xref: /original-bsd/sys/kern/sysv_shm.c (revision 333da485)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1988 University of Utah.
3  * Copyright (c) 1990, 1993
4  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
5  * (c) UNIX System Laboratories, Inc.
6  * All or some portions of this file are derived from material licensed
7  * to the University of California by American Telephone and Telegraph
8  * Co. or Unix System Laboratories, Inc. and are reproduced herein with
9  * the permission of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc.
10  *
11  * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
12  * the Systems Programming Group of the University of Utah Computer
13  * Science Department.  Originally from the University of Wisconsin.
14  *
15  * %sccs.include.proprietary.c%
16  *
17  * from: Utah $Hdr: uipc_shm.c 1.11 92/04/23$
18  *
19  *	@(#)sysv_shm.c	8.6 (Berkeley) 01/21/94
20  */
22 /*
23  * System V shared memory routines.
24  * TEMPORARY, until mmap is in place;
25  * needed now for HP-UX compatibility and X server (yech!).
26  */
28 #ifdef SYSVSHM
30 #include <sys/param.h>
31 #include <sys/systm.h>
32 #include <sys/kernel.h>
33 #include <sys/proc.h>
34 #include <sys/shm.h>
35 #include <sys/malloc.h>
36 #include <sys/mman.h>
37 #include <sys/stat.h>
39 #include <vm/vm.h>
40 #include <vm/vm_kern.h>
41 #include <vm/vm_inherit.h>
42 #include <vm/vm_pager.h>
44 int	shmat(), shmctl(), shmdt(), shmget();
45 int	(*shmcalls[])() = { shmat, shmctl, shmdt, shmget };
46 int	shmtot = 0;
48 /*
49  * Per process internal structure for managing segments.
50  * Each process using shm will have an array of ``shmseg'' of these.
51  */
52 struct	shmdesc {
53 	vm_offset_t	shmd_uva;
54 	int		shmd_id;
55 };
57 /*
58  * Per segment internal structure (shm_handle).
59  */
60 struct	shmhandle {
61 	vm_offset_t	shmh_kva;
62 	caddr_t		shmh_id;
63 };
65 vm_map_t shm_map;	/* address space for shared memory segments */
67 shminit()
68 {
69 	register int i;
70 	vm_offset_t whocares1, whocares2;
72 	shm_map = kmem_suballoc(kernel_map, &whocares1, &whocares2,
73 				shminfo.shmall * NBPG, TRUE);
74 	if (shminfo.shmmni > SHMMMNI)
75 		shminfo.shmmni = SHMMMNI;
76 	for (i = 0; i < shminfo.shmmni; i++) {
77 		shmsegs[i].shm_perm.mode = 0;
78 		shmsegs[i].shm_perm.seq = 0;
79 	}
80 }
82 /*
83  * Entry point for all SHM calls
84  */
85 struct shmsys_args {
86 	u_int which;
87 };
88 shmsys(p, uap, retval)
89 	struct proc *p;
90 	struct shmsys_args *uap;
91 	int *retval;
92 {
94 	if (uap->which >= sizeof(shmcalls)/sizeof(shmcalls[0]))
95 		return (EINVAL);
96 	return ((*shmcalls[uap->which])(p, &uap[1], retval));
97 }
99 /*
100  * Get a shared memory segment
101  */
102 struct shmget_args {
103 	key_t key;
104 	int size;
105 	int shmflg;
106 };
107 shmget(p, uap, retval)
108 	struct proc *p;
109 	register struct shmget_args *uap;
110 	int *retval;
111 {
112 	register struct shmid_ds *shp;
113 	register struct ucred *cred = p->p_ucred;
114 	register int i;
115 	int error, size, rval = 0;
116 	register struct shmhandle *shmh;
118 	/* look up the specified shm_id */
119 	if (uap->key != IPC_PRIVATE) {
120 		for (i = 0; i < shminfo.shmmni; i++)
121 			if ((shmsegs[i].shm_perm.mode & SHM_ALLOC) &&
122 			    shmsegs[i].shm_perm.key == uap->key) {
123 				rval = i;
124 				break;
125 			}
126 	} else
127 		i = shminfo.shmmni;
129 	/* create a new shared segment if necessary */
130 	if (i == shminfo.shmmni) {
131 		if ((uap->shmflg & IPC_CREAT) == 0)
132 			return (ENOENT);
133 		if (uap->size < shminfo.shmmin || uap->size > shminfo.shmmax)
134 			return (EINVAL);
135 		for (i = 0; i < shminfo.shmmni; i++)
136 			if ((shmsegs[i].shm_perm.mode & SHM_ALLOC) == 0) {
137 				rval = i;
138 				break;
139 			}
140 		if (i == shminfo.shmmni)
141 			return (ENOSPC);
142 		size = clrnd(btoc(uap->size));
143 		if (shmtot + size > shminfo.shmall)
144 			return (ENOMEM);
145 		shp = &shmsegs[rval];
146 		/*
147 		 * We need to do a couple of things to ensure consistency
148 		 * in case we sleep in malloc().  We mark segment as
149 		 * allocated so that other shmgets() will not allocate it.
