1 /*
2  * @(#)graphics2.c	1.2	01/03/85
3  *
4  * Line drawing and polygon fill routines for the SUN Gremlin
5  * picture editor.  Line drawing courtesy of dsun.c and polygon
6  * fill courtesy of dvar.c.
7  *
8  * Mark Opperman (opcode@monet.BERKELEY)
9  *
10  */
12 #include <suntool/tool_hs.h>
13 #include "gremlin.h"
15 #define point(sun_x, sun_y)  pr_put(scratch_pr, (sun_x), (sun_y), 1)
17 /* imports from main.c */
19 extern struct pixrect *scratch_pr;
20 extern linestyle;		/* type of line (1 - 6) */
21 extern linemod;			/* line drawing mask (SOLID, DOTTED, ...) */
22 extern linethickness;		/* 1, 2, 3 */
23 extern SymbolicLines;		/* TRUE if OK to use pr_vector for all lines */
24 extern SUN_XORIGIN;		/* database x-coord of upper left screen */
25 extern SUN_YORIGIN;		/* database y-coord of upper left screen */
27 /* imports from display.c */
29 extern minsunx, maxsunx, minsuny, maxsuny;
31 /* imports from menu.c */
33 extern struct _menu menu[];
34 extern int HiStipple[];
36 /* imports from graphics.c */
38 extern char stipple_patterns[NSTIPPLES][128];
39 extern rasterlength;
40 extern bytesperline;
41 extern nlines;			/* scratch_pr->pr_size.x */
42 extern char *fill;		/* zero origin in filling buffer */
44 /* imports from C */
46 extern char *calloc();
48 /* locals */
50 static char *stipplebits;
52 typedef struct poly {
53     struct poly *next;		/* doubly-linked lists of vectors */
54     struct poly *prev;
55     int param;			/* bressenham line algorithm parameter */
56     short dy;			/* delta-y for calculating line */
57     short dx;			/* delta-x for calculating line */
58     short curry;		/* current y in this vector */
59     short endx;			/* where vector ends */
60 } polyvector;
63 /*
64  * Vector from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) using global linemod and linethickness.
65  * Parameters in database coordinates system.
66  * Always write to scratch_pr.
67  * Borrowed from dsun.
68  */
69 GRVector(dbx1, dby1, dbx2, dby2)
70 float dbx1, dby1, dbx2, dby2;
71 {
72     register x0;	/* starting point and line-walking registers */
73     register y0;
74     register res;
75     register i;		/* line-bleeding carrier */
76     int dx;		/* parameters in the line calculations */
77     int dy;
78     int xinc;
79     int yinc;
80     int x1;		/* end-point of the line */
81     int y1;
82     int radius;
83     int top;		/* how much to bleed line in "up" (left) direction */
84     int bottom;		/* how much to bleed line in "down" (right) direction */
85     int stop1;		/* place to stop making circles at start of line */
86     int stop2;		/* place to start making circles at end of line */
87     int halfstop;	/* distance tween stop1 and stop3 */
88     int stop3;		/* midpoint `tween making circles and lines */
90     x0 = dbx_to_win(dbx1);	/* convert endpoints to SUN coordinates */
91     y0 = dby_to_win(dby1);
92     x1 = dbx_to_win(dbx2);
93     y1 = dby_to_win(dby2);
95     MINMAX(minsunx, maxsunx, x0);
96     MINMAX(minsuny, maxsuny, y0);
97     MINMAX(minsunx, maxsunx, x1);
98     MINMAX(minsuny, maxsuny, y1);
100     if ((SymbolicLines) || (linestyle == 5 /* NARROW */)) {
101 	pr_vector(scratch_pr, x0, y0, x1, y1, PIX_SRC | PIX_DST, 1);
102 	return;
103     }
105     xinc = 1;
106     yinc = 1;
107     if ((dx = x1 - x0) < 0) {
108         xinc = -1;
109         dx = -dx;
110     }
111     if ((dy = y1 - y0) < 0) {
112         yinc = -1;
113         dy = -dy;
114     }
116     radius = (linethickness - 1) / 2;
117     RoundEnd(x0, y0, radius, TRUE);	/* add ends of line */
118     RoundEnd(x1, y1, radius, TRUE);	/* (nice and curvy) */
120     top = linethickness;	/* increase line thickness if at an angle */
121     stop1 = halfstop = 0;
