xref: /original-bsd/lib/libtelnet/kerberos5.c (revision e1af54e9)
1 /*
2  *	$Source: /mit/krb5/.cvsroot/src/appl/telnet/libtelnet/kerberos5.c,v $
3  *	$Author: tytso $
4  *	$Id: kerberos5.c,v 5.3 1993/09/01 03:00:12 tytso Exp $
5  */
7 #if !defined(lint) && !defined(SABER)
8 static
9 #ifdef __STDC__
10 const
11 #endif
12 char rcsid_kerberos5_c[] = "$Id: kerberos5.c,v 5.3 1993/09/01 03:00:12 tytso Exp $";
13 #endif /* lint */
15 /*-
16  * Copyright (c) 1991, 1993
17  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
18  *
19  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
20  */
22 #ifndef lint
23 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)kerberos5.c	8.3 (Berkeley) 05/30/95";
24 #endif /* not lint */
26 /*
27  * Copyright (C) 1990 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
28  *
29  * Export of this software from the United States of America may
30  * require a specific license from the United States Government.
31  * It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating
32  * export to obtain such a license before exporting.
33  *
34  * WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and
35  * distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and
36  * without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
37  * notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and
38  * this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that
39  * the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining
40  * to distribution of the software without specific, written prior
41  * permission.  M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of
42  * this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express
43  * or implied warranty.
44  */
47 #ifdef	KRB5
48 #include <arpa/telnet.h>
49 #include <stdio.h>
50 #include <krb5/krb5.h>
51 #include <krb5/asn1.h>
52 #include <krb5/crc-32.h>
53 #include <krb5/los-proto.h>
54 #include <krb5/ext-proto.h>
55 #include <com_err.h>
56 #include <netdb.h>
57 #include <ctype.h>
59 /* kerberos 5 include files (ext-proto.h) will get an appropriate stdlib.h
60    and string.h/strings.h */
62 #include "encrypt.h"
63 #include "auth.h"
64 #include "misc.h"
66 extern auth_debug_mode;
68 #ifdef	FORWARD
69 int forward_flags = 0;  /* Flags get set in telnet/main.c on -f and -F */
71 /* These values need to be the same as those defined in telnet/main.c. */
72 /* Either define them in both places, or put in some common header file. */
73 #define OPTS_FORWARD_CREDS	0x00000002
74 #define OPTS_FORWARDABLE_CREDS	0x00000001
76 void kerberos5_forward();
78 #endif	/* FORWARD */
80 static unsigned char str_data[1024] = { IAC, SB, TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION, 0,
81 			  		AUTHTYPE_KERBEROS_V5, };
82 /*static unsigned char str_name[1024] = { IAC, SB, TELOPT_AUTHENTICATION,
83 					TELQUAL_NAME, };*/
85 #define	KRB_AUTH		0	/* Authentication data follows */
86 #define	KRB_REJECT		1	/* Rejected (reason might follow) */
87 #define	KRB_ACCEPT		2	/* Accepted */
88 #define	KRB_RESPONSE		3	/* Response for mutual auth. */
90 #ifdef	FORWARD
91 #define KRB_FORWARD     	4       /* Forwarded credentials follow */
92 #define KRB_FORWARD_ACCEPT     	5       /* Forwarded credentials accepted */
93 #define KRB_FORWARD_REJECT     	6       /* Forwarded credentials rejected */
94 #endif	/* FORWARD */
96 static	krb5_data auth;
97 	/* telnetd gets session key from here */
98 static	krb5_tkt_authent *authdat = NULL;
99 /* telnet matches the AP_REQ and AP_REP with this */
100 static	krb5_authenticator authenticator;
102 /* some compilers can't hack void *, so we use the Kerberos krb5_pointer,
103    which is either void * or char *, depending on the compiler. */
105 #define Voidptr krb5_pointer
107 Block	session_key;
109 	static int
110 Data(ap, type, d, c)
111 	Authenticator *ap;
112 	int type;
113 	Voidptr d;
