xref: /original-bsd/old/as.vax/asnumber.h (revision e59fb703)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1982 Regents of the University of California.
3  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
4  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
5  *
6  *	@(#)asnumber.h	5.1 (Berkeley) 04/30/85
7  */
9 union Ib_int{		/* byte */
10 	u_char	Ib_uchar[1];
11 	char	Ichar;
12 };
13 union Iw_int{		/* word */
14 	u_char	Iw_uchar[2];
15 	u_short	Iw_ushort[1];
16 	short	Iw_short;
17 };
18 union Il_int{		/* long word */
19 	u_char	Il_uchar[4];
20 	u_short	Il_ushort[2];
21 	u_int	Il_ulong[1];
22 	int	Il_long;
23 };
25 union Iq_int{		/* quad word */
26 	u_char	Iq_uchar[8];
27 	u_short	Iq_ushort[4];
28 	u_int	Iq_ulong[2];
29 };
31 union Io_int{		/* octal word */
32 	u_char	Io_uchar[16];
33 	u_short	Io_ushort[8];
34 	u_int	Io_ulong[4];
35 	union	Iq_int	Io_quad[2];
36 };
38 union Ff_float{
39 	u_char	Ff_uchar[4];
40 	u_short	Ff_ushort[2];
41 	u_int	Ff_ulong[1];
42 	float	Ff_value;
43 };
45 union Fd_float{
46 	u_char	Fd_uchar[8];
47 	u_short	Fd_ushort[4];
48 	u_int	Fd_ulong[2];
49 	double	Fd_value;
50 };
52 union Fg_float{
53 	u_char	Fg_uchar[8];
54 	u_short	Fg_ushort[4];
55 	u_int	Fg_ulong[2];
56 };
58 union Fh_float{
59 	u_char	Fh_uchar[16];
60 	u_short	Fh_ushort[8];
61 	u_int	Fh_ulong[4];
62 };
64 struct	as_number{
65 	union {
66 		union Ib_int	numIb_int;
67 		union Iw_int	numIw_int;
68 		union Il_int	numIl_int;
69 		union Iq_int	numIq_int;
70 		union Io_int	numIo_int;
71 		union Ff_float	numFf_float;
72 		union Fd_float	numFd_float;
73 		union Fg_float	numFg_float;
74 		union Fh_float	numFh_float;
75 	}num_num;
76 	char	num_tag;		/* the key field: TYPB..TYPUNPACKED */
77 	char	num_sign;		/* when unpacked, the sign */
78 	short	num_exponent;		/* when unpacked, the unexcessed exp */
79 };
80 typedef	struct as_number	Bignum;
82 extern	Bignum	Znumber;		/* one all zero'ed out */
84 #define	num_uchar	num_num.numIq_int.Iq_uchar
85 #define	num_uint	num_num.numIq_int.Iq_ulong
86 #define	num_ulong	num_num.numIq_int.Iq_ulong
87 #define	num_ushort	num_num.numIq_int.Iq_ushort
88 /*
89  *	The following definitions must all be consistent.
90  *	They define the granularity of working on longs, quad and octal
91  *	words. Currently, the granularity is as large as it can be: 32 bits
92  *	in a chunk.
93  */
94 #define	CH_N		4		/* number of pieces */
95 #define	CH_BITS		32		/* number of bits per piece */
96 #define	CH_FIELD(x)	((x).num_num.numIo_int.Io_ulong)
97 typedef	u_int		*chptr;		/* basic data type */
98 #define SIGNBIT		0x80000000
100 #define	HOC		(CH_N - 1)	/* high order chunk */
101 #if 0
102 #define	MAXINT_1	((unsigned)(1<<(CH_BITS - 1)))
103 #define	MAXINT_10	((unsigned)((MAXINT_1/(unsigned)10)))
104 #define	MAXINT_5	((unsigned)((MAXINT_1/(unsigned)5)))
105 #else not 0
106 /*
107  *	These values were computed using dc, so are exact.
