xref: /original-bsd/old/boggle/boggle.c (revision e59fb703)
1 /*-
2  * Copyright (c) 1982 The Regents of the University of California.
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * %sccs.include.proprietary.c%
6  */
8 #ifndef lint
9 char copyright[] =
10 "@(#) Copyright (c) 1982 The Regents of the University of California.\n\
11  All rights reserved.\n";
12 #endif /* not lint */
14 #ifndef lint
15 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)boggle.c	5.6 (Berkeley) 04/08/91";
16 #endif /* not lint */
18 #include <ctype.h>
19 #include <errno.h>
20 #include <setjmp.h>
21 #include <sgtty.h>
22 #include <signal.h>
23 #include <stdio.h>
24 #include "pathnames.h"
26 /* basic parameters */
27 #define N 4
28 #define SSIZE 200
29 #define MAXWORDS 1000
30 #define CWIDTH 10
31 #define LWIDTH 80
33 /* parameters defined in terms of above */
34 #define BSIZE (N*N)
35 #define row(x) (x/N)
36 #define col(x) (x%N)
38 /* word being searched for */
39 int wlength;
40 int numsame;
41 char wbuff [BSIZE+1];
43 /* tty and process control */
44 extern int errno;
45 int status;
46 int pipefd[2];
47 int super = 0;
48 int delct = 1;
49 int zero = 0;
50 int master = 1;
51 int column;
52 int *timept;
53 int timeint[] = {60,60,50,7,1,1,1,0};
54 long timein;
55 extern long int time();
56 struct sgttyb origttyb, tempttyb;
57 int ctlecho = 0;
58 int lctlech = LCTLECH;
59 jmp_buf env;
61 /* monitoring variables */
62 int games;
63 int logfile = -1;
64 long logloc;
65 char logbuff[100] = {"inst\t"};
66 extern char *ctime(), *getlogin();
67 extern long lseek();
69 /* dictionary interface */
70 FILE *dict;
72 /* structures for doing matching */
73 struct frame {
74 	struct frame *parent;
75 	int place;
76 };
77 struct frame stack [SSIZE];
78 struct frame *level [BSIZE+1];
80 /* the board and subsidiary structures */
81 char present [BSIZE+1];
82 char board [BSIZE];
83 char olink [BSIZE];
84 char adj [BSIZE+1][BSIZE];
85 char occurs [26];
87 /* the boggle cubes */
88 char *cube [BSIZE] = {
89 	"forixb", "moqabj", "gurilw", "setupl",
90 	"cmpdae", "acitao", "slcrae", "romash",
91 	"nodesw", "hefiye", "onudtk", "tevign",
92 	"anedvz", "pinesh", "abilyt", "gkyleu"
93 };
96 /* storage for words found */
97 int ubotch, ustart, wcount;
98 char *word [MAXWORDS];
99 char *freesp;
100 char space[10000];
102 endline ()
103 {
104 	if (column != 0) {
105 		putchar('\n');
106 		column = 0;
107 	}
108 }
110 void
111 timeout ()
112 {
113 	if (*timept > 0) {
114 		signal (SIGALRM, timeout);
115 		alarm(*timept++);
116 	}
117 	putchar('\007');
118 }
120 void
121 interrupt ()
122 {
123 	signal(SIGINT, interrupt);
124 	if (delct++ >= 1)
125 		longjmp(env, 1);
126 	timept = &zero;
127 }
129 goodbye (stat)
130 int stat;
131 {
132 	if (master != 0) {
133 		wait(&status);
134 		if ( ctlecho & LCTLECH ) {
135 			ioctl( fileno(stdin), TIOCLBIS, &lctlech );
136 		}
137 		stty(fileno(stdin), &origttyb);
138 	}
139 	exit(stat);
140 }
142 clearscreen ()
143 {
144 	stty (fileno(stdin), &tempttyb);
145 	printf("\n\033\f\r");
146 }
148 compare (a, b)
149 char **a, **b;
150 {
151 	return(wordcomp(*a, *b));
152 }
154 wordcomp (p, q)
155 register char *p, *q;
156 {
157 	if (*p=='0' && *q!='0')
158 		return(-1);
159 	if (*p!='0' && *q=='0')
160 		return(1);
161 	while (*++p == *++q && isalpha(*p)) ;
162 	if (!isalpha(*p))