114 	int c;
115 {
116 	unsigned char *p = str_data + 4;
117 	unsigned char *cd = (unsigned char *)d;
119 	if (c == -1)
120 		c = strlen((char *)cd);
122 	if (auth_debug_mode) {
123 		printf("%s:%d: [%d] (%d)",
124 			str_data[3] == TELQUAL_IS ? ">>>IS" : ">>>REPLY",
125 			str_data[3],
126 			type, c);
127 		printd(d, c);
128 		printf("\r\n");
129 	}
130 	*p++ = ap->type;
131 	*p++ = ap->way;
132 	*p++ = type;
133 	while (c-- > 0) {
134 		if ((*p++ = *cd++) == IAC)
135 			*p++ = IAC;
136 	}
137 	*p++ = IAC;
138 	*p++ = SE;
139 	if (str_data[3] == TELQUAL_IS)
140 		printsub('>', &str_data[2], p - &str_data[2]);
141 	return(net_write(str_data, p - str_data));
142 }
144 	int
145 kerberos5_init(ap, server)
146 	Authenticator *ap;
147 	int server;
148 {
149 	if (server)
150 		str_data[3] = TELQUAL_REPLY;
151 	else
152 		str_data[3] = TELQUAL_IS;
153 	krb5_init_ets();
154 	return(1);
155 }
157 	int
158 kerberos5_send(ap)
159 	Authenticator *ap;
160 {
161 	char **realms;
162 	char *name;
163 	char *p1, *p2;
164 	krb5_checksum ksum;
165 	krb5_octet sum[CRC32_CKSUM_LENGTH];
166  	krb5_principal server;
167 	krb5_error_code r;
168 	krb5_ccache ccache;
169 	krb5_creds creds;		/* telnet gets session key from here */
170 	extern krb5_flags krb5_kdc_default_options;
171 	int ap_opts;
173 #ifdef	ENCRYPTION
174 	krb5_keyblock *newkey = 0;
175 #endif	/* ENCRYPTION */
177 	ksum.checksum_type = CKSUMTYPE_CRC32;
178 	ksum.contents = sum;
179 	ksum.length = sizeof(sum);
180 	memset((Voidptr )sum, 0, sizeof(sum));
182 	if (!UserNameRequested) {
183 		if (auth_debug_mode) {
184 			printf("Kerberos V5: no user name supplied\r\n");
185 		}
186 		return(0);
187 	}
189 	if (r = krb5_cc_default(&ccache)) {
190 		if (auth_debug_mode) {
191 			printf("Kerberos V5: could not get default ccache\r\n");
192 		}
193 		return(0);
194 	}
196 	if ((name = malloc(strlen(RemoteHostName)+1)) == NULL) {
197 		if (auth_debug_mode)
198 			printf("Out of memory for hostname in Kerberos V5\r\n");
199 		return(0);
200 	}
202 	if (r = krb5_get_host_realm(RemoteHostName, &realms)) {
203 		if (auth_debug_mode)
204 			printf("Kerberos V5: no realm for %s\r\n", RemoteHostName);
205 		free(name);
206 		return(0);
207 	}
209 	p1 = RemoteHostName;
210 	p2 = name;
212 	while (*p2 = *p1++) {
213 		if (isupper(*p2))
214 			*p2 |= 040;
215 		++p2;
216 	}
218 	if (r = krb5_build_principal_ext(&server,
219 					 strlen(realms[0]), realms[0],
220 					 4, "host",
221 					 p2 - name, name,
222 					 0)) {
223 		if (auth_debug_mode) {
224 			printf("Kerberos V5: failure setting up principal (%s)\r\n",
225 			       error_message(r));
226 		}
227 		free(name);
228 		krb5_free_host_realm(realms);
229 		return(0);
230 	}
233 	memset((char *)&creds, 0, sizeof(creds));
234 	creds.server = server;
236 	if (r = krb5_cc_get_principal(ccache, &creds.client)) {
237 		if (auth_debug_mode) {
238 			printf("Kerberos V5: failure on principal (%s)\r\n",
239 				error_message(r));
240 		}
241 		free(name);
242 		krb5_free_principal(server);
243 		krb5_free_host_realm(realms);
244 		return(0);
245 	}
247 	if (r = krb5_get_credentials(krb5_kdc_default_options, ccache, &creds)) {
248 		if (auth_debug_mode) {
249 			printf("Kerberos V5: failure on credentials(%d)\r\n",r);
250 		}
251 		free(name);
252 		krb5_free_host_realm(realms);
253 		krb5_free_principal(server);
254 		return(0);
255 	}
257 	if ((ap->way & AUTH_HOW_MASK) == AUTH_HOW_MUTUAL)
258 	    ap_opts = AP_OPTS_MUTUAL_REQUIRED;
259 	else
260 	    ap_opts = 0;
262 	r = krb5_mk_req_extended(ap_opts, &ksum, krb5_kdc_default_options, 0,
263 #ifdef	ENCRYPTION
264 				 &newkey,
265 #else	/* ENCRYPTION */
266 				 0,
267 #endif	/* ENCRYPTION */
268 				 ccache, &creds, &authenticator, &auth);
269 	/* don't let the key get freed if we clean up the authenticator */
270 	authenticator.subkey = 0;
272 	free(name);
273 	krb5_free_host_realm(realms);
