xref: /original-bsd/share/tmac/doc-common (revision f673f637)
Copyright (c) 1991 The Regents of the University of California.
All rights reserved.


@(#)doc-common 5.9 (Berkeley) 05/20/93

.nr %A 1 .nr %J 1 .nr %N 1 .nr %O 1 .nr %R 1 .nr %T 1 .nr %V 1 .nr Ad 12n .nr Ac 3 .nr Ao 12n .nr An 12n .nr Aq 12n .nr Ar 12n .nr Bc 3 .nr Bl 1 .nr Bo 12n .nr Bq 12n .nr Cd 12n .nr Cm 10n .nr Dc 3 .nr Do 10n .nr Dq 12n .nr Ds 6n .nr Dq 12n .nr Dv 12n .nr Ec 3 .nr El 1 .nr Eo 12n .nr Eq 12n .nr Em 10n .nr Er 12n .nr Ev 15n .nr Fa 12n .nr Fl 10n .nr Fc 3 .nr Fo 16n .nr Fn 16n .nr I1 6n .nr I2 12n .nr I3 18n .nr Ic 10n .nr Li 16n .nr Ms 6n .nr Nm 10n .nr No 12n .nr Ns 2 .nr Oo 10n .nr Oc 3 .nr Op 14n .nr Pa 32n .nr Pf 12n .nr Pc 3 .nr Po 12n .nr Pq 12n .nr Ql 16n .nr Sc 3 .nr So 12n .nr Sq 12n .nr Sy 6n .nr Sx 16n .nr Rv 1 .nr Tn 10n .nr Ta 1 .nr Tv 1 .nr Tx 22n .nr Va 12n .nr Xc 3 .nr Xo 1 .nr Xr 10n Punctuation values (3 = closing punctuation, 4 = opening)
.nr z. 3 .nr z, 3 .nr z: 3 .nr z; 3 .nr z( 4 .nr z) 3 .nr z[ 4 .nr z] 3 Matching pairs
This is disgusting, troff not parse ``if'' stmt properly
.nr z0 0 .nr z1 0 .nr z2 0 .nr z3 0 .nr z4 0 .nr z5 0 .nr z6 0 .nr z7 0 .nr z8 0 .nr z9 0 .nr z# 0 Header assembly macros
. ds cH \\$2 . if "\\$3"" \{\
. if \\$2>=1 .if \\$2<=8 \{\ . ds vT BSD Reference Manual . if \\$2>1 .if \\$2<6 .ds vT BSD Programmer's Manual . if "\\$2"8" .ds vT BSD System Manager's Manual . nr sN \\$2 . \} . if "\\$2"unass" .ds vT DRAFT . if "\\$2"draft" .ds vT DRAFT . if "\\$2"paper" .ds vT UNTITLED . \}
.\} . if "\\$3"USD" .ds vT BSD User's Supplementary Documents . if "\\$3"PS1" .ds vT BSD Programmers's Supplementary Documents . if "\\$3"AMD" .ds vT BSD Ancestral Manual Documents . if "\\$3"SMM" .ds vT BSD System Manager's Manual . if "\\$3"URM" .ds vT BSD Reference Manual . if "\\$3"PRM" .ds vT BSD Programmers's Manual . if "\\$3"IND" .ds vT BSD Manual Master Index . if "\\$3"CON" .ds vT BSD Contributed Software Manual
. if "\\$3"IMP" .ds vT BSD Implementation Notes
. if "\\$3"HOW" .ds vT BSD How Pocket Manual
. if "\\$3"LOCAL" .ds vT BSD Local Manual . if "\\$3"tahoe" .as vT (Tahoe Architecture) . if "\\$3"vax" .as vT (VAX Architecture) . if "\\$3"hp300" .as vT (HP300 Architecture) . if "\\$3"sparc" .as vT (SPARC Architecture) . if "\\*(vT"LOCAL" .ds vT \\$3 .\} .. NS Os macro - Operating System (behaviour changes after first call)
. ds vT \f(CODRAFT -- \\*(vT -- \f(CODRAFT
. ds dD \f(CODRAFT -- \\*(dD -- \f(CODRAFT
.ds vT \s+4\f(CODRAFT\s-4 -- \\*(vT -- \s+4\f(CODRAFT\s-4
.ds dD \s+4\f(CODRAFT\s-4 -- \\*(dD -- \s+4\f(CODRAFT\s-4
