xref: /original-bsd/sys/kern/vfs_cache.c (revision 4e1ffb20)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1989, 1993
3  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
6  *
7  *	@(#)vfs_cache.c	8.2 (Berkeley) 07/05/94
8  */
10 #include <sys/param.h>
11 #include <sys/systm.h>
12 #include <sys/time.h>
13 #include <sys/mount.h>
14 #include <sys/vnode.h>
15 #include <sys/namei.h>
16 #include <sys/errno.h>
17 #include <sys/malloc.h>
19 /*
20  * Name caching works as follows:
21  *
22  * Names found by directory scans are retained in a cache
23  * for future reference.  It is managed LRU, so frequently
24  * used names will hang around.  Cache is indexed by hash value
25  * obtained from (vp, name) where vp refers to the directory
26  * containing name.
27  *
28  * For simplicity (and economy of storage), names longer than
29  * a maximum length of NCHNAMLEN are not cached; they occur
30  * infrequently in any case, and are almost never of interest.
31  *
32  * Upon reaching the last segment of a path, if the reference
33  * is for DELETE, or NOCACHE is set (rewrite), and the
34  * name is located in the cache, it will be dropped.
35  */
37 /*
38  * Structures associated with name cacheing.
39  */
40 struct namecache **nchashtbl;
41 u_long	nchash;				/* size of hash table - 1 */
42 long	numcache;			/* number of cache entries allocated */
43 struct	namecache *nchhead, **nchtail;	/* LRU chain pointers */
44 struct	nchstats nchstats;		/* cache effectiveness statistics */
46 int doingcache = 1;			/* 1 => enable the cache */
48 /*
49  * Look for a the name in the cache. We don't do this
50  * if the segment name is long, simply so the cache can avoid
51  * holding long names (which would either waste space, or
52  * add greatly to the complexity).
53  *
54  * Lookup is called with ni_dvp pointing to the directory to search,
55  * ni_ptr pointing to the name of the entry being sought, ni_namelen
56  * tells the length of the name, and ni_hash contains a hash of
57  * the name. If the lookup succeeds, the vnode is returned in ni_vp
58  * and a status of -1 is returned. If the lookup determines that
59  * the name does not exist (negative cacheing), a status of ENOENT
60  * is returned. If the lookup fails, a status of zero is returned.
61  */
62 int
63 cache_lookup(dvp, vpp, cnp)
64 	struct vnode *dvp;
65 	struct vnode **vpp;
66 	struct componentname *cnp;
67 {
68 	register struct namecache *ncp, *ncq, **ncpp;
70 	if (!doingcache) {
71 		cnp->cn_flags &= ~MAKEENTRY;
72 		return (0);
73 	}
74 	if (cnp->cn_namelen > NCHNAMLEN) {
75 		nchstats.ncs_long++;
76 		cnp->cn_flags &= ~MAKEENTRY;
77 		return (0);
78 	}
79 	ncpp = &nchashtbl[cnp->cn_hash & nchash];
80 	for (ncp = *ncpp; ncp; ncp = ncp->nc_forw) {
81 		if (ncp->nc_dvp == dvp &&
82 		    ncp->nc_dvpid == dvp->v_id &&
83 		    ncp->nc_nlen == cnp->cn_namelen &&
84 		    !bcmp(ncp->nc_name, cnp->cn_nameptr, (u_int)ncp->nc_nlen))
85 			break;
86 	}
87 	if (ncp == NULL) {
88 		nchstats.ncs_miss++;
89 		return (0);
90 	}
91 	if (!(cnp->cn_flags & MAKEENTRY)) {
92 		nchstats.ncs_badhits++;
93 	} else if (ncp->nc_vp == NULL) {
94 		if (cnp->cn_nameiop != CREATE) {
95 			nchstats.ncs_neghits++;
96 			/*
97 			 * Move this slot to end of LRU chain,
98 			 * if not already there.