274 	krb5_free_principal(server);
275 #ifdef	ENCRYPTION
276 	if (newkey) {
277 	    /* keep the key in our private storage, but don't use it
278 	       yet---see kerberos5_reply() below */
279 	    if (newkey->keytype != KEYTYPE_DES) {
280 		if (creds.keyblock.keytype == KEYTYPE_DES)
281 		    /* use the session key in credentials instead */
282 		    memmove((char *)session_key,
283 			   (char *)creds.keyblock.contents, sizeof(Block));
284 		else
285 		    /* XXX ? */;
286 	    } else {
287 		memmove((char *)session_key, (char *)newkey->contents,
288 		       sizeof(Block));
289 	    }
290 	    krb5_free_keyblock(newkey);
291 	}
292 #endif	/* ENCRYPTION */
293 	if (r) {
294 		if (auth_debug_mode) {
295 			printf("Kerberos V5: mk_req failed (%s)\r\n",
296 			       error_message(r));
297 		}
298 		return(0);
299 	}
301 	if (!auth_sendname(UserNameRequested, strlen(UserNameRequested))) {
302 		if (auth_debug_mode)
303 			printf("Not enough room for user name\r\n");
304 		return(0);
305 	}
306 	if (!Data(ap, KRB_AUTH, auth.data, auth.length)) {
307 		if (auth_debug_mode)
308 			printf("Not enough room for authentication data\r\n");
309 		return(0);
310 	}
311 	if (auth_debug_mode) {
312 		printf("Sent Kerberos V5 credentials to server\r\n");
313 	}
314 	return(1);
315 }
317 	void
318 kerberos5_is(ap, data, cnt)
319 	Authenticator *ap;
320 	unsigned char *data;
321 	int cnt;
322 {
323 	int r;
324 	struct hostent *hp;
325 	char *p1, *p2;
326 	static char *realm = NULL;
327 	krb5_principal server;
328 	krb5_ap_rep_enc_part reply;
329 	krb5_data outbuf;
330 #ifdef ENCRYPTION
331 	Session_Key skey;
332 #endif	/* ENCRYPTION */
333 	char *name;
334 	char *getenv();
335 	krb5_data inbuf;
337 	if (cnt-- < 1)
338 		return;
339 	switch (*data++) {
340 	case KRB_AUTH:
341 		auth.data = (char *)data;
342 		auth.length = cnt;
344 		if (!(hp = gethostbyname(LocalHostName))) {
345 			if (auth_debug_mode)
346 				printf("Cannot resolve local host name\r\n");
347 			Data(ap, KRB_REJECT, "Unknown local hostname.", -1);
348 			auth_finished(ap, AUTH_REJECT);
349 			return;
350 		}
352 		if (!realm && (krb5_get_default_realm(&realm))) {
353 			if (auth_debug_mode)
354 				printf("Could not get default realm\r\n");
355 			Data(ap, KRB_REJECT, "Could not get default realm.", -1);
356 			auth_finished(ap, AUTH_REJECT);
357 			return;
358 		}
360 		if ((name = malloc(strlen(hp->h_name)+1)) == NULL) {
361 			if (auth_debug_mode)
362 				printf("Out of memory for hostname in Kerberos V5\r\n");
363 			Data(ap, KRB_REJECT, "Out of memory.", -1);
364 			auth_finished(ap, AUTH_REJECT);
365 			return;
366 		}
368 		p1 = hp->h_name;
369 		p2 = name;
371 		while (*p2 = *p1++) {
372 			if (isupper(*p2))
373 				*p2 |= 040;
374 			++p2;
375 		}
377 		if (authdat)
378 			krb5_free_tkt_authent(authdat);
380 		r = krb5_build_principal_ext(&server,
381 					     strlen(realm), realm,
382 					     4, "host",
383 					     p2 - name, name,
384 					     0);
385 		if (!r) {
386 		    r = krb5_rd_req_simple(&auth, server, 0, &authdat);
387 		    krb5_free_principal(server);
388 		}
389 		if (r) {
390 			char errbuf[128];
392 		    errout:
393 			authdat = 0;
394 			(void) strcpy(errbuf, "Read req failed: ");
395 			(void) strcat(errbuf, error_message(r));
396 			Data(ap, KRB_REJECT, errbuf, -1);
397 			if (auth_debug_mode)
398 				printf("%s\r\n", errbuf);
399 			return;
400 		}
401 		free(name);
402 		if ((ap->way & AUTH_HOW_MASK) == AUTH_HOW_MUTUAL) {
403 		    /* do ap_rep stuff here */
404 		    reply.ctime = authdat->authenticator->ctime;
405 		    reply.cusec = authdat->authenticator->cusec;
406 		    reply.subkey = 0;	/* use the one he gave us, so don't
407 					   need to return one here */
408 		    reply.seq_number = 0; /* we don't do seq #'s. */
410 		    if (r = krb5_mk_rep(&reply,
411 					authdat->authenticator->subkey ?
