xref: /original-bsd/sys/sys/proc.h (revision 87a44d1b)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986 Regents of the University of California.
3  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
4  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
5  *
6  *	@(#)proc.h	7.3 (Berkeley) 10/18/88
7  */
9 /*
10  * One structure allocated per session.
11  */
12 struct	session {
13 	struct	proc *s_leader;	/* pointer to session leader */
14 	short	s_count;	/* number of pgrps in session */
15 };
17 /*
18  * One structure allocated per process group.
19  */
20 struct	pgrp {
21 	struct	pgrp *pg_hforw;	/* forward link in hash bucket */
22 	struct	proc *pg_mem;	/* pointer to pgrp members */
23 	struct	session *pg_session;	/* pointer to session */
24 	pid_t	pg_id;		/* pgrp id */
25 	short	pg_jobc;	/* # procs qualifying pgrp for job control */
26 };
28 /*
29  * One structure allocated per active
30  * process. It contains all data needed
31  * about the process while the
32  * process may be swapped out.
33  * Other per process data (user.h)
34  * is swapped with the process.
35  */
36 struct	proc {
37 	struct	proc *p_link;	/* linked list of running processes */
38 	struct	proc *p_rlink;
39 	struct	proc *p_nxt;	/* linked list of allocated proc slots */
40 	struct	proc **p_prev;		/* also zombies, and free proc's */
41 	struct	pte *p_addr;	/* u-area kernel map address */
42 	char	p_usrpri;	/* user-priority based on p_cpu and p_nice */
43 	char	p_pri;		/* priority, negative is high */
44 	char	p_cpu;		/* cpu usage for scheduling */
45 	char	p_stat;
46 	char	p_time;		/* resident time for scheduling */
47 	char	p_nice;		/* nice for cpu usage */
48 	char	p_slptime;	/* time since last block */
49 	char	p_cursig;
50 	int	p_sig;		/* signals pending to this process */
51 	int	p_sigmask;	/* current signal mask */
52 	int	p_sigignore;	/* signals being ignored */
53 	int	p_sigcatch;	/* signals being caught by user */
54 	int	p_flag;
55 	uid_t	p_uid;		/* user id, used to direct tty signals */
56 	pid_t	p_pid;		/* unique process id */
57 	pid_t	p_ppid;		/* process id of parent */
58 	u_short	p_xstat;	/* Exit status for wait */
59 	struct	rusage *p_ru;	/* mbuf holding exit information */
60 	short	p_poip;		/* page outs in progress */
61 	short	p_szpt;		/* copy of page table size */
62 	size_t	p_tsize;	/* size of text (clicks) */
63 	size_t	p_dsize;	/* size of data space (clicks) */
64 	size_t	p_ssize;	/* copy of stack size (clicks) */
65 	size_t 	p_rssize; 	/* current resident set size in clicks */
66 	size_t	p_maxrss;	/* copy of u.u_limit[MAXRSS] */
67 	size_t	p_swrss;	/* resident set size before last swap */
68 	swblk_t	p_swaddr;	/* disk address of u area when swapped */
69 	caddr_t p_wchan;	/* event process is awaiting */
70 	struct	text *p_textp;	/* pointer to text structure */
71 	struct	pte *p_p0br;	/* page table base P0BR */
72 	struct	proc *p_xlink;	/* linked list of procs sharing same text */
73 	short	p_cpticks;	/* ticks of cpu time */
74 	float	p_pctcpu;	/* %cpu for this process during p_time */
75 	short	p_ndx;		/* proc index for memall (because of vfork) */
76 	short	p_idhash;	/* hashed based on p_pid for kill+exit+... */
77 	struct	proc *p_pptr;	/* pointer to process structure of parent */
78 	struct	proc *p_cptr;	/* pointer to youngest living child */
79 	struct	proc *p_osptr;	/* pointer to older sibling processes */
