xref: /original-bsd/old/pcc/ccom.vax/stab.c (revision 8ac030d2)
1 /*
2  * Symbolic debugging info interface.
3  *
4  * Here we generate pseudo-ops that cause the assembler to put
5  * symbolic debugging information into the object file.
6  */
8 static char *sccsid ="@(#)stab.c	1.3 (Berkeley) 12/24/82";
10 #include "mfile1"
12 #include <sys/types.h>
13 #include <a.out.h>
14 #include <stab.h>
16 #define private static
17 #define and &&
18 #define or ||
19 #define not !
20 #define div /
21 #define mod %
22 #define nil 0
24 #define bytes(bits) ((bits) / SZCHAR)
25 #define bsize(p) bytes(dimtab[p->sizoff])	/* size in bytes of a symbol */
27 #define NILINDEX -1
28 #define FORWARD -2
30 typedef enum { false, true } Boolean;
32 extern int ddebug;
33 extern int gdebug;
34 extern char *malloc();
36 int stabLCSYM;
38 /*
39  * Flag for producing either sdb or dbx symbol information.
40  */
41 int oldway = false;
43 /*
44  * Generate debugging info for a parameter.
45  * The offset isn't known when it is first entered into the symbol table
46  * since the types are read later.
47  */
49 fixarg(p)
50 struct symtab *p;
51 {
52     if (oldway) {
53 	old_fixarg(p);
54     } else if (gdebug) {
55 	printf("\t.stabs\t\"%s:p", p->sname);
56 	gentype(p);
57 	printf("\",0x%x,0,%d,%d\n", N_PSYM, bsize(p), bytes(argoff));
58     }
59 }
61 /*
62  * Generate debugging info for a given symbol.
63  */
65 outstab(sym)
66 struct symtab *sym;
67 {
68     register struct symtab *p;
69     char *classname;
70     int offset;
71     Boolean ignore;
72     static Boolean firsttime = true;
74     if (oldway) {
75 	old_outstab(sym);
76     } else if (gdebug) {
77 	if (firsttime) {
78 	    firsttime = false;
79 	    inittypes();
80 	}
81 	ignore = false;
82 	p = sym;
83 	offset = bytes(p->offset);
84 	switch (p->sclass) {
85 	case REGISTER:
86 	    classname = "r";
87 	    offset = p->offset;
88 	    break;
90 	/*
91 	 * Locals are the default class.
92 	 */
93 	case AUTO:
94 	    classname = "";
95 	    break;
97 	case STATIC:
98 	    if (ISFTN(p->stype)) {
99 		ignore = true;
100 	    } else if (p->slevel <= 1) {
101 		classname = "S";
102 	    } else {
103 		classname = "V";
104 	    }
105 	    break;
107 	case EXTDEF:
108 	case EXTERN:
109 	    if (ISFTN(p->stype)) {
110 		ignore = true;
111 	    } else {
112 		classname = "G";
113 	    }
114 	    break;
116 	case TYPEDEF:
117 	    classname = "t";
118 	    break;
120 	case PARAM:
121 	case MOS:
122 	case MOU:
123 	case MOE:
124 	    ignore = true;
125 	    break;
127 	case ENAME:
128 	case UNAME:
129 	case STNAME:
130 	    entertype(p->stype, NILINDEX, FORWARD, dimtab[p->sizoff + 3]);
131 	    ignore = true;
132 	    break;
134 	default:
135 	    if ((p->sclass&FIELD) == 0) {
136 		printf("/* no info for %s (%d) */\n", p->sname, p->sclass);
137 	    }
138 	    ignore = true;
139 	    break;
140 	}
141 	if (not ignore) {
142 	    printf("\t.stabs\t\"%s:%s", p->sname, classname);
143 	    gentype(p);
144 	    geninfo(p);
145 	}
146     }
147 }
149 /*
150  * Since type names are lost in the travels and because C has
151  * structural type equivalence we keep a table of type words that
152  * we've already seen.  The first time we see a type, it is assigned
153  * (inline) a number and future references just list that number.
154  * Structures, unions, enums, and arrays must be handled carefully
155  * since not all the necessary information is in the type word.
156  */
158 typedef struct Typeid *Typeid;
160 struct Typeid {
161     TWORD tword;
162     int tarray;
163     int tstruct;
164     int tstrtag;
165     int tnum;
166     Typeid chain;
167 };
169 #define TABLESIZE 2003
171 private int tcount = 1;
172 private int t_int, t_char;
173 private Typeid typetable[TABLESIZE];
175 /*
176  * Look for the given type word in the type table.
