xref: /original-bsd/old/libm/man/exp.3 (revision 3b6250d9)
@(#)exp.3 6.2 (Berkeley) 06/06/85

EXP 3M ""
.AT 3
exp, log, log10, pow, sqrt - exponential, logarithm, power, square root
 #include <math.h> 

double exp(x) double x;

double log(x) double x;

double log10(x) double x;

double pow(x, y) double x, y;

double sqrt(x) double x;

Exp returns the exponential function of x.

Log returns the natural logarithm of x ; log10 returns the base 10 logarithm.

Pow returns x**y. x\u\s8y\s10\d.

Sqrt returns the square root of x.

hypot(3M), sinh(3M), intro(3M)
Exp and pow return a huge value when the correct value would overflow; errno is set to ERANGE. Pow returns 0 and sets errno to EDOM when the first argument is negative and the second is non-integral or when first argument is 0 and the second is less than or equal to 0.

Log returns 0 when x is zero or negative; errno is set to EDOM.

Sqrt returns 0 when x is negative; errno is set to EDOM.