412 					authdat->authenticator->subkey :
413 					authdat->ticket->enc_part2->session,
414 					&outbuf)) {
415 			goto errout;
416 		    }
417 		    Data(ap, KRB_RESPONSE, outbuf.data, outbuf.length);
418 		}
419 		if (krb5_unparse_name(authdat->ticket->enc_part2 ->client,
420 				      					&name))
421 			name = 0;
422 		Data(ap, KRB_ACCEPT, name, name ? -1 : 0);
423 		if (auth_debug_mode) {
424 			printf("Kerberos5 identifies him as ``%s''\r\n",
425 							name ? name : "");
426 		}
427 		auth_finished(ap, AUTH_USER);
429 		free(name);
430 	    	if (authdat->authenticator->subkey &&
431 		    authdat->authenticator->subkey->keytype == KEYTYPE_DES) {
432 		    memmove((Voidptr )session_key,
433 			   (Voidptr )authdat->authenticator->subkey->contents,
434 			   sizeof(Block));
435 		} else if (authdat->ticket->enc_part2->session->keytype ==
436 			   KEYTYPE_DES) {
437 		    memmove((Voidptr )session_key,
438 			(Voidptr )authdat->ticket->enc_part2->session->contents,
439 			sizeof(Block));
440 		} else
441 		    break;
443 #ifdef ENCRYPTION
444 		skey.type = SK_DES;
445 		skey.length = 8;
446 		skey.data = session_key;
447 		encrypt_session_key(&skey, 1);
448 #endif	/* ENCRYPTION */
449 		break;
450 #ifdef	FORWARD
451 	case KRB_FORWARD:
452 		inbuf.data = (char *)data;
453 		inbuf.length = cnt;
454 		if (r = rd_and_store_for_creds(&inbuf, authdat->ticket,
455 					       UserNameRequested)) {
456 		    char errbuf[128];
458 		    (void) strcpy(errbuf, "Read forwarded creds failed: ");
459 		    (void) strcat(errbuf, error_message(r));
460 		    Data(ap, KRB_FORWARD_REJECT, errbuf, -1);
461 		    if (auth_debug_mode)
462 		      printf("Could not read forwarded credentials\r\n");
463 		}
464 		else
465 		  Data(ap, KRB_FORWARD_ACCEPT, 0, 0);
466 		  if (auth_debug_mode)
467 		    printf("Forwarded credentials obtained\r\n");
468 		break;
469 #endif	/* FORWARD */
470 	default:
471 		if (auth_debug_mode)
472 			printf("Unknown Kerberos option %d\r\n", data[-1]);
473 		Data(ap, KRB_REJECT, 0, 0);
474 		break;
475 	}
476 }
478 	void
479 kerberos5_reply(ap, data, cnt)
480 	Authenticator *ap;
481 	unsigned char *data;
482 	int cnt;
483 {
484 	Session_Key skey;
485 	static int mutual_complete = 0;
487 	if (cnt-- < 1)
488 		return;
489 	switch (*data++) {
490 	case KRB_REJECT:
491 		if (cnt > 0) {
492 			printf("[ Kerberos V5 refuses authentication because %.*s ]\r\n",
493 				cnt, data);
494 		} else
495 			printf("[ Kerberos V5 refuses authentication ]\r\n");
496 		auth_send_retry();
497 		return;
498 	case KRB_ACCEPT:
499 		if ((ap->way & AUTH_HOW_MASK) == AUTH_HOW_MUTUAL &&
500 		    !mutual_complete) {
501 		    printf("[ Kerberos V5 accepted you, but didn't provide mutual authentication! ]\n");
502 		    auth_send_retry();
503 		    return;
504 		}
505 		if (cnt)
506 		    printf("[ Kerberos V5 accepts you as ``%.*s'' ]\n", cnt, data);
507 		else
508 		    printf("[ Kerberos V5 accepts you ]\n");
509 		auth_finished(ap, AUTH_USER);
510 #ifdef	FORWARD
511 		if (forward_flags & OPTS_FORWARD_CREDS)
512 		  kerberos5_forward(ap);
513 #endif	/* FORWARD */
514 		break;
