xref: /original-bsd/sbin/newlfs/lfs.c (revision d4e64eb8)
1 /*-
2  * Copyright (c) 1991, 1993
3  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
6  */
8 #ifndef lint
9 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)lfs.c	8.4 (Berkeley) 05/01/95";
10 #endif /* not lint */
12 #include <sys/param.h>
13 #include <sys/disklabel.h>
14 #include <sys/time.h>
15 #include <sys/mount.h>
17 #include <ufs/ufs/dir.h>
18 #include <ufs/ufs/quota.h>
19 #include <ufs/ufs/dinode.h>
20 #include <ufs/lfs/lfs.h>
22 #include <unistd.h>
23 #include <errno.h>
24 #include <stdlib.h>
25 #include <string.h>
26 #include "config.h"
27 #include "extern.h"
29 /*
30  * This table is indexed by the log base 2 of the block size.
31  * It returns the maximum file size allowed in a file system
32  * with the specified block size.  For block sizes smaller than
33  * 8K, the size is limited by tha maximum number of blocks that
34  * can be reached by triply indirect blocks:
35  *	NDADDR + INOPB(bsize) + INOPB(bsize)^2 + INOPB(bsize)^3
36  * For block size of 8K or larger, the file size is limited by the
37  * number of blocks that can be represented in the file system.  Since
38  * we use negative block numbers to represent indirect blocks, we can
39  * have a maximum of 2^31 blocks.
40  */
42 u_quad_t maxtable[] = {
43 	/*    1 */ -1,
44 	/*    2 */ -1,
45 	/*    4 */ -1,
46 	/*    8 */ -1,
47 	/*   16 */ -1,
48 	/*   32 */ -1,
49 	/*   64 */ -1,
50 	/*  128 */ -1,
51 	/*  256 */ -1,
52 	/*  512 */ NDADDR + 128 + 128 * 128 + 128 * 128 * 128,
53 	/* 1024 */ NDADDR + 256 + 256 * 256 + 256 * 256 * 256,
54 	/* 2048 */ NDADDR + 512 + 512 * 512 + 512 * 512 * 512,
55 	/* 4096 */ NDADDR + 1024 + 1024 * 1024 + 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
56 	/* 8192 */ 1 << 31,
57 	/* 16 K */ 1 << 31,
58 	/* 32 K */ 1 << 31,
59 };
61 static struct lfs lfs_default =  {
62 	/* lfs_magic */		LFS_MAGIC,
63 	/* lfs_version */	LFS_VERSION,
64 	/* lfs_size */		0,
65 	/* lfs_ssize */		DFL_LFSSEG/DFL_LFSBLOCK,
66 	/* lfs_dsize */		0,
67 	/* lfs_bsize */		DFL_LFSBLOCK,
68 	/* lfs_fsize */		DFL_LFSBLOCK,
69 	/* lfs_frag */		1,
70 	/* lfs_free */		LFS_FIRST_INUM,
71 	/* lfs_bfree */		0,
72 	/* lfs_nfiles */	0,
73 	/* lfs_avail */		0,
74 	/* lfs_uinodes */	0,
75 	/* lfs_idaddr */	0,
76 	/* lfs_ifile */		LFS_IFILE_INUM,
77 	/* lfs_lastseg */	0,
78 	/* lfs_nextseg */	0,
79 	/* lfs_curseg */	0,
80 	/* lfs_offset */	0,
81 	/* lfs_lastpseg */	0,
82 	/* lfs_tstamp */	0,
83 	/* lfs_minfree */	MINFREE,
84 	/* lfs_maxfilesize */	0,
85 	/* lfs_dbpseg */	DFL_LFSSEG/DEV_BSIZE,
86 	/* lfs_inopb */		DFL_LFSBLOCK/sizeof(struct dinode),
87 	/* lfs_ifpb */		DFL_LFSBLOCK/sizeof(IFILE),
88 	/* lfs_sepb */		DFL_LFSBLOCK/sizeof(SEGUSE),
