1 static char Sccsid[] = "@(#)bal.c	1.2	02/15/87";
3 /*
4 	Function to find the position, in str, of the first of the char-
5 	acters in end occurring outside a balanced string.  A balanced string
6 	contains matched occurrences of any character in open and the corres-
7 	ponding character in clos.  Balanced strings may be nested.  The null
8 	at the end of str is considered to belong to end.  Unmatched members
9 	of open or clos result in an error return.
10 */
12 #define ifany(x) for (p=x; *p; p++) if (c == *p)
13 #define matching_clos clos[p-open]
14 #define error -1
15 #define position s-str-1
17 balbrk(str,open,clos,end)
18 char *str,*open,*clos,*end;
19 {
20 	register char *p, *s, c;
21 	char opp[2];
22 	opp[1] = '\0';
23 	for (s = str; c = *s++;  ) {
24 		ifany(end) return position;
25 		ifany(clos) return error;
26 		ifany(open) {
27 			opp[0] = matching_clos;
28 			s += balbrk(s,open,clos,opp);
29 			if (*s++ != matching_clos) return error;
30 			break;
31 		}
32 	}
33 	return position;
34 }