177  */
179 private Typeid typelookup(type, arrindex, strindex, strtag)
180 TWORD type;
181 int arrindex;
182 int strindex;
183 int strtag;
184 {
185     register TWORD tword;
186     register int i1, i2;
187     Typeid t;
189     t = typetable[type mod TABLESIZE];
190     while (t != nil) {
191 	if (t->tword == type and
192 	  strindex == t->tstruct and strtag == t->tstrtag) {
193 	    if (arrindex == NILINDEX) {
194 		break;
195 	    } else {
196 		tword = type >> TSHIFT;
197 		i1 = arrindex;
198 		i2 = t->tarray;
199 		while (ISARY(tword) and dimtab[i1] == dimtab[i2]) {
200 		    ++i1;
201 		    ++i2;
202 		    tword >>= TSHIFT;
203 		}
204 		if (!ISARY(tword)) {
205 		    break;
206 		}
207 	    }
208 	}
209 	t = t->chain;
210     }
211     return t;
212 }
214 /*
215  * Enter a type word and associated symtab indices into the type table.
216  */
218 private int entertype(type, arrindex, strindex, strtag)
219 TWORD type;
220 int arrindex;
221 int strindex;
222 int strtag;
223 {
224     register Typeid t;
225     register int i;
227     t = (Typeid) malloc(sizeof(struct Typeid));
228     t->tword = type;
229     t->tarray = arrindex;
230     t->tstruct = strindex;
231     t->tstrtag = strtag;
232     t->tnum = tcount;
233     ++tcount;
234     i = type mod TABLESIZE;
235     t->chain = typetable[i];
236     typetable[i] = t;
237     return t->tnum;
238 }
240 /*
241  * Change the information associated with a type table entry.
242  * Since I'm lazy this just creates a new entry with the number
243  * as the old one.
244  */
246 private reentertype(typeid, type, arrindex, strindex, strtag)
247 Typeid typeid;
248 TWORD type;
249 int arrindex;
250 int strindex;
251 int strtag;
252 {
253     register Typeid t;
254     register int i;
256     t = (Typeid) malloc(sizeof(struct Typeid));
257     t->tword = type;
258     t->tarray = arrindex;
259     t->tstruct = strindex;
260     t->tstrtag = strtag;
261     t->tnum = typeid->tnum;
262     i = type mod TABLESIZE;
263     t->chain = typetable[i];
264     typetable[i] = t;
265 }
267 /*
268  * Initialize type table with predefined types.
269  */
271 #define builtintype(type) entertype(type, NILINDEX, NILINDEX, NILINDEX)
273 private inittypes()
274 {
275     int t;
277     t_int = builtintype(INT);
278     t_char = builtintype(CHAR);
279     maketype("int", t_int, t_int, 0x80000000L, 0x7fffffffL);
280     maketype("char", t_char, t_char, 0L, 127L);
281     maketype("long", builtintype(LONG), t_int, 0x80000000L, 0x7fffffffL);
282     maketype("short", builtintype(SHORT), t_int, 0xffff8000L, 0x7fffL);
283     maketype("unsigned char", builtintype(UCHAR), t_int, 0L, 255L);
284     maketype("unsigned short", builtintype(USHORT), t_int, 0L, 0xffffL);
285     maketype("unsigned long", builtintype(ULONG), t_int, 0L, 0xffffffffL);
286     maketype("unsigned int", builtintype(UNSIGNED), t_int, 0L, 0xffffffffL);
287     maketype("float", builtintype(FLOAT), t_int, 4L, 0L);
288     maketype("double", builtintype(DOUBLE), t_int, 8L, 0L);
289     t = builtintype(UNDEF);
290     printf("\t.stabs\t\"void:t%d=%d", t, t);
291     geninfo(nil);
292 }
294 /*
295  * Generate info for a new range type.
296  */
298 private maketype(name, tnum, eqtnum, lower, upper)
299 char *name;
300 int tnum, eqtnum;
301 long lower, upper;
302 {
303     printf("\t.stabs\t\"%s:t%d=r%d;%d;%d;", name, tnum, eqtnum, lower, upper);
304     geninfo(nil);
305 }
307 /*
308  * Generate debugging information for the given type of the given symbol.
