xref: /original-bsd/old/lisp/fp/fp.vax/fpPP.l (revision e59fb703)
1 ;  FP interpreter/compiler
2 ;  Copyright (c) 1982  Scott B. Baden
3 ;  Berkeley, California
4 ;
5 ;  Copyright (c) 1982 Regents of the University of California.
6 ;  All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
7 ;  specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
8 ;
9 (setq SCCS-fpPP.l "@(#)fpPP.l	5.1 (Berkeley) 05/31/85")
11 ;; pretty printer for fp -- snarfed from FRANZ LISP
13 (include specials.l)
15 (declare (special fpPParm1 fpPParm2 lAngle rAngle))
17 ; printRet is like print yet it returns the value printed,
18 ; this is used by fpPP.
20 (def printRet
21   (macro ($l$)
22 	 `(progn
23 	   (let ((z ,@(cdr $l$)))
24 		(cond ((null z) (patom "<>"))
25 		      (t
26 		       (print ,@(cdr $l$))))))))
29 (def fpPP
30   (lambda (x)
31 	  (terpri)
32 	  (prDF x 0 0)
33 	  (terpri)))
36 (setq fpPParm1 50 fpPParm2 100)
38 ;   -DNC These "prettyprinter parameters" are used to decide when we should
39 ;	quit printing down the right margin and move back to the left -
40 ;	Do it when the leftmargin > fpPParm1 and there are more than fpPParm2
41 ;	more chars to print in the expression
45 (declare (special rmar))
47 (def prDF
48   (lambda (l lmar rmar)
49     (prog nil
50 ;
51 ;			- DNC - Here we try to fix the tendency to print a
52 ;			  thin column down the right margin by allowing it
53 ;			  to move back to the left if necessary.
54 ;
55 	  (cond ((and (>& lmar fpPParm1) (>& (flatc l (1+ fpPParm2)) fpPParm2))
56 		 (terpri)
57 		 (patom "; <<<<< start back on the left <<<<<")
58 		 (prDF l 5 0)
59 		 (terpri)
60 		 (patom "; >>>>> continue on the right >>>>>")
61 		 (terpri)
62 		 (return nil)))
63           (tab lmar)
64      a    (cond
65                 ((or (not (dtpr l))
66 ;                    (*** at the moment we just punt hunks etc)
67                      ;(and (atom (car l)) (atom (cdr l)))
68 		     )
69                  (return (printRet l)))
70                 ((<& (+ rmar (flatc l (charcnt poport)))
71 		    (charcnt poport))
72 		 ;
73 		 ;	This is just a heuristic - if print can fit it in then figure that
74 ;	the printmacros won't hurt.  Note that despite the pretentions there
75 ;	is no guarantee that everything will fit in before rmar - for example
76 ;	atoms (and now even hunks) are just blindly printed.	- DNC
77 ;
78                  (printAccross l lmar rmar))
79                 ((and ($patom1 lAngle)
80                       (atom (car l))
81                       (not (atom (cdr l)))
82                       (not (atom (cddr l))))
83                  (prog (c)
84                        (printRet (car l))
85                        ($patom1 '" ")
86                        (setq c (nwritn))
87                   a    (prD1 (cdr l) c)
88                        (cond
89                         ((not (atom (cdr (setq l (cdr l)))))
90                          (terpri)
91                          (go a)))))
92                 (t
93                  (prog (c)
94                        (setq c (nwritn))
95                   a    (prD1 l c)
96                        (cond
97                         ((not (atom (setq l (cdr l))))
98                          (terpri)
99                          (go a))))))
100      b    ($patom1 rAngle))))
103 (def prD1
104   (lambda (l n)
105     (prog nil
106           (prDF (car l)
107                  n
108                  (cond ((null (setq l (cdr l))) (|1+| rmar))
109                        ((atom l) (setq n nil) (plus 4 rmar (pntlen l)))
110                        (t rmar)))
112 ;         The last arg to prDF is the space needed for the suffix
113 ;	  Note that this is still not really right - if the prefix
114 ;		takes several lines one would like to use the old rmar
115 ;		until the last line where the " . mumble" goes.
116 	)))
119 (def printAccross
120   (lambda (l lmar rmar)
121     (prog nil
122 ;     this is needed to make sure the printmacros are executed
123           (princ '|<|)
124      l:   (cond ((null l))
125                 (t (prDF (car l) (nwritn) rmar)
126                    (setq l (cdr l))
127                    (cond (l (princ '| |)))
128                    (go l:))))))