xref: /original-bsd/sys/ufs/ffs/ffs_balloc.c (revision 0842ddeb)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1993
3  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
6  *
7  *	@(#)ffs_balloc.c	8.7 (Berkeley) 05/17/95
8  */
10 #include <sys/param.h>
11 #include <sys/systm.h>
12 #include <sys/buf.h>
13 #include <sys/proc.h>
14 #include <sys/file.h>
15 #include <sys/vnode.h>
17 #include <vm/vm.h>
19 #include <ufs/ufs/quota.h>
20 #include <ufs/ufs/inode.h>
21 #include <ufs/ufs/ufs_extern.h>
23 #include <ufs/ffs/fs.h>
24 #include <ufs/ffs/ffs_extern.h>
26 /*
27  * Balloc defines the structure of file system storage
28  * by allocating the physical blocks on a device given
29  * the inode and the logical block number in a file.
30  */
31 ffs_balloc(ip, lbn, size, cred, bpp, flags)
32 	register struct inode *ip;
33 	register ufs_daddr_t lbn;
34 	int size;
35 	struct ucred *cred;
36 	struct buf **bpp;
37 	int flags;
38 {
39 	register struct fs *fs;
40 	register ufs_daddr_t nb;
41 	struct buf *bp, *nbp;
42 	struct vnode *vp = ITOV(ip);
43 	struct indir indirs[NIADDR + 2];
44 	ufs_daddr_t newb, *bap, pref;
45 	int deallocated, osize, nsize, num, i, error;
46 	ufs_daddr_t *allocib, *blkp, *allocblk, allociblk[NIADDR];
48 	*bpp = NULL;
49 	if (lbn < 0)
50 		return (EFBIG);
51 	fs = ip->i_fs;
53 	/*
54 	 * If the next write will extend the file into a new block,
55 	 * and the file is currently composed of a fragment
56 	 * this fragment has to be extended to be a full block.
57 	 */
58 	nb = lblkno(fs, ip->i_size);
59 	if (nb < NDADDR && nb < lbn) {
60 		osize = blksize(fs, ip, nb);
61 		if (osize < fs->fs_bsize && osize > 0) {
62 			error = ffs_realloccg(ip, nb,
63 				ffs_blkpref(ip, nb, (int)nb, &ip->i_db[0]),
64 				osize, (int)fs->fs_bsize, cred, &bp);
65 			if (error)
66 				return (error);
67 			ip->i_size = (nb + 1) * fs->fs_bsize;
68 			vnode_pager_setsize(vp, (u_long)ip->i_size);
69 			ip->i_db[nb] = dbtofsb(fs, bp->b_blkno);
70 			ip->i_flag |= IN_CHANGE | IN_UPDATE;
71 			if (flags & B_SYNC)
72 				bwrite(bp);
73 			else
74 				bawrite(bp);
75 		}
76 	}
77 	/*
78 	 * The first NDADDR blocks are direct blocks
79 	 */
80 	if (lbn < NDADDR) {
81 		nb = ip->i_db[lbn];
82 		if (nb != 0 && ip->i_size >= (lbn + 1) * fs->fs_bsize) {
83 			error = bread(vp, lbn, fs->fs_bsize, NOCRED, &bp);
84 			if (error) {
85 				brelse(bp);
86 				return (error);
87 			}
88 			*bpp = bp;
89 			return (0);
90 		}
91 		if (nb != 0) {
92 			/*
93 			 * Consider need to reallocate a fragment.
94 			 */
95 			osize = fragroundup(fs, blkoff(fs, ip->i_size));
96 			nsize = fragroundup(fs, size);
97 			if (nsize <= osize) {
98 				error = bread(vp, lbn, osize, NOCRED, &bp);
99 				if (error) {
100 					brelse(bp);
101 					return (error);
102 				}
103 			} else {
104 				error = ffs_realloccg(ip, lbn,
105 				    ffs_blkpref(ip, lbn, (int)lbn,
106 					&ip->i_db[0]), osize, nsize, cred, &bp);
107 				if (error)
108 					return (error);
109 			}
110 		} else {
111 			if (ip->i_size < (lbn + 1) * fs->fs_bsize)
112 				nsize = fragroundup(fs, size);
113 			else
114 				nsize = fs->fs_bsize;
115 			error = ffs_alloc(ip, lbn,
116 			    ffs_blkpref(ip, lbn, (int)lbn, &ip->i_db[0]),
117 			    nsize, cred, &newb);
118 			if (error)
119 				return (error);
120 			bp = getblk(vp, lbn, nsize, 0, 0);
121 			bp->b_blkno = fsbtodb(fs, newb);
122 			if (flags & B_CLRBUF)
123 				clrbuf(bp);
124 		}
125 		ip->i_db[lbn] = dbtofsb(fs, bp->b_blkno);
126 		ip->i_flag |= IN_CHANGE | IN_UPDATE;
127 		*bpp = bp;
128 		return (0);
129 	}
130 	/*
131 	 * Determine the number of levels of indirection.
132 	 */
133 	pref = 0;
134 	if (error = ufs_getlbns(vp, lbn, indirs, &num))
135 		return(error);
136 #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC
137 	if (num < 1)
138 		panic ("ffs_balloc: ufs_bmaparray returned indirect block\n");
139 #endif
140 	/*
141 	 * Fetch the first indirect block allocating if necessary.
