xref: /original-bsd/sys/hp300/stand/srt0.c (revision 68d9582f)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1988 University of Utah.
3  * Copyright (c) 1982, 1990 The Regents of the University of California.
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
7  * the Systems Programming Group of the University of Utah Computer
8  * Science Department.
9  *
10  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
11  *
12  * from: Utah $Hdr: srt0.c 1.15 92/06/18$
13  *
14  *	@(#)srt0.c	7.6 (Berkeley) 06/18/92
15  */
17 /*
18  * Startup code for standalone system
19  */
21 	.globl	begin
22 	.globl	_end
23 	.globl	_edata
24 	.globl	_main
25 	.globl	_configure
26 	.globl	_firstopen
27 	.globl	__rtt
28 	.globl	_bootdev,_howto,_lowram,_machineid
29 	.globl	_internalhpib
31 	STACK =    0xfffff000	| below the ROM page
32 	BOOTTYPE = 0xfffffdc0
33 	LOWRAM =   0xfffffdce
34 	SYSFLAG =  0xfffffed2	| system flags
35 	MSUS =	   0xfffffedc	| MSUS (?) structure
36 	VECTORS =  0xfffffee0	| beginning of jump vectors
37 	NMIRESET = 0xffffff9c	| reset vector
38 	BUSERR =   0xfffffffc
39 	MAXADDR =  0xfffff000
40 	NBPG =     4096
41 	MMUCMD =   0x005f400c	| MMU command/status register
43 	.data
44 _bootdev:
45 	.long	0
46 _howto:
47 	.long	0
48 _lowram:
49 	.long	0
50 _machineid:
51 	.long	0
53 	.text
54 begin:
55 	movl	#STACK,sp
56 	moveq	#47,d0		| # of vectors - 1
57 	movl	#VECTORS+2,a0	| addr part of first vector
58 vecloop:
59 	movl	#trap,a0@	| make it direct to trap
60 	addql	#6,a0		| move to next vector addr
61 	dbf	d0,vecloop	| go til done
62 	movl	#NMIRESET,a0	| NMI keyboard reset addr
63 	movl	#nmi,a0@	| catch in reset routine
64 /*
65  * Determine our CPU type and look for internal HP-IB
66  * (really only care about detecting 320 (no DIO-II) right now).
67  */
68 	lea	_machineid,a0
69 	movl	#0x808,d0
70 	movc	d0,cacr		| clear and disable on-chip cache(s)
71 	movl	#0x200,d0	| data freeze bit
72 	movc	d0,cacr		|   only exists on 68030
73 	movc	cacr,d0		| read it back
74 	tstl	d0		| zero?
75 	jeq	not68030	| yes, we have 68020/68040
76 	movl	#0x808,d0
77 	movc	d0,cacr		| clear data freeze bit again
79 	movl	#0x80,MMUCMD	| set magic cookie
80 	movl	MMUCMD,d0	| read it back
81 	btst	#7,d0		| cookie still on?
82 	jeq	not370		| no, 360 or 375
83 	movl	#4,a0@		| consider a 370 for now
84 	movl	#0,MMUCMD	| clear magic cookie
85 	movl	MMUCMD,d0	| read it back
86 	btst	#7,d0		| still on?
87 	jeq	ihpibcheck	| no, a 370
88 	movl	#5,a0@		| yes, must be a 340
89 	jra	ihpibcheck
90 not370:
91 	movl	#3,a0@		| type is at least a 360
92 	movl	#0,MMUCMD	| clear magic cookie2
93 	movl	MMUCMD,d0	| read it back
94 	btst	#16,d0		| still on?
95 	jeq	ihpibcheck	| no, a 360
96 	movl	#6,a0@		| yes, must be a 345/375/400
97 	jra	ihpibcheck
98 not68030:
99 	bset	#31,d0		| data cache enable bit
100 	movc	d0,cacr		|   only exists on 68040
101 	movc	cacr,d0		| read it back
102 	tstl	d0		| zero?
103 	beq	is68020		| yes, we have 68020
104 	moveq	#0,d0		| now turn it back off
105 	movec	d0,cacr		|   before we access any data
106 	.long	0x4e7b0004	| movc d0,itt0
107 	.long	0x4e7b0005	| movc d0,itt1
108 	.long	0x4e7b0006	| movc d0,dtt0
109 	.long	0x4e7b0007	| movc d0,dtt1
110 	movl	#7,a0@		| we have a 380
111 	jra	ihpibcheck
112 is68020:
113 	movl	#1,a0@		| consider a 330 for now
114 	movl	#1,MMUCMD	| a 68020, write HP MMU location
115 	movl	MMUCMD,d0	| read it back
116 	btst	#0,d0		| zero?