122     if ((i = (int) (sqrt ((double) (dx * dx + dy * dy)) + 0.01)) < 2)
123 	return;			/* small lines are done with endpoints */
125     if (dx >= dy) {
126 	top = (linethickness * i) / dx;
127 	stop1 = (linethickness * dy) / (i + 1);
128 	halfstop = (radius * dy) / i;
129     } else {
130 	top = (linethickness * i) / dy;
131 	stop1 = (linethickness * dx) / (i + 1);
132 	halfstop = (radius * dx) / i;
133     }
135     bottom = (top - 1) / 2;
136     top = top / 2;
138     if (dx >= dy) {
139 	res = (dy >> 1) - (dx >> 1);
140 	if (linethickness >= i) {
141 	    stop1 = stop2 = x0;
142 	    halfstop = i + 1;
143 	} else if (xinc == 1) {
144 	    stop2 = x1 - stop1;
145 	    stop1 = x0 + stop1;
146 	    stop3 = x0 + halfstop;
147 	} else {
148 	    stop2 = x1 + stop1;
149 	    stop1 = x0 - stop1;
150 	    stop3 = x0 - halfstop;
151 	}
153 	while (x0 != stop1) {
154 	    RoundEnd(x0, y0, radius, FALSE);
155             if ((x0 & linemod) && (xinc == 1 ? x0 > stop3 : x0 < stop3)) {
156 		for (i=y0-top; i<=y0+bottom; i++)
157 		    point(x0, i);
158 	    }
159             if (res >= 0) {
160                 res -= dx;
161                 y0 += yinc;
162             }
163             res += dy;
164             x0 += xinc;
165 	}
167         while (x0 != stop2) {
168             if (x0 & linemod) {
169 		for (i=y0-top; i<=y0+bottom; i++)
170 		    point(x0, i);
171 	    }
172             if (res >= 0) {
173                 res -= dx;
174                 y0 += yinc;
175             }
176             res += dy;
177             x0 += xinc;
178         }
180 	stop3 = x1 + (xinc == 1 ? -halfstop : halfstop);
182         while (x0 != x1) {
183 	    RoundEnd(x0, y0, radius, FALSE);
184             if ((x0 &linemod) && (xinc == 1 ? x0 < stop3 : x0 > stop3)) {
185 		for (i = y0 - top; i <= y0 + bottom; i++)
186 		    point(x0, i);
187 	    }
188             if (res >= 0) {
189                 res -= dx;
190                 y0 += yinc;
191             }
192             res += dy;
193             x0 += xinc;
194         }
195     } else {
196 	res = (dx >> 1) - (dy >> 1);
198 	if (linethickness >= i) {
199 	    stop1 = stop2 = y0;
200 	    halfstop = i + 1;
201 	} else if (yinc == 1) {
202 	    stop2 = y1 - stop1;
203 	    stop1 = y0 + stop1;
204 	    stop3 = y0 + halfstop;
205 	} else {
206 	    stop2 = y1 + stop1;
207 	    stop1 = y0 - stop1;
208 	    stop3 = y0 - halfstop;
209 	}
211         while (y0 != stop1) {
212 	    RoundEnd(x0, y0, radius, FALSE);
213             if ((y0 & linemod) && (yinc == 1 ? y0 > stop3 : y0 < stop3)) {
214 		for (i = x0 - top; i <= x0 + bottom; i++)
215 		    point(i, y0);
216 	    }
217             if (res >= 0) {
218                 res -= dy;
219                 x0 += xinc;
220             }
221 	    res += dx;
222             y0 += yinc;
223         }
225         while (y0 != stop2) {
226             if (y0&linemod) {
227 		for (i=x0-top; i<=x0+bottom; i++)
228 		    point(i, y0);
229 	    }
230             if (res >= 0) {
231                 res -= dy;
232                 x0 += xinc;
233             }
234 	    res += dx;
235             y0 += yinc;
236         }
238 	stop3 = y1 + (yinc == 1 ? -halfstop : halfstop);
240         while (y0 != y1) {
241 	    RoundEnd(x0, y0, radius, FALSE);
242             if ((y0 & linemod) && (yinc == 1 ? y0 < stop3 : y0 > stop3)) {
243 		for (i=x0-top; i<=x0+bottom; i++)
244 		    point(i, y0);
245 	    }
246             if (res >= 0) {
247                 res -= dy;
248                 x0 += xinc;
249             }
250 	    res += dx;
251             y0 += yinc;
252         }
253     }
254 }
257 /*
258  * Plots a filled (if requested) circle of the specified radius
259  * centered about (x, y).
