1 static char sccsid[] = "	runcompat.c	4.1	82/05/12	";
3 #define FBSD
4 /*
5  *	Compatability mode support under UNIX-32V
6  *	written by Art Wetzel during August 1979
7  *	at the Interdisciplinary Dept of Information Science
8  *	Room 711, LIS Bldg
9  *	University of Pittsburgh
10  *	Pittsburgh, Pa 15260
11  *
12  *	No claims are made on the completeness of the support of any
13  *	of the systems simulated under this package
14  */
15 #include <stdio.h>
16 #include <signal.h>
17 #include <sys/types.h>
18 #include <sys/stat.h>
19 #include <errno.h>
20 #include "defs.h"
21 #ifdef UNIX
22 #include "unixhdr.h"
23 #endif
24 #ifdef RT11
25 #include "rt11.h"
26 #endif
27 struct	stat	stat32v;
28 unsigned short regs[8];
29 unsigned long psl;
30 unsigned short *pc;
31 int incompat;
32 char	*progname;
33 char	*nameend;
34 main(argc, argv, envp) int argc; char **argv, **envp; {
35 	if(argc < 2){
36 		fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s [-rootdir] file args...\n",argv[0]);
37 		exit(1);
38 	}
39 	/* remember where the program name etc should go for using ps */
40 	progname = argv[0];
41 	nameend = envp[0]-1;
42 	argv++;
43 	/* set up alternate root directory if flagged for */
44 	if(*argv[0] == '-') {
45 		if(chroot(argv[0]+1)) {
46 			fprintf(stderr,"Can't change root to %s\n",argv[0]+1);
47 			exit(-1);
48 		}
49 		argv++;
50 	}
51 	/* check out file stats of file to run */
52 	if(stat(argv[0], &stat32v)) {
53 		fprintf(stderr,"%s does not exist\n",argv[0]);
54 		exit(1);
55 	}
56 	/* a version of SETUID and SETGID file executions */
57 	/* the binary of this program should be SETUID root for this to work */
58 	/* requires nonstandard seteuid and setegid sys calls */
59 	if(!(stat32v.st_mode & S_ISGID) || setegid(stat32v.st_gid))
60 		/* if not SETGID file or error, drop back to real group */
61 		setgid(getgid());
62 	if(!(stat32v.st_mode & S_ISUID) || seteuid(stat32v.st_uid))
63 		/* if not SETUID file or error, drop back to real uid */
64 		setuid(getuid());
65 #ifdef V6UNIX
66 	/* no umasks in version 6 */
67 	umask(0);
68 #endif
69 	/* go try to execute , passing along args and environment */
70 	execute(argv[0], argv, envp);
71 	/* only get here if execute fails */
72 	fprintf(stderr,"Execution failure on %s\n",argv[0]);
73 	exit(1);
74 }
75 execute(file, argv, envp) char *file, **argv, **envp; {
76 	int fd, n, tloadpt, dloadpt, tloadsize, dloadsize, stacksize;
77 	register short *p;
78 	extern illtrap();
79 	extern char **environ;
80 	/* file to run should be readable */
81 	if((fd = open(file, 0)) == -1) {
82 		fprintf(stderr,"Can't open %s for read access\n",file);
83 		return(-1);
84 	}
85 #ifdef UNIX
86 	if((n = read(fd, &header, sizeof header)) != sizeof header)
87 		return(ENOEXEC);
88 	/* check to see if really unix file */
89 	if(header.magic != MAGIC1 && header.magic != MAGIC2 &&
90 		header.magic != MAGIC3 && header.magic != MAGIC4) {
91 		return(ENOEXEC);
92 	}
93 	/* if a UNIX-32V file run it */
94 	if(header.textsize == 0) {
95 		close(fd);
96 		/* if no explicit env, pass along environ */
97 		if(!envp || *envp == 0)
98 			return(execve(file, argv, environ));
99 		return(execve(file, argv,  envp));
100 	}
101 	/* checks out OK as PDP-11 UNIX file */
102 	if(header.magic == MAGIC3) {
103 		fprintf(stderr,"%s compiled for separate I/D space\n",argv[0]);
104 		return(-1);
105 	}
106 	/* unix text loads at 0 */
107 	tloadpt = 0;
108 	/* set starting pc value */
109 	pc = (unsigned short *)header.entry;
110 	/* figure out where to load initialized data */
111 	dloadpt = tloadsize = header.textsize;
112 	/* check if alignment of data segment to 8k byte boundary */
113 	if(header.magic == MAGIC2)
114 		dloadpt = (dloadpt+8191) & (~8191);
115 	/* how much data */
116 	dloadsize = header.datasize;
