xref: /original-bsd/lib/libc/stdlib/radixsort.c (revision 048da712)
1 /*-
2  * Copyright (c) 1990 The Regents of the University of California.
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
6  * Peter McIlroy and by Dan Bernstein at New York University,
7  *
8  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
9  */
11 #if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint)
12 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)radixsort.c	5.15 (Berkeley) 08/20/92";
13 #endif /* LIBC_SCCS and not lint */
15 /*
16  * Radixsort routines.
17  *
18  * Program r_sort_a() is unstable but uses O(logN) extra memory for a stack.
19  * Use radixsort(a, n, trace, endchar) for this case.
20  *
21  * For stable sorting (using N extra pointers) use sradixsort(), which calls
22  * r_sort_b().
23  *
24  * For a description of this code, see D. McIlroy, P. McIlroy, K. Bostic,
25  * "Engineering Radix Sort".
26  */
28 #include <sys/types.h>
29 #include <stdlib.h>
30 #include <stddef.h>
31 #include <errno.h>
33 typedef struct {
34 	const u_char **sa;
35 	int sn, si;
36 } stack;
38 static inline void simplesort
39 	    __P((const u_char **, int, int, const u_char *, u_int));
40 static void r_sort_a __P((const u_char **, int, int, const u_char *, u_int));
41 static void r_sort_b __P((const u_char **,
42 	    const u_char **, int, int, const u_char *, u_int));
44 #define	THRESHOLD	20		/* Divert to simplesort(). */
45 #define	SIZE		512		/* Default stack size. */
47 #define SETUP {								\
48 	if (tab == NULL) {						\
49 		tr = tr0;						\
50 		for (c = 0; c < endch; c++)				\
51 			tr0[c] = c + 1;					\
52 		tr0[c] = 0;						\
53 		for (c++; c < 256; c++)					\
54 			tr0[c] = c;					\
55 		endch = 0;						\
56 	} else {							\
57 		endch = tab[endch];					\
58 		tr = tab;						\
59 		if (endch != 0 && endch != 255) {			\
60 			errno = EINVAL;					\
61 			return (-1);					\
62 		}							\
63 	}								\
64 }
66 int
67 radixsort(a, n, tab, endch)
68 	const u_char **a, *tab;
69 	int n;
70 	u_int endch;
71 {
72 	const u_char *tr;
73 	int c;
74 	u_char tr0[256];
76 	SETUP;
77 	r_sort_a(a, n, 0, tr, endch);
78 	return (0);
79 }
81 int
82 sradixsort(a, n, tab, endch)
83 	const u_char **a, *tab;
84 	int n;
85 	u_int endch;
86 {
87 	const u_char *tr, **ta;
88 	int c;
89 	u_char tr0[256];
91 	SETUP;
92 	if (n < THRESHOLD)
93 		simplesort(a, n, 0, tr, endch);
94 	else {
95 		if ((ta = malloc(n * sizeof(a))) == NULL)
96 			return (-1);
97 		r_sort_b(a, ta, n, 0, tr, endch);
98 		free(ta);
99 	}
100 	return (0);
101 }
103 #define empty(s)	(s >= sp)
104 #define pop(a, n, i)	a = (--sp)->sa, n = sp->sn, i = sp->si
105 #define push(a, n, i)	sp->sa = a, sp->sn = n, (sp++)->si = i
106 #define swap(a, b, t)	t = a, a = b, b = t
108 /* Unstable, in-place sort. */
109 void
110 r_sort_a(a, n, i, tr, endch)
111 	const u_char **a;
112 	int n, i;
113 	const u_char *tr;
114 	u_int endch;
115 {
116 	static int count[256], nc, bmin;
117 	register int c;
118 	register const u_char **ak, *r;
119 	stack s[SIZE], *sp, *sp0, *sp1, temp;
120 	int *cp, bigc;
121 	const u_char **an, *t, **aj, **top[256];
123 	/* Set up stack. */
124 	sp = s;
125 	push(a, n, i);
126 	while (!empty(s)) {
127 		pop(a, n, i);
128 		if (n < THRESHOLD) {
129 			simplesort(a, n, i, tr, endch);
130 			continue;
131 		}
132 		an = a + n;
134 		/* Make character histogram. */
135 		if (nc == 0) {
136 			bmin = 255;	/* First occupied bin, excluding eos. */
137 			for (ak = a; ak < an;) {
138 				c = tr[(*ak++)[i]];
139 				if (++count[c] == 1 && c != endch) {
140 					if (c < bmin)
141 						bmin = c;
142 					nc++;
143 				}
144 			}
145 			if (sp + nc > s + SIZE) {	/* Get more stack. */
146 				r_sort_a(a, n, i, tr, endch);
147 				continue;
148 			}
149 		}
151 		/*
152 		 * Set top[]; push incompletely sorted bins onto stack.
153 		 * top[] = pointers to last out-of-place element in bins.