99 			 */
100 			if (ncp->nc_nxt) {
101 				/* remove from LRU chain */
102 				*ncp->nc_prev = ncp->nc_nxt;
103 				ncp->nc_nxt->nc_prev = ncp->nc_prev;
104 				/* and replace at end of it */
105 				ncp->nc_nxt = NULL;
106 				ncp->nc_prev = nchtail;
107 				*nchtail = ncp;
108 				nchtail = &ncp->nc_nxt;
109 			}
110 			return (ENOENT);
111 		}
112 	} else if (ncp->nc_vpid != ncp->nc_vp->v_id) {
113 		nchstats.ncs_falsehits++;
114 	} else {
115 		nchstats.ncs_goodhits++;
116 		/*
117 		 * move this slot to end of LRU chain, if not already there
118 		 */
119 		if (ncp->nc_nxt) {
120 			/* remove from LRU chain */
121 			*ncp->nc_prev = ncp->nc_nxt;
122 			ncp->nc_nxt->nc_prev = ncp->nc_prev;
123 			/* and replace at end of it */
124 			ncp->nc_nxt = NULL;
125 			ncp->nc_prev = nchtail;
126 			*nchtail = ncp;
127 			nchtail = &ncp->nc_nxt;
128 		}
129 		*vpp = ncp->nc_vp;
130 		return (-1);
131 	}
133 	/*
134 	 * Last component and we are renaming or deleting,
135 	 * the cache entry is invalid, or otherwise don't
136 	 * want cache entry to exist.
137 	 */
138 	/* remove from LRU chain */
139 	if (ncq = ncp->nc_nxt)
140 		ncq->nc_prev = ncp->nc_prev;
141 	else
142 		nchtail = ncp->nc_prev;
143 	*ncp->nc_prev = ncq;
144 	/* remove from hash chain */
145 	if (ncq = ncp->nc_forw)
146 		ncq->nc_back = ncp->nc_back;
147 	*ncp->nc_back = ncq;
148 	/* and make a dummy hash chain */
149 	ncp->nc_forw = NULL;
150 	ncp->nc_back = NULL;
151 	/* insert at head of LRU list (first to grab) */
152 	if (ncq = nchhead)
153 		ncq->nc_prev = &ncp->nc_nxt;
154 	else
155 		nchtail = &ncp->nc_nxt;
156 	nchhead = ncp;
157 	ncp->nc_nxt = ncq;
158 	ncp->nc_prev = &nchhead;
159 	return (0);
160 }
162 /*
163  * Add an entry to the cache
164  */
165 cache_enter(dvp, vp, cnp)
166 	struct vnode *dvp;
167 	struct vnode *vp;
168 	struct componentname *cnp;
169 {
170 	register struct namecache *ncp, *ncq, **ncpp;
172 #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC
173 	if (cnp->cn_namelen > NCHNAMLEN)
174 		panic("cache_enter: name too long");
175 #endif
176 	if (!doingcache)
177 		return;
178 	/*
179 	 * Free the cache slot at head of lru chain.