117 	stacksize = header.bsssize;
118 #endif
119 #ifdef RT11
120 	if((n = read(fd, shortspace, RTHDRSIZ)) != RTHDRSIZ) {
121 		fprintf(stderr,"Error reading 1st block\n");
122 		return(-1);
123 	}
124 	/* rt11 files are 0 aligned including the header */
125 	tloadpt = RTHDRSIZ;
126 	/* set starting pc value */
127 	pc = (unsigned short *)shortspace[RTPC];
128 	/* initialize stack location */
129 	regs[6] = shortspace[RTSP];
130 	/* figure how much to load */
131 	dloadpt = tloadsize = shortspace[RTHGH]-RTHDRSIZ;
132 	/* no separate data as in unix */
133 	dloadsize = 0;
134 	stacksize = 0;
135 #endif
136 	/* see if it all fits into available memory space */
137 	if((dloadpt+dloadsize+stacksize) > (int)memsiz) {
138 		fprintf(stderr,"File too big to run\n");
139 		return(-1);
140 	}
141 	/* read text segment */
142 	if((n = read(fd, tloadpt, tloadsize)) < tloadsize) {
143 		fprintf(stderr,"Text read failure\n");
144 		return(-1);
145 	}
146 	/* read data segment */
147 	if((n = read(fd, dloadpt, dloadsize)) < dloadsize) {
148 		fprintf(stderr,"Data read failure\n");
149 		return(-1);
150 	}
151 	/* clear out the rest of memory */
152 	p = (short *)(dloadpt + dloadsize);
153 	while(p < (short *)memsiz) *p++ = 0;
154 	/* close file before starting it */
155 	close(fd);
156 	/* set up illegal instruction trapping */
157 	signal(SIGILL, illtrap);
158 	/* lets give it a try */
159 	start(argv, envp);
160 }
161 #ifdef FBSD
162 illtrap(signum,faultcode,myaddr,stpc,stps) int signum; {
163 #else
164 illtrap(){
165 #endif
166 	unsigned short *pcptr;
167 	int instr;
168 	register int i;
169 	extern getregs();
170 	/* record the fact that we are not in compatability mode now */
171 	incompat = 0;
172 	/* get the register values before they get clobbered */
173 	getregs();
174 	/* figure out what the pc was */
175 #ifdef FBSD
176 	pcptr = (unsigned short *) &stpc;
177 #else
178 	pcptr = (unsigned short *)((char *)&pcptr + 20);
179 #endif
180 	pc = (unsigned short *) *pcptr;
181 	/* get the instruction */
182 	instr = *pc;
183 	/* incriment the pc over this instruction */
184 	pc++;
185 	/* set register 7 as pc synonym */
186 	regs[7] = (unsigned short)(int)pc;
187 	/* set up psl with condition codes */
188 	/* a UNIX-32V monitor patch is required to not clear condition codes */
189 #ifdef FBSD
190 	psl = 0x83c00000 | (stps & 017);
191 #else
192 	psl = 0x83c00000 | (*(pcptr - 6) & 017);
193 #endif
194 	/* pick out the appropriate action for this illegal instruction */
195 	switch(instr>>8){
196 	case	TRAPS:
197 		dotrap(instr & 0377);
198 		break;
199 	case	EMTS:
200 		if(sigvals[SIGEMT] && ((sigvals[SIGEMT]%2) != 1)) {
201 			dosig(SIGEMT, pc);
202 			break;
203 		}
204 		doemt(instr & 0377);
205 		break;
206 	default:
207 		if(instr >= 075000 && instr < 075040) {
208 			/* fis instructions */
209 			if(dofloat(instr) == 0)
210 				break;
211 		}
212 		if(instr >=  0170000) {
213 			/* floating point unit instructions */
214 			if(dofloat(instr) == 0)
215 				break;
216 		}
217 		/* genuine illegal instruction */
218 		/* if signal trap set go to user's trap location */
219 		if(sigvals[SIGILL] && ((sigvals[SIGILL]%2) != 1)) {
220 			dosig(SIGILL, pc);
221 			break;
222 		}
223 		/* ignore uncaught setd instructions */
224 		if(instr == SETD)
225 			break;
226 		/* otherwise put out a message and quit */
227 		printf("illegal instruction, psl 0x%08x, pc 0%04o\n",psl,pc-1);
228 		for(i=0; i<7; i++) printf("0x%04x  ",regs[i]);
229 		printf("0x%04x -> 0%o\n",pc-1,instr);
230 		/* set up to dump on illegal instruction */
231 		signal(SIGILL,SIG_DFL);
232 		/* set pc back to bad instruction */
233 		pc--;
234 		/* go do it again for dump */
235 		compat();
236 	}
237 	/* go back to compatability mode */
238 	incompat++;
239 	compat();
240 }