89 	/* lfs_nindir */	DFL_LFSBLOCK/sizeof(daddr_t),
90 	/* lfs_nseg */		0,
91 	/* lfs_nspf */		0,
92 	/* lfs_cleansz */	0,
93 	/* lfs_segtabsz */	0,
94 	/* lfs_segmask */	DFL_LFSSEG_MASK,
95 	/* lfs_segshift */	DFL_LFSSEG_SHIFT,
96 	/* lfs_bmask */		DFL_LFSBLOCK_MASK,
97 	/* lfs_bshift */	DFL_LFSBLOCK_SHIFT,
98 	/* lfs_ffmask */	0,
99 	/* lfs_ffshift */	0,
100 	/* lfs_fbmask */	0,
101 	/* lfs_fbshift */	0,
102 	/* lfs_fsbtodb */	0,
103 	/* lfs_sushift */	0,
104 	/* lfs_sboffs */	{ 0 },
105 	/* lfs_sp */		NULL,
106 	/* lfs_ivnode */	NULL,
107 	/* lfs_seglock */	0,
108 	/* lfs_lockpid */	0,
109 	/* lfs_iocount */	0,
110 	/* lfs_writer */	0,
111 	/* lfs_dirops */	0,
112 	/* lfs_doifile */	0,
113 	/* lfs_nactive */	0,
114 	/* lfs_fmod */		0,
115 	/* lfs_clean */		0,
116 	/* lfs_ronly */		0,
117 	/* lfs_flags */		0,
118 	/* lfs_fsmnt */		{ 0 },
119 	/* lfs_pad */		{ 0 },
120 	/* lfs_cksum */		0,
121 	/* lfs_maxsymlinklen */ MAXSYMLINKLEN
122 };
125 struct direct lfs_root_dir[] = {
126 	{ ROOTINO, sizeof(struct direct), DT_DIR, 1, "."},
127 	{ ROOTINO, sizeof(struct direct), DT_DIR, 2, ".."},
128 	{ LFS_IFILE_INUM, sizeof(struct direct), DT_REG, 5, "ifile"},
129 	{ LOSTFOUNDINO, sizeof(struct direct), DT_DIR, 10, "lost+found"},
130 };
132 struct direct lfs_lf_dir[] = {
133         { LOSTFOUNDINO, sizeof(struct direct), DT_DIR, 1, "." },
134         { ROOTINO, sizeof(struct direct), DT_DIR, 2, ".." },
135 };
137 static daddr_t make_dinode
138 	__P((ino_t, struct dinode *, int, daddr_t, struct lfs *));
139 static void make_dir __P(( void *, struct direct *, int));
140 static void put __P((int, off_t, void *, size_t));
142 int
143 make_lfs(fd, lp, partp, minfree, block_size, seg_size)
144 	int fd;
145 	struct disklabel *lp;
146 	struct partition *partp;
147 	int minfree;
148 	int block_size;
149 	int seg_size;
150 {
151 	struct dinode *dip;	/* Pointer to a disk inode */
152 	struct dinode *dpagep;	/* Pointer to page of disk inodes */
153 	CLEANERINFO *cleaninfo;	/* Segment cleaner information table */
154 	FINFO file_info;	/* File info structure in summary blocks */
155 	IFILE *ifile;		/* Pointer to array of ifile structures */
156 	IFILE *ip;		/* Pointer to array of ifile structures */
157 	struct lfs *lfsp;	/* Superblock */
158 	SEGUSE *segp;		/* Segment usage table */
159 	SEGUSE *segtable;	/* Segment usage table */
160 	SEGSUM summary;		/* Segment summary structure */
161 	SEGSUM *sp;		/* Segment summary pointer */
162 	daddr_t	last_sb_addr;	/* Address of superblocks */
163 	daddr_t last_addr;	/* Previous segment address */
164 	daddr_t	sb_addr;	/* Address of superblocks */
165 	daddr_t	seg_addr;	/* Address of current segment */
166 	void *ipagep;		/* Pointer to the page we use to write stuff */