150 		 * We mark it as "destroyed" to insure that shmvalid() is
151 		 * false making most operations fail (XXX).  We set the key,
152 		 * so that other shmget()s will fail.
153 		 */
154 		shp->shm_perm.mode = SHM_ALLOC | SHM_DEST;
155 		shp->shm_perm.key = uap->key;
156 		shmh = (struct shmhandle *)
157 			malloc(sizeof(struct shmhandle), M_SHM, M_WAITOK);
158 		shmh->shmh_kva = 0;
159 		shmh->shmh_id = (caddr_t)(0xc0000000|rval);	/* XXX */
160 		error = vm_mmap(shm_map, &shmh->shmh_kva, ctob(size),
162 				MAP_ANON, shmh->shmh_id, 0);
163 		if (error) {
164 			free((caddr_t)shmh, M_SHM);
165 			shp->shm_perm.mode = 0;
166 			return(ENOMEM);
167 		}
168 		shp->shm_handle = (void *) shmh;
169 		shmtot += size;
170 		shp->shm_perm.cuid = shp->shm_perm.uid = cred->cr_uid;
171 		shp->shm_perm.cgid = shp->shm_perm.gid = cred->cr_gid;
172 		shp->shm_perm.mode = SHM_ALLOC | (uap->shmflg & ACCESSPERMS);
173 		shp->shm_segsz = uap->size;
174 		shp->shm_cpid = p->p_pid;
175 		shp->shm_lpid = shp->shm_nattch = 0;
176 		shp->shm_atime = shp->shm_dtime = 0;
177 		shp->shm_ctime = time.tv_sec;
178 	} else {
179 		shp = &shmsegs[rval];
180 		/* XXX: probably not the right thing to do */
181 		if (shp->shm_perm.mode & SHM_DEST)
182 			return (EBUSY);
183 		if (error = ipcaccess(&shp->shm_perm, uap->shmflg & ACCESSPERMS,
184 			    cred))
185 			return (error);
186 		if (uap->size && uap->size > shp->shm_segsz)
187 			return (EINVAL);
188 		if ((uap->shmflg&IPC_CREAT) && (uap->shmflg&IPC_EXCL))
189 			return (EEXIST);
190 	}
191 	*retval = shp->shm_perm.seq * SHMMMNI + rval;
192 	return (0);
193 }
195 /*
196  * Shared memory control
197  */
198 struct shmctl_args {
199 	int shmid;
200 	int cmd;
201 	caddr_t buf;
202 };
203 /* ARGSUSED */
204 shmctl(p, uap, retval)
205 	struct proc *p;
206 	register struct shmctl_args *uap;
207 	int *retval;
208 {
209 	register struct shmid_ds *shp;
210 	register struct ucred *cred = p->p_ucred;
211 	struct shmid_ds sbuf;
212 	int error;
214 	if (error = shmvalid(uap->shmid))
215 		return (error);
216 	shp = &shmsegs[uap->shmid % SHMMMNI];
217 	switch (uap->cmd) {
218 	case IPC_STAT:
219 		if (error = ipcaccess(&shp->shm_perm, IPC_R, cred))
220 			return (error);
221 		return (copyout((caddr_t)shp, uap->buf, sizeof(*shp)));
223 	case IPC_SET:
224 		if (cred->cr_uid && cred->cr_uid != shp->shm_perm.uid &&
225 		    cred->cr_uid != shp->shm_perm.cuid)
226 			return (EPERM);
227 		if (error = copyin(uap->buf, (caddr_t)&sbuf, sizeof sbuf))
228 			return (error);
229 		shp->shm_perm.uid = sbuf.shm_perm.uid;
230 		shp->shm_perm.gid = sbuf.shm_perm.gid;
231 		shp->shm_perm.mode = (shp->shm_perm.mode & ~ACCESSPERMS)
232 			| (sbuf.shm_perm.mode & ACCESSPERMS);
233 		shp->shm_ctime = time.tv_sec;
234 		break;
236 	case IPC_RMID:
237 		if (cred->cr_uid && cred->cr_uid != shp->shm_perm.uid &&
238 		    cred->cr_uid != shp->shm_perm.cuid)
239 			return (EPERM);
240 		/* set ctime? */
241 		shp->shm_perm.key = IPC_PRIVATE;
242 		shp->shm_perm.mode |= SHM_DEST;
243 		if (shp->shm_nattch <= 0)
244 			shmfree(shp);
245 		break;
247 	default:
248 		return (EINVAL);
249 	}
250 	return (0);
251 }
253 /*
254  * Attach to shared memory segment.