260  * Coordinates are window relative.
261  * Modified from dsun source.
262  */
263 RoundEnd(x, y, radius, filled)
264 register x;
265 register y;
266 int radius, filled;
267 {
268     float xs, ys, epsilon;
269     register j, k;
272     point(x, y+radius);		/* do the starting point of the circle */
274     if (radius < 1)		/* if circle is tiny, quit now */
275 	return;
277     point(x, y-radius);
278     if (y-radius < minsuny)
279 	minsuny = y-radius;
281     /* Calculate trajectory of the circle for 1/4 the circumference
282        (while ys is positive) and mirror to get the other three quadrants. */
284     xs = 0.0;
285     ys = (float) radius;
286     epsilon = 1.0 / ys;
288     while (ys >= 0) {
289 	j = (int) (xs + 0.5);
290 	k = (int) (ys + 0.5);
291         if (filled) {		/* fill from center */
292 	    do {
293 		point(j+x, k+y);
294 		point(j+x, y-k);
295 		point(x-j, k+y);
296 		point(x-j, y-k);
297 	    } while (--k >= 0);
298         } else {		/* do the perimeter only */
299 	    point(j+x, k+y);
300 	    point(j+x, y-k);
301 	    point(x-j, k+y);
302 	    point(x-j, y-k);
303         }
304         xs += epsilon * ys;	/* generate circumference */
305         ys -= epsilon * xs;
306     }
307 }  /* end RoundEnd */;
310 /*
311  * Set drawing parameters for filling polygons.
312  * Must be called before GRStippleFill().
313  */
314 GRSetStippleStyle(style)
315 int style;
316 {
317     if ((style <= 0) || (style > NSTIPPLES)) {
318 	fprintf(stderr, "GRSetStippleStyle: bad stipple #%d\n", style);
319 	return;
320     }
322     stipplebits = stipple_patterns[style-1];
323 }
325 /* >>> stipple fonts must be 32 x 32 bits <<< */
326 #define MASK 31		/* mask to pick off pixel index into stipple */
327 #define BYTEWIDTH 4	/* glyph width in bytes */
328 #define BYTEMASK 3	/* mask to pick off byte index into stipple */
331 /*
332  * Fill polygon defined by points in plist using parameters set by
333  * previous call to GRSetStippleStyle().
334  *
335  * This routine was modified from source for the varian driver.
336  * Because the varian rotates everything 90 degrees before printing,
337  * the x and y coordinates from the window are reversed before
338  * computing the region.  This is just a kludge to get the code
339  * to work as soon as possible.  Better to change this at some point,
340  * but I don't have time now.
341  *
342  * The scan-line algorithm implemented scans from left to right
343  * (low x to high x).  It also scans, within a line, from bottom to top
344  * (high y to low y).  Stipple patterns MUST be a power of two bytes wide
345  * and square (in fact, they must be 32 x 32 bits).
346  */
347 GRStippleFill(plist)
348 POINT *plist;
349 {
350     int nextx;				/* x value where next vector starts */
351     int maxx, minx, maxy, miny;		/* finds bounds of polygon */
352     polyvector *activehead;		/* doing fill, is active edge list */
353     polyvector *waitinghead;		/* edges waiting to be active */
354     register polyvector *vectptr;	/* random vector */
355     register int i;			/* random register */
357     char *topstipple;			/* beginning of stipple glyph */
358     char *leftstipple;			/* beginning of line of stipple */
359     char *bottompage;			/* the edge of a raster line */
361     int x[MAXPOINTS];			/* algorithm requires this form */
362     int y[MAXPOINTS];
363     int npts;
364     POINT *p1, p2;
366     p1 = plist;
367     npts = 0;
369     /*
370      * convert coordinates to arrays of integers exchanging x and y,
371      * and making origin upper right.