167 	void *sump;		/* Used to copy stuff into segment buffer */
168 	u_long *block_array;	/* Array of logical block nos to put in sum */
169 	u_long blocks_used;	/* Number of blocks in first segment */
170 	u_long *dp;		/* Used to computed checksum on data */
171 	u_long *datasump;	/* Used to computed checksum on data */
172 	int block_array_size;	/* How many entries in block array */
173 	int bsize;		/* Block size */
174 	int db_per_fb;		/* Disk blocks per file block */
175 	int i, j;
176 	int off;		/* Offset at which to write */
177 	int sb_interval;	/* number of segs between super blocks */
178 	int seg_seek;		/* Seek offset for a segment */
179 	int ssize;		/* Segment size */
180 	int sum_size;		/* Size of the summary block */
182 	lfsp = &lfs_default;
184 	if (!(bsize = block_size))
185 		bsize = DFL_LFSBLOCK;
186 	if (!(ssize = seg_size))
187 		ssize = DFL_LFSSEG;
189 	/* Modify parts of superblock overridden by command line arguments */
190 	if (bsize != DFL_LFSBLOCK) {
191 		lfsp->lfs_bshift = log2(bsize);
192 		if (1 << lfsp->lfs_bshift != bsize)
193 			fatal("%d: block size not a power of 2", bsize);
194 		lfsp->lfs_bsize = bsize;
195 		lfsp->lfs_fsize = bsize;
196 		lfsp->lfs_bmask = bsize - 1;
197 		lfsp->lfs_inopb = bsize / sizeof(struct dinode);
198 /* MIS -- should I round to power of 2 */
199 		lfsp->lfs_ifpb = bsize / sizeof(IFILE);
200 		lfsp->lfs_sepb = bsize / sizeof(SEGUSE);
201 		lfsp->lfs_nindir = bsize / sizeof(daddr_t);
202 	}
204 	if (ssize != DFL_LFSSEG) {
205 		lfsp->lfs_segshift = log2(ssize);
206 		if (1 << lfsp->lfs_segshift != ssize)
207 			fatal("%d: segment size not power of 2", ssize);
208 		lfsp->lfs_ssize = ssize;
209 		lfsp->lfs_segmask = ssize - 1;
210 		lfsp->lfs_dbpseg = ssize / DEV_BSIZE;
211 	}
212 	lfsp->lfs_ssize = ssize >> lfsp->lfs_bshift;
214 	if (minfree)
215 		lfsp->lfs_minfree = minfree;
217 	/*
218 	 * Fill in parts of superblock that can be computed from file system
219 	 * size, disk geometry and current time.
220 	 */
221 	db_per_fb = bsize/lp->d_secsize;
222 	lfsp->lfs_fsbtodb = log2(db_per_fb);
223 	lfsp->lfs_sushift = log2(lfsp->lfs_sepb);
224 	lfsp->lfs_size = partp->p_size >> lfsp->lfs_fsbtodb;
225 	lfsp->lfs_dsize = lfsp->lfs_size - (LFS_LABELPAD >> lfsp->lfs_bshift);
226 	lfsp->lfs_nseg = lfsp->lfs_dsize / lfsp->lfs_ssize;
227 	lfsp->lfs_maxfilesize = maxtable[lfsp->lfs_bshift] << lfsp->lfs_bshift;
229 	/*
230 	 * The number of free blocks is set from the number of segments times
231 	 * the segment size - 2 (that we never write because we need to make
232 	 * sure the cleaner can run).  Then we'll subtract off the room for the
233 	 * superblocks ifile entries and segment usage table.