180 	 */
181 	if (numcache < desiredvnodes) {
182 		ncp = (struct namecache *)
183 			malloc((u_long)sizeof *ncp, M_CACHE, M_WAITOK);
184 		bzero((char *)ncp, sizeof *ncp);
185 		numcache++;
186 	} else if (ncp = nchhead) {
187 		/* remove from lru chain */
188 		if (ncq = ncp->nc_nxt)
189 			ncq->nc_prev = ncp->nc_prev;
190 		else
191 			nchtail = ncp->nc_prev;
192 		*ncp->nc_prev = ncq;
193 		/* remove from old hash chain, if on one */
194 		if (ncp->nc_back) {
195 			if (ncq = ncp->nc_forw)
196 				ncq->nc_back = ncp->nc_back;
197 			*ncp->nc_back = ncq;
198 			ncp->nc_forw = NULL;
199 			ncp->nc_back = NULL;
200 		}
201 	} else
202 		return;
203 	/* grab the vnode we just found */
204 	ncp->nc_vp = vp;
205 	if (vp)
206 		ncp->nc_vpid = vp->v_id;
207 	else
208 		ncp->nc_vpid = 0;
209 	/* fill in cache info */
210 	ncp->nc_dvp = dvp;
211 	ncp->nc_dvpid = dvp->v_id;
212 	ncp->nc_nlen = cnp->cn_namelen;
213 	bcopy(cnp->cn_nameptr, ncp->nc_name, (unsigned)ncp->nc_nlen);
214 	/* link at end of lru chain */
215 	ncp->nc_nxt = NULL;
216 	ncp->nc_prev = nchtail;
217 	*nchtail = ncp;
218 	nchtail = &ncp->nc_nxt;
219 	/* and insert on hash chain */
220 	ncpp = &nchashtbl[cnp->cn_hash & nchash];
221 	if (ncq = *ncpp)
222 		ncq->nc_back = &ncp->nc_forw;
223 	ncp->nc_forw = ncq;
224 	ncp->nc_back = ncpp;
225 	*ncpp = ncp;
226 }
228 /*
229  * Name cache initialization, from vfs_init() when we are booting
230  */
231 nchinit()
232 {
234 	nchtail = &nchhead;
235 	nchashtbl = hashinit(desiredvnodes, M_CACHE, &nchash);
236 }
238 /*
239  * Cache flush, a particular vnode; called when a vnode is renamed to
240  * hide entries that would now be invalid
241  */
242 cache_purge(vp)
243 	struct vnode *vp;
244 {
245 	struct namecache *ncp, **ncpp;
247 	vp->v_id = ++nextvnodeid;
248 	if (nextvnodeid != 0)
249 		return;
250 	for (ncpp = &nchashtbl[nchash]; ncpp >= nchashtbl; ncpp--) {
251 		for (ncp = *ncpp; ncp; ncp = ncp->nc_forw) {
252 			ncp->nc_vpid = 0;
253 			ncp->nc_dvpid = 0;
254 		}
255 	}
256 	vp->v_id = ++nextvnodeid;
257 }
259 /*
260  * Cache flush, a whole filesystem; called when filesys is umounted to
261  * remove entries that would now be invalid
262  *
263  * The line "nxtcp = nchhead" near the end is to avoid potential problems
264  * if the cache lru chain is modified while we are dumping the
265  * inode.  This makes the algorithm O(n^2), but do you think I care?
266  */
267 cache_purgevfs(mp)
268 	struct mount *mp;
269 {
270 	register struct namecache *ncp, *nxtcp;
272 	for (ncp = nchhead; ncp; ncp = nxtcp) {
273 		if (ncp->nc_dvp == NULL || ncp->nc_dvp->v_mount != mp) {
274 			nxtcp = ncp->nc_nxt;
275 			continue;
276 		}
277 		/* free the resources we had */
278 		ncp->nc_vp = NULL;
279 		ncp->nc_dvp = NULL;
280 		/* remove from old hash chain, if on one */
281 		if (ncp->nc_back) {
282 			if (nxtcp = ncp->nc_forw)
283 				nxtcp->nc_back = ncp->nc_back;
284 			*ncp->nc_back = nxtcp;
285 			ncp->nc_forw = NULL;
286 			ncp->nc_back = NULL;
287 		}
288 		/* delete this entry from LRU chain */
289 		if (nxtcp = ncp->nc_nxt)
290 			nxtcp->nc_prev = ncp->nc_prev;
291 		else
292 			nchtail = ncp->nc_prev;
293 		*ncp->nc_prev = nxtcp;
294 		/* cause rescan of list, it may have altered */
295 		/* also put the now-free entry at head of LRU */
296 		if (nxtcp = nchhead)
297 			nxtcp->nc_prev = &ncp->nc_nxt;
298 		else
299 			nchtail = &ncp->nc_nxt;
300 		nchhead = ncp;
301 		ncp->nc_nxt = nxtcp;
302 		ncp->nc_prev = &nchhead;
303 	}
304 }