309  */
311 private gentype(sym)
312 struct symtab *sym;
313 {
314     register struct symtab *p;
315     register TWORD t;
316     register TWORD basictype;
317     register Typeid typeid;
318     int i, arrindex, strindex, strtag;
320     p = sym;
321     t = p->stype;
322     if (ISFTN(t)) {
323 	t = DECREF(t);
324     }
325     basictype = BTYPE(t);
326     if (ISARY(t)) {
327 	arrindex = p->dimoff;
328     } else {
329 	arrindex = NILINDEX;
330     }
331     if (basictype == STRTY or basictype == UNIONTY or basictype == ENUMTY) {
332 	strindex = dimtab[p->sizoff + 1];
333 	if (strindex == -1) {
334 	    strindex = FORWARD;
335 	    strtag = dimtab[p->sizoff + 3];
336 	} else {
337 	    strtag = NILINDEX;
338 	}
339     } else {
340 	strindex = NILINDEX;
341 	strtag = NILINDEX;
342     }
343     i = arrindex;
344     typeid = typelookup(t, arrindex, strindex, strtag);
345     while (t != basictype and typeid == nil) {
346 	printf("%d=", entertype(t, i, strindex, strtag));
347 	switch (t&TMASK) {
348 	case PTR:
349 	    printf("*");
350 	    break;
352 	case FTN:
353 	    printf("f");
354 	    break;
356 	case ARY:
357 	    printf("ar%d;0;%d;", t_int, dimtab[i++] - 1);
358 	    break;
359 	}
360 	t = DECREF(t);
361 	if (t == basictype) {
362 	    typeid = typelookup(t, NILINDEX, strindex, strtag);
363 	} else {
364 	    typeid = typelookup(t, i, strindex, strtag);
365 	}
366     }
367     if (typeid == nil) {
368 	if (strindex == FORWARD) {
369 	    typeid = typelookup(t, NILINDEX, FORWARD, dimtab[p->sizoff + 3]);
370 	    if (typeid == nil) {
371 		cerror("unbelievable forward reference");
372 	    }
373 	    printf("%d", typeid->tnum);
374 	} else {
375 	    genstruct(t, NILINDEX, strindex, p->sname, bsize(p));
376 	}
377     } else {
378 	printf("%d", typeid->tnum);
379     }
380 }
382 /*
383  * Generate type information for structures, unions, and enumerations.
384  */
386 private genstruct(t, structid, index, name, size)
387 TWORD t;
388 int structid;
389 int index;
390 char *name;
391 int size;
392 {
393     register int i;
394     register struct symtab *field;
395     int id;
397     if (structid == NILINDEX) {
398 	id = entertype(t, NILINDEX, index, NILINDEX);
399     } else {
400 	id = structid;
401     }
402     switch (t) {
403     case STRTY:
404     case UNIONTY:
405 	printf("%d=%c%d", id, t == STRTY ? 's' : 'u', size);
406 	i = index;
407 	while (dimtab[i] != -1) {
408 	    field = &stab[dimtab[i]];
409 	    printf("%s:", field->sname);
410 	    gentype(field);
411 	    if (field->sclass > FIELD) {
412 		printf(",%d,%d;", field->offset, field->sclass - FIELD);
413 	    } else {
414 		printf(",%d,%d;", field->offset,
415 		    tsize(field->stype, field->dimoff, field->sizoff));
416 	    }
417 	    ++i;
418 	}
419 	putchar(';');
420 	break;
422     case ENUMTY:
423 	printf("%d=e", id);
424 	i = index;
425 	while (dimtab[i] != -1) {
426 	    field = &stab[dimtab[i]];
427 	    printf("%s:%d,", field->sname, field->offset);
428 	    i++;
429 	}
430 	break;
432     default:
433 	cerror("couldn't find basic type %d for %s\n", t, name);
434 	break;
435     }
436 }
438 /*
439  * Generate offset and size info.
