xref: /original-bsd/sys/sys/mbuf.h (revision b485b642)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1988 Regents of the University of California.
3  * All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
6  * provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
7  * duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
8  * advertising materials, and other materials related to such
9  * distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
10  * by the University of California, Berkeley.  The name of the
11  * University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived
12  * from this software without specific prior written permission.
16  *
17  *	@(#)mbuf.h	7.12 (Berkeley) 09/04/89
18  */
20 #ifndef M_WAITOK
21 #include "malloc.h"
22 #endif
24 /*
25  * Mbufs are of a single size, MSIZE (machine/machparam.h), which
26  * includes overhead.  An mbuf may add a single "mbuf cluster" of size
27  * MCLBYTES (also in machine/machparam.h), which has no additional overhead
28  * and is used instead of the internal data area; this is done when
29  * at least MINCLSIZE of data must be stored.
30  */
32 #define	MLEN		(MSIZE - sizeof(struct m_hdr))	/* normal data len */
33 #define	MHLEN		(MLEN - sizeof(struct pkthdr))	/* data len w/pkthdr */
35 #define	MINCLSIZE	(MHLEN + MLEN)	/* smallest amount to put in cluster */
36 #define	M_MAXCOMPRESS	(MHLEN / 2)	/* max amount to copy for compression */
38 /*
39  * Macros for type conversion
40  * mtod(m,t) -	convert mbuf pointer to data pointer of correct type
41  * dtom(x) -	convert data pointer within mbuf to mbuf pointer (XXX)
42  * mtocl(x) -	convert pointer within cluster to cluster index #
43  * cltom(x) -	convert cluster # to ptr to beginning of cluster
44  */
45 #define mtod(m,t)	((t)((m)->m_data))
46 #define	dtom(x)		((struct mbuf *)((int)x & ~(MSIZE-1)))
47 #define	mtocl(x)	(((u_int)x - (u_int)mbutl) >> MCLSHIFT)
48 #define	cltom(x)	((caddr_t)mbutl[x])
50 /* header at beginning of each mbuf: */
51 struct m_hdr {
52 	struct	mbuf *mh_next;		/* next buffer in chain */
53 	struct	mbuf *mh_nextpkt;	/* next chain in queue/record */
54 	int	mh_len;			/* amount of data in this mbuf */
55 	caddr_t	mh_data;		/* location of data */
56 	short	mh_type;		/* type of data in this mbuf */
57 	short	mh_flags;		/* flags; see below */
58 };
60 /* record/packet header in first mbuf of chain; valid if M_PKTHDR set */
61 struct	pkthdr {
62 	int	len;		/* total packet length */
63 	struct	ifnet *rcvif;	/* rcv interface */
64 };
66 /* description of external storage mapped into mbuf, valid if M_EXT set */
67 struct m_ext {
68 	caddr_t	ext_buf;		/* start of buffer */
69 	void	(*ext_free)();		/* free routine if not the usual */
70 	u_int	ext_size;		/* size of buffer, for ext_free */
71 };
73 struct mbuf {
74 	struct	m_hdr m_hdr;
75 	union {
76 		struct {
77 			struct	pkthdr MH_pkthdr;	/* M_PKTHDR set */
78 			union {
79 				struct	m_ext MH_ext;	/* M_EXT set */
80 				char	MH_databuf[MHLEN];
81 			} MH_dat;
82 		} MH;
83 		char	M_databuf[MLEN];		/* !M_PKTHDR, !M_EXT */
84 	} M_dat;
85 };
86 #define	m_next		m_hdr.mh_next
87 #define	m_len		m_hdr.mh_len
88 #define	m_data		m_hdr.mh_data