163 		return(-isalpha(*q));
164 	if (!isalpha(*q))
165 		return(1);
166 	return(*p-*q);
167 }
169 printinst ()
170 {
171 	stty (fileno(stdin), &tempttyb);
172 	printf("instructions?");
173 	if (getchar() == 'y') {
174 		clearscreen();
175 		printf("     The object of Boggle (TM  Parker  Bros.)  is  to  find,  within  3\n");
176 		printf("minutes,  as many words as possible in a 4 by 4 grid of letters.  Words\n");
177 		printf("may be formed from any sequence of 3 or more adjacent  letters  in  the\n");
178 		printf("grid.   The  letters  may join horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.\n");
179 		printf("However, no position in the grid may be used more than once within  any\n");
180 		printf("one  word.   In  competitive  play amongst humans, each player is given\n");
181 		printf("credit for those of his words which no other player has found.\n");
182 		printf("     This program is intended  for  people  wishing  to  sharpen  their\n");
183 		printf("skills  at  Boggle.   If  you  invoke the program with 4 arguments of 4\n");
184 		printf("letters each, (e.g. \"boggle appl epie moth erhd\") the program forms the\n");
185 		printf("obvious  Boggle grid and lists all the words from /usr/dict/words found\n");
186 		printf("therein.  If you invoke the program without arguments, it will generate\n");
187 		printf("a  board  for you, let you enter words for 3 minutes, and then tell you\n");
188 		printf("how well you did relative to /usr/dict/words.\n");
189 		printf("     In interactive play, enter your words separated by  spaces,  tabs,\n");
190 		printf("or  newlines.   A  bell will ring when there is 2:00, 1:00, 0:10, 0:02,\n");
191 		printf("0:01, and 0:00 time left.  You may complete any word started before the\n");
192 		printf("expiration  of  time.   You  can surrender before time is up by hitting\n");
193 		printf("'break'.  While entering words, your erase character is only  effective\n");
194 		printf("within the current word and your line kill character is ignored.\n");
195 		printf("     Advanced players may wish to invoke the program with 1 or 2 +'s as\n");
196 		printf("the  first argument.  The first + removes the restriction that positions\n");
197 		printf("can only be used once in each word.  The second + causes a position  to\n");
198 		printf("be  considered  adjacent  to itself as well as its (up to) 8 neighbors.\n");
199 		printf("Hit any key to begin.\n");
200 		stty (fileno(stdin), &tempttyb);
201 		getchar();
202 	}
203 	stty (fileno(stdin), &tempttyb);
204 }
206 setup ()
207 {
208 	register int i, j;
209 	int rd, cd, k;
210 	for (i=0; i<BSIZE; i++) {
211 		adj[i][i] = super>=2 ? 1 : 0;
212 		adj[BSIZE][i] = 1;
213 		for (j=0; j<i; j++) {
214 			rd = row(i)-row(j);
215 			cd = col(i)-col(j);
216 			k = 0;
217 			switch (rd) {
218 			case -1:
219 			case 1:
220 				if (-1<=cd && cd<=1)
221 					k = 1;
222 				break;
223 			case 0:
224 				if (cd==-1 || cd==1)
225 					k = 1;
226 				break;
227 			}
228 			adj[i][j] = adj[j][i] = k;
229 		}
230 	}
231 	stack[0].parent = &stack[0];
232 	stack[0].place = BSIZE;
233 	level[0] = &stack[0];
234 	level[1] = &stack[1];
235 }
237 makelists ()
238 {
239 	register int i, c;
240 	for (i=0; i<26; i++)
241 		occurs[i] = BSIZE;
242 	for (i=0; i<BSIZE; i++) {
243 		c = board[i];
