xref: /original-bsd/sys/netns/ns_input.c (revision 27393bdf)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1993
3  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
6  *
7  *	@(#)ns_input.c	8.2 (Berkeley) 09/22/94
8  */
10 #include <sys/param.h>
11 #include <sys/systm.h>
12 #include <sys/malloc.h>
13 #include <sys/mbuf.h>
14 #include <sys/domain.h>
15 #include <sys/protosw.h>
16 #include <sys/socket.h>
17 #include <sys/socketvar.h>
18 #include <sys/errno.h>
19 #include <sys/time.h>
20 #include <sys/kernel.h>
22 #include <net/if.h>
23 #include <net/route.h>
24 #include <net/raw_cb.h>
26 #include <netns/ns.h>
27 #include <netns/ns_if.h>
28 #include <netns/ns_pcb.h>
29 #include <netns/idp.h>
30 #include <netns/idp_var.h>
31 #include <netns/ns_error.h>
33 /*
34  * NS initialization.
35  */
36 union ns_host	ns_thishost;
37 union ns_host	ns_zerohost;
38 union ns_host	ns_broadhost;
39 union ns_net	ns_zeronet;
40 union ns_net	ns_broadnet;
41 struct sockaddr_ns ns_netmask, ns_hostmask;
43 static u_short allones[] = {-1, -1, -1};
45 struct nspcb nspcb;
46 struct nspcb nsrawpcb;
48 struct ifqueue	nsintrq;
49 int	nsqmaxlen = IFQ_MAXLEN;
51 int	idpcksum = 1;
52 long	ns_pexseq;
54 ns_init()
55 {
56 	ns_broadhost = * (union ns_host *) allones;
57 	ns_broadnet = * (union ns_net *) allones;
58 	nspcb.nsp_next = nspcb.nsp_prev = &nspcb;
59 	nsrawpcb.nsp_next = nsrawpcb.nsp_prev = &nsrawpcb;
60 	nsintrq.ifq_maxlen = nsqmaxlen;
61 	ns_pexseq = time.tv_usec;
62 	ns_netmask.sns_len = 6;
63 	ns_netmask.sns_addr.x_net = ns_broadnet;
64 	ns_hostmask.sns_len = 12;
65 	ns_hostmask.sns_addr.x_net = ns_broadnet;
66 	ns_hostmask.sns_addr.x_host = ns_broadhost;
67 }
69 /*
70  * Idp input routine.  Pass to next level.
71  */
72 int nsintr_getpck = 0;
73 int nsintr_swtch = 0;
74 nsintr()
75 {
76 	register struct idp *idp;
77 	register struct mbuf *m;
78 	register struct nspcb *nsp;
79 	register int i;
80 	int len, s, error;
81 	char oddpacketp;
83 next:
84 	/*
85 	 * Get next datagram off input queue and get IDP header
86 	 * in first mbuf.
87 	 */
88 	s = splimp();
89 	IF_DEQUEUE(&nsintrq, m);
90 	splx(s);
91 	nsintr_getpck++;
92 	if (m == 0)
93 		return;
94 	if ((m->m_flags & M_EXT || m->m_len < sizeof (struct idp)) &&
95 	    (m = m_pullup(m, sizeof (struct idp))) == 0) {
96 		idpstat.idps_toosmall++;
97 		goto next;
98 	}
100 	/*
101 	 * Give any raw listeners a crack at the packet
102 	 */
103 	for (nsp = nsrawpcb.nsp_next; nsp != &nsrawpcb; nsp = nsp->nsp_next) {
104 		struct mbuf *m1 = m_copy(m, 0, (int)M_COPYALL);
105 		if (m1) idp_input(m1, nsp);
106 	}
108 	idp = mtod(m, struct idp *);
109 	len = ntohs(idp->idp_len);
110 	if (oddpacketp = len & 1) {
111 		len++;		/* If this packet is of odd length,
112 				   preserve garbage byte for checksum */
113 	}
115 	/*
116 	 * Check that the amount of data in the buffers
117 	 * is as at least much as the IDP header would have us expect.
118 	 * Trim mbufs if longer than we expect.
119 	 * Drop packet if shorter than we expect.