440  */
442 private geninfo(p)
443 register struct symtab *p;
444 {
445     if (p == nil) {
446 	printf("\",0x%x,0,0,0\n", N_LSYM);
447     } else {
448 	switch (p->sclass) {
449 	    case EXTERN:
450 	    case EXTDEF:
451 		if (ISFTN(p->stype)) {
452 		    printf("\",0x%x,0,%d,_%s\n", N_FUN, bsize(p), p->sname);
453 		} else {
454 		    printf("\",0x%x,0,%d,_%s\n", N_GSYM, bsize(p), p->sname);
455 		}
456 		break;
458 	    case STATIC:
459 		if (ISFTN(p->stype)) {
460 		    printf("\",0x%x,0,%d,_%s\n", N_FUN, bsize(p), p->sname);
461 		} else if (p->slevel > 1) {
462 		    printf("\",0x%x,0,%d,L%d\n", N_STSYM, bsize(p), p->offset);
463 		} else {
464 		    printf("\",0x%x,0,%d,_%s\n", N_LCSYM, bsize(p), p->sname);
465 		}
466 		break;
468 	    case REGISTER:
469 		printf("\",0x%x,0,%d,%d\n", N_RSYM, bsize(p), p->offset);
470 		break;
472 	    case PARAM:
473 		printf("\",0x%x,0,%d,%d\n", N_PSYM, bsize(p), bytes(argoff));
474 		break;
476 	    default:
477 		printf("\",0x%x,0,%d,%d\n", N_LSYM, bsize(p), bytes(p->offset));
478 		break;
479 	}
480     }
481 }
483 /*
484  * Generate information for a newly-defined structure.
485  */
487 outstruct(szindex, paramindex)
488 int szindex, paramindex;
489 {
490     register Typeid typeid;
491     register struct symtab *p;
492     register int i, t, strindex;
494     if (oldway) {
495 	/* do nothing */;
496     } else if (gdebug) {
497 	i = dimtab[szindex + 3];
498 	p = &stab[i];
499 	if (p->sname != nil) {
500 	    strindex = dimtab[p->sizoff + 1];
501 	    typeid = typelookup(p->stype, NILINDEX, FORWARD, i);
502 	    if (typeid == nil) {
503 		t = 0;
504 	    } else {
505 		t = typeid->tnum;
506 		reentertype(typeid, p->stype, NILINDEX, strindex, NILINDEX);
507 	    }
508 	    printf("\t.stabs\t\"%s:T", p->sname);
509 	    genstruct(p->stype, t, strindex, p->sname, bsize(p));
510 	    geninfo(p);
511 	}
512     }
513 }
515 pstab(name, type)
516 char *name;
517 int type;
518 {
519     register int i;
520     register char c;
522     if (!gdebug) {
523 	return;
524     } else if (oldway) {
525 	old_pstab(name, type);
526 	return;
527     }
528     /* locctr(PROG);  /* .stabs must appear in .text for c2 */
529 #ifdef ASSTRINGS
530     if ( name[0] == '\0')
531 	printf("\t.stabn\t");
532     else
533 #ifndef FLEXNAMES
534 	printf("\t.stabs\t\"%.8s\",", name);
535 #else
536 	printf("\t.stabs\t\"%s\",", name);
537 #endif
538 #else
539     printf("    .stab   ");
540     for(i=0; i<8; i++)
541 	if (c = name[i]) printf("'%c,", c);
542 	else printf("0,");
543 #endif
544     printf("0%o,", type);
545 }
547 #ifdef STABDOT
548 pstabdot(type, value)
549 int type;
550 int value;
551 {
552     if ( ! gdebug) {
553 	return;
554     } else if (oldway) {
555 	old_pstabdot(type, value);
556 	return;
557     }
558     /* locctr(PROG);  /* .stabs must appear in .text for c2 */
559     printf("\t.stabd\t");
560     printf("0%o,0,0%o\n",type, value);
561 }
562 #endif
564 extern char NULLNAME[8];
565 extern int  labelno;
566 extern int  fdefflag;
568 psline()
569 {
570     static int lastlineno;
571     register char *cp, *cq;
572     register int i;
574     if (!gdebug) {
575 	return;
576     } else if (oldway) {
577 	old_psline();
578 	return;
579     }
581     cq = ititle;
582     cp = ftitle;