255  */
256 struct shmat_args {
257 	int	shmid;
258 	caddr_t	shmaddr;
259 	int	shmflg;
260 };
261 shmat(p, uap, retval)
262 	struct proc *p;
263 	register struct shmat_args *uap;
264 	int *retval;
265 {
266 	register struct shmid_ds *shp;
267 	register int size;
268 	caddr_t uva;
269 	int error;
270 	int flags;
271 	vm_prot_t prot;
272 	struct shmdesc *shmd;
274 	/*
275 	 * Allocate descriptors now (before validity check)
276 	 * in case malloc() blocks.
277 	 */
278 	shmd = (struct shmdesc *)p->p_vmspace->vm_shm;
279 	size = shminfo.shmseg * sizeof(struct shmdesc);
280 	if (shmd == NULL) {
281 		shmd = (struct shmdesc *)malloc(size, M_SHM, M_WAITOK);
282 		bzero((caddr_t)shmd, size);
283 		p->p_vmspace->vm_shm = (caddr_t)shmd;
284 	}
285 	if (error = shmvalid(uap->shmid))
286 		return (error);
287 	shp = &shmsegs[uap->shmid % SHMMMNI];
288 	if (shp->shm_handle == NULL)
289 		panic("shmat NULL handle");
290 	if (error = ipcaccess(&shp->shm_perm,
291 	    (uap->shmflg&SHM_RDONLY) ? IPC_R : IPC_R|IPC_W, p->p_ucred))
292 		return (error);
293 	uva = uap->shmaddr;
294 	if (uva && ((int)uva & (SHMLBA-1))) {
295 		if (uap->shmflg & SHM_RND)
296 			uva = (caddr_t) ((int)uva & ~(SHMLBA-1));
297 		else
298 			return (EINVAL);
299 	}
300 	/*
301 	 * Make sure user doesn't use more than their fair share
302 	 */
303 	for (size = 0; size < shminfo.shmseg; size++) {
304 		if (shmd->shmd_uva == 0)
305 			break;
306 		shmd++;
307 	}
308 	if (size >= shminfo.shmseg)
309 		return (EMFILE);
310 	size = ctob(clrnd(btoc(shp->shm_segsz)));
311 	prot = VM_PROT_READ;
312 	if ((uap->shmflg & SHM_RDONLY) == 0)
313 		prot |= VM_PROT_WRITE;
314 	flags = MAP_ANON|MAP_SHARED;
315 	if (uva)
316 		flags |= MAP_FIXED;
317 	else
318 		uva = (caddr_t)0x1000000;	/* XXX */
319 	error = vm_mmap(&p->p_vmspace->vm_map, (vm_offset_t *)&uva,
320 			(vm_size_t)size, prot, VM_PROT_ALL, flags,
321 			((struct shmhandle *)shp->shm_handle)->shmh_id, 0);
322 	if (error)
323 		return(error);
324 	shmd->shmd_uva = (vm_offset_t)uva;
325 	shmd->shmd_id = uap->shmid;
326 	/*
327 	 * Fill in the remaining fields
328 	 */
329 	shp->shm_lpid = p->p_pid;
330 	shp->shm_atime = time.tv_sec;
331 	shp->shm_nattch++;
332 	*retval = (int) uva;
333 	return (0);
334 }
336 /*
337  * Detach from shared memory segment.