120 	 */
121 	if (m->m_pkthdr.len < len) {
122 		idpstat.idps_tooshort++;
123 		goto bad;
124 	}
125 	if (m->m_pkthdr.len > len) {
126 		if (m->m_len == m->m_pkthdr.len) {
127 			m->m_len = len;
128 			m->m_pkthdr.len = len;
129 		} else
130 			m_adj(m, len - m->m_pkthdr.len);
131 	}
132 	if (idpcksum && ((i = idp->idp_sum)!=0xffff)) {
133 		idp->idp_sum = 0;
134 		if (i != (idp->idp_sum = ns_cksum(m, len))) {
135 			idpstat.idps_badsum++;
136 			idp->idp_sum = i;
137 			if (ns_hosteqnh(ns_thishost, idp->idp_dna.x_host))
138 				error = NS_ERR_BADSUM;
139 			else
140 				error = NS_ERR_BADSUM_T;
141 			ns_error(m, error, 0);
142 			goto next;
143 		}
144 	}
145 	/*
146 	 * Is this a directed broadcast?
147 	 */
148 	if (ns_hosteqnh(ns_broadhost,idp->idp_dna.x_host)) {
149 		if ((!ns_neteq(idp->idp_dna, idp->idp_sna)) &&
150 		    (!ns_neteqnn(idp->idp_dna.x_net, ns_broadnet)) &&
151 		    (!ns_neteqnn(idp->idp_sna.x_net, ns_zeronet)) &&
152 		    (!ns_neteqnn(idp->idp_dna.x_net, ns_zeronet)) ) {
153 			/*
154 			 * Look to see if I need to eat this packet.
155 			 * Algorithm is to forward all young packets
156 			 * and prematurely age any packets which will
157 			 * by physically broadcasted.
158 			 * Any very old packets eaten without forwarding
159 			 * would die anyway.
160 			 *
161 			 * Suggestion of Bill Nesheim, Cornell U.
162 			 */
163 			if (idp->idp_tc < NS_MAXHOPS) {
164 				idp_forward(m);
165 				goto next;
166 			}
167 		}
168 	/*
169 	 * Is this our packet? If not, forward.
170 	 */
171 	} else if (!ns_hosteqnh(ns_thishost,idp->idp_dna.x_host)) {
172 		idp_forward(m);
173 		goto next;
174 	}
175 	/*
176 	 * Locate pcb for datagram.
177 	 */
178 	nsp = ns_pcblookup(&idp->idp_sna, idp->idp_dna.x_port, NS_WILDCARD);
179 	/*
180 	 * Switch out to protocol's input routine.
181 	 */
182 	nsintr_swtch++;
183 	if (nsp) {
184 		if (oddpacketp) {
185 			m_adj(m, -1);
186 		}
187 		if ((nsp->nsp_flags & NSP_ALL_PACKETS)==0)
188 			switch (idp->idp_pt) {
190 			    case NSPROTO_SPP:
191 				    spp_input(m, nsp);
192 				    goto next;
194 			    case NSPROTO_ERROR:
195 				    ns_err_input(m);
196 				    goto next;
197 			}
198 		idp_input(m, nsp);
199 	} else {
200 		ns_error(m, NS_ERR_NOSOCK, 0);
201 	}
202 	goto next;
204 bad:
205 	m_freem(m);
206 	goto next;
207 }
209 u_char nsctlerrmap[PRC_NCMDS] = {
213 	EMSGSIZE,	0,		0,		0,
214 	0,		0,		0,		0
215 };
217 int idp_donosocks = 1;
219 idp_ctlinput(cmd, arg)
220 	int cmd;
221 	caddr_t arg;
222 {
223 	struct ns_addr *ns;
224 	struct nspcb *nsp;
225 	struct ns_errp *errp;
226 	int idp_abort();
227 	extern struct nspcb *idp_drop();