234 	 */
235 	lfsp->lfs_dsize = fsbtodb(lfsp, (lfsp->lfs_nseg - 2) * lfsp->lfs_ssize);
236 	lfsp->lfs_bfree = lfsp->lfs_dsize;
237 	lfsp->lfs_segtabsz = SEGTABSIZE_SU(lfsp);
238 	lfsp->lfs_cleansz = CLEANSIZE_SU(lfsp);
239 	if ((lfsp->lfs_tstamp = time(NULL)) == -1)
240 		fatal("time: %s", strerror(errno));
241 	if ((sb_interval = lfsp->lfs_nseg / LFS_MAXNUMSB) < LFS_MIN_SBINTERVAL)
242 		sb_interval = LFS_MIN_SBINTERVAL;
244 	/*
245 	 * Now, lay out the file system.  We need to figure out where
246 	 * the superblocks go, initialize the checkpoint information
247 	 * for the first two superblocks, initialize the segment usage
248 	 * information, put the segusage information in the ifile, create
249 	 * the first block of IFILE structures, and link all the IFILE
250 	 * structures into a free list.
251 	 */
253 	/* Figure out where the superblocks are going to live */
254 	lfsp->lfs_sboffs[0] = LFS_LABELPAD/lp->d_secsize;
255 	for (i = 1; i < LFS_MAXNUMSB; i++) {
256 		sb_addr = ((i * sb_interval) <<
257 		    (lfsp->lfs_segshift - lfsp->lfs_bshift + lfsp->lfs_fsbtodb))
258 		    + lfsp->lfs_sboffs[0];
259 		if (sb_addr > partp->p_size)
260 			break;
261 		lfsp->lfs_sboffs[i] = sb_addr;
262 	}
263 	last_sb_addr = lfsp->lfs_sboffs[i - 1];
264 	lfsp->lfs_lastseg = lfsp->lfs_sboffs[0];
265 	lfsp->lfs_nextseg =
266 	    lfsp->lfs_sboffs[1] ? lfsp->lfs_sboffs[1] : lfsp->lfs_sboffs[0];
267 	lfsp->lfs_curseg = lfsp->lfs_lastseg;
269 	/*
270 	 * Initialize the segment usage table.  The first segment will
271 	 * contain the superblock, the cleanerinfo (cleansz), the segusage
272 	 * table * (segtabsz), 1 block's worth of IFILE entries, the root
273 	 * directory, the lost+found directory and one block's worth of
274 	 * inodes (containing the ifile, root, and l+f inodes).
275 	 */
276 	if (!(cleaninfo = malloc(lfsp->lfs_cleansz << lfsp->lfs_bshift)))
277 		fatal("%s", strerror(errno));
278 	cleaninfo->clean = lfsp->lfs_nseg - 1;
279 	cleaninfo->dirty = 1;
281 	if (!(segtable = malloc(lfsp->lfs_segtabsz << lfsp->lfs_bshift)))
282 		fatal("%s", strerror(errno));
283 	segp = segtable;
284 	blocks_used = lfsp->lfs_segtabsz + lfsp->lfs_cleansz + 4;
285 	segp->su_nbytes = ((blocks_used - 1) << lfsp->lfs_bshift) +
286 	    3 * sizeof(struct dinode) + LFS_SUMMARY_SIZE;
287 	segp->su_lastmod = lfsp->lfs_tstamp;
288 	segp->su_nsums = 1;	/* 1 summary blocks */
289 	segp->su_ninos = 1;	/* 1 inode block */
290 	segp->su_flags = SEGUSE_SUPERBLOCK | SEGUSE_DIRTY;
291 	lfsp->lfs_bfree -= LFS_SUMMARY_SIZE / lp->d_secsize;
292 	lfsp->lfs_bfree -=
293 	     fsbtodb(lfsp, lfsp->lfs_cleansz + lfsp->lfs_segtabsz + 4);
295 	/*
296 	 * Now figure out the address of the ifile inode. The inode block
297 	 * appears immediately after the segment summary.