80 	struct	proc *p_ysptr;	/* pointer to younger siblings */
81 	struct 	pgrp *p_pgrp;	/* pointer to process group */
82 #define p_session p_pgrp->pg_session
83 #define p_pgid	p_pgrp->pg_id
84 	struct	proc *p_pgrpnxt; /* pointer to next process in process group */
85 	struct	itimerval p_realtimer;
86 	struct	quota *p_quota;	/* quotas for this process */
87 #if defined(tahoe)
88 	int	p_ckey;		/* code cache key */
89 	int	p_dkey;		/* data cache key */
90 #endif
91 };
93 #define	PIDHSZ		64
94 #define	PIDHASH(pid)	((pid) & (PIDHSZ - 1))
96 #ifdef KERNEL
97 pid_t	pidhash[PIDHSZ];
98 struct	proc *pfind();
99 struct	pgrp *pgrphash[PIDHSZ];
100 struct 	pgrp *pgfind();		/* find process group by id */
101 struct	proc *proc, *procNPROC;	/* the proc table itself */
102 struct	proc *freeproc, *zombproc, *allproc;
103 			/* lists of procs in various states */
104 int	nproc;
106 #define	NQS	32		/* 32 run queues */
107 struct	prochd {
108 	struct	proc *ph_link;	/* linked list of running processes */
109 	struct	proc *ph_rlink;
110 } qs[NQS];
111 int	whichqs;		/* bit mask summarizing non-empty qs's */
113 #define SESS_LEADER(p)	((p)->p_session->s_leader == (p))
114 #define PGRP_JOBC(p)	(((p)->p_pgrp != (p)->p_pptr->p_pgrp) && \
115 			((p)->p_session == (p)->p_pptr->p_session))
116 #endif
118 /* stat codes */
119 #define	SSLEEP	1		/* awaiting an event */
120 #define	SWAIT	2		/* (abandoned state) */
121 #define	SRUN	3		/* running */
122 #define	SIDL	4		/* intermediate state in process creation */
123 #define	SZOMB	5		/* intermediate state in process termination */
124 #define	SSTOP	6		/* process being traced */
126 /* flag codes */
127 #define	SLOAD	0x0000001	/* in core */
128 #define	SSYS	0x0000002	/* swapper or pager process */
129 #define	SLOCK	0x0000004	/* process being swapped out */
130 #define	SSWAP	0x0000008	/* save area flag */
131 #define	STRC	0x0000010	/* process is being traced */
132 #define	SWTED	0x0000020	/* another tracing flag */
133 #define	SULOCK	0x0000040	/* user settable lock in core */
134 #define	SPAGE	0x0000080	/* process in page wait state */
135 #define	SKEEP	0x0000100	/* another flag to prevent swap out */
136 #define	SOMASK	0x0000200	/* restore old mask after taking signal */
137 #define	SWEXIT	0x0000400	/* working on exiting */
138 #define	SPHYSIO	0x0000800	/* doing physical i/o (bio.c) */
139 #define	SVFORK	0x0001000	/* process resulted from vfork() */
140 #define	SVFDONE	0x0002000	/* another vfork flag */
141 #define	SNOVM	0x0004000	/* no vm, parent in a vfork() */
142 #define	SPAGI	0x0008000	/* init data space on demand, from inode */
143 #define	SSEQL	0x0010000	/* user warned of sequential vm behavior */
144 #define	SUANOM	0x0020000	/* user warned of random vm behavior */
145 #define	STIMO	0x0040000	/* timing out during sleep */
146 /* was SDETACH */
147 #define	SOUSIG	0x0100000	/* using old signal mechanism */
148 #define	SOWEUPC	0x0200000	/* owe process an addupc() call at next ast */
149 #define	SSEL	0x0400000	/* selecting; wakeup/waiting danger */
150 #define	SLOGIN	0x0800000	/* a login process (legit child of init) */
151 #define	SPTECHG	0x1000000	/* pte's for process have changed */
152 #define STRCSYS	0x2000000	/* tracing system calls */
153 #define STRCSYSI 0x4000000	/* tracing system calls - inherited */
154 #define SEXEC	0x8000000	/* process called exec */