142 	 */
143 	--num;
144 	nb = ip->i_ib[indirs[0].in_off];
145 	allocib = 0;
146 	allocblk = allociblk;
147 	if (nb == 0) {
148 		pref = ffs_blkpref(ip, lbn, 0, (ufs_daddr_t *)0);
149 	        if (error = ffs_alloc(ip, lbn, pref, (int)fs->fs_bsize,
150 		    cred, &newb))
151 			return (error);
152 		nb = newb;
153 		bp = getblk(vp, indirs[1].in_lbn, fs->fs_bsize, 0, 0);
154 		bp->b_blkno = fsbtodb(fs, newb);
155 		clrbuf(bp);
156 		/*
157 		 * Write synchronously so that indirect blocks
158 		 * never point at garbage.
159 		 */
160 		if (error = bwrite(bp)) {
161 			ffs_blkfree(ip, nb, fs->fs_bsize);
162 			return (error);
163 		}
164 		allocib = &ip->i_ib[indirs[0].in_off];
165 		ip->i_ib[indirs[0].in_off] = newb;
166 		ip->i_flag |= IN_CHANGE | IN_UPDATE;
167 	}
168 	/*
169 	 * Fetch through the indirect blocks, allocating as necessary.
170 	 */
171 	for (i = 1;;) {
172 		error = bread(vp,
173 		    indirs[i].in_lbn, (int)fs->fs_bsize, NOCRED, &bp);
174 		if (error) {
175 			brelse(bp);
176 			goto fail;
177 		}
178 		bap = (ufs_daddr_t *)bp->b_data;
179 		nb = bap[indirs[i].in_off];
180 		if (i == num)
181 			break;
182 		i += 1;
183 		if (nb != 0) {
184 			brelse(bp);
185 			continue;
186 		}
187 		if (pref == 0)
188 			pref = ffs_blkpref(ip, lbn, 0, (ufs_daddr_t *)0);
189 		if (error =
190 		    ffs_alloc(ip, lbn, pref, (int)fs->fs_bsize, cred, &newb)) {
191 			brelse(bp);
192 			goto fail;
193 		}
194 		*allocblk++ = newb;
195 		nb = newb;
196 		nbp = getblk(vp, indirs[i].in_lbn, fs->fs_bsize, 0, 0);
197 		nbp->b_blkno = fsbtodb(fs, nb);
198 		clrbuf(nbp);
199 		/*
200 		 * Write synchronously so that indirect blocks
201 		 * never point at garbage.
202 		 */
203 		if (error = bwrite(nbp)) {
204 			brelse(bp);
205 			goto fail;
206 		}
207 		bap[indirs[i - 1].in_off] = nb;
208 		/*
209 		 * If required, write synchronously, otherwise use
210 		 * delayed write.
211 		 */
212 		if (flags & B_SYNC) {
213 			bwrite(bp);
214 		} else {
215 			bdwrite(bp);
216 		}
217 	}
218 	/*
219 	 * Get the data block, allocating if necessary.
220 	 */
221 	if (nb == 0) {
222 		pref = ffs_blkpref(ip, lbn, indirs[i].in_off, &bap[0]);
223 		if (error = ffs_alloc(ip,
224 		    lbn, pref, (int)fs->fs_bsize, cred, &newb)) {
225 			brelse(bp);
226 			goto fail;
227 		}
228 		*allocblk++ = newb;
229 		nb = newb;
230 		nbp = getblk(vp, lbn, fs->fs_bsize, 0, 0);
231 		nbp->b_blkno = fsbtodb(fs, nb);
232 		if (flags & B_CLRBUF)
233 			clrbuf(nbp);
234 		bap[indirs[i].in_off] = nb;
235 		/*
236 		 * If required, write synchronously, otherwise use
237 		 * delayed write.
238 		 */
239 		if (flags & B_SYNC) {
240 			bwrite(bp);
241 		} else {
242 			bdwrite(bp);
243 		}
244 		*bpp = nbp;
245 		return (0);
246 	}
247 	brelse(bp);
248 	if (flags & B_CLRBUF) {
249 		error = bread(vp, lbn, (int)fs->fs_bsize, NOCRED, &nbp);
250 		if (error) {
251 			brelse(nbp);
252 			goto fail;
253 		}
254 	} else {
255 		nbp = getblk(vp, lbn, fs->fs_bsize, 0, 0);
256 		nbp->b_blkno = fsbtodb(fs, nb);
257 	}
258 	*bpp = nbp;
259 	return (0);
260 fail:
261 	/*
262 	 * If we have failed part way through block allocation, we
263 	 * have to deallocate any indirect blocks that we have allocated.
264 	 */
265 	if (allocib == 0) {
266 		deallocated = 0;
267 	} else {
268 		ffs_blkfree(ip, *allocib, fs->fs_bsize);
269 		*allocib = 0;
270 		deallocated = fs->fs_bsize;
271 		ip->i_flag |= IN_CHANGE | IN_UPDATE;
272 	}
273 	for (blkp = allociblk; blkp < allocblk; blkp++) {
274 		ffs_blkfree(ip, *blkp, fs->fs_bsize);
275 		deallocated += fs->fs_bsize;
276 	}
277 	if (deallocated) {
278 #ifdef QUOTA
279 		/*
280 		 * Restore user's disk quota because allocation failed.
281 		 */
282 		(void) chkdq(ip, (long)-btodb(deallocated), cred, FORCE);
283 #endif
284 		ip->i_blocks -= btodb(deallocated);
285 		ip->i_flag |= IN_CHANGE | IN_UPDATE;
286 	}
287 	return (error);
288 }