298 	 */
299 	lfsp->lfs_idaddr = (LFS_LABELPAD + LFS_SBPAD + LFS_SUMMARY_SIZE) /
300 	    lp->d_secsize;
302 	for (segp = segtable + 1, i = 1; i < lfsp->lfs_nseg; i++, segp++) {
303 		if ((i % sb_interval) == 0) {
304 			segp->su_flags = SEGUSE_SUPERBLOCK;
305 			lfsp->lfs_bfree -= (LFS_SBPAD / lp->d_secsize);
306 		} else
307 			segp->su_flags = 0;
308 		segp->su_lastmod = 0;
309 		segp->su_nbytes = 0;
310 		segp->su_ninos = 0;
311 		segp->su_nsums = 0;
312 	}
314 	/*
315 	 * Initialize dynamic accounting.  The blocks available for
316 	 * writing are the bfree blocks minus 1 segment summary for
317 	 * each segment since you can't write any new data without
318 	 * creating a segment summary - 2 segments that the cleaner
319 	 * needs.
320 	 */
321 	lfsp->lfs_avail = lfsp->lfs_bfree - lfsp->lfs_nseg -
322 		fsbtodb(lfsp, 2 * lfsp->lfs_ssize);
323 	lfsp->lfs_uinodes = 0;
324 	/*
325 	 * Ready to start writing segments.  The first segment is different
326 	 * because it contains the segment usage table and the ifile inode
327 	 * as well as a superblock.  For the rest of the segments, set the
328 	 * time stamp to be 0 so that the first segment is the most recent.
329 	 * For each segment that is supposed to contain a copy of the super
330 	 * block, initialize its first few blocks and its segment summary
331 	 * to indicate this.
332 	 */
333 	lfsp->lfs_nfiles = LFS_FIRST_INUM - 1;
334 	lfsp->lfs_cksum =
335 	    cksum(lfsp, sizeof(struct lfs) - sizeof(lfsp->lfs_cksum));
337 	/* Now create a block of disk inodes */
338 	if (!(dpagep = malloc(lfsp->lfs_bsize)))
339 		fatal("%s", strerror(errno));
340 	dip = (struct dinode *)dpagep;
341 	memset(dip, 0, lfsp->lfs_bsize);
343 	/* Create a block of IFILE structures. */
344 	if (!(ipagep = malloc(lfsp->lfs_bsize)))
345 		fatal("%s", strerror(errno));
346 	ifile = (IFILE *)ipagep;
348 	/*
349 	 * Initialize IFILE.  It is the next block following the
350 	 * block of inodes (whose address has been calculated in
351 	 * lfsp->lfs_idaddr;
352 	 */
353 	sb_addr = lfsp->lfs_idaddr + lfsp->lfs_bsize / lp->d_secsize;
354 	sb_addr = make_dinode(LFS_IFILE_INUM, dip,
355 	    lfsp->lfs_cleansz + lfsp->lfs_segtabsz+1, sb_addr, lfsp);
356 	dip->di_mode = IFREG|IREAD|IWRITE;
357 	ip = &ifile[LFS_IFILE_INUM];
358 	ip->if_version = 1;
359 	ip->if_daddr = lfsp->lfs_idaddr;
361 	/* Initialize the ROOT Directory */
362 	sb_addr = make_dinode(ROOTINO, ++dip, 1, sb_addr, lfsp);
363 	dip->di_mode = IFDIR|IREAD|IWRITE|IEXEC;
364 	dip->di_size = DIRBLKSIZ;
365 	dip->di_nlink = 3;
366 	ip = &ifile[ROOTINO];
367 	ip->if_version = 1;
368 	ip->if_daddr = lfsp->lfs_idaddr;
370 	/* Initialize the lost+found Directory */
371 	sb_addr = make_dinode(LOSTFOUNDINO, ++dip, 1, sb_addr, lfsp);
