1 #ifndef lint
2 static char *sccsid ="ideal.c	(CWI)	1.1	85/03/01";
3 #endif
4 #include "ideal.h"
5 #include "y.tab.h"
7 boolean dbg = FALSE;
8 int when_bug = 0;
9 char *filename;
10 int lineno = 0;
11 char libstr[50];
12 boolean radflag = FALSE;
14 BOXPTR boxlist = NULL;
16 main(argc, argv)
17 int argc;
18 char *argv[];
19 {
20 	bug_off;
21 	while (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '-') {
22 		switch (argv[1][1]) {
23 		case 'd':
24 			when_bug = argv[1][2]?atoi(&argv[1][2]):~0;
25 			break;
26 		case 'l':
27 			idinclude (&argv[1][2], LIBFIL);
28 			while (yyparse());
29 			break;
30 		case 'r':
31 			radflag = TRUE;
32 			break;
33 		case 'p':
34 		case '4':
35 		case 'n':
36 			break;
37 		default:
38 			fprintf(stderr, "ideal: unknown flag %c\n", argv[1][1]);
39 			break;
40 		}
41 		argc--;
42 		argv++;
43 	}
44 	if (argc < 2) {
45 		filename = "standard input";
46 		lineno = 0;
47 		filepush (stdin);
48 		while (yyparse ());
49 	} else
50 		while (argc-- > 1) {
51 			filename = *argv;
52 			lineno = 0;
53 			idinclude (*++argv, CHATTY);
54 			while (yyparse ());
55 		}
56 	exit(0);
57 }
59 interpret()
60 {
61 	PUTNODE dummyroot;
62 	if (when_bug & 01) bug_on;
63 	else bug_off;
64 	dummyroot.name = lookup("main");
65 	dummyroot.parm = boxgen (lookup("main"), (STMTPTR) NULL);
66 	/* if boxlist includes main, execute it */
67 	if (boxlist && findbox(lookup("main"),TRUE)->stmtlist) {
68 		NOADPTR noadtree;
69 		bug_off;
70 		/* make room for all variables */
71 		noadtree = buildnoadtree (&dummyroot);
72 		/* solve all equations */
73 		eqneval (noadtree);
74 		nl_eval ();
75 		depvarkill ();
76 		/* make a list of segments in the picture */
77 		noadtree->linelist = build (noadtree, noadtree->linelist);
78 		/* draw the thing */
79 		act (noadtree->linelist);
80 		/* free the thing, but save definitions */
81 		noadfree (noadtree);
82 		fflush (stdout);
83 		forget (lookup ("main"));
84 	}
85 }
87 idinclude (filnam, mode)
88 char *filnam;
89 int mode;
90 {
91 	FILE *nufile;
92 	dprintf "opening file %s\n", filnam);
93 	if (mode == CHATTY)
94 		nufile = fopen (filnam, "r");
95 	else if (mode == LIBFIL) {
96 		strcpy (libstr, LIBDIR);
97 		strcat (&libstr[0],filnam);
98 		filnam = libstr;
99 		nufile = fopen (filnam, "r");
100 	}
101 	filename = filnam;
102 	if (!nufile) {
103 		fprintf (stderr, "ideal: can't open file %s\n", filnam);
104 		exit (1);
105 	} else {
106 		filepush (nufile);
107 	}
108 }
110 act (the_picture)
111 LINEPTR the_picture;
112 {
113 	LINEPTR lineseg;
114 	float maxx, maxy, minx, miny;
115 	maxx = -10000.0;
116 	maxy = -10000.0;
117 	minx = 10000.0;
118 	miny = 10000.0;
119 	for (lineseg = the_picture; lineseg; lineseg = lineseg->next) {
120 		switch (lineseg->kind) {
121 		case LINE:
122 			maxx = max(maxx, max(lineseg->x0, lineseg->x1));
123 			maxy = max(maxy, max(lineseg->y0, lineseg->y1));
124 			minx = min(minx, min(lineseg->x0, lineseg->x1));
125 			miny = min(miny, min(lineseg->y0, lineseg->y1));
126 			break;
127 		case CIRCLE:
128 			maxx = max(maxx, ((CIRCPTR) lineseg)->x0 + fabs(((CIRCPTR) lineseg)->r));
129 			minx = min(minx, ((CIRCPTR) lineseg)->x0 - fabs(((CIRCPTR) lineseg)->r));
130 			maxy = max(maxy, ((CIRCPTR) lineseg)->y0 + fabs(((CIRCPTR) lineseg)->r));
131 			miny = min(miny, ((CIRCPTR) lineseg)->y0 - fabs(((CIRCPTR) lineseg)->r));
132 			break;
133 		case ARC:
134 			maxx = max(maxx, ((ARCPTR) lineseg)->x0 + fabs(((ARCPTR) lineseg)->radius));
135 			minx = min(minx, ((ARCPTR) lineseg)->x0 - fabs(((ARCPTR) lineseg)->radius));
136 			maxy = max(maxy, ((ARCPTR) lineseg)->y0 + fabs(((ARCPTR) lineseg)->radius));
137 			miny = min(miny, ((ARCPTR) lineseg)->y0 - fabs(((ARCPTR) lineseg)->radius));
138 			break;
139 		case STRING:
140 			maxx = max(maxx, ((TEXTPTR) lineseg)->x0);
141 			minx = min(minx, ((TEXTPTR) lineseg)->x0);
142 			maxy = max(maxy, ((TEXTPTR) lineseg)->y0);
143 			miny = min(miny, ((TEXTPTR) lineseg)->y0);
144 			break;
145 		case SPLINE:
146 			break;
147 		default:
148 			fprintf (stderr, "ideal: act: can't happen\n");
149 			break;
150 		}
151 	}
152 	if (the_picture) {
153 		boundscall (maxx, maxy, minx, miny);
154 	}
155 	for (lineseg = the_picture; lineseg; lineseg = lineseg->next) {
156 		switch (lineseg->kind) {
157 		case LINE:
158 			linecall (lineseg);
159 			break;
160 		case CIRCLE:
161 			circcall ((CIRCPTR) lineseg);
162 			break;
163 		case ARC:
164 			arccall ((ARCPTR) lineseg);
165 			break;
166 		case STRING:
167 			textcall ((TEXTPTR) lineseg);
168 			break;
169 		case SPLINE:
170 			splcall (((SPLPTR) lineseg)->knotlist);
171 			break;
172 		default:
173 			fprintf (stderr, "ideal: act: can't happen\n");
174 			break;
175 		}
176 	}
177 }