154 		 * count[] = counts of elements in bins.
155 		 * Before permuting: top[c-1] + count[c] = top[c];
156 		 * during deal: top[c] counts down to top[c-1].
157 		 */
158 		sp0 = sp1 = sp;		/* Stack position of biggest bin. */
159 		bigc = 2;		/* Size of biggest bin. */
160 		if (endch == 0)		/* Special case: set top[eos]. */
161 			top[0] = ak = a + count[0];
162 		else {
163 			ak = a;
164 			top[255] = an;
165 		}
166 		for (cp = count + bmin; nc > 0; cp++) {
167 			while (*cp == 0)	/* Find next non-empty pile. */
168 				cp++;
169 			if (*cp > 1) {
170 				if (*cp > bigc) {
171 					bigc = *cp;
172 					sp1 = sp;
173 				}
174 				push(ak, *cp, i+1);
175 			}
176 			top[cp-count] = ak += *cp;
177 			nc--;
178 		}
179 		swap(*sp0, *sp1, temp);	/* Play it safe -- biggest bin last. */
181 		/*
182 		 * Permute misplacements home.  Already home: everything
183 		 * before aj, and in bin[c], items from top[c] on.
184 		 * Inner loop:
185 		 *	r = next element to put in place;
186 		 *	ak = top[r[i]] = location to put the next element.
187 		 *	aj = bottom of 1st disordered bin.
188 		 * Outer loop:
189 		 *	Once the 1st disordered bin is done, ie. aj >= ak,
190 		 *	aj<-aj + count[c] connects the bins in a linked list;
191 		 *	reset count[c].
192 		 */
193 		for (aj = a; aj < an;  *aj = r, aj += count[c], count[c] = 0)
194 			for (r = *aj;  aj < (ak = --top[c = tr[r[i]]]);)
195 				swap(*ak, r, t);
196 	}
197 }
199 /* Stable sort, requiring additional memory. */
200 void
201 r_sort_b(a, ta, n, i, tr, endch)
202 	const u_char **a, **ta;
203 	int n, i;
204 	const u_char *tr;
205 	u_int endch;
206 {
207 	static int count[256], nc, bmin;
208 	register int c;
209 	register const u_char **ak, **ai;
210 	stack s[512], *sp, *sp0, *sp1, temp;
211 	const u_char **top[256];
212 	int *cp, bigc;
214 	sp = s;
215 	push(a, n, i);
216 	while (!empty(s)) {
217 		pop(a, n, i);
218 		if (n < THRESHOLD) {
219 			simplesort(a, n, i, tr, endch);
220 			continue;
221 		}
223 		if (nc == 0) {
224 			bmin = 255;
225 			for (ak = a + n; --ak >= a;) {
226 				c = tr[(*ak)[i]];
227 				if (++count[c] == 1 && c != endch) {
228 					if (c < bmin)
229 						bmin = c;
230 					nc++;
231 				}
232 			}
233 			if (sp + nc > s + SIZE) {
234 				r_sort_b(a, ta, n, i, tr, endch);
235 				continue;
236 			}
237 		}
239 		sp0 = sp1 = sp;
240 		bigc = 2;
241 		if (endch == 0) {
242 			top[0] = ak = a + count[0];
243 			count[0] = 0;
244 		} else {
245 			ak = a;
246 			top[255] = a + n;
247 			count[255] = 0;
248 		}
249 		for (cp = count + bmin; nc > 0; cp++) {
250 			while (*cp == 0)
251 				cp++;
252 			if ((c = *cp) > 1) {
253 				if (c > bigc) {
254 					bigc = c;
255 					sp1 = sp;
256 				}
257 				push(ak, c, i+1);
258 			}
259 			top[cp-count] = ak += c;
260 			*cp = 0;			/* Reset count[]. */
261 			nc--;
262 		}
263 		swap(*sp0, *sp1, temp);
265 		for (ak = ta + n, ai = a+n; ak > ta;)	/* Copy to temp. */
266 			*--ak = *--ai;
267 		for (ak = ta+n; --ak >= ta;)		/* Deal to piles. */
268 			*--top[tr[(*ak)[i]]] = *ak;
269 	}
270 }
272 static inline void
273 simplesort(a, n, b, tr, endch)	/* insertion sort */
274 	register const u_char **a;
275 	int n, b;
276 	register const u_char *tr;
277 	u_int endch;
278 {
279 	register u_char ch;
280 	const u_char  **ak, **ai, *s, *t;
282 	for (ak = a+1; --n >= 1; ak++)
283 		for (ai = ak; ai > a; ai--) {
284 			for (s = ai[0] + b, t = ai[-1] + b;
285 			    (ch = tr[*s]) != endch; s++, t++)
286 				if (ch != tr[*t])
287 					break;
288 			if (ch >= tr[*t])
289 				break;
290 			swap(ai[0], ai[-1], s);
291 		}
292 }