515 	case KRB_RESPONSE:
516 		if ((ap->way & AUTH_HOW_MASK) == AUTH_HOW_MUTUAL) {
517 		    /* the rest of the reply should contain a krb_ap_rep */
518 		    krb5_ap_rep_enc_part *reply;
519 		    krb5_data inbuf;
520 		    krb5_error_code r;
521 		    krb5_keyblock tmpkey;
523 		    inbuf.length = cnt;
524 		    inbuf.data = (char *)data;
526 		    tmpkey.keytype = KEYTYPE_DES;
527 		    tmpkey.contents = session_key;
528 		    tmpkey.length = sizeof(Block);
530 		    if (r = krb5_rd_rep(&inbuf, &tmpkey, &reply)) {
531 			printf("[ Mutual authentication failed: %s ]\n",
532 			       error_message(r));
533 			auth_send_retry();
534 			return;
535 		    }
536 		    if (reply->ctime != authenticator.ctime ||
537 			reply->cusec != authenticator.cusec) {
538 			printf("[ Mutual authentication failed (mismatched KRB_AP_REP) ]\n");
539 			auth_send_retry();
540 			return;
541 		    }
542 		    krb5_free_ap_rep_enc_part(reply);
543 #ifdef	ENCRYPTION
544 			skey.type = SK_DES;
545 			skey.length = 8;
546 			skey.data = session_key;
547 			encrypt_session_key(&skey, 0);
548 #endif	/* ENCRYPTION */
549 		    mutual_complete = 1;
550 		}
551 		return;
552 #ifdef	FORWARD
554 		printf("[ Kerberos V5 accepted forwarded credentials ]\n");
555 		return;
557 		printf("[ Kerberos V5 refuses forwarded credentials because %.*s ]\r\n",
558 				cnt, data);
559 		return;
560 #endif	/* FORWARD */
561 	default:
562 		if (auth_debug_mode)
563 			printf("Unknown Kerberos option %d\r\n", data[-1]);
564 		return;
565 	}
566 }
568 	int
569 kerberos5_status(ap, name, level)
570 	Authenticator *ap;
571 	char *name;
572 	int level;
573 {
574 	if (level < AUTH_USER)
575 		return(level);
577 	if (UserNameRequested &&
578 	    krb5_kuserok(authdat->ticket->enc_part2->client, UserNameRequested))
579 	{
580 		strcpy(name, UserNameRequested);
581 		return(AUTH_VALID);
582 	} else
583 		return(AUTH_USER);
584 }
586 #define	BUMP(buf, len)		while (*(buf)) {++(buf), --(len);}
587 #define	ADDC(buf, len, c)	if ((len) > 0) {*(buf)++ = (c); --(len);}
589 	void
590 kerberos5_printsub(data, cnt, buf, buflen)
591 	unsigned char *data, *buf;
592 	int cnt, buflen;
593 {
594 	char lbuf[32];
595 	register int i;
597 	buf[buflen-1] = '\0';		/* make sure its NULL terminated */
598 	buflen -= 1;
600 	switch(data[3]) {
601 	case KRB_REJECT:		/* Rejected (reason might follow) */
602 		strncpy((char *)buf, " REJECT ", buflen);
603 		goto common;
605 	case KRB_ACCEPT:		/* Accepted (name might follow) */
606 		strncpy((char *)buf, " ACCEPT ", buflen);
607 	common:
608 		BUMP(buf, buflen);
609 		if (cnt <= 4)
610 			break;
611 		ADDC(buf, buflen, '"');
612 		for (i = 4; i < cnt; i++)
613 			ADDC(buf, buflen, data[i]);
614 		ADDC(buf, buflen, '"');
615 		ADDC(buf, buflen, '\0');
616 		break;
619 	case KRB_AUTH:			/* Authentication data follows */
620 		strncpy((char *)buf, " AUTH", buflen);
621 		goto common2;
623 	case KRB_RESPONSE:
624 		strncpy((char *)buf, " RESPONSE", buflen);
625 		goto common2;
627 #ifdef	FORWARD
628 	case KRB_FORWARD:		/* Forwarded credentials follow */
629 		strncpy((char *)buf, " FORWARD", buflen);
