xref: /original-bsd/share/doc/smm/01.setup/1.t (revision de3f5c4e)
Copyright (c) 1988 The Regents of the University of California.
All rights reserved.


@(#)1.t 1.6 (Berkeley) 05/07/91

.nr H1 1 .bp


This document explains how to install the Berkeley version of \*(Ux for the \*(Th on your system. While this is the first release from Berkeley for the \*(Th, the version of X distributed by Computer Consoles Inc. (CCI) was derived from 4.2BSD. Consequently, the filesystem format is compatible and it will only be necessary for you to perform a full bootstrap procedure if you are installing the release on a new machine. The System V \*(Ux systems distributed by CCI, Unisys (Sperry) and Harris are also derived from 4.2BSD, but only the network and filesystem remain compatible with \*(4B. The object file formats are completely different in the System V releases. Thus, the most straightforward procedure for upgrading a System V system is to perform a full bootstrap.

The full bootstrap procedure is outlined in chapter 2; the process includes booting standalone utilities from tape to format a disk, if necessary, and then copying a small root filesystem image onto a swap area. This filesystem is then booted and used to extract a dump of a standard root filesystem. Finally, that root filesystem is booted, and the remainder of the system binaries and sources are read from the archives on the tape(s).

The technique for upgrading a 4.2 or beta-release 4.3BSD system is described in chapter 3 of this document. As \*(4B is completely compatible with the beta release, and sufficiently compatible with the vendor-supplied 4.2BSD releases, the upgrade procedure involves extracting a new set of system binaries onto new root and /usr filesystems. The sources are then extracted, and local configuration files are merged into the new system. User filesystems may be upgraded in place. All 4.3BSD-beta binaries may be used with \*(4B in the course of the conversion. It is desirable to recompile local sources after the conversion, as the compilers have had many fixes installed. However, due to significant incompatibilities between the vendor-derived versions of 4.2BSD and the Berkeley \*(4B release, many 4.2BSD binary images will not function properly. For such programs it will be both necessary and desirable to recompile this software after the conversion. Consult section 3 for a description of the differences between \*(4B and the previous vendor-supplied systems for the \*(Th. Hardware supported

This distribution can be booted on a CCI Power 6/32, Harris HCX-7, Unisys (Sperry) 7000/40, or ICL Clan 7 with any disks supported on the \*(Vs disk controllers sold by these vendors (SMD/E or VDDC). The new CCI SMD/E controller with working scatter-gather I/O is supported as well. In particular, the following drives are supported:

FUJITSU 160M CDC 9766 300M
FUJITSU 2351 Eagle CDC 515M
Maxtor 340M
The distribution can also be booted on a Harris HCX-9 using any disk on the HDC disk controller on the \*(Vm, although the \*(Vm tapes are not currently supported.

The only tape drives supported by this distribution are 9-track tape drives attached to the Ciprico Tapemaster tape controller. Distribution format

The distribution comes in two formats: (3)\0\0 1600bpi 2400' 9-track magnetic tapes, or (1)\0\0 6250bpi 2400' 9-track magnetic tape Installation from scratch on any machine requires a tape unit. If your machine is currently running 4.2 or 4.3BSD-beta and has a network connection to a 4.2 or 4.3BSD machine with a tape drive, it is a simple matter to install the software from a remote tape drive.

If you have the facilities, we strongly recommend copying the magnetic tape(s) in the distribution kit to guard against disaster. The tapes contain some 1024-byte records followed by many 10240-byte records. There are interspersed tape marks; end-of-tape is signaled by a double end-of-file. The first file on the tape is a very small file system containing preliminary bootstrapping programs. This is followed by a binary image of an approximately 2 megabyte ``mini root'' file system. Following the mini root file is a full dump of the root file system (see dump\|(8)*). .FS * References of the form X(Y) mean the entry named X in section Y of the X programmer's manual. .FE Additional files on the tape(s) contain tape archive images of the system binaries and sources (see tar\|(1)). See Appendix A for a description of the contents and format of the tape(s). One file contains software contributed by the user community; refer to the accompanying documentation for a description of its contents and an explanation of how it should be installed. Hardware terminology

This section gives a short discussion of hardware terminology to help you get your bearings.

