xref: /original-bsd/sys/sparc/sparc/clock.c (revision 860e07fc)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1992 The Regents of the University of California.
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This software was developed by the Computer Systems Engineering group
6  * at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory under DARPA contract BG 91-66 and
7  * contributed to Berkeley.
8  *
9  * All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
10  * must display the following acknowledgement:
11  *	This product includes software developed by the University of
12  *	California, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories.
13  *
14  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
15  *
16  *	@(#)clock.c	7.2 (Berkeley) 07/21/92
17  *
18  * from: $Header: clock.c,v 1.14 92/07/07 05:34:08 leres Exp $ (LBL)
19  */
21 /*
22  * Clock driver.  This is the id prom (``eeprom'') driver as well
23  * and includes the timer register functions too.
24  */
26 #include "sys/param.h"
27 #include "sys/kernel.h"
28 #include "sys/device.h"
29 #include "sys/proc.h"
30 #include "sys/resourcevar.h"
31 #ifdef GPROF
32 #include "sys/gmon.h"
33 #endif
35 #include "vm/vm.h"
37 #include "machine/autoconf.h"
38 #ifdef notdef
39 #include "machine/psl.h"
40 #endif
42 #include "clockreg.h"
43 #include "intreg.h"
44 #include "timerreg.h"
46 /*
47  * Statistics clock interval and variance, in usec.  Variance must be a
48  * power of two.  Since this gives us an even number, not an odd number,
49  * we discard one case and compensate.  That is, a variance of 1024 would
50  * give us offsets in [0..1023].  Instead, we take offsets in [1..1023].
51  * This is symmetric about the point 512, or statvar/2, and thus averages
52  * to that value (assuming uniform random numbers).
53  */
54 static int statvar = 1024;
55 static int statmin;		/* statclock interval - 1/2*variance */
57 static void clockattach __P((struct device *, struct device *, void *));
58 struct cfdriver clockcd =
59     { NULL, "eeprom", matchbyname, clockattach,
60       DV_DULL, sizeof(struct device) };
62 static void timerattach __P((struct device *, struct device *, void *));
63 struct cfdriver timercd =
64     { NULL, "counter-timer", matchbyname, timerattach, DV_DULL,
65       sizeof(struct device) };
67 /* ARGSUSED */
68 static void
69 clockattach(parent, self, aux)
70 	struct device *parent, *self;
71 	void *aux;
72 {
73 	register int h;
74 	register struct clockreg *cl;
75 	struct romaux *ra = aux;
77 	printf(": %s\n", getpropstring(ra->ra_node, "model"));
78 	/*
79 	 * We ignore any existing virtual address as we need to map
80 	 * this read-only and make it read-write only temporarily,
81 	 * whenever we read or write the clock chip.  The clock also
82 	 * contains the ID ``PROM'', and I have already had the pleasure
83 	 * of reloading the cpu type, Ethernet address, etc, by hand from
84 	 * the console FORTH interpreter.  I intend not to enjoy it again.
85 	 */
86 	cl = (struct clockreg *)mapiodev(ra->ra_paddr, sizeof *clockreg);
87 	pmap_changeprot(kernel_pmap, (vm_offset_t)clockreg, VM_PROT_READ, 1);
88 	h = cl->cl_idprom.id_machine << 24;
89 	h |= cl->cl_idprom.id_hostid[0] << 16;
90 	h |= cl->cl_idprom.id_hostid[1] << 8;
91 	h |= cl->cl_idprom.id_hostid[0];
92 	hostid = h;
93 	clockreg = cl;
94 }
96 /* ARGSUSED */
97 static void
98 timerattach(parent, self, aux)
99 	struct device *parent, *self;
100 	void *aux;
101 {
102 	register struct romaux *ra = aux;
104 	printf("\n");
105 	/*
106 	 * This time, we ignore any existing virtual address because
107 	 * we have a fixed virtual address for the timer, to make
108 	 * microtime() faster.
109 	 */
110 	(void)mapdev(ra->ra_paddr, TIMERREG_VA, sizeof(struct timerreg));
111 	/* should link interrupt handlers here, rather than compiled-in? */
112 }
114 /*
115  * Write en/dis-able clock registers.  We coordinate so that several
116  * writers can run simultaneously.
117  */
118 void
119 clk_wenable(onoff)
120 	int onoff;
121 {
122 	register int s;
123 	register vm_prot_t prot;/* nonzero => change prot */
124 	static int writers;
126 	s = splhigh();
127 	if (onoff)
128 		prot = writers++ == 0 ? VM_PROT_READ|VM_PROT_WRITE : 0;
129 	else
130 		prot = --writers == 0 ? VM_PROT_READ : 0;
131 	splx(s);
132 	if (prot)
133 		pmap_changeprot(kernel_pmap, (vm_offset_t)clockreg, prot, 1);
134 }
136 /*
137  * XXX this belongs elsewhere
138  */
139 void
140 myetheraddr(cp)
141 	u_char *cp;
142 {
143 	register struct clockreg *cl = clockreg;
145 	cp[0] = cl->cl_idprom.id_ether[0];
146 	cp[1] = cl->cl_idprom.id_ether[1];
147 	cp[2] = cl->cl_idprom.id_ether[2];
148 	cp[3] = cl->cl_idprom.id_ether[3];
149 	cp[4] = cl->cl_idprom.id_ether[4];
150 	cp[5] = cl->cl_idprom.id_ether[5];
151 }
153 /*
154  * Delay: wait for `about' n microseconds to pass.