372 	dip->di_mode = IFDIR|IREAD|IWRITE|IEXEC;
373 	dip->di_size = DIRBLKSIZ;
374 	dip->di_nlink = 2;
375 	ip = &ifile[LOSTFOUNDINO];
376 	ip->if_version = 1;
377 	ip->if_daddr = lfsp->lfs_idaddr;
379 	/* Make all the other dinodes invalid */
380 	for (i = INOPB(lfsp)-3, dip++; i; i--, dip++)
381 		dip->di_inumber = LFS_UNUSED_INUM;
384 	/* Link remaining IFILE entries in free list */
385 	for (ip = &ifile[LFS_FIRST_INUM], i = LFS_FIRST_INUM;
386 	    i < lfsp->lfs_ifpb; ++ip) {
387 		ip->if_version = 1;
388 		ip->if_daddr = LFS_UNUSED_DADDR;
389 		ip->if_nextfree = ++i;
390 	}
391 	ifile[lfsp->lfs_ifpb - 1].if_nextfree = LFS_UNUSED_INUM;
393 	/* Now, write the segment */
395 	/* Compute a checksum across all the data you're writing */
396 	dp = datasump = malloc (blocks_used * sizeof(u_long));
397 	*dp++ = ((u_long *)dpagep)[0];		/* inode block */
398 	for (i = 0; i < lfsp->lfs_cleansz; i++)
399 		*dp++ = ((u_long *)cleaninfo)[(i << lfsp->lfs_bshift) /
400 		    sizeof(u_long)];		/* Cleaner info */
401 	for (i = 0; i < lfsp->lfs_segtabsz; i++)
402 		*dp++ = ((u_long *)segtable)[(i << lfsp->lfs_bshift) /
403 		    sizeof(u_long)];		/* Segusage table */
404 	*dp++ = ((u_long *)ifile)[0];		/* Ifile */
406 	/* Still need the root and l+f bytes; get them later */
408 	/* Write out the inode block */
410 	put(fd, off, dpagep, lfsp->lfs_bsize);
411 	free(dpagep);
412 	off += lfsp->lfs_bsize;
414 	/* Write out the ifile */
416 	put(fd, off, cleaninfo, lfsp->lfs_cleansz << lfsp->lfs_bshift);
417 	off += (lfsp->lfs_cleansz << lfsp->lfs_bshift);
418 	(void)free(cleaninfo);
420 	put(fd, off, segtable, lfsp->lfs_segtabsz << lfsp->lfs_bshift);
421 	off += (lfsp->lfs_segtabsz << lfsp->lfs_bshift);
422 	(void)free(segtable);
424 	put(fd, off, ifile, lfsp->lfs_bsize);
425 	off += lfsp->lfs_bsize;
427 	/*
428 	 * use ipagep for space for writing out other stuff.  It used to
429 	 * contain the ifile, but we're done with it.
430 	 */
432 	/* Write out the root and lost and found directories */
433 	memset(ipagep, 0, lfsp->lfs_bsize);
434 	make_dir(ipagep, lfs_root_dir,
435 	    sizeof(lfs_root_dir) / sizeof(struct direct));
436 	*dp++ = ((u_long *)ipagep)[0];
437 	put(fd, off, ipagep, lfsp->lfs_bsize);
438 	off += lfsp->lfs_bsize;
440 	memset(ipagep, 0, lfsp->lfs_bsize);
441 	make_dir(ipagep, lfs_lf_dir,
442 		sizeof(lfs_lf_dir) / sizeof(struct direct));
443 	*dp++ = ((u_long *)ipagep)[0];
444 	put(fd, off, ipagep, lfsp->lfs_bsize);
446 	/* Write Supberblock */
447 	lfsp->lfs_offset = (off + lfsp->lfs_bsize) / lp->d_secsize;
448 	put(fd, LFS_LABELPAD, lfsp, sizeof(struct lfs));
450 	/*
451 	 * Finally, calculate all the fields for the summary structure
452 	 * and write it.
