xref: /original-bsd/old/roff/nroff_term/code.xerox (revision 6219b5e8)
1/*	code.xerox	4.1	83/08/05	*/
2"\001 ",	/*space*/
3"\001!",	/*!*/
4"\001\"",	/*"*/
5"\001#",	/*#*/
6"\001$",	/*$*/
7"\001%",	/*%*/
8"\001&",	/*&*/
9"\001'",	/*'*/
10"\001(",	/*(*/
11"\001)",	/*)*/
12"\001*",	/***/
13"\001+",	/*+*/
14"\001,",	/*,*/
15"\001-",	/*-*/
16"\001.",	/*.*/
17"\001/",	/*/*/
18"\2010",	/*0*/
19"\2011",	/*1*/
20"\2012",	/*2*/
21"\2013",	/*3*/
22"\2014",	/*4*/
23"\2015",	/*5*/
24"\2016",	/*6*/
25"\2017",	/*7*/
26"\2018",	/*8*/
27"\2019",	/*9*/
28"\001:",	/*:*/
29"\001;",	/*;*/
30"\001<",	/*<*/
31"\001=",	/*=*/
32"\001>",	/*>*/
33"\001?",	/*?*/
34"\001@",	/*@*/
35"\201A",	/*A*/
36"\201B",	/*B*/
37"\201C",	/*C*/
38"\201D",	/*D*/
39"\201E",	/*E*/
40"\201F",	/*F*/
41"\201G",	/*G*/
42"\201H",	/*H*/
43"\201I",	/*I*/
44"\201J",	/*J*/
45"\201K",	/*K*/
46"\201L",	/*L*/
47"\201M",	/*M*/
48"\201N",	/*N*/
49"\201O",	/*O*/
50"\201P",	/*P*/
51"\201Q",	/*Q*/
52"\201R",	/*R*/
53"\201S",	/*S*/
54"\201T",	/*T*/
55"\201U",	/*U*/
56"\201V",	/*V*/
57"\201W",	/*W*/
58"\201X",	/*X*/
59"\201Y",	/*Y*/
60"\201Z",	/*Z*/
61"\001[",	/*[*/
62"\001\\",	/*\*/
63"\001]",	/*]*/
64"\001^",	/*^*/
65"\001_",	/*_*/
66"\001`",	/*`*/
67"\201a",	/*a*/
68"\201b",	/*b*/
69"\201c",	/*c*/
70"\201d",	/*d*/
71"\201e",	/*e*/
72"\201f",	/*f*/
73"\201g",	/*g*/
74"\201h",	/*h*/
75"\201i",	/*i*/
76"\201j",	/*j*/
77"\201k",	/*k*/
78"\201l",	/*l*/
79"\201m",	/*m*/
80"\201n",	/*n*/
81"\201o",	/*o*/
82"\201p",	/*p*/
83"\201q",	/*q*/
84"\201r",	/*r*/
85"\201s",	/*s*/
86"\201t",	/*t*/
87"\201u",	/*u*/
88"\201v",	/*v*/
89"\201w",	/*w*/
90"\201x",	/*x*/
91"\201y",	/*y*/
92"\201z",	/*z*/
93"\001{",	/*{*/
94"\001|",	/*|*/
95"\001}",	/*}*/
96"\001~",	/*~*/
97"\000\0",		/*narrow sp*/
98"\001-",		/*hyphen*/
99"\001o\b+",		/*bullet*/
100"\002[]",		/*square*/
101"\002--",		/*3/4 em dash*/
102"\001_",		/*rule*/
103"\0031/4",		/*1/4*/
104"\0031/2",		/*1/2*/
105"\0033/4",		/*3/4*/
106"\001-",		/*minus*/
107"\202fi",		/*fi*/
108"\202fl",		/*fl*/
109"\202ff",		/*ff*/
110"\203ffi",		/*ffi*/
111"\203ffl",		/*ffl*/
112"\001\344o\304",	/*degree*/
113"\001|\b\342-\302",	/*dagger*/
114"\001\301s\343s\302",	/*section*/
115"\001'",		/*foot mark*/
116"\001'",		/*acute accent*/
117"\001`",		/*grave accent*/
118"\001_",		/*underrule*/
119"\001/",		/*long slash*/
120"\000\0",		/*half narrow space*/
121"\001 ",		/*unpaddable space*/
122"\001\241c\202(\241",			/*alpha*/
123"\001\200B\242\302|\202\342",		/*beta*/
124"\001\200)\201/\241",			/*gamma*/
125"\001\200o\343<\303",			/*delta*/
126"\001C\b-",				/*epsilon*/
127"\001\200c\201\301,\241\344<\303",	/*zeta*/
128"\001\200n\202\302|\242\342",		/*eta*/
129"\001O\b\341-\301",			/*theta*/
130"\001i",				/*iota*/
131"\001k",				/*kappa*/
132"\001\200\\\304\241'\301\241'\345\202", /*lambda*/
133"\001\200u\242,\202",			/*mu*/
134"\001\241(\203/\242",			/*nu*/
135"\001\200c\201\301,\241\343c\241\301`\201\301", /*xi*/
136"\001o",				/*omicron*/