630 		goto common2;
632 	case KRB_FORWARD_ACCEPT:	/* Forwarded credentials accepted */
633 		strncpy((char *)buf, " FORWARD_ACCEPT", buflen);
634 		goto common2;
636 	case KRB_FORWARD_REJECT:	/* Forwarded credentials rejected */
637 					       /* (reason might follow) */
638 		strncpy((char *)buf, " FORWARD_REJECT", buflen);
639 		goto common2;
640 #endif	/* FORWARD */
642 	default:
643 		sprintf(lbuf, " %d (unknown)", data[3]);
644 		strncpy((char *)buf, lbuf, buflen);
645 	common2:
646 		BUMP(buf, buflen);
647 		for (i = 4; i < cnt; i++) {
648 			sprintf(lbuf, " %d", data[i]);
649 			strncpy((char *)buf, lbuf, buflen);
650 			BUMP(buf, buflen);
651 		}
652 		break;
653 	}
654 }
656 #ifdef	FORWARD
657 	void
658 kerberos5_forward(ap)
659      Authenticator *ap;
660 {
661     struct hostent *hp;
662     krb5_creds *local_creds;
663     krb5_error_code r;
664     krb5_data forw_creds;
665     extern krb5_cksumtype krb5_kdc_req_sumtype;
666     krb5_ccache ccache;
667     int i;
669     if (!(local_creds = (krb5_creds *)
670 	  calloc(1, sizeof(*local_creds)))) {
671 	if (auth_debug_mode)
672 	  printf("Kerberos V5: could not allocate memory for credentials\r\n");
673 	return;
674     }
676     if (r = krb5_sname_to_principal(RemoteHostName, "host", 1,
677 				    &local_creds->server)) {
678 	if (auth_debug_mode)
679 	  printf("Kerberos V5: could not build server name - %s\r\n",
680 		 error_message(r));
681 	krb5_free_creds(local_creds);
682 	return;
683     }
685     if (r = krb5_cc_default(&ccache)) {
686 	if (auth_debug_mode)
687 	  printf("Kerberos V5: could not get default ccache - %s\r\n",
688 		 error_message(r));
689 	krb5_free_creds(local_creds);
690 	return;
691     }
693     if (r = krb5_cc_get_principal(ccache, &local_creds->client)) {
694 	if (auth_debug_mode)
695 	  printf("Kerberos V5: could not get default principal - %s\r\n",
696 		 error_message(r));
697 	krb5_free_creds(local_creds);
698 	return;
699     }
701     /* Get ticket from credentials cache */
702     if (r = krb5_get_credentials(KRB5_GC_CACHED, ccache, local_creds)) {
703 	if (auth_debug_mode)
704 	  printf("Kerberos V5: could not obtain credentials - %s\r\n",
705 		 error_message(r));
706 	krb5_free_creds(local_creds);
707 	return;
708     }
710     if (r = get_for_creds(ETYPE_DES_CBC_CRC,
711 			  krb5_kdc_req_sumtype,
712 			  RemoteHostName,
713 			  local_creds->client,
714 			  &local_creds->keyblock,
715 			  forward_flags & OPTS_FORWARDABLE_CREDS,
716 			  &forw_creds)) {
717 	if (auth_debug_mode)
718 	  printf("Kerberos V5: error getting forwarded creds - %s\r\n",
719 		 error_message(r));
720 	krb5_free_creds(local_creds);
721 	return;
722     }
724     /* Send forwarded credentials */
725     if (!Data(ap, KRB_FORWARD, forw_creds.data, forw_creds.length)) {
726 	if (auth_debug_mode)
727 	  printf("Not enough room for authentication data\r\n");
728     }
729     else {
730 	if (auth_debug_mode)
731 	  printf("Forwarded local Kerberos V5 credentials to server\r\n");
732     }
734     krb5_free_creds(local_creds);
735 }
736 #endif	/* FORWARD */
738 #endif /* KRB5 */