89 #define	m_type		m_hdr.mh_type
90 #define	m_flags		m_hdr.mh_flags
91 #define	m_nextpkt	m_hdr.mh_nextpkt
92 #define	m_act		m_nextpkt
93 #define	m_pkthdr	M_dat.MH.MH_pkthdr
94 #define	m_ext		M_dat.MH.MH_dat.MH_ext
95 #define	m_pktdat	M_dat.MH.MH_dat.MH_databuf
96 #define	m_dat		M_dat.M_databuf
98 /* mbuf flags */
99 #define	M_EXT		0x0001	/* has associated external storage */
100 #define	M_PKTHDR	0x0002	/* start of record */
101 #define	M_EOR		0x0004	/* end of record */
103 /* mbuf pkthdr flags, also in m_flags */
104 #define	M_BCAST		0x0100	/* send/received as link-level broadcast */
105 #define	M_MCAST		0x0200	/* send/received as link-level multicast */
107 /* flags copied when copying m_pkthdr */
110 /* mbuf types */
111 #define	MT_FREE		0	/* should be on free list */
112 #define	MT_DATA		1	/* dynamic (data) allocation */
113 #define	MT_HEADER	2	/* packet header */
114 #define	MT_SOCKET	3	/* socket structure */
115 #define	MT_PCB		4	/* protocol control block */
116 #define	MT_RTABLE	5	/* routing tables */
117 #define	MT_HTABLE	6	/* IMP host tables */
118 #define	MT_ATABLE	7	/* address resolution tables */
119 #define	MT_SONAME	8	/* socket name */
120 #define	MT_SOOPTS	10	/* socket options */
121 #define	MT_FTABLE	11	/* fragment reassembly header */
122 #define	MT_RIGHTS	12	/* access rights */
123 #define	MT_IFADDR	13	/* interface address */
124 #define MT_CONTROL	14	/* extra-data protocol message */
125 #define MT_OOBDATA	15	/* expedited data  */
127 /* flags to m_get/MGET */
129 #define	M_WAIT		M_WAITOK
131 /*
132  * mbuf allocation/deallocation macros:
133  *
134  *	MGET(struct mbuf *m, int how, int type)
135  * allocates an mbuf and initializes it to contain internal data.
136  *
137  *	MGETHDR(struct mbuf *m, int how, int type)
138  * allocates an mbuf and initializes it to contain a packet header
139  * and internal data.
140  */
141 #define	MGET(m, how, type) { \
142 	MALLOC((m), struct mbuf *, MSIZE, mbtypes[type], (how)); \
143 	if (m) { \
144 		(m)->m_type = (type); \
145 		mbstat.m_mtypes[type]++; \
146 		(m)->m_next = (struct mbuf *)NULL; \
147 		(m)->m_nextpkt = (struct mbuf *)NULL; \
148 		(m)->m_data = (m)->m_dat; \
149 		(m)->m_flags = 0; \
150 	} else \
151 		(m) = m_retry((how), (type)); \
152 }
154 #define	MGETHDR(m, how, type) { \
155 	MALLOC((m), struct mbuf *, MSIZE, mbtypes[type], (how)); \
156 	if (m) { \
157 		(m)->m_type = (type); \
158 		mbstat.m_mtypes[type]++; \
159 		(m)->m_next = (struct mbuf *)NULL; \
160 		(m)->m_nextpkt = (struct mbuf *)NULL; \
161 		(m)->m_data = (m)->m_pktdat; \
162 		(m)->m_flags = M_PKTHDR; \
163 	} else \
164 		(m) = m_retryhdr((how), (type)); \
165 }
167 /*
168  * Mbuf cluster macros.
169  * MCLALLOC(caddr_t p, int how) allocates an mbuf cluster.
170  * MCLGET adds such clusters to a normal mbuf;
171  * the flag M_EXT is set upon success.
172  * MCLFREE releases a reference to a cluster allocated by MCLALLOC,
173  * freeing the cluster if the reference count has reached 0.
174  *
175  * Normal mbuf clusters are normally treated as character arrays
176  * after allocation, but use the first word of the buffer as a free list
177  * pointer while on the free list.