137"\001\341-\303\"\301\"\343",		/*pi*/
138"\001\200o\242\302|\342\202",		/*rho*/
139"\001\200o\301\202~\341\242",		/*sigma*/
140"\001\200t\301\202~\243~\201\341",	/*tau*/
141"\001v",				/*upsilon*/
142"\001o\b/",				/*phi*/
143"\001x",				/*chi*/
144"\001\200/-\302\202'\244'\202\342",	/*psi*/
145"\001\241u\203u\242",			/*omega*/
146"\001\242|\202\344-\304\202`\242",	/*Gamma*/
147"\001\242/\303-\204-\343\\\242",	/*Delta*/
148"\001O\b=",				/*Theta*/
149"\001\242/\204\\\242",			/*Lambda*/
150"\001-\b\342_\345_\307",		/*Xi*/
151"\001\242[]\204[]\242\343-\303",	/*Pi*/
152"\001\341>\303-\346-\304",		/*Sigma*/
153"\000\0",				/**/
154"\001Y",				/*Upsilon*/
155"\001o\b[\b]",				/*Phi*/
156"\001\200[]-\302\202'\244`\202\342",	/*Psi*/
157"\001\200O\302\241-\202-\241\342",	/*Omega*/
158"\001/\b\242v\202",		/*square root*/
159"\001\033Z",			/*\(ts yields logical not*/
160"\001\350_\310",		/*root en*/
161"\001>\b_",			/*>=*/
162"\001<\b_",			/*<=*/
163"\001=\b_",			/*identically equal*/
164"\001-",			/*equation minus*/
165"\001=\b~",			/*approx =*/
166"\001\241~\202~\241",		/*approximates*/
167"\001=\b/",			/*not equal*/
168"\002-\242-\202>",		/*right arrow*/
169"\002<\b\202-\242\200-",	/*left arrow*/
170"\001|\b^",			/*up arrow*/
171"\001|\b\302v\342",		/*down arrow*/
172"\001=",			/*equation equal*/
173"\001x",			/*multiply*/
174"\001:\b-",			/*divide*/
175"\001+\b_",			/*plus-minus*/
176"\001\243|\203_\203|\243",		/*cup (union)*/
177"\001\243|\203\351_\311\203|\243",	/*cap (intersection)*/
178"\001\243(\203\302-\345-\303",		/*subset of*/
179"\001\302-\345-\303\203)\243",		/*superset of*/
180"\001_\b\243(\203\302-\345-\303",	/*improper subset*/
181"\001_\b\302-\345-\303\203)\243",	/*improper superset*/
182"\002o\242o\202",			/*infinity*/
183"\001\200o\201\301`\241\341`\241\341`\201\301", /*partial derivative*/
184"\001\242\\\343-\204-\303/\242", 	/*gradient*/
185"\001\200-\202\341,\301\242",		/*not*/
186"\001\200|'\202`\243\306'\241`\202\346", /*integral sign*/
187"\002o\242c\202",		/*proportional to*/
188"\001O\b/",			/*empty set*/
189"\001<\b\341-\302",		/*member of*/
190"\001+",			/*equation plus*/
191"\003(R)",			/*registered*/
192"\003(C)",			/*copyright*/
193"\001|",			/*box rule */
194"\001c\b/",			/*cent sign*/
195"\001|\b\342=\302",		/*double dagger*/
196"\002=>",			/*right hand*/
197"\002<=",			/*left hand*/
198"\001*",			/*math * */
199"\001\033Y",			/*\(bs yields unkeyable char*/
200"\001|",			/*or (was star)*/
201"\001O",			/*circle*/
202"\001|",			/*left top (of big curly)*/
203"\001|",			/*left bottom*/
204"\001|",			/*right top*/
205"\001|",			/*right bot*/
206"\001|",			/*left center of big curly bracket*/
207"\001|",			/*right center of big curly bracket*/
208"\001|",			/*bold vertical*/
209"\001|",			/*left floor (left bot of big sq bract)*/
210"\001|",			/*right floor (rb of ")*/
211"\001|",			/*left ceiling (lt of ")*/
212"\001|"				/*right ceiling (rt of ")*/