155  * This is easy to do on the SparcStation since we have
156  * freerunning microsecond timers -- no need to guess at
157  * cpu speed factors.  We just wait for it to change n times
158  * (if we calculated a limit, we might overshoot, and precision
159  * is irrelevant here---we want less object code).
160  */
161 delay(n)
162 	register int n;
163 {
164 	register int c, t;
166 	if (timercd.cd_ndevs == 0)
167 		panic("delay");
168 	c = TIMERREG->t_c10.t_counter;
169 	while (--n >= 0) {
170 		while ((t = TIMERREG->t_c10.t_counter) == c)
171 			continue;
172 		c = t;
173 	}
174 }
176 /*
177  * Set up the real-time and statistics clocks.  Leave stathz 0 only if
178  * no alternative timer is available.
179  *
180  * The frequencies of these clocks must be an even number of microseconds.
181  */
182 cpu_initclocks()
183 {
184 	register int statint, minint;
186 	if (1000000 % hz) {
187 		printf("cannot get %d Hz clock; using 100 Hz\n", hz);
188 		hz = 100;
189 		tick = 1000000 / hz;
190 	}
191 	if (stathz == 0)
192 		stathz = hz;
193 	if (1000000 % stathz) {
194 		printf("cannot get %d Hz statclock; using 100 Hz\n", stathz);
195 		stathz = 100;
196 	}
197 	profhz = stathz;		/* always */
199 	statint = 1000000 / stathz;
200 	minint = statint / 2 + 100;
201 	while (statvar > minint)
202 		statvar >>= 1;
203 	TIMERREG->t_c10.t_limit = tmr_ustolim(tick);
204 	TIMERREG->t_c14.t_limit = tmr_ustolim(statint);
205 	statmin = statint - (statvar >> 1);
206 	ienab_bis(IE_L14 | IE_L10);
207 }
209 /*
210  * Dummy setstatclockrate(), since we know profhz==hz.
211  */
212 /* ARGSUSED */
213 void
214 setstatclockrate(newhz)
215 	int newhz;
216 {
217 	/* nothing */
218 }
220 /*
221  * Level 10 (clock) interrupts.  If we are using the FORTH PROM for
222  * console input, we need to check for that here as well, and generate
223  * a software interrupt to read it.
224  */
225 int
226 clockintr(cap)
227 	void *cap;
228 {
229 	register int discard;
230 	extern int rom_console_input;
232 	/* read the limit register to clear the interrupt */
233 	discard = TIMERREG->t_c10.t_limit;
234 	hardclock((struct clockframe *)cap);
235 	if (rom_console_input && cnrom())
236 		setsoftint();
238 	return (1);
239 }
241 /*
242  * Level 14 (stat clock) interrupt handler.
243  */
244 int
245 statintr(cap)
246 	void *cap;
247 {
248 	register int discard;
249 	register u_long newint, r, var;
251 	/* read the limit register to clear the interrupt */
252 	discard = TIMERREG->t_c14.t_limit;
253 	statclock((struct clockframe *)cap);
255 	/*
256 	 * Compute new randomized interval.  The intervals are uniformly
257 	 * distributed on [statint - statvar / 2, statint + statvar / 2],
258 	 * and therefore have mean statint, giving a stathz frequency clock.
259 	 */
260 	var = statvar;
261 	do {
262 		r = random() & (var - 1);
263 	} while (r == 0);
264 	newint = statmin + r;
266 	TIMERREG->t_c14.t_limit = tmr_ustolim(newint);
267 	return (1);
268 }
270 /*
271  * BCD to decimal and decimal to BCD.
272  */
273 #define	FROMBCD(x)	(((x) >> 4) * 10 + ((x) & 0xf))
274 #define	TOBCD(x)	(((x) / 10 * 16) + ((x) % 10))
276 #define	SECDAY		(24 * 60 * 60)
277 #define	SECYR		(SECDAY * 365)
278 #define	LEAPYEAR(y)	(((y) & 3) == 0)
280 /*
281  * This code is defunct after 2068.
282  * Will Unix still be here then??