453 	 */
455 	summary.ss_next = lfsp->lfs_nextseg;
456 	summary.ss_create = lfsp->lfs_tstamp;
457 	summary.ss_nfinfo = 3;
458 	summary.ss_ninos = 3;
459 	summary.ss_datasum = cksum(datasump, sizeof(u_long) * blocks_used);
461 	/*
462 	 * Make sure that we don't overflow a summary block. We have to
463 	 * record: FINFO structures for ifile, root, and l+f.  The number
464 	 * of blocks recorded for the ifile is determined by the size of
465 	 * the cleaner info and the segments usage table.  There is room
466 	 * for one block included in sizeof(FINFO) so we don't need to add
467 	 * any extra space for the ROOT and L+F, and one block of the ifile
468 	 * is already counted.  Finally, we leave room for 1 inode block
469 	 * address.
470 	 */
471 	sum_size = 3*sizeof(FINFO) + sizeof(SEGSUM) + sizeof(daddr_t) +
472 	    (lfsp->lfs_cleansz + lfsp->lfs_segtabsz) * sizeof(u_long);
473 #define	SUMERR \
474 "Multiple summary blocks in segment 1 not yet implemented\nsummary is %d bytes."
475 	if (sum_size > LFS_SUMMARY_SIZE)
476 		fatal(SUMERR, sum_size);
478 		block_array_size = lfsp->lfs_cleansz + lfsp->lfs_segtabsz + 1;
480 	if (!(block_array = malloc(block_array_size *sizeof(int))))
481 		fatal("%s: %s", special, strerror(errno));
483 	/* fill in the array */
484 	for (i = 0; i < block_array_size; i++)
485 		block_array[i] = i;
487 	/* copy into segment */
488 	sump = ipagep;
489 	memmove(sump, &summary, sizeof(SEGSUM));
490 	sump += sizeof(SEGSUM);
492 	/* Now, add the ifile */
493 	file_info.fi_nblocks = block_array_size;
494 	file_info.fi_version = 1;
495 	file_info.fi_ino = LFS_IFILE_INUM;
497 	memmove(sump, &file_info, sizeof(FINFO) - sizeof(u_long));
498 	sump += sizeof(FINFO) - sizeof(u_long);
499 	memmove(sump, block_array, sizeof(u_long) * file_info.fi_nblocks);
500 	sump += sizeof(u_long) * file_info.fi_nblocks;
502 	/* Now, add the root directory */
503 	file_info.fi_nblocks = 1;
504 	file_info.fi_version = 1;
505 	file_info.fi_ino = ROOTINO;
506 	file_info.fi_blocks[0] = 0;
507 	memmove(sump, &file_info, sizeof(FINFO));
508 	sump += sizeof(FINFO);
510 	/* Now, add the lost and found */
511 	file_info.fi_ino = LOSTFOUNDINO;
512 	memmove(sump, &file_info, sizeof(FINFO));
514 	((daddr_t *)ipagep)[LFS_SUMMARY_SIZE / sizeof(daddr_t) - 1] =
515 	    lfsp->lfs_idaddr;
516 	((SEGSUM *)ipagep)->ss_sumsum = cksum(ipagep+sizeof(summary.ss_sumsum),
517 	    LFS_SUMMARY_SIZE - sizeof(summary.ss_sumsum));
520 	sp = (SEGSUM *)ipagep;
521 	sp->ss_create = 0;
522 	sp->ss_nfinfo = 0;
523 	sp->ss_ninos = 0;
524 	sp->ss_datasum = 0;
526 	/* Now write the summary block for the next partial so it's invalid */
527 	lfsp->lfs_tstamp = 0;
528 	off += lfsp->lfs_bsize;
529 	sp->ss_sumsum =
530 	    cksum(&sp->ss_datasum, LFS_SUMMARY_SIZE - sizeof(sp->ss_sumsum));
531 	put(fd, off, sp, LFS_SUMMARY_SIZE);
533 	/* Now, write rest of segments containing superblocks */
534 	lfsp->lfs_cksum =
535 	    cksum(lfsp, sizeof(struct lfs) - sizeof(lfsp->lfs_cksum));
