xref: /original-bsd/lib/libc/stdlib/qsort.c (revision 2db8b3e6)
1 /*-
2  * Copyright (c) 1980, 1983 The Regents of the University of California.
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
6  */
8 #if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint)
9 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)qsort.c	5.7 (Berkeley) 05/17/90";
10 #endif /* LIBC_SCCS and not lint */
12 #include <stdlib.h>
14 /*
15  * qsort.c:
16  * Our own version of the system qsort routine which is faster by an average
17  * of 25%, with lows and highs of 10% and 50%.
18  * The THRESHold below is the insertion sort threshold, and has been adjusted
19  * for records of size 48 bytes.
20  * The MTHREShold is where we stop finding a better median.
21  */
23 #define		THRESH		4		/* threshold for insertion */
24 #define		MTHRESH		6		/* threshold for median */
26 static  int		(*qcmp)();		/* the comparison routine */
27 static  int		qsz;			/* size of each record */
28 static  int		thresh;			/* THRESHold in chars */
29 static  int		mthresh;		/* MTHRESHold in chars */
31 /*
32  * qsort:
33  * First, set up some global parameters for qst to share.  Then, quicksort
34  * with qst(), and then a cleanup insertion sort ourselves.  Sound simple?
35  * It's not...
36  */
38 void
39 qsort(base, n, size, compar)
40 	char	*base;
41 	int	n;
42 	int	size;
43 	int	(*compar)();
44 {
45 	register char c, *i, *j, *lo, *hi;
46 	char *min, *max;
48 	if (n <= 1)
49 		return;
50 	qsz = size;
51 	qcmp = compar;
52 	thresh = qsz * THRESH;
53 	mthresh = qsz * MTHRESH;
54 	max = base + n * qsz;
55 	if (n >= THRESH) {
56 		qst(base, max);
57 		hi = base + thresh;
58 	} else {
59 		hi = max;
60 	}
61 	/*
62 	 * First put smallest element, which must be in the first THRESH, in
63 	 * the first position as a sentinel.  This is done just by searching
64 	 * the first THRESH elements (or the first n if n < THRESH), finding
65 	 * the min, and swapping it into the first position.
66 	 */
67 	for (j = lo = base; (lo += qsz) < hi; )
68 		if (qcmp(j, lo) > 0)
69 			j = lo;
70 	if (j != base) {
71 		/* swap j into place */
72 		for (i = base, hi = base + qsz; i < hi; ) {
73 			c = *j;
74 			*j++ = *i;
75 			*i++ = c;
76 		}
77 	}
78 	/*
79 	 * With our sentinel in place, we now run the following hyper-fast
80 	 * insertion sort.  For each remaining element, min, from [1] to [n-1],
81 	 * set hi to the index of the element AFTER which this one goes.
82 	 * Then, do the standard insertion sort shift on a character at a time
83 	 * basis for each element in the frob.
84 	 */
85 	for (min = base; (hi = min += qsz) < max; ) {
86 		while (qcmp(hi -= qsz, min) > 0)
87 			/* void */;
88 		if ((hi += qsz) != min) {
89 			for (lo = min + qsz; --lo >= min; ) {
90 				c = *lo;
91 				for (i = j = lo; (j -= qsz) >= hi; i = j)
92 					*i = *j;
93 				*i = c;
94 			}
95 		}
96 	}
97 }
99 /*
100  * qst:
101  * Do a quicksort
102  * First, find the median element, and put that one in the first place as the
103  * discriminator.  (This "median" is just the median of the first, last and
104  * middle elements).  (Using this median instead of the first element is a big
105  * win).  Then, the usual partitioning/swapping, followed by moving the
106  * discriminator into the right place.  Then, figure out the sizes of the two
107  * partions, do the smaller one recursively and the larger one via a repeat of
108  * this code.  Stopping when there are less than THRESH elements in a partition
109  * and cleaning up with an insertion sort (in our caller) is a huge win.
110  * All data swaps are done in-line, which is space-losing but time-saving.
111  * (And there are only three places where this is done).
112  */
114 static
115 qst(base, max)
116 	char *base, *max;
117 {
118 	register char c, *i, *j, *jj;
119 	register int ii;
120 	char *mid, *tmp;
121 	int lo, hi;
123 	/*
124 	 * At the top here, lo is the number of characters of elements in the
125 	 * current partition.  (Which should be max - base).
126 	 * Find the median of the first, last, and middle element and make
127 	 * that the middle element.  Set j to largest of first and middle.
128 	 * If max is larger than that guy, then it's that guy, else compare
129 	 * max with loser of first and take larger.  Things are set up to
130 	 * prefer the middle, then the first in case of ties.
131 	 */
132 	lo = max - base;		/* number of elements as chars */
133 	do	{
134 		mid = i = base + qsz * ((lo / qsz) >> 1);
135 		if (lo >= mthresh) {
136 			j = (qcmp((jj = base), i) > 0 ? jj : i);
137 			if (qcmp(j, (tmp = max - qsz)) > 0) {
138 				/* switch to first loser */
139 				j = (j == jj ? i : jj);
140 				if (qcmp(j, tmp) < 0)
141 					j = tmp;
142 			}
143 			if (j != i) {
144 				ii = qsz;
145 				do	{
146 					c = *i;
147 					*i++ = *j;
148 					*j++ = c;
149 				} while (--ii);
150 			}
151 		}
152 		/*
153 		 * Semi-standard quicksort partitioning/swapping
154 		 */
155 		for (i = base, j = max - qsz; ; ) {
156 			while (i < mid && qcmp(i, mid) <= 0)
157 				i += qsz;
158 			while (j > mid) {
159 				if (qcmp(mid, j) <= 0) {
160 					j -= qsz;
161 					continue;
162 				}
163 				tmp = i + qsz;	/* value of i after swap */
164 				if (i == mid) {
165 					/* j <-> mid, new mid is j */
166 					mid = jj = j;
167 				} else {
168 					/* i <-> j */
169 					jj = j;
170 					j -= qsz;
171 				}
172 				goto swap;
173 			}
174 			if (i == mid) {
175 				break;
176 			} else {
177 				/* i <-> mid, new mid is i */
178 				jj = mid;
179 				tmp = mid = i;	/* value of i after swap */
180 				j -= qsz;
181 			}
182 		swap:
183 			ii = qsz;
184 			do	{
185 				c = *i;
186 				*i++ = *jj;
187 				*jj++ = c;
188 			} while (--ii);
189 			i = tmp;
190 		}
191 		/*
192 		 * Look at sizes of the two partitions, do the smaller
193 		 * one first by recursion, then do the larger one by
194 		 * making sure lo is its size, base and max are update
195 		 * correctly, and branching back.  But only repeat
196 		 * (recursively or by branching) if the partition is
197 		 * of at least size THRESH.
198 		 */
199 		i = (j = mid) + qsz;
200 		if ((lo = j - base) <= (hi = max - i)) {
201 			if (lo >= thresh)
202 				qst(base, j);
203 			base = i;
204 			lo = hi;
205 		} else {
206 			if (hi >= thresh)
207 				qst(i, max);
208 			max = j;
209 		}
210 	} while (lo >= thresh);
211 }