584     while ( *cq ) if ( *cp++ != *cq++ ) goto neq;
585     if ( *cp == '\0' ) goto eq;
587 neq:    for (i=0; i<100; i++)
588 	ititle[i] = '\0';
589     cp = ftitle;
590     cq = ititle;
591     while ( *cp )
592 	*cq++ = *cp++;
593     *cq = '\0';
594     *--cq = '\0';
595 #ifndef FLEXNAMES
596     for ( cp = ititle+1; *(cp-1); cp += 8 ) {
597 	pstab(cp, N_SOL);
598 	if (gdebug) printf("0,0,LL%d\n", labelno);
599     }
600 #else
601     pstab(ititle+1, N_SOL);
602     if (gdebug) printf("0,0,LL%d\n", labelno);
603 #endif
604     *cq = '"';
605     printf("LL%d:\n", labelno++);
607 eq: if (lineno == lastlineno) return;
608     lastlineno = lineno;
610     if (fdefflag) {
611 #ifdef STABDOT
612 	pstabdot(N_SLINE, lineno);
613 #else
614 	pstab(NULLNAME, N_SLINE);
615 	printf("0,%d,LL%d\n", lineno, labelno);
616 	printf("LL%d:\n", labelno++);
617 #endif
618     }
619 }
621 plcstab(level)
622 int level;
623 {
624     if (!gdebug) {
625 	return;
626     } else if (oldway) {
627 	old_plcstab(level);
628 	return;
629     }
630 #ifdef STABDOT
631     pstabdot(N_LBRAC, level);
632 #else
633     pstab(NULLNAME, N_LBRAC);
634     printf("0,%d,LL%d\n", level, labelno);
635     printf("LL%d:\n", labelno++);
636 #endif
637 }
639 prcstab(level)
640 int level;
641 {
642     if (!gdebug) {
643 	return;
644     } else if (oldway) {
645 	old_prcstab(level);
646 	return;
647     }
648 #ifdef STABDOT
649     pstabdot(N_RBRAC, level);
650 #else
651     pstab(NULLNAME, N_RBRAC);
652     printf("0,%d,LL%d\n", level, labelno);
653     printf("LL%d:\n", labelno++);
654 #endif
655 }
657 pfstab(sname)
658 char *sname;
659 {
660     register struct symtab *p;
662     if (gdebug) {
663 	if (oldway) {
664 	    old_pfstab(sname);
665 	} else {
666 	    p = &stab[lookup(sname, 0)];
667 	    printf("\t.stabs\t\"%s:", p->sname);
668 	    putchar((p->sclass == STATIC) ? 'f' : 'F');
669 	    gentype(p);
670 	    geninfo(p);
671 	}
672     }
673 }
675 /*
676  * Old way of doing things.
677  */
679 private old_fixarg(p)
680 struct symtab *p; {
681 	if (gdebug) {
682 		old_pstab(p->sname, N_PSYM);
683 		if (gdebug) printf("0,%d,%d\n", p->stype, argoff/SZCHAR);
684 		old_poffs(p);
685 	}
686 }
688 private old_outstab(p)
689 struct symtab *p; {
690 	register TWORD ptype;
691 	register char *pname;
692 	register char pclass;
693 	register int poffset;
695 	if (!gdebug) return;
697 	ptype = p->stype;
698 	pname = p->sname;
699 	pclass = p->sclass;
700 	poffset = p->offset;
702 	if (ISFTN(ptype)) {
703 		return;
704 	}
706 	switch (pclass) {
708 	case AUTO:
709 		old_pstab(pname, N_LSYM);
710 		printf("0,%d,%d\n", ptype, (-poffset)/SZCHAR);
711 		old_poffs(p);
712 		return;
714 	case EXTDEF:
715 	case EXTERN:
716 		old_pstab(pname, N_GSYM);
717 		printf("0,%d,0\n", ptype);
718 		old_poffs(p);
719 		return;
721 	case STATIC:
722 #ifdef LCOMM
723 		/* stabLCSYM is 1 during nidcl so we can get stab type right */
724 		old_pstab(pname, stabLCSYM ? N_LCSYM : N_STSYM);
725 #else
726 		old_pstab(pname, N_STSYM);
727 #endif
728 		if (p->slevel > 1) {
729 			printf("0,%d,L%d\n", ptype, poffset);
730 		} else {
731 			printf("0,%d,%s\n", ptype, exname(pname));
732 		}
733 		old_poffs(p);
734 		return;
736 	case REGISTER:
737 		old_pstab(pname, N_RSYM);
738 		printf("0,%d,%d\n", ptype, poffset);