178  */
179 union mcluster {
180 	union	mcluster *mcl_next;
181 	char	mcl_buf[MCLBYTES];
182 };
184 #define	MCLALLOC(p, how) \
185 	{ int ms = splimp(); \
186 	  if (mclfree == 0) \
187 		(void)m_clalloc(1, (how)); \
188 	  if ((p) = (caddr_t)mclfree) { \
189 		++mclrefcnt[mtocl(p)]; \
190 		mbstat.m_clfree--; \
191 		mclfree = ((union mcluster *)(p))->mcl_next; \
192 	  } \
193 	  splx(ms); \
194 	}
196 #define	MCLGET(m, how) \
197 	{ MCLALLOC((m)->m_ext.ext_buf, (how)); \
198 	  if ((m)->m_ext.ext_buf != NULL) { \
199 		(m)->m_data = (m)->m_ext.ext_buf; \
200 		(m)->m_flags |= M_EXT; \
201 		(m)->m_ext.ext_size = MCLBYTES;  \
202 	  } \
203 	}
205 #define	MCLFREE(p) \
206 	{ int ms = splimp(); \
207 	  if (--mclrefcnt[mtocl(p)] == 0) { \
208 		((union mcluster *)(p))->mcl_next = mclfree; \
209 		mclfree = (union mcluster *)(p); \
210 		mbstat.m_clfree++; \
211 	  } \
212 	  splx(ms); \
213 	}
215 /*
216  * MFREE(struct mbuf *m, struct mbuf *n)
217  * Free a single mbuf and associated external storage.
218  * Place the successor, if any, in n.
219  */
220 #ifdef notyet
221 #define	MFREE(m, n) \
222 	{ mbstat.m_mtypes[(m)->m_type]--; \
223 	  if ((m)->m_flags & M_EXT) { \
224 		if ((m)->m_ext.ext_free) \
225 			(*((m)->m_ext.ext_free))((m)->m_ext.ext_buf, \
226 			    (m)->m_ext.ext_size); \
227 		else \
228 			MCLFREE((m)->m_ext.ext_buf); \
229 	  } \
230 	  (n) = (m)->m_next; \
231 	  FREE((m), mbtypes[(m)->m_type]); \
232 	}
233 #else /* notyet */
234 #define	MFREE(m, nn) \
235 	{ mbstat.m_mtypes[(m)->m_type]--; \
236 	  if ((m)->m_flags & M_EXT) { \
237 		MCLFREE((m)->m_ext.ext_buf); \
238 	  } \
239 	  (nn) = (m)->m_next; \
240 	  FREE((m), mbtypes[(m)->m_type]); \
241 	}
242 #endif
244 /*
245  * Copy mbuf pkthdr from from to to.
246  * from must have M_PKTHDR set, and to must be empty.
247  */
248 #define	M_COPY_PKTHDR(to, from) { \
249 	(to)->m_pkthdr = (from)->m_pkthdr; \
250 	(to)->m_flags = (from)->m_flags & M_COPYFLAGS; \
251 	(to)->m_data = (to)->m_pktdat; \
252 }
254 /*
255  * Set the m_data pointer of a newly-allocated mbuf (m_get/MGET) to place
256  * an object of the specified size at the end of the mbuf, longword aligned.
257  */
258 #define	M_ALIGN(m, len) \
259 	{ (m)->m_data += (MLEN - (len)) &~ (sizeof(long) - 1); }
260 /*
261  * As above, for mbufs allocated with m_gethdr/MGETHDR
262  * or initialized by M_COPY_PKTHDR.
263  */
264 #define	MH_ALIGN(m, len) \
265 	{ (m)->m_data += (MHLEN - (len)) &~ (sizeof(long) - 1); }
267 /*
268  * Compute the amount of space available
269  * before the current start of data in an mbuf.
270  */
271 #define	M_LEADINGSPACE(m) \
272 	((m)->m_flags & M_EXT ? /* (m)->m_data - (m)->m_ext.ext_buf */ 0 : \
273 	    (m)->m_flags & M_PKTHDR ? (m)->m_data - (m)->m_pktdat : \
274 	    (m)->m_data - (m)->m_dat)
276 /*
277  * Compute the amount of space available
278  * after the end of data in an mbuf.
279  */
280 #define	M_TRAILINGSPACE(m) \
281 	((m)->m_flags & M_EXT ? (m)->m_ext.ext_buf + (m)->m_ext.ext_size - \
282 	    ((m)->m_data + (m)->m_len) : \
283 	    &(m)->m_dat[MLEN] - ((m)->m_data + (m)->m_len))
285 /*
286  * Arrange to prepend space of size plen to mbuf m.
