xref: /original-bsd/sys/kern/kern_synch.c (revision fbc8b8c6)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986 Regents of the University of California.
3  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
4  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
5  *
6  *	@(#)kern_synch.c	7.8 (Berkeley) 05/05/89
7  */
9 #include "machine/pte.h"
10 #include "machine/psl.h"
11 #include "machine/mtpr.h"
13 #include "param.h"
14 #include "systm.h"
15 #include "user.h"
16 #include "proc.h"
17 #include "vm.h"
18 #include "kernel.h"
19 #include "buf.h"
21 /*
22  * Force switch among equal priority processes every 100ms.
23  */
24 roundrobin()
25 {
27 	runrun++;
28 	aston();
29 	timeout(roundrobin, (caddr_t)0, hz / 10);
30 }
32 /*
33  * constants for digital decay and forget
34  *	90% of (p_cpu) usage in 5*loadav time
35  *	95% of (p_pctcpu) usage in 60 seconds (load insensitive)
36  *          Note that, as ps(1) mentions, this can let percentages
37  *          total over 100% (I've seen 137.9% for 3 processes).
38  *
39  * Note that hardclock updates p_cpu and p_cpticks independently.
40  *
41  * We wish to decay away 90% of p_cpu in (5 * loadavg) seconds.
42  * That is, the system wants to compute a value of decay such
43  * that the following for loop:
44  * 	for (i = 0; i < (5 * loadavg); i++)
45  * 		p_cpu *= decay;
46  * will compute
47  * 	p_cpu *= 0.1;
48  * for all values of loadavg:
49  *
50  * Mathematically this loop can be expressed by saying:
51  * 	decay ** (5 * loadavg) ~= .1
52  *
53  * The system computes decay as:
54  * 	decay = (2 * loadavg) / (2 * loadavg + 1)
55  *
56  * We wish to prove that the system's computation of decay
57  * will always fulfill the equation:
58  * 	decay ** (5 * loadavg) ~= .1
59  *
60  * If we compute b as:
61  * 	b = 2 * loadavg
62  * then
63  * 	decay = b / (b + 1)
64  *
65  * We now need to prove two things:
66  *	1) Given factor ** (5 * loadavg) ~= .1, prove factor == b/(b+1)
67  *	2) Given b/(b+1) ** power ~= .1, prove power == (5 * loadavg)
68  *
69  * Facts:
70  *         For x close to zero, exp(x) =~ 1 + x, since
71  *              exp(x) = 0! + x**1/1! + x**2/2! + ... .
72  *              therefore exp(-1/b) =~ 1 - (1/b) = (b-1)/b.
73  *         For x close to zero, ln(1+x) =~ x, since
74  *              ln(1+x) = x - x**2/2 + x**3/3 - ...     -1 < x < 1
75  *              therefore ln(b/(b+1)) = ln(1 - 1/(b+1)) =~ -1/(b+1).
76  *         ln(.1) =~ -2.30
77  *
78  * Proof of (1):
79  *    Solve (factor)**(power) =~ .1 given power (5*loadav):
80  *	solving for factor,
81  *      ln(factor) =~ (-2.30/5*loadav), or
82  *      factor =~ exp(-1/((5/2.30)*loadav) =~ exp(-1/(2*loadav)) =
83  *          exp(-1/b) =~ (b-1)/b =~ b/(b+1).                    QED
84  *
85  * Proof of (2):
86  *    Solve (factor)**(power) =~ .1 given factor == (b/(b+1)):
87  *	solving for power,
88  *      power*ln(b/(b+1)) =~ -2.30, or
89  *      power =~ 2.3 * (b + 1) = 4.6*loadav + 2.3 =~ 5*loadav.  QED
90  *
91  * Actual power values for the implemented algorithm are as follows:
92  *      loadav: 1       2       3       4
93  *      power:  5.68    10.32   14.94   19.55
94  */
95 #define	filter(loadav) ((2 * (loadav)) / (2 * (loadav) + 1))
97 double	ccpu = 0.95122942450071400909;		/* exp(-1/20) */
99 /*
100  * Recompute process priorities, once a second
101  */
102 schedcpu()
103 {
104 	register double ccpu1 = (1.0 - ccpu) / (double)hz;
105 	register struct proc *p;
106 	register int s, a;
107 	float scale = filter(avenrun[0]);
109 	wakeup((caddr_t)&lbolt);
110 	for (p = allproc; p != NULL; p = p->p_nxt) {
111 		if (p->p_time != 127)
112 			p->p_time++;
113 		if (p->p_stat==SSLEEP || p->p_stat==SSTOP)
114 			if (p->p_slptime != 127)
115 				p->p_slptime++;
116 		/*
117 		 * If the process has slept the entire second,
118 		 * stop recalculating its priority until it wakes up.