739 		old_poffs(p);
740 		return;
742 	case MOS:
743 	case MOU:
744 		old_pstab(pname, N_SSYM);
745 		printf("0,%d,%d\n", ptype, poffset/SZCHAR);
746 		old_poffs(p);
747 		return;
749 	case PARAM:
750 		/* parameter stab entries are processed in dclargs() */
751 		return;
753 	default:
754 #ifndef FLEXNAMES
755 		if (ddebug) printf("	No .stab for %.8s\n", pname);
756 #else
757 		if (ddebug) printf("	No .stab for %s\n", pname);
758 #endif
760 	}
761 }
763 private old_pstab(name, type)
764 char *name;
765 int type; {
766 	register int i;
767 	register char c;
768 	if (!gdebug) return;
769 	/* locctr(PROG);  /* .stabs must appear in .text for c2 */
770 #ifdef ASSTRINGS
771 	if ( name[0] == '\0')
772 		printf("\t.stabn\t");
773 	else
774 #ifndef FLEXNAMES
775 		printf("\t.stabs\t\"%.8s\", ", name);
776 #else
777 		printf("\t.stabs\t\"%s\", ", name);
778 #endif
779 #else
780 	printf("	.stab	");
781 	for(i=0; i<8; i++)
782 		if (c = name[i]) printf("'%c,", c);
783 		else printf("0,");
784 #endif
785 	printf("0%o,", type);
786 }
788 #ifdef STABDOT
789 private old_pstabdot(type, value)
790 	int	type;
791 	int	value;
792 {
793 	if ( ! gdebug) return;
794 	/* locctr(PROG);  /* .stabs must appear in .text for c2 */
795 	printf("\t.stabd\t");
796 	printf("0%o,0,0%o\n",type, value);
797 }
798 #endif
800 private old_poffs(p)
801 register struct symtab *p; {
802 	int s;
803 	if (!gdebug) return;
804 	if ((s = dimtab[p->sizoff]/SZCHAR) > 1) {
805 		old_pstab(p->sname, N_LENG);
806 		printf("1,0,%d\n", s);
807 	}
808 }
810 private old_psline() {
811 	static int lastlineno;
812 	register char *cp, *cq;
813 	register int i;
815 	if (!gdebug) return;
817 	cq = ititle;
818 	cp = ftitle;
820 	while ( *cq ) if ( *cp++ != *cq++ ) goto neq;
821 	if ( *cp == '\0' ) goto eq;
823 neq:	for (i=0; i<100; i++)
824 		ititle[i] = '\0';
825 	cp = ftitle;
826 	cq = ititle;
827 	while ( *cp )
828 		*cq++ = *cp++;
829 	*cq = '\0';
830 	*--cq = '\0';
831 #ifndef FLEXNAMES
832 	for ( cp = ititle+1; *(cp-1); cp += 8 ) {
833 		old_pstab(cp, N_SOL);
834 		if (gdebug) printf("0,0,LL%d\n", labelno);
835 		}
836 #else
837 	old_pstab(ititle+1, N_SOL);
838 	if (gdebug) printf("0,0,LL%d\n", labelno);
839 #endif
840 	*cq = '"';
841 	printf("LL%d:\n", labelno++);
843 eq:	if (lineno == lastlineno) return;
844 	lastlineno = lineno;
846 	if (fdefflag) {
847 #ifdef STABDOT
848 		old_pstabdot(N_SLINE, lineno);
849 #else
850 		old_pstab(NULLNAME, N_SLINE);
851 		printf("0,%d,LL%d\n", lineno, labelno);
852 		printf("LL%d:\n", labelno++);
853 #endif
854 		}
855 	}
857 private old_plcstab(level) {
858 	if (!gdebug) return;
859 #ifdef STABDOT
860 	old_pstabdot(N_LBRAC, level);
861 #else
862 	old_pstab(NULLNAME, N_LBRAC);
863 	printf("0,%d,LL%d\n", level, labelno);
864 	printf("LL%d:\n", labelno++);
865 #endif
866 	}
868 private old_prcstab(level) {
869 	if (!gdebug) return;
870 #ifdef STABDOT
871 	pstabdot(N_RBRAC, level);
872 #else
873 	pstab(NULLNAME, N_RBRAC);
874 	printf("0,%d,LL%d\n", level, labelno);
875 	printf("LL%d:\n", labelno++);
876 #endif
877 	}
879 private old_pfstab(sname)
880 char *sname; {
881 	if (!gdebug) return;
882 	pstab(sname, N_FUN);
883 #ifndef FLEXNAMES
884 	printf("0,%d,_%.7s\n", lineno, sname);
885 #else
886 	printf("0,%d,_%s\n", lineno, sname);
887 #endif
888 }