1 #ifndef lint
2 static char sccsid[] = "	unixstart.c	4.2	84/05/05	";
3 #endif
5 /* From Lou Salkind: compat/RCS/unixstart.c,v 1.2 84/01/31 13:34:27 */
7 /*	Start up a version 6 or version 7 pdp-11 UNIX compatability mode
8  *	program. Must set up the memory layout with args etc.
9  *	Art Wetzel	August 1979
10  */
11 #include <stdio.h>
12 #include "defs.h"
13 #define	MAXARGS	100
14 start(argv, envp) unsigned char **argv, **envp; {
15 	register unsigned char *sp, *ap;
16 	register unsigned short *ssp;
17 	register int i, argc, envc;
18 	unsigned char *envps[MAXARGS], *argps[MAXARGS], **av, *p1, *p2;
19 	extern unsigned char *progname, *nameend;
20 	/* set up initial memory layout for unix */
21 	/* set stack pointer to top of memory */
22 	sp = memsiz;
23 #ifdef	V7UNIX
24 	/* zero top 2 bytes */
25 	*(--sp) = 0;
26 	*(--sp) = 0;
27 	/* point to environment pointer list */
28 	av = envp;
29 	envc = 0;
30 	/* count up number of env elements */
31 	while(*(av++)) envc++;
32 	/* last UNIX V7 env ptr is 0 */
33 	envps[envc] = (unsigned char *)0;
34 	/* copy actual environment (assume byte text) - last first */
35 	for(i=envc-1; i>=0; i--) {
36 		ap = envp[i];
37 		while(*(ap++)) ;
38 		while(ap != envp[i]) *(--sp) = *(--ap);
39 		/* force stack word alignment - required per arg in v7 */
40 		if((int)sp & 1) {
41 			ap = sp--;
42 			while((*(ap-1) = *ap)) ap++;
43 		}
44 		envps[i] = sp;
45 	}
46 #endif
47 	/* point to argument pointer list */
48 	av = argv;
49 	argc = 0;
50 	/* count up number of args */
51 	while(*(av++)) argc++;
52 #ifdef V7UNIX
53 	/* last UNIX V7 arg ptr is 0 */
54 	argps[argc] = (unsigned char *)0;
55 #endif
56 #ifdef V6UNIX
57 	/* last UNIX V6 arg ptr is -1 */
58 	argps[argc] = (unsigned char *)-1;
59 #endif
60 	/* copy actual arguments (assume byte text) - last first */
61 	for(i=argc-1; i>=0; i--) {
62 		ap = argv[i];
63 		while(*(ap++)) ;
64 		while(ap != argv[i]) *(--sp) = *(--ap);
65 		/* force stack word alignment - required per arg in v7 */
66 		if((int)sp & 1) {
67 			ap = sp--;
68 			while((*(ap-1) = *ap)) ap++;
69 		}
70 		argps[i] = sp;
71 	}
72 	ssp = (unsigned short *)sp;
73 #ifdef	V7UNIX
74 	/* set up environment pointers */
75 	for(i=envc; i>=0; i--) {
76 		*(--ssp) = (short)(long)envps[i];
77 	}
78 #endif
79 	/* set up argument pointers */
80 	for(i=argc; i>=0; i--) {
81 		*(--ssp) = (short)(long)argps[i];
82 	}
83 	/* then argument count */
84 	*(--ssp) = argc;
85 	/* set up stack pointer */
86 	regs[6] = (int)ssp;
87 	/* set up a psl with cleared condition codes */
88 	psl = 0x83c00000;
89 	/* copy out part of the program name and args where ps can get them */
90 	/* flag it with a * so it shows up as a compatability mode process */
91 	/* check for case with no env and reset nameend */
92 	if(nameend < progname) nameend = (unsigned char *)2147483647;
93 	for(p1=progname, *p1++ = '*', i=1, p2=argv[0]; p1<nameend; p1++) {
94 		if((*p1 = *p2))
95 			p2++;
96 		else if(argv[i])
97 			p2 = argv[i++];
98 		else break;
99 	}
100 	while(p1 < nameend) *p1++ = ' ';
101 	*p1 = 0;
102 	/* clear out registers other than sp */
103 	regs[0] = 0;
104 	regs[1] = 0;
105 	regs[2] = 0;
106 	regs[3] = 0;
107 	regs[4] = 0;
108 	regs[5] = 0;
109 	/* finally get around to actually starting up in compatability mode */
110 	incompat++;
111 	compat();
112 }