117 	jeq	ihpibcheck	| yes, a 330
118 	movl	#0,a0@		| no, consider a 320 for now
119 	movl	#0x80,MMUCMD	| set magic cookie
120 	movl	MMUCMD,d0	| read it back
121 	btst	#7,d0		| cookie still on?
122 	jeq	ihpibcheck	| no, just a 320
123 	movl	#2,a0@		| yes, a 350
124 ihpibcheck:
125 	movl	#0,MMUCMD	| make sure MMU is off
126 	btst	#5,SYSFLAG	| do we have an internal HP-IB?
127 	jeq	boottype	| yes, continue
128 	clrl	_internalhpib	| no, clear the internal address
129 /*
130  * If this is a reboot, extract howto/bootdev stored by kernel
131  */
132 boottype:
133 	cmpw	#12,BOOTTYPE	| is this a reboot (REQ_REBOOT)?
134 	jne	notreboot	| no, skip
135 	lea	MAXADDR,a0	| find last page
136 	movl	a0@+,d7		| and extract howto, bootdev
137 	movl	a0@+,d6		|   from where doboot() left them
138 	jra	boot1
139 /*
140  * At this point we do not know which logical device the MSUS select
141  * code refers to so we cannot construct bootdev.  So we just punt
142  * and let configure() construct it.
143  */
144 notreboot:
145 	moveq	#0,d6		| make sure bootdev is invalid
146 	cmpw	#18,BOOTTYPE	| does the user want to interact?
147 	jeq	askme		| yes, go to it
148 	moveq	#0,d7		| default to RB_AUTOBOOT
149 	jra	boot1
150 askme:
151 	moveq	#3,d7		| default to RB_SINGLE|RB_ASKNAME
152 boot1:
153 	movl	d6,_bootdev	| save bootdev and howto
154 	movl	d7,_howto	|   globally so all can access
155 	movl	LOWRAM,d0	| read lowram value from bootrom
156 	addl	#NBPG,d0	| must preserve this for bootrom to reboot
157 	andl	#0xfffff000,d0	| round to next page
158 	movl	d0,_lowram	| stash that value
159 start:
160 	movl	#_edata,a2	| start of BSS
161 	movl	#_end,a3	| end
162 clr:
163 	clrb	a2@+		| clear BSS
164 	cmpl	a2,a3		| done?
165 	bne	clr		| no, keep going
166 	jsr	_configure	| configure critical devices
167 	movl	#1,_firstopen	| mark this as the first open
168 	jsr	_main		| lets go
169 __rtt:
170 	movl	#3,_howto	| restarts get RB_SINGLE|RB_ASKNAME
171 	jmp	start
173 /*
174  * probe a location and see if it causes a bus error
175  */
176 	.globl	_badaddr
177 _badaddr:
178 	movl	BUSERR,__bsave	| save ROM bus error handler address
179 	movl	sp,__ssave	| and current stack pointer
180 	movl	#catchbad,BUSERR| plug in our handler
181 	movl	sp@(4),a0	| address to probe
182 	movw	a0@,d1		| do it
183 	movl	__bsave,BUSERR	| if we got here, it did not fault
184 	clrl	d0		| return that this was not a bad addr
185 	rts
187 catchbad:
188 	movl	__bsave,BUSERR	| got a bus error, so restore old handler
189 	movl	__ssave,sp	| manually restore stack
190 	moveq	#1,d0		| indicate that we got a fault
191 	rts			| return to caller of badaddr()
193 __bsave:
194 	.long	0
195 __ssave:
196 	.long	0
198 	.globl	_trap
199 trap:
200 	moveml	#0xFFFF,sp@-	| save registers
201 	movl	sp,sp@-		| push pointer to frame
202 	jsr	_trap		| call C routine to deal with it
203 	tstl	d0
204 	jeq	Lstop
205 	addql	#4,sp
206 	moveml	sp@+,#0x7FFF
207 	addql	#8,sp
208 	rte
209 Lstop:
210 	stop	#0x2700		| stop cold
212 nmi:
213 	movw	#18,BOOTTYPE	| mark as system switch
214 	jsr	_kbdnmi		| clear the interrupt
215 	jra	begin		| start over
217 #ifdef ROMPRF
218 	.globl	_romout
219 _romout:
220 	movl	sp@(4),d0	| line number
221 	movl	sp@(8),a0	| string
222 	jsr	0x150		| do it
223 	rts
224 #endif