2# First Special font for the Harris, is supposed to be compatible with
3# older Special fonts
5# master 14 and unitwidth 10
7# Note: ascender and descender info generated automatically
9# The greek characters lives also on this font
11name S
13internalname 9
16*A	150	2	0101	1622	UC ALPHA
17*B	130	2	0102	1622	UC BETA
18*G	125	2	0103	1622	UC GAMMA
19*D	125	2	0104	1622	UC DELTA
20*E	130	2	0105	1622	UC EPSIL
21*Z	119	2	0106	1622	UC ZETA
22*Y	169	2	0107	1622	UC ETA
23*H	150	2	0110	1622	UC THETA
24*I	86	2	0112	1622	UC IOTA
25*K	150	2	0113	1622	UC KAPPA
26*L	150	2	0114	1622	UC LAMDA
27*M	169	2	0115	1622	UC MU
28*N	150	2	0116	1622	UC NU
29*C	136	2	0117	1622	UC XI
30*O	150	2	0120	1622	UC OMICR
31*P	169	2	0121	1622	UC PI
32*R	130	2	0122	1622	UC RHO
33*S	136	2	0123	1622	UC SIGMA
34*T	125	2	0124	1622	UC TAU
35*U	125	2	0125	1622	UC UPSIL
36*F	144	2	0126	1622	UC PHI
37*X	161	2	0127	1622	UC CHI
38*Q	161	2	0130	1622	UC PSI
39*W	130	2	0131	1622	UC OMEGA
40*a	111	0	0141	1622	LC ALPHA
41*b	119	3	0142	1622	LC BETA
42*g	100	1	0143	1622	LC GAMMA
43*d	94	2	0144	1622	LC DELTA
44*e	69	0	0145	1622	LC EPISL
45*z	86	2	0146	1622	LC ZETA
46*y	100	1	0147	1622	LC ETA
47*h	94	2	0150	1622	LC THETA
48*i	55	0	0151	1622	LC IOTA
49*k	94	0	0152	1622	LC KAPPA
50*l	105	2	0153	1622	LC LAMDA
51*m	100	1	0154	1622	LC MU
52*n	86	0	0155	1622	LC NU
53*c	80	2	0156	1622	LC XI
54*o	86	0	0157	1622	LC OMIC
55*p	111	0	0160	1622	LC PI
56*r	100	1	0161	1622	LC RHO
57*s	100	0	0162	1622	LC SIGMA
58ts	69	0	0163	1622	LC SIGMA
59*t	86	0	0164	1622	LC TAU
60*u	86	0	0165	1622	LC UPSIL
61*f	111	3	0167	1622	LC PHI
62*x	111	1	0170	1622	LC CHI
63*q	111	3	0171	1622	LC PSI
64*w	125	0	0172	1622	LC OMEGA
65-h	105	2	0153	4478	LC H W/ BAR
66@	186	3	0127	9494	AT SIGN
67da	100	3	0105	1494	ARROW DN
68or	100	2	030	9494	or
69"	100	2	0143	1494	SEC SIGN
70fm	50	2	0142	1494	MINUTE S
71eq	200	0	011	1494	EQUALS CEN
72<-	200	0	0110	1494	L ARROW
73ua	100	3	042	1494	ARROW UP
74\_	100	1	051	9494	^UNNASSIGNED (underrule)
75ul	"	=\_
76_	"	=\_
77ru	100	0	050	9494	^UNNASSIGNED (rule)
78\	200	3	0140	9494	backslash (escape char)
79if	200	0	026	1494	INFINITY
80ip	200	2	0101	1494	EXC OR = (improper superset)
81pt	200	2	077	1494	VARIATN (proportional to)
82rh	255	2	0125	9494	LFT FIST (for troff: right hand)
83gr	200	2	0132	1494	TRI DWN (gradient)
84cu	200	2	064	1494	UNION (cup)
85rn	100	2	0106	9494	VINCULUM (root en)
86mi	200	0	010	1494	MINUS SIGN
87is	100	3	0151	3494	INTEGRAL MAT
88sb	200	2	052	1494	INCLUDED (subset of)
89sq	200	2	055	1494	7PT OP SQ
90sp	200	2	065	1494	EXCLUDED (super set of)
91ap	200	0	036	1494	CYCLE SIGN (approximate)
92pd	100	2	0175	1494	PART DIF
93sr	200	3	0104	9494	ROOT SIGN (square root)
94~=	200	0	0126	1494	APPROX EQ TO
95>	200	2	032	1494	GREATER THN
96<	200	2	031	1494	LESS THAN
97sl	200	3	0137	9494	slash (matching backslash (we hope))
98ca	200	2	063	1494	INSECT (cap)
99no	144	0	0113	1494	LOGICAL NOT
100rc	100	3	0145	9494	right ceiling (rt of big bracket)
101lt	100	3	0155	1494	BRACE left top (of big curly bracket)
102bv	100	3	0135	9494	BRACE bold vertical
103lk	100	3	0156	1494	BRACE left center (of big curly)
104lb	100	3	0157	1494	BRACE left bottom (of big curly)
105rt	100	3	0160	1494	BRACE right top (of big curly)
106rk	100	3	0161	1494	BRACE right center (of big curly)
107rb	100	3	0162	1494	BRACE right bottom (of big curly)
108rf	100	3	0147	9494	right floor (of big bracket)
109lf	100	3	0146	9494	left floor (of big bracket)
110lc	100	3	0144	9494	left ceiling (of big bracket)
111mu	200	2	013	1494	MULT SIGN
112co	130	2	015	1494	COPYRITE
113rg	130	2	016	1494	RGSTR MK
114di	200	2	061	1494	DIV SIGN
115+-	200	2	0103	1494	PLUS MINUS
116<=	200	2	033	1494	LS THN EQ
117>=	200	2	034	1494	GR THN EQ
118==	200	2	057	1494	INDENTICAL W/
119ne	200	2	03	9494	MATH
120!=	200	3	056	1494	NOT EQ BD CN
121{	100	3	0143	3494	L BRACE
122}	100	3	0144	3494	R BRACE
123aa	0	2	012	4478	LC ACC ACUTE
124ga	0	2	013	4478	LC ACC GRAVE
125^	0	2	014	4478	LC ACC CIRCU
126#	200	2	0113	9494	CONGRUENT TO
127lh	255	2	0126	9494	RT FIST (troff left hand)
128mo	200	2	050	1494	IS MEMBER OF
129~	0	2	020	4478	LC ACC TILDA
130es	200	2	0134	1494	CIRCLE SLASH (empty set)
131dd	100	2	027	1494	DBL DAGR
132dg	100	2	0120	9494	DAGGER
133br	50	3	047	1494	V RULE 5 DP (box rule)
134|	"	=br	Eqn likes this
135**	100	2	064	9494	4PT SO STAR
136ib	200	2	0100	1494	INC OR = (improper subset)
137ci	200	2	072	1494	OP CIR BA (circle)
138pl	200	2	07	1494	PLUS BA math plus
139->	200	0	0107	1494	R ARROW
140sc	100	2	014	1494	SECT MRK
141la	77	2	0134	4494	-UNNASSIGNED
142ra	77	2	0135	4494	-UNNASSIGNED
143Ra	155	0	0132	4494	-UNNASSIGNED
144La	155	0	0133	4494	-UNNASSIGNED