119 		 */
120 		if (p->p_slptime > 1) {
121 			p->p_pctcpu *= ccpu;
122 			continue;
123 		}
124 		/*
125 		 * p_pctcpu is only for ps.
126 		 */
127 		p->p_pctcpu = ccpu * p->p_pctcpu + ccpu1 * p->p_cpticks;
128 		p->p_cpticks = 0;
129 		a = (int) (scale * (p->p_cpu & 0377)) + p->p_nice;
130 		if (a < 0)
131 			a = 0;
132 		if (a > 255)
133 			a = 255;
134 		p->p_cpu = a;
135 		(void) setpri(p);
136 		s = splhigh();	/* prevent state changes */
137 		if (p->p_pri >= PUSER) {
138 #define	PPQ	(128 / NQS)
139 			if ((p != u.u_procp || noproc) &&
140 			    p->p_stat == SRUN &&
141 			    (p->p_flag & SLOAD) &&
142 			    (p->p_pri / PPQ) != (p->p_usrpri / PPQ)) {
143 				remrq(p);
144 				p->p_pri = p->p_usrpri;
145 				setrq(p);
146 			} else
147 				p->p_pri = p->p_usrpri;
148 		}
149 		splx(s);
150 	}
151 	vmmeter();
152 	if (runin!=0) {
153 		runin = 0;
154 		wakeup((caddr_t)&runin);
155 	}
156 	if (bclnlist != NULL)
157 		wakeup((caddr_t)&proc[2]);
158 	timeout(schedcpu, (caddr_t)0, hz);
159 }
161 /*
162  * Recalculate the priority of a process after it has slept for a while.
163  */
164 updatepri(p)
165 	register struct proc *p;
166 {
167 	register int a = p->p_cpu & 0377;
168 	float scale = filter(avenrun[0]);
170 	p->p_slptime--;		/* the first time was done in schedcpu */
171 	while (a && --p->p_slptime)
172 		a = (int) (scale * a) /* + p->p_nice */;
173 	p->p_slptime = 0;
174 	if (a < 0)
175 		a = 0;
176 	if (a > 255)
177 		a = 255;
178 	p->p_cpu = a;
179 	(void) setpri(p);
180 }
182 #define SQSIZE 0100	/* Must be power of 2 */
183 #define HASH(x)	(( (int) x >> 5) & (SQSIZE-1))
184 struct slpque {
185 	struct proc *sq_head;
186 	struct proc **sq_tailp;
187 } slpque[SQSIZE];
189 /*
190  * Give up the processor till a wakeup occurs
191  * on chan, at which time the process
192  * enters the scheduling queue at priority pri.
193  * The most important effect of pri is that when
194  * pri<=PZERO a signal cannot disturb the sleep;
195  * if pri>PZERO signals will be processed.
196  * Callers of this routine must be prepared for
197  * premature return, and check that the reason for
198  * sleeping has gone away.
199  */
200 sleep(chan, pri)
201 	caddr_t chan;
202 	int pri;
203 {
204 	register struct proc *rp;
205 	register struct slpque *qp;
206 	register s;
207 	extern int cold;
209 	rp = u.u_procp;
210 	s = splhigh();
211 	if (cold || panicstr) {
212 		/*
213 		 * After a panic, or during autoconfiguration,
214 		 * just give interrupts a chance, then just return;
215 		 * don't run any other procs or panic below,
216 		 * in case this is the idle process and already asleep.
217 		 * The splnet should be spl0 if the network was being used
218 		 * by the filesystem, but for now avoid network interrupts
219 		 * that might cause another panic.
220 		 */
221 		(void) splnet();
222 		splx(s);
223 		return;
224 	}
225 	if (chan==0 || rp->p_stat != SRUN || rp->p_rlink)
226 		panic("sleep");
227 	rp->p_wchan = chan;
228 	rp->p_slptime = 0;
229 	rp->p_pri = pri;
230 	qp = &slpque[HASH(chan)];
231 	if (qp->sq_head == 0)
232 		qp->sq_head = rp;
233 	else
234 		*qp->sq_tailp = rp;
235 	*(qp->sq_tailp = &rp->p_link) = 0;
236 	if (pri > PZERO) {
237 		/*
238 		 * If we stop in issig(), wakeup may already have happened
239 		 * when we return (rp->p_wchan will then be 0).