536 	for (seg_addr = last_addr = lfsp->lfs_sboffs[0], j = 1, i = 1;
537 	    i < lfsp->lfs_nseg; i++) {
539 		seg_addr += lfsp->lfs_ssize << lfsp->lfs_fsbtodb;
540 		sp->ss_next = last_addr;
541 		last_addr = seg_addr;
542 		seg_seek = seg_addr * lp->d_secsize;
544 		if (seg_addr == lfsp->lfs_sboffs[j]) {
545 			if (j < (LFS_MAXNUMSB - 2))
546 				j++;
547 			put(fd, seg_seek, lfsp, sizeof(struct lfs));
548 			seg_seek += LFS_SBPAD;
549 		}
551 		/* Summary */
552 		sp->ss_sumsum = cksum(&sp->ss_datasum,
553 		    LFS_SUMMARY_SIZE - sizeof(sp->ss_sumsum));
554 		put(fd, seg_seek, sp, LFS_SUMMARY_SIZE);
555 	}
556 	free(ipagep);
557 	close(fd);
558 	return (0);
559 }
561 static void
562 put(fd, off, p, len)
563 	int fd;
564 	off_t off;
565 	void *p;
566 	size_t len;
567 {
568 	int wbytes;
570 	if (lseek(fd, off, SEEK_SET) < 0)
571 		fatal("%s: %s", special, strerror(errno));
572 	if ((wbytes = write(fd, p, len)) < 0)
573 		fatal("%s: %s", special, strerror(errno));
574 	if (wbytes != len)
575 		fatal("%s: short write (%d, not %d)", special, wbytes, len);
576 }
578 /*
579  * Create the root directory for this file system and the lost+found
580  * directory.
581  */
583 void
584 lfsinit()
585 {}
587 static daddr_t
588 make_dinode(ino, dip, nblocks, saddr, lfsp)
589 	ino_t ino;				/* inode we're creating */
590 	struct dinode *dip;			/* disk inode */
591 	int nblocks;				/* number of blocks in file */
592 	daddr_t saddr;				/* starting block address */
593 	struct lfs *lfsp;			/* superblock */
594 {
595 	int db_per_fb, i;
597 	dip->di_nlink = 1;
598 	dip->di_blocks = nblocks << lfsp->lfs_fsbtodb;
600 	dip->di_size = (nblocks << lfsp->lfs_bshift);
601 	dip->di_atime = dip->di_mtime = dip->di_ctime = lfsp->lfs_tstamp;
602 	dip->di_atimensec = dip->di_mtimensec = dip->di_ctimensec = 0;
603 	dip->di_inumber = ino;
605 #define	SEGERR \
606 "File requires more than the number of direct blocks; increase block or segment size."
607 	if (NDADDR < nblocks)
608 		fatal("%s", SEGERR);
610 	/* Assign the block addresses for the ifile */
611 	db_per_fb = 1 << lfsp->lfs_fsbtodb;
612 	for (i = 0; i < nblocks; i++, saddr += db_per_fb)
613 		dip->di_db[i] = saddr;
615 	return (saddr);
616 }
619 /*
620  * Construct a set of directory entries in "bufp".  We assume that all the
621  * entries in protodir fir in the first DIRBLKSIZ.
622  */
623 static void
624 make_dir(bufp, protodir, entries)
625 	void *bufp;
626 	register struct direct *protodir;
627 	int entries;
628 {
629 	char *cp;
630 	int i, spcleft;
632 	spcleft = DIRBLKSIZ;
633 	for (cp = bufp, i = 0; i < entries - 1; i++) {
634 		protodir[i].d_reclen = DIRSIZ(NEWDIRFMT, &protodir[i]);
635 		memmove(cp, &protodir[i], protodir[i].d_reclen);
636 		cp += protodir[i].d_reclen;
637 		if ((spcleft -= protodir[i].d_reclen) < 0)
638 			fatal("%s: %s", special, "directory too big");
639 	}
640 	protodir[i].d_reclen = spcleft;
641 	memmove(cp, &protodir[i], DIRSIZ(NEWDIRFMT, &protodir[i]));
642 }