xref: /original-bsd/sys/sys/vsio.h (revision 2598cae2)
1 /*-
2  * Copyright (c) 1987, 1993
3  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
6  *
7  *	@(#)vsio.h	8.1 (Berkeley) 06/02/93
8  */
10  /****************************************************************************
11  *									    *
12  *  Copyright (c) 1983, 1984 by						    *
13  *  DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, Maynard, Massachusetts.		    *
14  *  All rights reserved.						    *
15  * 									    *
16  *  This software is furnished on an as-is basis and may be used and copied *
17  *  only with inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or any *
18  *  other copies thereof may be provided or otherwise made available to     *
19  *  others only for non-commercial purposes.  No title to or ownership of   *
20  *  the software is hereby transferred.					    *
21  * 									    *
22  *  The information in this software is  subject to change without notice   *
23  *  and  should  not  be  construed as  a commitment by DIGITAL EQUIPMENT   *
24  *  CORPORATION.							    *
25  * 									    *
26  *  DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use  or  reliability of its   *
27  *  software on equipment which is not supplied by DIGITAL.		    *
28  * 									    *
29  *									    *
30  ****************************************************************************/
31 /*
32  * vsio.h - VS100 I/O command definitions
33  *
34  * Author:	Christopher A. Kent
35  *		Digital Equipment Corporation
36  *		Western Research Lab
37  * Date:	Tue Jun 21 1983
38  */
40 /*
41  * Possible ioctl calls
42  */
44 #define	VSIOINIT	_IO('V', 0)		/* init the device */
45 #define	VSIOSTART	_IOW('V', 1, int)	/* start microcode */
46 #define	VSIOABORT	_IO('V', 2)		/* abort a command chain */
47 #define	VSIOPWRUP	_IO('V', 3)		/* power-up reset */
48 #define	VSIOGETVER	_IOR('V', 4, int)	/* get rom version */
49 #define	VSIOSYNC	_IO('V', 6)		/* synch with device */
50 #define	VSIOBBACTL	_IOW('V', 8, int)	/* control the BBA */
51 #define	VSIOFIBCTL	_IOW('V', 9, int)	/* lamp on/off */
52 #define	VSIOFIBRETRY	_IOW('V',10, int)	/* fiber retries */
53 #define	VSIOGETSTATS	_IOR('V',11, vsStats)	/* get statistics */
54 #define	VSIOGETIOA	_IOR('V',13, vsIoAddrAddr)/* get ioreg address */
55 #define	VSIOUSERWAIT	_IO('V', 15)	/* wait for user I/O completion */
56 #define VSIOWAITGO	_IOW('V', 16, caddr_t)	/* wait then go */
59 #define	VSIO_OFF	0		/* option off */
60 #define	VSIO_ON		1		/* option on */
62 #define	VS_FIB_FINITE	1		/* finite retries */
63 #define	VS_FIB_INFINITE	2		/* infinite retries */
65 /*
66  * Event queue entries
67  */
69 typedef struct	_vs_event{
70 	u_short	vse_x;		/* x position */
71 	u_short	vse_y;		/* y position */
72 	u_short	vse_time;	/* 10 millisecond units (button only) */
73 	char	vse_type;	/* button or motion? */
74 	u_char	vse_key;	/* the key (button only) */
75 	char	vse_direction;	/* which direction (button only) */
76 	char	vse_device;	/* which device (button only) */
77 }vsEvent;
79 #define	VSE_BUTTON	0		/* button moved */
80 #define	VSE_MMOTION	1		/* mouse moved */
81 #define	VSE_TMOTION	2		/* tablet moved */
83 #define	VSE_KBTUP	0		/* up */
84 #define	VSE_KBTDOWN	1		/* down */
86 #define	VSE_MOUSE	1		/* mouse */
87 #define	VSE_DKB		2		/* main keyboard */
88 #define	VSE_TABLET	3		/* graphics tablet */
89 #define	VSE_AUX		4		/* auxiliary */
90 #define	VSE_CONSOLE	5		/* console */
92 typedef struct _vsStats{
93 	int	errors;			/* count errors */
94 	int	unsolIntr;		/* count unsolicited interrupts */
95 	int	overruns;		/* event queue overruns */
96 	int	flashes;		/* flashes on fiber link */
97 	int	ignites;		/* times turned on */
98 	int	douses;			/* times turned off */
99 	int	linkErrors;		/* link errors */
100 }vsStats;
102 typedef struct _vs_cursor{
103 	short x;
104 	short y;
105 }vsCursor;
107 typedef struct _vs_box {
108 	short bottom;
109 	short right;
110 	short left;
111 	short top;
112 }vsBox;
114 typedef struct _vsIoAddr {
115 	short	 *ioreg;
116 	short	 status;
117 	caddr_t  obuff;
118 	int	 obufflen;
119 	int	 reloc;
120 	vsEvent  *ibuff;
121 	int	 iqsize;		/* may assume power of 2 */
122 	int	 ihead;			/* atomic write */
123 	int	 itail;			/* atomic read */
124 	vsCursor mouse;			/* atomic read/write */
125 	vsBox	 mbox;			/* atomic read/write */
126 } vsIoAddr;
127 typedef vsIoAddr *vsIoAddrAddr;