108  *	Only MAXINT_10 and MAXINT_5 are used in the programs.
109  */
110 #define	MAXINT_1	2147483648
111 #define	MAXINT_10	214748364
112 #define	MAXINT_5	429496729
113 #endif not 0
115 Bignum as_atoi();		/* converts string to integer */
116 Bignum as_atof();		/* converts string to float */
117 Bignum bigatof();		/* converts string to float */
118 Bignum floatconvert();	/* converts amongst float #s */
119 Bignum intconvert();		/* converts amongst float #s */
120 Bignum bignumconvert();	/* converts amongst float #s */
121 Bignum bignumpack();		/* converts UNPACKED bignum to bignum */
122 Bignum bignumunpack();	/* converts bignum to UNPACKED bignum */
124 /*
125  *	Definitions for overflows.
126  */
127 typedef	u_int	Ovf;
129 #define	OVF_ADDV	(1<<0)	/* integer: adding two vectors overflowed */
130 #define	OVF_LSHIFT	(1<<1)	/* integer: left shifting a vector lost bits */
131 #define	OVF_POSOVF	(1<<2)	/* integer: positive number overflowed */
132 #define	OVF_MAXINT	(1<<3)	/* integer: the number was the maxint + 1*/
133 #define	OVF_F		(1<<4)	/* float: F overflow */
134 #define	OVF_D		(1<<5)	/* float: D overflow */
135 #define	OVF_G		(1<<6)	/* float: G overflow */
136 #define	OVF_H		(1<<7)	/* float: H overflow */
137 #define	OVF_OVERFLOW	(1<<9)	/* overflow in conversion */
138 #define	OVF_UNDERFLOW	(1<<10)	/* underflow in conversion */
140 Ovf	posovf();
141 Ovf	numclear();
142 Ovf	numshift();
143 Ovf	numaddv();
144 Ovf	numaddd();
145 Ovf	num1comp();
146 Ovf	numnegate();
148 /*
149  *	Definitions to unpack big numbers numbers into
150  *	a 128 bit fraction and 16 bit excess-free exponent,
151  *	and an 8 copy bits for the sign.
152  *
153  *	The fraction is represented as a normalized binary number,
154  *	128 bits long, with the binary point between bits 127 and the
155  *	hypothetical 128'th bit.  This hypothetical 128'th bit
156  *	is always assumed to be one.
157  */
158 /*
159  *	A map entry is NOTAKE if the corresponding byte is
160  *	not to be taken
161  *
162  *	The maps are for going from packed to unpacked format (b_up)
163  *	and from unpacked to packed format (b_p)
164  *	for the mantissa (b_upmmap) and for the exponent(b_upemap)
165  *
166  *	byte #i in the packed number goes to byte #b_upmmap[i] in the unpacked
167  */
168 #define	NOTAKE	-1
169 struct ty_bigdesc{
170 	char	b_upmmap[16];	/* byte x of float goes to up_mmap[x] in mant */
171 	char	b_pmmap[16];	/* inverse of upmmap */
172 	char	b_upemap[2];	/* byte x of float goes to up_emap[x] in exp */
173 	char	b_pemap[2];	/* inverse of upemap */
174 	char	b_mlshift;	/* left shift quantity to justify to left */
175 	char	b_ershift;	/* right shift quantity to r justify exponent */
176 	short	b_msigbits;	/* # sig bits in mantissa */
177 	char	b_esigbits;	/* # sig bits in exponent */
178 	short	b_eexcess;	/* exponent excess */
179 };
180 extern struct ty_bigdesc ty_bigdesc[];
181 /*
182  *	Bit manipulations
183  */
184 #define	ONES(n)	((1 << (n)) - 1)
185 /*
186  *	Assertions
187  */
188 #if 1
189 #define	assert(x, str) if (!(x)) panic("%s%s\n", "x", str)
190 #else
191 #define assert(x, str)
192 #endif