The Power 6/32 (and most related machines being shipped) use a \*(Vs for all I/O peripherals. The console processor used for bootstrap and diagnostic purposes is also located on the \*(Vs. The Harris HCX-9 uses a \*(Vm instead of a \*(Vs; however, the architecture is completely analogous, and the following discussion applies with the exception of the name of the bus and the name of the disk controller. The device naming conventions described here apply to the console processor; under \*(Ux device naming is considerably simpler.

The \*(Vs is a 32-bit bus that supports devices which use 16-bit, 24-bit, or 32-bit addresses (or some combination). The type of each address placed on the \*(Vs is indicated by an accompanying address modifier. In addition to the width of the address present on the bus, \*(Vs address modifiers may be used to indicate the privileges of the requesting program (.e.g the program is executing in supervisory mode). The 6/32's \*(Vs adapter accepts device requests with either 16, 24, or 32-bit address modifiers. 16-bit addresses are used to access control registers for \*(Vs devices. 24-bit addresses are used to access up to one megabyte of \*(Vs local memory or device shared memory as well as the first 15Mb of main memory. 24-bit addresses are used for DMA by some peripherals, interpreting the address as an absolute physical address in referencing main memory. Other devices use 32-bit addressing, allowing them to access all of main memory. This means that the address space for 24-bit devices overlaps that of 32-bit devices. Devices which do not support full 32-bit addressing can be difficult to work with as their limited addressing restricts the placement of I/O buffers in main memory. Unfortunately, because the \*(Vs has had limited acceptance, there are very few good \*(Vs device controllers available; this has resulted in several non-\*(Vs devices being attached to the \*(Vs through bus-adapter cards. Devices of this sort often support only 20-bit or 24-bit addressing.

From the \*(Th side of the \*(Vs adaptor, the three address spaces are mapped so as to avoid overlaps. Physical addresses in the range 0xffff0000 to 0xfffffff are used to access \*(Vs devices which use 16-bit addresses. References to this region of the \*(Th address space result in a \*(Vs transfer with a 16-bit address generated from the lower order 16 bits of the memory address and a ``short addressing non-privileged I/O access'' address modifier (0x10). Addresses in the range 0xff000000 to 0xffff0000 are used to access 24-bit \*(Vs devices, generating a 24-bit address and a ``standard addressing non-privileged data access'' address modifier (0x01). Within this range, addresses from 0xfff00000 to 0xffff0000 refer to \*(Vs local memory used by devices (such as the VIOC) for shared communication areas. Finally, any other address in the the primary I/O adapter space, 0xc0000000 to 0xff000000, generates a 32-bit \*(Vs address with an ``extended addressing non-privileged data access'' address modifier (0xf1). Note, however, that 32-bit addresses generated by references to this region result in a \*(Vs address with bits 31-30 set to 0. Thus, for example, a reference to a device located at 0xfe000000 would result in a \*(Vs transfer with the address set to 0x3e000000. A complete list of the characteristics of the devices supported in the system may be found in Appendix A.

The console processor on most \*(Vs machines has a set of names for devices:

FUJITSU 160M disk drives fsd
FUJITSU 330M disk drives fuj
FUJITSU 450M disk drives egl**
CDC 300M disk drives smd
CDC 340M disk drives xfd
CDC 515M disk drives xsd
MXD Maxtor 340M disk drives mxd
Cipher tape drives cyp
.FS **\|Eagle drives are not supported by the console processor on all tahoe machines. .FE Devices are fully specified to the console processor with: xxx(y,z) where xxx is one of the above names (e.g. xfd). The value y specifies a controller to use and also the device; it is computed as 8 * controller + device Thus, controller 0 (by convention the controller located at \*(Vs address 0xfff2400), drive 0 would have a y value of 0 while controller 1 (address of 0xfff2800) drive 0 would have a y value of 4*. .FS *\|Note that this means you can not reference drives 4-15 on a controller; as a result we expect the console interface to change soon. .FE The z value is interpreted differently for tapes and disks; for disks it is a disk block, and for tapes it is a file number on the tape.

The HCX-9 uses different controllers and terminology:

disks on HDC controller dsk
Xylogics tapes ???
Devices are fully specified to the console processor with: xxx(x,y,z) where xxx is one of the above names (e.g. dsk). The value y specifies the device unit number. Thus, controller 0 (by convention the controller located at \*(Vs address 0xfff2400), drive 0 would have a y value of 0 while controller 1 (address of 0xfff2800) drive 0 would have a y value of 4*. The z value is interpreted as on the other systems.