338  */
339 struct shmdt_args {
340 	caddr_t	shmaddr;
341 };
342 /* ARGSUSED */
343 shmdt(p, uap, retval)
344 	struct proc *p;
345 	struct shmdt_args *uap;
346 	int *retval;
347 {
348 	register struct shmdesc *shmd;
349 	register int i;
351 	shmd = (struct shmdesc *)p->p_vmspace->vm_shm;
352 	for (i = 0; i < shminfo.shmseg; i++, shmd++)
353 		if (shmd->shmd_uva &&
354 		    shmd->shmd_uva == (vm_offset_t)uap->shmaddr)
355 			break;
356 	if (i == shminfo.shmseg)
357 		return (EINVAL);
358 	shmufree(p, shmd);
359 	shmsegs[shmd->shmd_id % SHMMMNI].shm_lpid = p->p_pid;
360 	return (0);
361 }
363 shmfork(p1, p2, isvfork)
364 	struct proc *p1, *p2;
365 	int isvfork;
366 {
367 	register struct shmdesc *shmd;
368 	register int size;
370 	/*
371 	 * Copy parents descriptive information
372 	 */
373 	size = shminfo.shmseg * sizeof(struct shmdesc);
374 	shmd = (struct shmdesc *)malloc(size, M_SHM, M_WAITOK);
375 	bcopy((caddr_t)p1->p_vmspace->vm_shm, (caddr_t)shmd, size);
376 	p2->p_vmspace->vm_shm = (caddr_t)shmd;
377 	/*
378 	 * Increment reference counts
379 	 */
380 	for (size = 0; size < shminfo.shmseg; size++, shmd++)
381 		if (shmd->shmd_uva)
382 			shmsegs[shmd->shmd_id % SHMMMNI].shm_nattch++;
383 }
385 shmexit(p)
386 	struct proc *p;
387 {
388 	register struct shmdesc *shmd;
389 	register int i;
391 	shmd = (struct shmdesc *)p->p_vmspace->vm_shm;
392 	for (i = 0; i < shminfo.shmseg; i++, shmd++)
393 		if (shmd->shmd_uva)
394 			shmufree(p, shmd);
395 	free((caddr_t)p->p_vmspace->vm_shm, M_SHM);
396 	p->p_vmspace->vm_shm = NULL;
397 }
399 shmvalid(id)
400 	register int id;
401 {
402 	register struct shmid_ds *shp;
404 	if (id < 0 || (id % SHMMMNI) >= shminfo.shmmni)
405 		return(EINVAL);
406 	shp = &shmsegs[id % SHMMMNI];
407 	if (shp->shm_perm.seq == (id / SHMMMNI) &&
408 	    (shp->shm_perm.mode & (SHM_ALLOC|SHM_DEST)) == SHM_ALLOC)
409 		return(0);
410 	return(EINVAL);
411 }
413 /*
414  * Free user resources associated with a shared memory segment
415  */
416 shmufree(p, shmd)
417 	struct proc *p;
418 	struct shmdesc *shmd;
419 {
420 	register struct shmid_ds *shp;
422 	shp = &shmsegs[shmd->shmd_id % SHMMMNI];
423 	(void) vm_deallocate(&p->p_vmspace->vm_map, shmd->shmd_uva,
424 			     ctob(clrnd(btoc(shp->shm_segsz))));
425 	shmd->shmd_id = 0;
426 	shmd->shmd_uva = 0;
427 	shp->shm_dtime = time.tv_sec;
428 	if (--shp->shm_nattch <= 0 && (shp->shm_perm.mode & SHM_DEST))
429 		shmfree(shp);
430 }
432 /*
433  * Deallocate resources associated with a shared memory segment
434  */
435 shmfree(shp)
436 	register struct shmid_ds *shp;
437 {
439 	if (shp->shm_handle == NULL)
440 		panic("shmfree");
441 	/*
442 	 * Lose our lingering object reference by deallocating space
443 	 * in kernel.  Pager will also be deallocated as a side-effect.
444 	 */
445 	vm_deallocate(shm_map,
446 		      ((struct shmhandle *)shp->shm_handle)->shmh_kva,
447 		      ctob(clrnd(btoc(shp->shm_segsz))));
448 	free((caddr_t)shp->shm_handle, M_SHM);
449 	shp->shm_handle = NULL;
450 	shmtot -= clrnd(btoc(shp->shm_segsz));
451 	shp->shm_perm.mode = 0;
452 	/*
453 	 * Increment the sequence number to ensure that outstanding
454 	 * shmids for this segment will be invalid in the event that
455 	 * the segment is reallocated.  Note that shmids must be
456 	 * positive as decreed by SVID.
457 	 */
458 	shp->shm_perm.seq++;
459 	if ((int)(shp->shm_perm.seq * SHMMMNI) < 0)
460 		shp->shm_perm.seq = 0;
461 }
463 /*
464  * XXX This routine would be common to all sysV style IPC
465  *     (if the others were implemented).
466  */
467 ipcaccess(ipc, mode, cred)
468 	register struct ipc_perm *ipc;
469 	int mode;
470 	register struct ucred *cred;
471 {
472 	register int m;
474 	if (cred->cr_uid == 0)
475 		return(0);
476 	/*
477 	 * Access check is based on only one of owner, group, public.
478 	 * If not owner, then check group.
479 	 * If not a member of the group, then check public access.
480 	 */
481 	mode &= 0700;
482 	m = ipc->mode;
483 	if (cred->cr_uid != ipc->uid && cred->cr_uid != ipc->cuid) {
484 		m <<= 3;
485 		if (!groupmember(ipc->gid, cred) &&
486 		    !groupmember(ipc->cgid, cred))
487 			m <<= 3;
488 	}
489 	if ((mode&m) == mode)
490 		return (0);
491 	return (EACCES);
492 }
493 #endif /* SYSVSHM */