xref: /original-bsd/lib/libc/vax/string/strncmp.s (revision 57124d5e)
2 * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
3 * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
4 * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
5 */
7#ifdef LIBC_SCCS
8	.asciz	"@(#)strncmp.s	5.3 (Berkeley) 03/09/86"
9#endif LIBC_SCCS
12 * Compare at most n characters of string
13 * s1 lexicographically to string s2.
14 * Return:
15 *	0	s1 == s2
16 *	> 0	s1 > s2
17 *	< 0	s2 < s2
18 *
19 * strncmp(s1, s2, n)
20 *	char *s1, *s2;
21 *	int n;
22 */
23#include "DEFS.h"
25ENTRY(strncmp, 0)
26	movl	4(ap),r1	# r1 = s1
27	movq	8(ap),r3	# r3 = s2; r4 = n
29	clrl	r5		# calculate min bytes to next page boundry
30	subb3	r1,$255,r5	# r5 = (bytes - 1) to end of page for s1
31	subb3	r3,$255,r0	# r0 = (bytes - 1) to end of page for s2
32	cmpb	r0,r5		# r5 = min(r0, r5);
33	bgtru	2f
34	movb	r0,r5
36	incl	r5		# r5 = min bytes to next page boundry
37	cmpl	r4,r5		# r5 = min(n, r5);
38	bgeq	3f
39	movl	r4,r5
41	cmpc3	r5,(r1),(r3)	# compare strings
42	bneq	4f
43	subl2	r5,r4		# check for end of comparison
44	beql	5f
45	subl2	r5,r1		# check if found null yet
46	locc	$0,r5,(r1)
47	beql	1b		# not yet done, continue checking
48	subl2	r0,r3
49	mnegb	(r3),r0		# r0 = '\0' - *s2
50	cvtbl	r0,r0
51	ret
53	subl2	r0,r5		# check for null in matching string
54	subl2	r5,r1
55	locc	$0,r5,(r1)
56	bneq	5f
57	subb3	(r3),(r1),r0	# r0 = *s1 - *s2
58	cvtbl	r0,r0
59	ret
61	clrl	r0		# both the same to null
62	ret