240 		 */
241 		if (ISSIG(rp)) {
242 			if (rp->p_wchan)
243 				unsleep(rp);
244 			rp->p_stat = SRUN;
245 			(void) spl0();
246 			goto psig;
247 		}
248 		if (rp->p_wchan == 0)
249 			goto out;
250 		rp->p_stat = SSLEEP;
251 		(void) spl0();
252 		u.u_ru.ru_nvcsw++;
253 		swtch();
254 		if (ISSIG(rp))
255 			goto psig;
256 	} else {
257 		rp->p_stat = SSLEEP;
258 		(void) spl0();
259 		u.u_ru.ru_nvcsw++;
260 		swtch();
261 	}
262 	curpri = rp->p_usrpri;
263 out:
264 	splx(s);
265 	return;
267 	/*
268 	 * If priority was low (>PZERO) and
269 	 * there has been a signal, execute non-local goto through
270 	 * u.u_qsave, aborting the system call in progress (see trap.c)
271 	 */
272 psig:
273 	longjmp(&u.u_qsave);
275 }
277 /*
278  * Remove a process from its wait queue
279  */
280 unsleep(p)
281 	register struct proc *p;
282 {
283 	register struct slpque *qp;
284 	register struct proc **hp;
285 	int s;
287 	s = splhigh();
288 	if (p->p_wchan) {
289 		hp = &(qp = &slpque[HASH(p->p_wchan)])->sq_head;
290 		while (*hp != p)
291 			hp = &(*hp)->p_link;
292 		*hp = p->p_link;
293 		if (qp->sq_tailp == &p->p_link)
294 			qp->sq_tailp = hp;
295 		p->p_wchan = 0;
296 	}
297 	splx(s);
298 }
300 /*
301  * Wake up all processes sleeping on chan.
302  */
303 wakeup(chan)
304 	register caddr_t chan;
305 {
306 	register struct slpque *qp;
307 	register struct proc *p, **q;
308 	int s;
310 	s = splhigh();
311 	qp = &slpque[HASH(chan)];
312 restart:
313 	for (q = &qp->sq_head; p = *q; ) {
314 		if (p->p_rlink || p->p_stat != SSLEEP && p->p_stat != SSTOP)
315 			panic("wakeup");
316 		if (p->p_wchan==chan) {
317 			p->p_wchan = 0;
318 			*q = p->p_link;
319 			if (qp->sq_tailp == &p->p_link)
320 				qp->sq_tailp = q;
321 			if (p->p_stat == SSLEEP) {
322 				/* OPTIMIZED INLINE EXPANSION OF setrun(p) */
323 				if (p->p_slptime > 1)
324 					updatepri(p);
325 				p->p_stat = SRUN;
326 				if (p->p_flag & SLOAD)
327 					setrq(p);
328 				/*
329 				 * Since curpri is a usrpri,
330 				 * p->p_pri is always better than curpri.
331 				 */
332 				runrun++;
333 				aston();
334 				if ((p->p_flag&SLOAD) == 0) {
335 					if (runout != 0) {
336 						runout = 0;
337 						wakeup((caddr_t)&runout);
338 					}
339 					wantin++;
340 				}
342 				goto restart;
343 			}
344 		} else
345 			q = &p->p_link;
346 	}
347 	splx(s);
348 }
350 /*
351  * Initialize the (doubly-linked) run queues
352  * to be empty.
353  */
354 rqinit()
355 {
356 	register int i;
358 	for (i = 0; i < NQS; i++)
359 		qs[i].ph_link = qs[i].ph_rlink = (struct proc *)&qs[i];
360 }
362 /*
363  * Set the process running;
364  * arrange for it to be swapped in if necessary.
365  */
366 setrun(p)
367 	register struct proc *p;
368 {
369 	register int s;
371 	s = splhigh();
372 	switch (p->p_stat) {
374 	case 0:
375 	case SWAIT:
376 	case SRUN:
377 	case SZOMB:
378 	default:
379 		panic("setrun");
381 	case SSTOP:
382 	case SSLEEP:
383 		unsleep(p);		/* e.g. when sending signals */
384 		break;
386 	case SIDL:
387 		break;
388 	}
389 	p->p_stat = SRUN;
390 	if (p->p_flag & SLOAD)
391 		setrq(p);
392 	splx(s);
393 	if (p->p_slptime > 1)
394 		updatepri(p);
395 	if (p->p_pri < curpri) {
396 		runrun++;
397 		aston();
398 	}
399 	if ((p->p_flag&SLOAD) == 0) {
400 		if (runout != 0) {
401 			runout = 0;
402 			wakeup((caddr_t)&runout);
403 		}
404 		wantin++;
405 	}
406 }
408 /*
409  * Set user priority.
410  * The rescheduling flag (runrun)
411  * is set if the priority is better
412  * than the currently running process.
413  */
414 setpri(pp)
415 	register struct proc *pp;
416 {
417 	register int p;
419 	p = (pp->p_cpu & 0377)/4;
420 	p += PUSER + 2 * pp->p_nice;
421 	if (pp->p_rssize > pp->p_maxrss && freemem < desfree)
422 		p += 2*4;	/* effectively, nice(4) */
423 	if (p > 127)
424 		p = 127;
425 	if (p < curpri) {
426 		runrun++;
427 		aston();
428 	}
429 	pp->p_usrpri = p;
430 	return (p);
431 }