228 	int type;
230 	if (cmd < 0 || cmd > PRC_NCMDS)
231 		return;
232 	if (nsctlerrmap[cmd] == 0)
233 		return;		/* XXX */
234 	type = NS_ERR_UNREACH_HOST;
235 	switch (cmd) {
236 		struct sockaddr_ns *sns;
238 	case PRC_IFDOWN:
239 	case PRC_HOSTDEAD:
241 		sns = (struct sockaddr_ns *)arg;
242 		if (sns->sns_family != AF_NS)
243 			return;
244 		ns = &sns->sns_addr;
245 		break;
247 	default:
248 		errp = (struct ns_errp *)arg;
249 		ns = &errp->ns_err_idp.idp_dna;
250 		type = errp->ns_err_num;
251 		type = ntohs((u_short)type);
252 	}
253 	switch (type) {
256 		ns_pcbnotify(ns, (int)nsctlerrmap[cmd], idp_abort, (long)0);
257 		break;
259 	case NS_ERR_NOSOCK:
260 		nsp = ns_pcblookup(ns, errp->ns_err_idp.idp_sna.x_port,
261 			NS_WILDCARD);
262 		if(nsp && idp_donosocks && ! ns_nullhost(nsp->nsp_faddr))
263 			(void) idp_drop(nsp, (int)nsctlerrmap[cmd]);
264 	}
265 }
267 int	idpprintfs = 0;
268 int	idpforwarding = 1;
269 /*
270  * Forward a packet.  If some error occurs return the sender
271  * an error packet.  Note we can't always generate a meaningful
272  * error message because the NS errors don't have a large enough repetoire
273  * of codes and types.
274  */
275 struct route idp_droute;
276 struct route idp_sroute;
278 idp_forward(m)
279 struct mbuf *m;
280 {
281 	register struct idp *idp = mtod(m, struct idp *);
282 	register int error, type, code;
283 	struct mbuf *mcopy = NULL;
284 	int agedelta = 1;
285 	int flags = NS_FORWARDING;
286 	int ok_there = 0;
287 	int ok_back = 0;
289 	if (idpprintfs) {
290 		printf("forward: src ");
291 		ns_printhost(&idp->idp_sna);
292 		printf(", dst ");
293 		ns_printhost(&idp->idp_dna);
294 		printf("hop count %d\n", idp->idp_tc);
295 	}
296 	if (idpforwarding == 0) {
297 		/* can't tell difference between net and host */
298 		type = NS_ERR_UNREACH_HOST, code = 0;
299 		goto senderror;
300 	}
301 	idp->idp_tc++;
302 	if (idp->idp_tc > NS_MAXHOPS) {
303 		type = NS_ERR_TOO_OLD, code = 0;
304 		goto senderror;
305 	}
306 	/*
307 	 * Save at most 42 bytes of the packet in case
308 	 * we need to generate an NS error message to the src.
309 	 */
310 	mcopy = m_copy(m, 0, imin((int)ntohs(idp->idp_len), 42));
312 	if ((ok_there = idp_do_route(&idp->idp_dna,&idp_droute))==0) {
313 		type = NS_ERR_UNREACH_HOST, code = 0;
314 		goto senderror;
315 	}
316 	/*
317 	 * Here we think about  forwarding  broadcast packets,
318 	 * so we try to insure that it doesn't go back out
319 	 * on the interface it came in on.  Also, if we
320 	 * are going to physically broadcast this, let us
321 	 * age the packet so we can eat it safely the second time around.