244 		olink[i] = occurs[c-'a'];
245 		occurs[c-'a'] = i;
246 	}
247 }
249 genboard ()
250 {
251 	register int i, j;
252 	for (i=0; i<BSIZE; i++)
253 		board[i] = 0;
254 	for (i=0; i<BSIZE; i++) {
255 		j = rand()%BSIZE;
256 		while (board[j] != 0)
257 			j = (j+1)%BSIZE;
258 		board[j] = cube[i][rand()%6];
259 	}
260 }
262 printboard ()
263 {
264 	register int i, j;
265 	for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
266 		printf("\t\t\t\t\b\b");
267 		for (j=0; j<N; j++) {
268 			putchar ((putchar(board[i*N+j]) == 'q') ? 'u' : ' ');
269 			putchar(' ');
270 		}
271 		putchar('\n');
272 	}
273 	putchar('\n');
274 }
276 getdword ()
277 {
278 	/* input:  numsame = # chars same as last word   */
279 	/* output: numsame = # same chars for next word  */
280 	/*        word in wbuff[0]...wbuff[wlength-1]    */
281 	register int c;
282 	register char *p;
283 	if (numsame == EOF)
284 		return (0);
285 	p = &wbuff[numsame]+1;
286 	while ((*p++ = c = getc(dict)) != EOF && isalpha(c)) ;
287 	numsame = c;
288 	wlength = p - &wbuff[2];
289 	return (1);
290 }
292 getuword ()
293 {
294 	int c;
295 	register char *p, *q, *r;
296 	numsame = 0;
297 	while (*timept>0 && (isspace(c=getchar()) || c==EOF));
298 	if (*timept == 0)
299 		return(0);
300 	word[wcount++] = freesp;
301 	*freesp++ = '0';
302 	r = &wbuff[1];
303 	q = p = freesp;
304 	*p++ = c;
305 	while (!isspace(c = getchar())) {
306 		if (c == EOF)
307 			continue;
308 		if (c == origttyb.sg_erase) {
309 			if (p > q)
310 				p--;
311 			continue;
312 		}
313 		*p++ = c;
314 	}
315 	freesp = p;
316 	for (p=q; p<freesp && r<&wbuff[BSIZE]; )
317 		if (islower(c = *p++) && (*r++ = *q++ = c) == 'q' && *p == 'u')
318 			p++;
319 	*(freesp = q) = '0';
320 	wlength = r-&wbuff[1];
321 	return(1);
322 }
324 aputuword (ways)
325 int ways;
326 {
327 	*word[wcount-1] = ways>=10 ? '*' : '0'+ways;
328 }
330 aputword (ways)
331 int ways;
332 {
333 	/* store (wbuff, ways) in next slot in space */
334 	register int i;
335 	*freesp++ = ways>=10 ? '*' : '0'+ways;
336 	for (i=1; i<= wlength; i++)
337 		*freesp++ = wbuff[i];
338 	word[++wcount] = freesp;
339 }
341 tputword (ways)
342 int ways;
343 {
344 	/* print (wbuff, ways) on terminal */
345 	wbuff[wlength+1] = '0';
346 	wbuff[0] = ways>=10 ? '*' : '0'+ways;
347 	outword(&wbuff[0]);
348 }
350 outword (p)
351 register char *p;
352 {
353 	register int newcol;
354 	register char *q;
355 	for (q=p+1; isalpha(*q); ) {
356 		putchar(*q);
357 		if (*q++ == 'q') {
358 			putchar('u');
359 			column++;
360 		}
361 	}
362 	column += q-p-1;
363 	if (column > LWIDTH-CWIDTH) {
364 		putchar('\n');
365 		column = 0;
366 		return;
367 	}
368 	newcol = ((column+CWIDTH)/CWIDTH)*CWIDTH;
369 	while (((column+8)/8)*8 <= newcol) {
370 		putchar('\t');
371 		column = ((column+8)/8)*8;
372 	}
373 	while (column < newcol) {
374 		putchar(' ');
375 		column++;
376 	}
377 }
379 printdiff ()
380 {
381 	register int c, d, u;
382 	char both, donly, uonly;
383 	word[wcount] = freesp;
384 	*freesp = '0';
385 	both = donly = uonly = column = d = 0;
386 	u = ustart;
387 	while (d < ubotch) {
388 		c = u<wcount ? wordcomp (word[d], word[u]) : -1;
389 		if (c == 0) {
390 			/* dict and user found same word */
391 			if (both == 0) {
392 				both = 1;
393 				printf("\t\t\t   we both found:\n");
394 			}