283  */
284 const short dayyr[12] =
285     { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334 };
287 chiptotime(sec, min, hour, day, mon, year)
288 	register int sec, min, hour, day, mon, year;
289 {
290 	register int days, yr;
292 	sec = FROMBCD(sec);
293 	min = FROMBCD(min);
294 	hour = FROMBCD(hour);
295 	day = FROMBCD(day);
296 	mon = FROMBCD(mon);
297 	year = FROMBCD(year) + YEAR0;
299 	/* simple sanity checks */
300 	if (year < 70 || mon < 1 || mon > 12 || day < 1 || day > 31)
301 		return (0);
302 	days = 0;
303 	for (yr = 70; yr < year; yr++)
304 		days += LEAPYEAR(yr) ? 366 : 365;
305 	days += dayyr[mon - 1] + day - 1;
306 	if (LEAPYEAR(yr) && mon > 2)
307 		days++;
308 	/* now have days since Jan 1, 1970; the rest is easy... */
309 	return (days * SECDAY + hour * 3600 + min * 60 + sec);
310 }
312 struct chiptime {
313 	int	sec;
314 	int	min;
315 	int	hour;
316 	int	wday;
317 	int	day;
318 	int	mon;
319 	int	year;
320 };
322 timetochip(c)
323 	register struct chiptime *c;
324 {
325 	register int t, t2, t3, now = time.tv_sec;
327 	/* compute the year */
328 	t2 = now / SECDAY;
329 	t3 = (t2 + 2) % 7;	/* day of week */
330 	c->wday = TOBCD(t3 + 1);
332 	t = 69;
333 	while (t2 >= 0) {	/* whittle off years */
334 		t3 = t2;
335 		t++;
336 		t2 -= LEAPYEAR(t) ? 366 : 365;
337 	}
338 	c->year = t;
340 	/* t3 = month + day; separate */
341 	t = LEAPYEAR(t);
342 	for (t2 = 1; t2 < 12; t2++)
343 		if (t3 < dayyr[t2] + (t && t2 > 1))
344 			break;
346 	/* t2 is month */
347 	c->mon = t2;
348 	c->day = t3 - dayyr[t2 - 1] + 1;
349 	if (t && t2 > 2)
350 		c->day--;
352 	/* the rest is easy */
353 	t = now % SECDAY;
354 	c->hour = t / 3600;
355 	t %= 3600;
356 	c->min = t / 60;
357 	c->sec = t % 60;
359 	c->sec = TOBCD(c->sec);
360 	c->min = TOBCD(c->min);
361 	c->hour = TOBCD(c->hour);
362 	c->day = TOBCD(c->day);
363 	c->mon = TOBCD(c->mon);
364 	c->year = TOBCD(c->year - YEAR0);
365 }
367 /*
368  * Set up the system's time, given a `reasonable' time value.
369  */
370 inittodr(base)
371 	time_t base;
372 {
373 	register struct clockreg *cl = clockreg;
374 	int sec, min, hour, day, mon, year;
375 	int badbase = 0;
377 	if (base < 5 * SECYR) {
378 		printf("WARNING: preposterous time in file system\n");
379 		/* not going to use it anyway, if the chip is readable */
380 		base = 21*SECYR + 186*SECDAY + SECDAY/2;
381 		badbase = 1;
382 	}
383 	clk_wenable(1);
384 	cl->cl_csr |= CLK_READ;		/* enable read (stop time) */
385 	sec = cl->cl_sec;
386 	min = cl->cl_min;
387 	hour = cl->cl_hour;
388 	day = cl->cl_mday;
389 	mon = cl->cl_month;
390 	year = cl->cl_year;
391 	cl->cl_csr &= ~CLK_READ;	/* time wears on */
392 	clk_wenable(0);
393 	if ((time.tv_sec = chiptotime(sec, min, hour, day, mon, year)) == 0) {
394 		printf("WARNING: bad date in battery clock");
395 		/*
396 		 * Believe the time in the file system for lack of
397 		 * anything better, resetting the clock.
398 		 */
399 		time.tv_sec = base;
400 		if (!badbase)
401 			resettodr();
402 	} else {
403 		int deltat = time.tv_sec - base;
405 		if (deltat < 0)
406 			deltat = -deltat;
407 		if (deltat < 2 * SECDAY)
408 			return;
409 		printf("WARNING: clock %s %d days",
410 		    time.tv_sec < base ? "lost" : "gained", deltat / SECDAY);
411 	}
412 	printf(" -- CHECK AND RESET THE DATE!\n");
413 }
415 /*
416  * Reset the clock based on the current time.
417  * Used when the current clock is preposterous, when the time is changed,
418  * and when rebooting.  Do nothing if the time is not yet known, e.g.,
419  * when crashing during autoconfig.
420  */
421 resettodr()
422 {
423 	register struct clockreg *cl;
424 	struct chiptime c;
426 	if (!time.tv_sec || (cl = clockreg) == NULL)
427 		return;
428 	timetochip(&c);
429 	clk_wenable(1);
430 	cl->cl_csr |= CLK_WRITE;	/* enable write */
431 	cl->cl_sec = c.sec;
432 	cl->cl_min = c.min;
433 	cl->cl_hour = c.hour;
434 	cl->cl_wday = c.wday;
435 	cl->cl_mday = c.day;
436 	cl->cl_month = c.mon;
437 	cl->cl_year = c.year;
438 	cl->cl_csr &= ~CLK_WRITE;	/* load them up */
439 	clk_wenable(0);
440 }