372      */
373     while (!Nullpoint(p1)) {
374 	npts++;
375 	x[npts] = dby_to_win(p1->y) - 1;
376 	y[npts] = rasterlength - 1 - dbx_to_win(p1->x);
377 	p1 = PTNextPoint(p1);
378     }
380     topstipple = stipplebits;		/* start of stipple pattern */
382     /* allocate space for raster-fill algorithm */
383     if ((vectptr = (polyvector *) calloc(sizeof(polyvector), npts + 6)) ==
384 							(polyvector *) NULL) {
385 	fprintf(stderr, "unable to allocate space for polygon");
386 	return;
387     }
389     waitinghead = vectptr;
390     minx = maxx = x[1];
391     miny = maxy = y[1];
392     (vectptr++)->prev = (polyvector *) NULL;	/* put dummy entry at start */
393     waitinghead->next = vectptr;
394     vectptr->prev = waitinghead;
396     i = 1;					/* starting point of coords */
397     if (y[1] != y[npts] || x[1] != x[npts]) {
398 	y[0] = y[npts];				/* close polygon if it's not */
399 	x[0] = x[npts];
400 	i = 0;
401     }
403     while (i < npts) {				/* set up the vectors */
404 	register int j;				/* indexes to work off of */
405 	register int k;
407 	/* remember limits */
408 	MINMAX(miny, maxy, y[i]);
409 	MINMAX(minx, maxx, x[i]);
411 	j = i;			/* j points to the higher (lesser) point */
412 	k = ++i;
413 	if (x[j] == x[k])			/* ignore vertical lines */
414 	    continue;
416 	if (x[j] > x[k]) {
417 	    j++;
418 	    k--;
419 	}
420 	vectptr->next = vectptr + 1;
421 	vectptr->param = x[j];		/* starting point of vector */
422 	vectptr->dy = y[k] - y[j];	/* line-calculating parameters */
423 	vectptr->dx = x[k] - x[j];
424 	vectptr->curry = y[j];		/* starting point */
425 	(vectptr++)->endx = x[k];	/* ending point */
426 	vectptr->prev = vectptr - 1;
427     }
429     /*
430      * keep polygon within bounds of scratch pixrect
431      * width is checked when actual drawing is done
432      */
433     if (maxx >= scratch_pr->pr_size.y)
434 	maxx = scratch_pr->pr_size.y - 1;
436     /* set now because we didn't know minx before */
437     leftstipple = topstipple + (minx & MASK) * BYTEWIDTH;
438     bottompage = fill + minx * bytesperline;
439     waitinghead->param = minx - 1;
441     /* if no useable vectors, quit */
442     if (vectptr == waitinghead + 1) {
443 	free(waitinghead);
444 	return;
445     }
447     vectptr->param = maxx + 1;		/* dummy entry at end, too */
448     vectptr->next = (polyvector *) NULL;
450     activehead = ++vectptr;		/* two dummy entries for active list */
451     vectptr->curry = maxy + 1;		/* head */
452     vectptr->endx = maxx + 1;
453     vectptr->param = vectptr->dx = vectptr->dy = 0;
454     activehead->next = ++vectptr;
455     activehead->prev = vectptr;
457     vectptr->prev = activehead;		/* tail */
458     vectptr->next = activehead;
459     vectptr->curry = miny - 1;
460     vectptr->endx = maxx + 1;
461     vectptr->param = vectptr->dx = vectptr->dy = 0;
464     /*
465      * main loop -- gets vectors off the waiting list, then displays spans
466      * while updating the vectors in the active list
467      */
468     while (minx <= maxx) {
469 	i = maxx + 1;		/* this is the NEXT time to get a new vector */
470 	for (vectptr=waitinghead->next; vectptr!=(polyvector *) NULL; ) {
471 	    if (minx == vectptr->param) {
472 		/*
473 		 * The entry in waiting list (vectptr) is ready to go into
474 		 * active list.  Need to convert some vector stuff and
475 		 * sort the entry into the list.