The console processor has the notion of a default device to use with file related commands. The default device is specified according to the form shown above. Further, the console processor, by default, interprets certain system files on the default disk to discover information about disk drives in the system. As X device names are decidedly different from the names used by the console processor this can lead to serious confusion. We will return to this problem later in section 4; for now you should simply be aware of the difference in naming conventions. \*(Ux device naming

\*(Ux has a set of names for devices which are different from the CCI names for the devices, viz.:

\*(Vs (SMD/E, VDDC) disk drives dk
\*(Vm (HDC) disk drives hd
Cipher tape drives cy

The standalone system, used to bootstrap the full \*(Ux system, uses device names of the form: xx(c,d,p) where xx is the device type, normally dk or cy. The value c specifies the controller to use, and d specifies the device. The p value is interpreted differently for tapes and disks: for disks it is a disk partition (in the range 0-7), and for tapes it is a file number offset on the tape. Thus, partition 1 of a ``dk'' type disk drive on controller vd0 at drive 0 would be ``dk(0,0,1)''. Normally the controller will be controller 0; it may therefore be omitted from the device specification, and most of the examples in this document reflect this. When not running standalone, this partition would normally be available as ``/dev/dk0b''. Here the prefix ``/dev'' is the name of the directory where all ``special files'' normally live, the ``dk'' serves the obvious purpose, the ``0'' identifies this as a partition of dk drive number ``0'' and the ``b'' identifies this as the second partition.

In all simple cases, where only a single controller is present, a drive with unit number 0 (determined by its unit plug on the front of the drive) will be called unit 0 in its \*(Ux file name. This is not, however, strictly necessary, since the system has a level of indirection in this naming. If there are multiple controllers, the disk unit numbers will normally be counted sequentially across controllers. This can be taken advantage of to make the system less dependent on the interconnect topology, and to make reconfiguration after hardware failure extremely easy.

Each \*(Ux physical disk is divided into at most 8 logical disk partitions, each of which may occupy any consecutive cylinder range on the physical device. The cylinders occupied by the 8 partitions for each drive type are specified initially in the disk description file /etc/disktab (c.f. disktab(5)). The partition information and description of the drive geometry are written in the first sector of each disk with the disklabel\|(8) program. Each partition may be used for either a raw data area such as a paging area or to store a \*(Ux file system. It is conventional for the first partition on a disk to be used to store a root file system, from which \*(Ux may be bootstrapped. The second partition is traditionally used as a paging area, and the rest of the disk is divided into spaces for additional ``mounted file systems'' by use of one or more additional partitions.

Returning to the discussion of the standalone system, we recall that tapes also took three integer parameters. In the normal case where the Cipher tape drive is unit 0 on the first controller (the only unit supported by the standalone utilities), the files on the tape have names ``cy(0,0,0)'' (or just ``cy(0,0)'', ``cy(0,1)'', etc. Here ``file'' means a tape file containing a single data stream terminated by a tape mark.* .FS * Note that while a tape file consists of a single data stream, the distribution tape(s) have data structures in these files. Although the tape(s) contain only a few tape files, they comprise several thousand \*(Ux files. .FE \*(Ux devices: block and raw

\*(Ux makes a distinction between ``block'' and ``raw'' (character) devices. Each disk has a block device interface where the system makes the device byte addressable and you can write a single byte in the middle of the disk. The system will read out the data from the disk sector, insert the byte you gave it and put the modified data back. The disks with the names ``/dev/xx0[a-h]'', etc., are block devices. There are also raw devices available. These have names like ``/dev/rxx0[a-h]'', the ``r'' here standing for ``raw''. Raw devices bypass the buffer cache and use DMA directly to/from the program's I/O buffers; they are normally restricted to full-sector transfers. In the bootstrap procedures we will often suggest using the raw devices, because these tend to work faster. Raw devices are used when making new filesystems, when checking unmounted filesystems, or for copying quiescent filesystems. The block devices are used to mount file systems, or when operating on a mounted filesystem such as the root.

You should be aware that it is sometimes important whether to use the character device (for efficiency) or not (because it wouldn't work, e.g. to write a single byte in the middle of a sector). Don't change the instructions by using the wrong type of device indiscriminately.