. ds oS 4.4BSD .\} . ds aa Non-Null .\} . ds oS AT&T . if "\\$2"" .as oS \0UNIX . if "\\$2"7th" .as oS \07th Edition . if "\\$2"7" .as oS \07th Edition . if "\\$2"III" .as oS \0System III . if "\\$2"3" .as oS \0System III . if "\\$2"V" .as oS \0System V . if "\\$2"V.2" .as oS \0System V Release 2 . if "\\$2"V.3" .as oS \0System V Release 3 . if "\\$2"V.4" .as oS \0System V Release 4 .\} . if "\\$2"3" .ds oS 3rd Berkeley Distribution . if "\\$2"4" .ds oS 4th Berkeley Distribution . if "\\$2"4.1" .ds oS 4.1 Berkeley Distribution . if "\\$2"4.2" .ds oS 4.2 Berkeley Distribution . if "\\$2"4.3" .ds oS 4.3 Berkeley Distribution . if "\\$2"4.3T" .ds oS 4.3-Tahoe Berkeley Distribution . if "\\$2"4.3R" .ds oS 4.3-Reno Berkeley Distribution . if "\\$2"4.3t" .ds oS 4.3-Tahoe Berkeley Distribution . if "\\$2"4.3r" .ds oS 4.3-Reno Berkeley Distribution . if "\\$2"4.4" .ds oS 4.4BSD .\} .. . ie \\n(.$==3 \{\ . ds dD \\$1 \\$2 \\$3 . \} . el \{\ . if "\\n(mo"1" .ds dD January . if "\\n(mo"2" .ds dD February . if "\\n(mo"3" .ds dD March . if "\\n(mo"4" .ds dD April . if "\\n(mo"5" .ds dD May . if "\\n(mo"6" .ds dD June . if "\\n(mo"7" .ds dD July . if "\\n(mo"8" .ds dD August . if "\\n(mo"9" .ds dD September . if "\\n(mo"10" .ds dD October . if "\\n(mo"11" .ds dD November . if "\\n(mo"12" .ds dD December . as dD \ \\n(dy, 19\\n(yr . \} .\} . ds dD Epoch .\} .. .ev 1 .pL .tl @\\*(Hs\\*(hT@\\*(Vs\\*(vT@\\*(Hs\\*(hT@ 'sp \\n(Hmu .ev .. . ev 1 . pL . if !\\n(cR \{\ ' sp \\n(Fmu . tl @\\*(Hs\\*(oS@\\*(Vs\\*(dD@%@ ' bp . \} . ev .\} .. .fl ' sp . tl @\\*(Hs\\*(oS@\\*(Vs\\*(dD@%@ . pl \\n(nlu .\} .. .ns ..

p .. .tm Not a -mdoc command: .LP .. .tm Not a -mdoc command: .PP .. .tm Not a -mdoc command: .pp .. \- \\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6 \\$7 \\$8 \\$9 .. \\*(sH\\$1 \|\\$2 \|\\$3 \|\\$4 \|\\$5 \|\\$6 \|\\$7 \|\\$8 \|\\$9 \fP\s0

.. .tm MDOC REGISTER DUMP .tm Db==\\n(Db register DEBUG MODE .tm L[0-9] registers - stack of list types .tm L0==\\n(L0 .tm L1==\\n(L1 .tm L2==\\n(L2 .tm L3==\\n(L3 .tm L4==\\n(L4 .tm L5==\\n(L5 .tm L6==\\n(L6 .tm L7==\\n(L7 .tm L8==\\n(L8 .tm L9==\\n(L9 .tm O[0-9] registers - stack of indent .tm O0==\\n(O0 .tm O1==\\n(O1 .tm O2==\\n(O2 .tm O3==\\n(O3 .tm O4==\\n(O4 .tm O5==\\n(O5 .tm O6==\\n(O6 .tm O7==\\n(O7 .tm O8==\\n(O8 .tm O9==\\n(O9 .tm aC==\\n(aC register argument counter (aV/fV) .tm aJ==\\n(aJ register (for vR) .tm aN==\\n(aN register .tm aP==\\n(aP register argument pointer (aV) .tm aT==\\n(aT register argument type .tm aa==\\n(aa local register .tm bK==\\n(bK register - Book Name flag .tm cF==\\n(cF register save current font .tm cI==\\n(cI register - column indent width .tm cZ==\\n(cZ register save current font size .tm dK==\\n(dK register - Date flag .tm d[0-9] registers - display-type stack .tm d0==\\n(d0 .tm d1==\\n(d1 .tm d2==\\n(d2 .tm d3==\\n(d3 .tm d4==\\n(d4 .tm d5==\\n(d5 .tm d6==\\n(d6 .tm d7==\\n(d7 .tm d8==\\n(d8 .tm d9==\\n(d9 .tm dZ==\\n(dZ register diversion count .tm fD==\\n(fD register subroutine test (in synopsis only) .tm fV==\\n(fV register argument counter (must set to \\n(.