395 			outword(word[d]);
396 			word[d++] = NULL;
397 			word[u++] = NULL;
398 		} else if (c < 0) {
399 			/* dict found it, user didn't */
400 			donly = 1;
401 			d++;
402 		} else {
403 			/* user found it, dict didn't */
404 			uonly = 1;
405 			u++;
406 		}
407 	}
408 	endline();
409 	if (donly) {
410 		printf("\n\t\t\tI alone found these:\n");
411 		for (d=0; d<ubotch; d++)
412 			if (word[d] != NULL)
413 				outword(word[d]);
414 		endline();
415 	}
416 	if (uonly) {
417 		printf("\n\t\t\tyou alone found these:\n");
418 		for (u=ustart; u<wcount; u++)
419 			if (word[u] != NULL)
420 				outword(word[u]);
421 		endline();
422 	}
423 	if (ubotch < ustart) {
424 		printf("\n\t\t\t  you botched these:\n");
425 		for (u=ubotch; u<ustart; u++)
426 			outword(word[u]);
427 		endline();
428 	}
429 }
431 numways (leaf, last)
432 register struct frame *leaf;
433 struct frame *last;
434 {
435 	int count;
436 	register char *p;
437 	register struct frame *node;
438 	if (super > 0)
439 		return(last-leaf);
440 	count = 0;
441 	present[BSIZE] = 1;
442 	while (leaf < last) {
443 		for (p = &present[0]; p < &present[BSIZE]; *p++ = 0);
444 		for (node = leaf; present[node->place]++ == 0; node = node->parent);
445 		if (node == &stack[0])
446 			count++;
447 		leaf++;
448 	}
449 	return(count);
450 }
452 evalboard (getword, putword)
453 int (*getword)(), (*putword)();
454 {
455 	register struct frame *top;
456 	register int l, q;
457 	int fo, found;
458 	struct frame *parent, *lastparent;
459 	char *padj;
461 	numsame = found = 0;
462 	makelists ();
464 	while (1) {
465 		l = numsame;
466 		if (!(*getword) ())
467 			break;
468 		top = level[l+1];
470 		while (1) {
471 			level[l+1] = lastparent = top;
472 			/* wbuff[1]...wbuff[l] have been matched */
473 			/* level[0],...,level[l] of tree built */
474 			if (l == wlength) {
475 				if (wlength >= 3 && (q = numways(level[l], top)) != 0) {
476 					(*putword) (q);
477 					found++;
478 				}
479 				l = BSIZE+1;
480 				break;
481 			}
482 			if ((fo = occurs[wbuff[++l]-'a']) == BSIZE)
483 				break;
484 			/* wbuff[1]...wbuff[l-1] have been matched */
485 			/* level[0],...,level[l-1] of tree built */
486 			for (parent=level[l-1]; parent<lastparent; parent++) {
487 				padj = &adj[parent->place][0];
488 				for (q=fo; q!=BSIZE; q=olink[q])
489 					if (padj[q]) {
490 						top->parent = parent;
491 						top->place = q;
492 						if (++top >= &stack[SSIZE]) {
493 							printf("stack overflow\n");
494 							goodbye(1);
495 						}
496 					}
497 			}
498 			/* were any nodes added? */
499 			if (top == lastparent)
500 				break;
501 		}
503 		/* advance until first l characters of next word are different */
504 		while (numsame >= l && (*getword)()) ;
505 	}
506 	return(found);
507 }
509 main (argc, argv)
510 int argc;
511 char **argv;
512 {
513 	char *q;
514 	register char *p;
515 	register int i, c;
517 	gtty (fileno(stdin), &origttyb);
518 	setbuf(stdin, NULL);
519 	tempttyb = origttyb;
520 	if (setjmp(env) != 0)
521 		goodbye(0);
522 	signal (SIGINT, interrupt);
523 	timein = time((time_t *)NULL);
524 	if (argv[0][0] != 'a' && (logfile = open(_PATH_BOGLOG, 1)) >= 0) {
525 		p = &logbuff[5];
526 		q = getlogin();
527 		while (*p++ = *q++);
528 		p[-1] = '\t';
529 		q = ctime(&timein);
530 		while (*p++ = *q++);
