 9);
652 		*--t = tochar(exp);
653 		for (; t < expbuf + MAXEXP; *p++ = *t++);
654 	}
655 	else {
656 		*p++ = '0';
657 		*p++ = tochar(exp);
658 	}
659 	return(p);
660 }