476 		 */
477 		register polyvector *p;		/* random vector pointers */
478 		register polyvector *v;
480 		/* convert this entry to active */
481 		if (vectptr->dy < 0)
482 		    vectptr->param = (vectptr->dy >> 1) - (vectptr->dx >> 1);
483 		else
484 		    vectptr->param = -((vectptr->dx >> 1) + (vectptr->dy >> 1));
486 		p = vectptr;			/* remove from the */
487 		vectptr = vectptr->next;	/* waiting list */
488 		vectptr->prev = p->prev;
489 		p->prev->next = vectptr;
491 		/*
492 		 * find where it goes in the active list
493 		 * (sorted greatest first)
494 		 */
495 		for (v=activehead->next; v->curry>p->curry; v=v->next)
496 		    ;
497 		p->next = v;		/* insert into active list */
498 		p->prev = v->prev;	/* before the one it stopped on */
499 		v->prev = p;
500 		p->prev->next = p;
501 	    } else {
502 		if (i > vectptr->param) {
503 		    i = vectptr->param;
504 		}
505 		vectptr = vectptr->next;
506 	    }
507 	}
508 	nextx = i;
510 	/* print the polygon while there are no more vectors to add */
511 	while (minx < nextx) {
512 	    /* remove any finished vectors */
513 	    vectptr = activehead->next;
514 	    do {
515 		if (vectptr->endx <= minx) {
516 		    vectptr->prev->next = vectptr->next;
517 		    vectptr->next->prev = vectptr->prev;
518 		}
519 	    } while ((vectptr = vectptr->next) != activehead);
521 	    /* draw the span */
522 	    if (((unsigned) minx) < nlines) {
523 	      vectptr = activehead->next;
524 	      while (vectptr->next != activehead) {
525 		register int start;		/* get the beginning */
526 		register int length;		/* and the end of span */
527 		register char *glyph;
528 		register char *raster;
530 		start = (rasterlength - 1) - vectptr->curry;
531 		vectptr = vectptr->next;
532 		length = rasterlength - vectptr->curry;
533 		vectptr = vectptr->next;
535 		/* bound the polygon to the page */
536 		if (start >= rasterlength)
537 		    break;
538 		if (start < 0)
539 		    start = 0;
540 		if (length > rasterlength)
541 		    length = rasterlength;
542 		length -= start;		/* length is in pixels */
544 		i = start & 7;
545 		start = start >> 3;		/* start is in bytes */
546 		raster = bottompage + start;
547 		glyph = leftstipple + (start & BYTEMASK);
549 		if (i) {			/* do any piece of byte */
550 		    register char data;		/* that hangs on the front */
552 		    data = (*(glyph++)) & (0x7f >> --i);
553 		    length -= 7 - i;
554 		    if (length < 0) {		/* less than one byte wide? */
555 			data &= 0xff << -length;
556 			length = 0;	/* force clean stoppage */
557 		    }
558 		    *(raster++) |= data;
560 		    /* update glyph ptr after first byte */
561 		    if (!(++start & BYTEMASK))
562 			glyph = leftstipple;
563 		}
565 		/* fill the line of raster */
566 		while ((length -= 8) >= 0) {
567 		    *(raster++) |= *(glyph++);
568 		    if (!(++start & BYTEMASK))
569 			glyph = leftstipple;
570 		}
572 		/* add any part hanging off the end */
573 		if (length & 7) {
574 		    *raster |= (*glyph) & (0xff << -length);
575 		}
576 	      }
577 	    }
579 	    /* update the vectors */
580 	    vectptr = activehead->next;
581 	    do {
582 		if (vectptr->dy > 0) {
583 		    while (vectptr->param >= 0) {
584 			vectptr->param -= vectptr->dx;
585 			vectptr->curry++;
586 		    }
587 		    vectptr->param += vectptr->dy;
588 		} else if (vectptr->dy < 0) {
589 		    while (vectptr->param >= 0) {
590 			vectptr->param -= vectptr->dx;
591 			vectptr->curry--;
592 		    }
593 		    vectptr->param -= vectptr->dy;
594 		}
596 		/*
597 		 * must sort the vectors if updates caused them to cross
598 		 * also move to next vector here
599 		 */
600 		if (vectptr->curry > vectptr->prev->curry) {
601 		    register polyvector *v;		/* vector to move */
602 		    register polyvector *p;	/* vector to put it after */
604 		    v = vectptr;
605 		    p = v->prev;
606 		    while (v->curry > p->curry)	/* find the */
607 			p = p->prev;		/* right vector */
609 		    vectptr = vectptr->next;	/* remove from spot */
610 		    vectptr->prev = v->prev;
611 		    v->prev->next = vectptr;
613 		    v->prev = p;		/* put in new spot */
614 		    v->next = p->next;
615 		    p->next = v;
616 		    v->next->prev = v;
617 		} else {
618 		    vectptr = vectptr->next;
619 		}
620 	    } while (vectptr != activehead);
622 	    if (++minx & MASK) {
623 		leftstipple += BYTEWIDTH;
624 	    } else {
625 		leftstipple = topstipple;
626 	    }
627 	    bottompage += bytesperline;
628 	} /* while (minx < nextx) */
629     } /* while (minx <= maxx) */
631     free(waitinghead);
632 }  /* end GRStippleFill */