322 	 */
323 	if (idp->idp_dna.x_host.c_host[0] & 0x1) {
324 		struct ns_ifaddr *ia = ns_iaonnetof(&idp->idp_dna);
325 		struct ifnet *ifp;
326 		if (ia) {
327 			/* I'm gonna hafta eat this packet */
328 			agedelta += NS_MAXHOPS - idp->idp_tc;
329 			idp->idp_tc = NS_MAXHOPS;
330 		}
331 		if ((ok_back = idp_do_route(&idp->idp_sna,&idp_sroute))==0) {
332 			/* error = ENETUNREACH; He'll never get it! */
333 			m_freem(m);
334 			goto cleanup;
335 		}
336 		if (idp_droute.ro_rt &&
337 		    (ifp=idp_droute.ro_rt->rt_ifp) &&
338 		    idp_sroute.ro_rt &&
339 		    (ifp!=idp_sroute.ro_rt->rt_ifp)) {
340 			flags |= NS_ALLOWBROADCAST;
341 		} else {
342 			type = NS_ERR_UNREACH_HOST, code = 0;
343 			goto senderror;
344 		}
345 	}
346 	/* need to adjust checksum */
347 	if (idp->idp_sum!=0xffff) {
348 		union bytes {
349 			u_char c[4];
350 			u_short s[2];
351 			long l;
352 		} x;
353 		register int shift;
354 		x.l = 0; x.c[0] = agedelta;
355 		shift = (((((int)ntohs(idp->idp_len))+1)>>1)-2) & 0xf;
356 		x.l = idp->idp_sum + (x.s[0] << shift);
357 		x.l = x.s[0] + x.s[1];
358 		x.l = x.s[0] + x.s[1];
359 		if (x.l==0xffff) idp->idp_sum = 0; else idp->idp_sum = x.l;
360 	}
361 	if ((error = ns_output(m, &idp_droute, flags)) &&
362 	    (mcopy!=NULL)) {
363 		idp = mtod(mcopy, struct idp *);
364 		type = NS_ERR_UNSPEC_T, code = 0;
365 		switch (error) {
367 		case ENETUNREACH:
368 		case EHOSTDOWN:
369 		case EHOSTUNREACH:
370 		case ENETDOWN:
371 		case EPERM:
372 			type = NS_ERR_UNREACH_HOST;
373 			break;
375 		case EMSGSIZE:
376 			type = NS_ERR_TOO_BIG;
377 			code = 576; /* too hard to figure out mtu here */
378 			break;
380 		case ENOBUFS:
381 			type = NS_ERR_UNSPEC_T;
382 			break;
383 		}
384 		mcopy = NULL;
385 	senderror:
386 		ns_error(m, type, code);
387 	}
388 cleanup:
389 	if (ok_there)
390 		idp_undo_route(&idp_droute);
391 	if (ok_back)
392 		idp_undo_route(&idp_sroute);
393 	if (mcopy != NULL)
394 		m_freem(mcopy);
395 }
397 idp_do_route(src, ro)
398 struct ns_addr *src;
399 struct route *ro;
400 {
402 	struct sockaddr_ns *dst;
404 	bzero((caddr_t)ro, sizeof (*ro));
405 	dst = (struct sockaddr_ns *)&ro->ro_dst;
407 	dst->sns_len = sizeof(*dst);
408 	dst->sns_family = AF_NS;
409 	dst->sns_addr = *src;
410 	dst->sns_addr.x_port = 0;
411 	rtalloc(ro);
412 	if (ro->ro_rt == 0 || ro->ro_rt->rt_ifp == 0) {
413 		return (0);
414 	}
415 	ro->ro_rt->rt_use++;
416 	return (1);
417 }
419 idp_undo_route(ro)
420 register struct route *ro;
421 {
422 	if (ro->ro_rt) {RTFREE(ro->ro_rt);}
423 }
425 ns_watch_output(m, ifp)
426 struct mbuf *m;
427 struct ifnet *ifp;
428 {
429 	register struct nspcb *nsp;
430 	register struct ifaddr *ifa;
431 	/*
432 	 * Give any raw listeners a crack at the packet
433 	 */
434 	for (nsp = nsrawpcb.nsp_next; nsp != &nsrawpcb; nsp = nsp->nsp_next) {
435 		struct mbuf *m0 = m_copy(m, 0, (int)M_COPYALL);
436 		if (m0) {
437 			register struct idp *idp;
439 			M_PREPEND(m0, sizeof (*idp), M_DONTWAIT);
440 			if (m0 == NULL)
441 				continue;
442 			idp = mtod(m0, struct idp *);
443 			idp->idp_sna.x_net = ns_zeronet;
444 			idp->idp_sna.x_host = ns_thishost;
445 			if (ifp && (ifp->if_flags & IFF_POINTOPOINT))
446 			    for(ifa = ifp->if_addrlist; ifa;
447 						ifa = ifa->ifa_next) {
448 				if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family==AF_NS) {
449 				    idp->idp_sna = IA_SNS(ifa)->sns_addr;
450 				    break;
451 				}
452 			    }
453 			idp->idp_len = ntohl(m0->m_pkthdr.len);
454 			idp_input(m0, nsp);
455 		}
456 	}
457 }