$ prior to .tm fY==\\n(fY register - dick with old style function declarations (fortran) .tm fZ==\\n(fZ register also subroutine count (in synopsis only) .tm h[0-9] register horizontal tag stack (continuous if 1, break if .tm h0==\\n(h0 .tm h1==\\n(h1 .tm h2==\\n(h2 .tm h3==\\n(h3 .tm h4==\\n(h4 .tm h5==\\n(h5 .tm h6==\\n(h6 .tm h7==\\n(h7 .tm h8==\\n(h8 .tm h9==\\n(h9 .tm iD==\\n(iD local register .tm iI==\\n(iI local register (indent for inline debug mode) .tm iN==\\n(iN register DEBUG MODE (inline if 1, to stderr if .tm iS==\\n(iS register - indent second command line in a synopsis .tm jK==\\n(jK register - [reference] Journal Name flag .tm jM==\\n(jM local register .tm jN==\\n(jN local register .tm lC==\\n(lC register - list type stack counter .tm lK==\\n(lK register count of lines read from input file .tm nK==\\n(nK register - [reference] issue number flag .tm nU==\\n(nU register count .tm oK==\\n(oK register - [reference] optional information flag .tm oM==\\n(oM register (extension possible) .tm o[0-9] register offset stack (nested tags) .tm o0==\\n(o0 .tm o1==\\n(o1 .tm o2==\\n(o2 .tm o3==\\n(o3 .tm o4==\\n(o4 .tm o5==\\n(o5 .tm o6==\\n(o6 .tm o7==\\n(o7 .tm o8==\\n(o8 .tm o9==\\n(o9 .tm oM==\\n(oM register open ended line flag .tm pK==\\n(pK register - [reference] page number flag .tm qK==\\n(qK register - Corporate or Foreign Author flag .tm rK==\\n(rK register - [reference] report flag .tm rS==\\n(rS register - Reference Start flag .tm sM==\\n(sM register - default is one (space mode on) .tm tK==\\n(tK register - reference title flag .tm tP==\\n(tP register tag flag (for diversions) .tm tX==\\n(tX register (initial class) .tm tY==\\n(tY register (next possible lC value) .tm t[0-9] register tag string stack (nested tags) .tm t0==\\n(t0 .tm t1==\\n(t1 .tm t2==\\n(t2 .tm t3==\\n(t3 .tm t4==\\n(t4 .tm t5==\\n(t5 .tm t6==\\n(t6 .tm t7==\\n(t7 .tm t8==\\n(t8 .tm t9==\\n(t9 .tm uK==\\n(uK register - reference author(s) counter .tm vK==\\n(vK register - reference volume flag .tm v[0-9] register vertical tag break stack .tm v0==\\n(v0 .tm v1==\\n(v1 .tm v2==\\n(v2 .tm v3==\\n(v3 .tm v4==\\n(v4 .tm v5==\\n(v5 .tm v6==\\n(v6 .tm v7==\\n(v7 .tm v8==\\n(v8 .tm v9==\\n(v9 .tm w[0-9] register tag stack (nested tags) .tm w0==\\n(w0 .tm w1==\\n(w1 .tm w2==\\n(w2 .tm w3==\\n(w3 .tm w4==\\n(w4 .tm w5==\\n(w5 .tm w6==\\n(w6 .tm w7==\\n(w7 .tm w8==\\n(w8 .tm w9==\\n(w9 .tm xX==\\n(xX local register .tm END OF REGISTER DUMP ..