xref: /original-bsd/lib/libterm/tgoto.c (revision b079d642)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1980 The Regents of the University of California.
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
6  */
8 #ifndef lint
9 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)tgoto.c	5.4 (Berkeley) 06/01/90";
10 #endif /* not lint */
12 #define	CTRL(c)	((c) & 037)
14 #define MAXRETURNSIZE 64
16 char	*UP;
17 char	*BC;
19 /*
20  * Routine to perform cursor addressing.
21  * CM is a string containing printf type escapes to allow
22  * cursor addressing.  We start out ready to print the destination
23  * line, and switch each time we print row or column.
24  * The following escapes are defined for substituting row/column:
25  *
26  *	%d	as in printf
27  *	%2	like %2d
28  *	%3	like %3d
29  *	%.	gives %c hacking special case characters
30  *	%+x	like %c but adding x first
31  *
32  *	The codes below affect the state but don't use up a value.
33  *
34  *	%>xy	if value > x add y
35  *	%r	reverses row/column
36  *	%i	increments row/column (for one origin indexing)
37  *	%%	gives %
38  *	%B	BCD (2 decimal digits encoded in one byte)
39  *	%D	Delta Data (backwards bcd)
40  *
41  * all other characters are ``self-inserting''.
42  */
43 char *
44 tgoto(CM, destcol, destline)
45 	char *CM;
46 	int destcol, destline;
47 {
48 	static char result[MAXRETURNSIZE];
49 	static char added[10];
50 	char *cp = CM;
51 	register char *dp = result;
52 	register int c;
53 	int oncol = 0;
54 	register int which = destline;
56 	if (cp == 0) {
57 toohard:
58 		/*
59 		 * ``We don't do that under BOZO's big top''
60 		 */
61 		return ("OOPS");
62 	}
63 	added[0] = 0;
64 	while (c = *cp++) {
65 		if (c != '%') {
66 			*dp++ = c;
67 			continue;
68 		}
69 		switch (c = *cp++) {
71 #ifdef CM_N
72 		case 'n':
73 			destcol ^= 0140;
74 			destline ^= 0140;
75 			goto setwhich;
76 #endif
78 		case 'd':
79 			if (which < 10)
80 				goto one;
81 			if (which < 100)
82 				goto two;
83 			/* fall into... */
85 		case '3':
86 			*dp++ = (which / 100) | '0';
87 			which %= 100;
88 			/* fall into... */
90 		case '2':
91 two:
92 			*dp++ = which / 10 | '0';
93 one:
94 			*dp++ = which % 10 | '0';
95 swap:
96 			oncol = 1 - oncol;
97 setwhich:
98 			which = oncol ? destcol : destline;
99 			continue;
101 #ifdef CM_GT
102 		case '>':
103 			if (which > *cp++)
104 				which += *cp++;
105 			else
106 				cp++;
107 			continue;
108 #endif
110 		case '+':
111 			which += *cp++;
112 			/* fall into... */
114 		case '.':
115 casedot:
116 			/*
117 			 * This code is worth scratching your head at for a
118 			 * while.  The idea is that various weird things can
119 			 * happen to nulls, EOT's, tabs, and newlines by the
120 			 * tty driver, arpanet, and so on, so we don't send
121 			 * them if we can help it.
122 			 *
123 			 * Tab is taken out to get Ann Arbors to work, otherwise
124 			 * when they go to column 9 we increment which is wrong
125 			 * because bcd isn't continuous.  We should take out
126 			 * the rest too, or run the thing through more than
127 			 * once until it doesn't make any of these, but that
128 			 * would make termlib (and hence pdp-11 ex) bigger,
129 			 * and also somewhat slower.  This requires all
130 			 * programs which use termlib to stty tabs so they
131 			 * don't get expanded.  They should do this anyway
132 			 * because some terminals use ^I for other things,
133 			 * like nondestructive space.
134 			 */
135 			if (which == 0 || which == CTRL('d') || /* which == '\t' || */ which == '\n') {
136 				if (oncol || UP) /* Assumption: backspace works */
137 					/*
138 					 * Loop needed because newline happens
139 					 * to be the successor of tab.
140 					 */
141 					do {
142 						strcat(added, oncol ? (BC ? BC : "\b") : UP);
143 						which++;
144 					} while (which == '\n');
145 			}
146 			*dp++ = which;
147 			goto swap;
149 		case 'r':
150 			oncol = 1;
151 			goto setwhich;
153 		case 'i':
154 			destcol++;
155 			destline++;
156 			which++;
157 			continue;
159 		case '%':
160 			*dp++ = c;
161 			continue;
163 #ifdef CM_B
164 		case 'B':
165 			which = (which/10 << 4) + which%10;
166 			continue;
167 #endif
169 #ifdef CM_D
170 		case 'D':
171 			which = which - 2 * (which%16);
172 			continue;
173 #endif
175 		default:
176 			goto toohard;
177 		}
178 	}
179 	strcpy(dp, added);
180 	return (result);
181 }