xref: /original-bsd/libexec/rexecd/rexecd.c (revision fa921481)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1983 The Regents of the University of California.
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
6  */
8 #ifndef lint
9 char copyright[] =
10 "@(#) Copyright (c) 1983 The Regents of the University of California.\n\
11  All rights reserved.\n";
12 #endif /* not lint */
14 #ifndef lint
15 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)rexecd.c	5.10 (Berkeley) 06/01/90";
16 #endif /* not lint */
18 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
19 #include <sys/param.h>
20 #include <sys/socket.h>
21 #include <sys/time.h>
23 #include <netinet/in.h>
25 #include <stdio.h>
26 #include <errno.h>
27 #include <pwd.h>
28 #include <signal.h>
29 #include <netdb.h>
30 #include "pathnames.h"
32 extern	int errno;
33 struct	passwd *getpwnam();
34 char	*crypt(), *rindex(), *strncat();
35 /*VARARGS1*/
36 int	error();
38 /*
39  * remote execute server:
40  *	username\0
41  *	password\0
42  *	command\0
43  *	data
44  */
46 main(argc, argv)
47 	int argc;
48 	char **argv;
49 {
50 	struct sockaddr_in from;
51 	int fromlen;
53 	fromlen = sizeof (from);
54 	if (getpeername(0, &from, &fromlen) < 0) {
55 		fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", argv[0]);
56 		perror("getpeername");
57 		exit(1);
58 	}
59 	doit(0, &from);
60 }
62 char	username[20] = "USER=";
63 char	homedir[64] = "HOME=";
64 char	shell[64] = "SHELL=";
65 char	*envinit[] =
66 	    {homedir, shell, _PATH_DEFPATH, username, 0};
67 char	**environ;
69 struct	sockaddr_in asin = { AF_INET };
71 doit(f, fromp)
72 	int f;
73 	struct sockaddr_in *fromp;
74 {
75 	char cmdbuf[NCARGS+1], *cp, *namep;
76 	char user[16], pass[16];
77 	struct passwd *pwd;
78 	int s;
79 	u_short port;
80 	int pv[2], pid, ready, readfrom, cc;
81 	char buf[BUFSIZ], sig;
82 	int one = 1;
84 	(void) signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
85 	(void) signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL);
86 	(void) signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL);
87 #ifdef DEBUG
88 	{ int t = open(_PATH_TTY, 2);
89 	  if (t >= 0) {
90 		ioctl(t, TIOCNOTTY, (char *)0);
91 		(void) close(t);
92 	  }
93 	}
94 #endif
95 	dup2(f, 0);
96 	dup2(f, 1);
97 	dup2(f, 2);
98 	(void) alarm(60);
99 	port = 0;
100 	for (;;) {
101 		char c;
102 		if (read(f, &c, 1) != 1)
103 			exit(1);
104 		if (c == 0)
105 			break;
106 		port = port * 10 + c - '0';
107 	}
108 	(void) alarm(0);
109 	if (port != 0) {
110 		s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
111 		if (s < 0)
112 			exit(1);
113 		if (bind(s, &asin, sizeof (asin)) < 0)
114 			exit(1);
115 		(void) alarm(60);
116 		fromp->sin_port = htons(port);
117 		if (connect(s, fromp, sizeof (*fromp)) < 0)
118 			exit(1);
119 		(void) alarm(0);
120 	}
121 	getstr(user, sizeof(user), "username");
122 	getstr(pass, sizeof(pass), "password");
123 	getstr(cmdbuf, sizeof(cmdbuf), "command");
124 	setpwent();
125 	pwd = getpwnam(user);
126 	if (pwd == NULL) {
127 		error("Login incorrect.\n");
128 		exit(1);
129 	}
130 	endpwent();
131 	if (*pwd->pw_passwd != '\0') {
132 		namep = crypt(pass, pwd->pw_passwd);
133 		if (strcmp(namep, pwd->pw_passwd)) {
134 			error("Password incorrect.\n");
135 			exit(1);
136 		}
137 	}
138 	if (chdir(pwd->pw_dir) < 0) {
139 		error("No remote directory.\n");
140 		exit(1);
141 	}
142 	(void) write(2, "\0", 1);
143 	if (port) {
144 		(void) pipe(pv);
145 		pid = fork();
146 		if (pid == -1)  {
147 			error("Try again.\n");
148 			exit(1);
149 		}
150 		if (pid) {
151 			(void) close(0); (void) close(1); (void) close(2);
152 			(void) close(f); (void) close(pv[1]);
153 			readfrom = (1<<s) | (1<<pv[0]);
154 			ioctl(pv[1], FIONBIO, (char *)&one);
155 			/* should set s nbio! */
156 			do {
157 				ready = readfrom;
158 				(void) select(16, &ready, (fd_set *)0,
159 				    (fd_set *)0, (struct timeval *)0);
160 				if (ready & (1<<s)) {
161 					if (read(s, &sig, 1) <= 0)
162 						readfrom &= ~(1<<s);
163 					else
164 						killpg(pid, sig);
165 				}
166 				if (ready & (1<<pv[0])) {
167 					cc = read(pv[0], buf, sizeof (buf));
168 					if (cc <= 0) {
169 						shutdown(s, 1+1);
170 						readfrom &= ~(1<<pv[0]);
171 					} else
172 						(void) write(s, buf, cc);
173 				}
174 			} while (readfrom);
175 			exit(0);
176 		}
177 		setpgrp(0, getpid());
178 		(void) close(s); (void)close(pv[0]);
179 		dup2(pv[1], 2);
180 	}
181 	if (*pwd->pw_shell == '\0')
182 		pwd->pw_shell = _PATH_BSHELL;
183 	if (f > 2)
184 		(void) close(f);
185 	(void) setgid((gid_t)pwd->pw_gid);
186 	initgroups(pwd->pw_name, pwd->pw_gid);
187 	(void) setuid((uid_t)pwd->pw_uid);
188 	environ = envinit;
189 	strncat(homedir, pwd->pw_dir, sizeof(homedir)-6);
190 	strncat(shell, pwd->pw_shell, sizeof(shell)-7);
191 	strncat(username, pwd->pw_name, sizeof(username)-6);
192 	cp = rindex(pwd->pw_shell, '/');
193 	if (cp)
194 		cp++;
195 	else
196 		cp = pwd->pw_shell;
197 	execl(pwd->pw_shell, cp, "-c", cmdbuf, 0);
198 	perror(pwd->pw_shell);
199 	exit(1);
200 }
202 /*VARARGS1*/
203 error(fmt, a1, a2, a3)
204 	char *fmt;
205 	int a1, a2, a3;
206 {
207 	char buf[BUFSIZ];
209 	buf[0] = 1;
210 	(void) sprintf(buf+1, fmt, a1, a2, a3);
211 	(void) write(2, buf, strlen(buf));
212 }
214 getstr(buf, cnt, err)
215 	char *buf;
216 	int cnt;
217 	char *err;
218 {
219 	char c;
221 	do {
222 		if (read(0, &c, 1) != 1)
223 			exit(1);
224 		*buf++ = c;
225 		if (--cnt == 0) {
226 			error("%s too long\n", err);
227 			exit(1);
228 		}
229 	} while (c != 0);
230 }