287  * If a new mbuf must be allocated, how specifies whether to wait.
288  * If how is M_DONTWAIT and allocation fails, the original mbuf chain
289  * is freed and m is set to NULL.
290  */
291 #define	M_PREPEND(m, plen, how) { \
292 	if (M_LEADINGSPACE(m) >= (plen)) { \
293 		(m)->m_data -= (plen); \
294 		(m)->m_len += (plen); \
295 	} else \
296 		(m) = m_prepend((m), (plen), (how)); \
297 	if ((m) && (m)->m_flags & M_PKTHDR) \
298 		(m)->m_pkthdr.len += (plen); \
299 }
301 /* change mbuf to new type */
302 #define MCHTYPE(m, t) { \
303 	mbstat.m_mtypes[(m)->m_type]--; \
304 	mbstat.m_mtypes[t]++; \
305 	(m)->m_type = t;\
306 }
308 /* length to m_copy to copy all */
309 #define	M_COPYALL	1000000000
311 /* compatiblity with 4.3 */
312 #define  m_copy(m, o, l)	m_copym((m), (o), (l), M_DONTWAIT)
314 /*
315  * Mbuf statistics.
316  */
317 struct mbstat {
318 	u_long	m_mbufs;	/* mbufs obtained from page pool */
319 	u_long	m_clusters;	/* clusters obtained from page pool */
320 	u_long	m_spare;	/* spare field */
321 	u_long	m_clfree;	/* free clusters */
322 	u_long	m_drops;	/* times failed to find space */
323 	u_long	m_wait;		/* times waited for space */
324 	u_long	m_drain;	/* times drained protocols for space */
325 	u_short	m_mtypes[256];	/* type specific mbuf allocations */
326 };
328 #ifdef	KERNEL
329 extern	char mbutl[][MCLBYTES];		/* virtual address of mclusters */
330 extern	struct pte Mbmap[];		/* page tables to map mbutl */
331 struct	mbstat mbstat;
332 int	nmbclusters;
333 union	mcluster *mclfree;
335 int	max_linkhdr;			/* largest link-level header */
336 int	max_protohdr;			/* largest protocol header */
337 int	max_hdr;			/* largest link+protocol header */
338 int	max_datalen;			/* MHLEN - max_hdr */
339 struct	mbuf *m_get(), *m_gethdr(), *m_getclr(), *m_retry(), *m_retryhdr();
340 struct	mbuf *m_free(), *m_copym(), *m_pullup(), *m_prepend();
341 int	m_clalloc();
342 extern	int mbtypes[];			/* XXX */
344 #ifdef MBTYPES
345 int mbtypes[] = {				/* XXX */
346 	M_FREE,		/* MT_FREE	0	/* should be on free list */
347 	M_MBUF,		/* MT_DATA	1	/* dynamic (data) allocation */
348 	M_MBUF,		/* MT_HEADER	2	/* packet header */
349 	M_SOCKET,	/* MT_SOCKET	3	/* socket structure */
350 	M_PCB,		/* MT_PCB	4	/* protocol control block */
351 	M_RTABLE,	/* MT_RTABLE	5	/* routing tables */
352 	M_HTABLE,	/* MT_HTABLE	6	/* IMP host tables */
353 	0,		/* MT_ATABLE	7	/* address resolution tables */
354 	M_MBUF,		/* MT_SONAME	8	/* socket name */
355 	0,		/* 		9 */
356 	M_SOOPTS,	/* MT_SOOPTS	10	/* socket options */
357 	M_FTABLE,	/* MT_FTABLE	11	/* fragment reassembly header */
358 	M_MBUF,		/* MT_RIGHTS	12	/* access rights */
359 	M_IFADDR,	/* MT_IFADDR	13	/* interface address */
360 	M_MBUF,		/* MT_CONTROL	14	/* extra-data protocol message */
361 	M_MBUF,		/* MT_OOBDATA	15	/* expedited data  */
362 #ifdef DATAKIT
363 	25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32		/* datakit ugliness */
364 #endif
365 };
366 #endif
367 #endif