xref: /original-bsd/share/man/man4/man4.tahoe/dr.4 (revision 57124d5e)
Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.

@(#)dr.4 6.2 (Berkeley) 06/30/87

DR 4 "November 21, 1986"
C 5
dr - Ikon DR-11W interface
"device dr0 at vba? csr 0xffff8000 vector drintr"
The dr driver provides access to an Ikon DR-11W DMA controller. Each minor device is a different controller.

In addition to reading and writing, the following ioctl requests are available:

10 DRWAIT Wait for an attention interrupt from the associated device.

DRPIOW Write to the programmed i/o register.

DRPACL Write to the pulse register.

DRDACL Set the ``ac-low'' bit in the next command sent to the DR-11W.

DRPCYL Set the ``cycle'' bit in the next command sent to the DR-11W.

DRDFCN Hold the function bits until the next command is issused.

DRRATN Reset the attention flag.

DRRDMA Reset the DMA complete flag.

DRSFCN Set the function bits in the control status register and, as a side effect, clear the interrupt enable flag.

DRRPER Reset the parity error flag.

DRSETRSTALL Set ``no stall'' mode for all subsequent reads. In no stall mode the driver will abort read requests that fail to complete before a user specified timeout expires.

DRSETNORSTALL Disable no stall mode for reads.

DRGETRSTALL Return true if in no stall mode for reads.

DRSETRTIMEOUT Set the value of the timeout used in no stall mode for reads. The time is specified in tenths of seconds.

DRGETRTIMEOUT Return the time until (in tenths of seconds) before a read is timed out when in no stall mode.

DRSETWSTALL Set ``no stall'' mode for all subsequent writes. In no stall mode the driver will abort write requests that fail to complete before a user specified timeout expires.

DRSETNOWSTALL Disable no stall mode for writes.

DRGETWSTALL Return true if in no stall mode for writes.

DRSETWTIMEOUT Set the value of the timeout used in no stall mode for writes. The time is specified in tenths of seconds.

DRGETRTIMEOUT Return the time until (in tenths of seconds) before a write is timed out when in no stall mode.

DRWRITEREADY Return 1 if the device can accept data, 0 otherwise (this is areally the DR-11W A status bit).

DRREADREADY Return 1 if the device has data for the host to read, 0 otherwise (this is really the DR-11W B status bit).

DRBUSY Return 1 if the device is busy, 0 otherwise.

DRRESET Reset the DR-11W.

DR11STAT Return the driver status and the contents of the DR-11W i/o registers. The eight words returned are, in order, the driver status flags, the contents of the control status register, the contents of the status register at the time of the last interrupt from the device, the contents of the programmed i/o data register, a combination of the address modifier used by the device in performing VERSAbus transfers and the interrupt vector used by the device, the contents of the range register, the contents of the rahi register, and the contents of the ralo register.

DR11LOOP Perform loopback testing (the loopback cable must be in place for this to work).

/dev/dr[0-7] standard devices
Lots of them, none of them meaningful.
This driver needs to be rewritten.