531 		logloc = lseek(logfile, 0L, 2);
532 		write(logfile, &logbuff[0], p-&logbuff[1]);
533 	}
534 	if ((dict = fopen(_PATH_DICTIONARY, "r")) == NULL) {
535 		printf("can't open %s\n", _PATH_DICTIONARY);
536 		goodbye (2);
537 	}
538 	while ( argc > 1 && ( argv[1][0] == '+' || argv[1][0] == '-' ) ) {
539 		if (argv[1][0]=='+') {
540 			while(*(argv[1]++) == '+')
541 				super++;
542 			argc--;
543 			argv++;
544 		}
545 		if ( argv[1][0] == '-' ) {
546 			timeint[0] = 60 * ( atol( &argv[1][1] ) - 2 );
547 			if ( timeint[0] <= 0 ) {
548 				timeint[0] = 60;
549 			}
550 			argc--;
551 			argv++;
552 		}
553 	}
554 	setup ();
555 	switch (argc) {
556 	default:  punt:
557 		printf("usage: boggle [+[+]] [row1 row2 row3 row4]\n");
558 		goodbye (3);
559 	case 5:
560 		for (i=0; i<BSIZE; i++) {
561 			board[i] = c = argv[row(i)+1][col(i)];
562 			if (!islower(c)) {
563 				printf("bad board\n");
564 				goto punt;
565 			}
566 		}
567 		printboard();
568 		column = 0;
569 		evalboard(getdword, tputword);
570 		endline();
571 		if (logfile >= 0) {
572 			strncpy(&logbuff[0], "eval", 4);
573 			lseek(logfile, logloc, 0);
574 			write(logfile, &logbuff[0], 4);
575 		}
576 		goodbye(0);
577 	case 1:
578 		tempttyb.sg_flags |= CBREAK;
579 		if ( ioctl( fileno(stdin), TIOCLGET, &ctlecho ) == 0 ) {
580 			if ( ctlecho & LCTLECH ) {
581 				ioctl( fileno(stdin), TIOCLBIC, &lctlech );
582 			}
583 		}
584 		printinst();
585 		srand((int) timein);
586 		while (setjmp(env) == 0) {
587 			errno = 0;
588 			if (pipe(&pipefd[0]) != 0) {
589 				printf("can't create pipe\n");
590 				goodbye(4);
591 			}
592 			genboard();
593 			delct = wcount = 0;
594 			word[0] = freesp = &space[0];
595 			if ((master = fork()) == 0) {
596 				close(pipefd[0]);
597 				clearscreen();
598 				printboard();
599 				signal(SIGALRM, timeout);
600 				timept = &timeint[0];
601 				alarm(*timept++);
602 				evalboard(getuword, aputuword);
603 				clearscreen();
604 				qsort(&word[0], wcount, sizeof (int), compare);
605 				for (i=0; i<wcount; i++)
606 					if (i==0 || wordcomp(word[i], word[i-1])!=0) {
607 						p = word[i];
608 						while (isalpha(*++p)) ;
609 						write (pipefd[1], word[i], p-word[i]);
610 					}
611 				close(pipefd[1]);
612 				goodbye(0);
613 			}
614 			close(pipefd[1]);
615 			rewind(dict);
616 			getc(dict);
617 			evalboard(getdword, aputword);
618 			p = freesp;
619 			while ((i = read(pipefd[0], freesp, 512)) != 0) {
620 				if (i < 0)
621 					if (errno != EINTR)
622 						break;
623 					else
624 						i = 0;
625 				freesp += i;
626 			}
627 			close(pipefd[0]);
628 			ustart = ubotch = wcount;
629 			while (p < freesp) {
630 				word[wcount++] = p;
631 				if (*p == '0')
632 					ustart = wcount;
633 				while (isalpha(*++p));
634 			}
635 			wait(&status);
636 			if (status != 0)
637 				goodbye (5);
638 			delct = 1;
639 			printdiff();
640 			printboard();
641 			games++;
642 			if (logfile >= 0) {
643 				(void)sprintf(&logbuff[0], "%4d", games);
644 				lseek(logfile, logloc, 0);
645 				write(logfile, &logbuff[0], 4);
646 			}
647 			stty (fileno(stdin), &tempttyb);
648 			printf("\nanother game?");
649 			if (getchar() != 'y') {
650 				putchar('\n');
651 				break;
652 			}
653 			stty (fileno(stdin), &tempttyb);
654 		}
655 		goodbye(0);
656 	}
657 }